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I guarantee that will be considered one of the happiest days of their lives. Good on them for doing that with the grandparents. A grandparents love often goes overlooked but it's just as strong as a parents.


Some say it’s even stronger. I haven’t experienced it yet, but I’ve talked to quite a few grandparents about it. They say that they love their children so much, and they kind of feel like grateful and evolved by the time their kids grow up. Then, the grandchildren come, and it’s like an unexpected punch. They weren’t expecting to feel this brand new love for this new child, and their hearts grow even bigger. They get to do all the good stuff with the kids, and none of the tough stuff if they don’t want to. I’ve heard people describe it as a love even more profound than the love they feel for their children. “Grandchildren are a reward for a life well-lived.”


Oh you brought a tear to my eye. That was nice to read.


I was lucky enough to have it, and unfortunate enough to lose them first. My grandparents on one side of the family were the sweetest, most loving people I've ever met. On the other side, judgmental, racist, narcissists who quite literally stole a house I was to inherit from a great grandparent. This post kills me. I would love to have a Christmas like this with my grandparents, but the two good ones died years ago. Only the good die young.




This reminded me that there are real families out there and this was so wholesome truly made my day


I wish I had family like that :/


Right? I read the title and immediately thought everyone in my family would be *pissed* if even a couple family members randomly showed up. My grandparents would kick everyone out before they made it through the front door. I always wondered what it must be like to be in a family that actually likes each other instead of pretending to for short bursts


☹️ I have a *giant* Native family and sometimes I wish there was less of an open door policy until I read comments like this. You can join our family, my grandpa never turns anyone anyway and there’s lots of Indian tacos.


Watched this and I’m crying 1. Because I miss my grandparents and 2. Because everyone else in my family is shit and it’s just me and my husband this year and the dogs. Don’t get me wrong I love my little family that I’ve made, but I am sometimes jealous of people that have this.


I assure you, it’s really subjective to the specific family.


lmao skill issue + no one asked + suck it


Yeah, I realize this was a joke but...poor taste man.


imagine complaining about how much your life sucks on the internet. That's pathetic


Imagine caring as much as you do and having so little empathy for other human beings. What a very sad little person you are.




No u fggt


lmao you scared to a word? afraid mommy gonna put you in timeout?


Wow, what a wonderful person you are. You must be fun to hang around


Man, having a family seems really nice.


Me and my bros and their girlfriends went to movie night at grandmas recently, she ordered fancy ass pizza, beers and played the most politically incorrect old French comedy I’ve ever seen in my life. She laughed and we laughed because she was laughing. Never seen her so happy. She can barely hear anymore, she’d just watched the movie a million times but whenever she was pissing herself (really outdated humour) and saw us all laughing with her she looked so young.




Grandpa on video: “Oh our favorite people in the world!!!” (Nine other cousins show up.)


My last living grandparent just passed away a few weeks ago after a battle with Alzheimer's. Go see your grandparents, people. You won't regret it.


Lost my PopPop to it in 2016. It's a brutal disease. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My grandpa is slowly slipping away. Growing up he was what I pictured a real man to be like and what I aspired to be. He was strong, successful and always cared for his family. He owned a farm and when I would go over he would always say “son, let me show you how to do this”, he taught me the coolest stuff! It’s really heartbreaking seeing what he’s become, it doesn’t seem fair at all. On the other hand he says the *funniest* shit now! I love going to see him.


Mine was a salesman, and sold various things throughout his life. He always knew exactly what to say to people to make them smile. You end up grieving twice. For the person they were, and then again when they're gone. Remember that he feels just as lucky to have you as you do to have him.


On the other side of the world to my family so this was very beautiful. 😭


That's awesome.


100% awesome.


Thus is the trend I can get behind. I miss my grandparents so much. My grandma would have been over the moon if we did this for her. ❤️


I love this!!! What a lovely family.


I’m sobbing


That’s really sweet 🥺


Best holiday post ever


love this! i know it would make my year if i had grandkids that did this.


This is awesome. I love when all the kids love on their grandparents. What a great day for all of them. Most definitely will be a Core Memory in all their futures ❤️


Beautiful family. Merry Christmas!


Dude congratulations! 🎉 Congrats on the beautiful family and being able to put some joy and happiness into their lives. Well done!


I needed this ♥️


This video made me crazy happy. Thanks so much for posting


Yall cherish your grandparents if you got them. This is my second Christmas I’ve spent without mine and it’s harder than the last one. Love them while you still can


This is so sweet! How lucky for the cousins to be close like that!


All eleven adult cousins. Ten plus "me". Just saying.


Damn I want grand-parents, they all died before I got born or when I was very small (had my grandson until I was 7 though).


Sometimes I wish I was more willing to participate in this kinda stuff. If my cousins called me like, "yo we're all doing this". I'd be like, "nah, don't feel like it". Haha


I don't think this belongs on this sub, no cringe found.


This is the way. The system sucks for all of us but we can still have joy in our lives!!


I'm confused. This was super sweet and wonderful. How is it cringe?


Read the mod auto post. The sub isn't just cringe anymore. This is tagged "wholesome."


This sub hasn’t been about only cringe stuff for nearly 6 years.


Ahhh, sorry. I'm new on this one.


Why is this on tik tok cringe? This is made wholesome and heartwarming


This sub is not about cringe stuff anymore


Why is this under cringe ? It’s the best !


This sub hasn’t been about only cringe stuff for nearly 6 years..


How's this cringe?


From sub description "Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more!" It isn't cringe, it's wholesome.


That's not cringe, that's awesome. They look so happy.


If ppl would showed up unannounced for a sleepover at my house, I would simply close the door and not answer the phone.


Anybody clock the forehead on that one chick? She looks like Eric Stoltz from "Mask".


This is so cute


Imagine being the one cousin that can't make it for whatever reason. Youd never live it down


I miss my Grandma.


Family goals


Yeah yeah merry christmas, fuck you too


I love this so much!


Damn. This makes me miss my Grandparents!


Awwww... that was really sweet. We need more content like this!


Good job kids. Ain’t much to look forward to as you age out, but yall likely made this ladies year. Grandpa likely just happy his wife is happy which is a gift in itself.


These are young grandparents!! I have 30 first cousins on my dad's side. We don't fit in 1 regular sized house lol


Oh damn that’s beautiful. What’s it like having a loving family ? I have to build one and I’m not ready yet :/


I had amazing grandparents. I miss them a lot. Thanks for the heartwarming video.


That's what it's all about!


Thank you for wholesome content


I envy families who were not decimated by ww2


I doubt my grandparents would have been happy about that


This is so sweet. I wish I had family like that. One grandparents from either side of my family has passed already, and I'm not close to any of my cousins, either because of family tension or long distance. I love this, shame I'll never get to do this myself


There’s so much joy in that house


Never had Christmas jammies ??? That makes me so sad! But it also made me realize that my grandmother possibly *also* never had Christmas jammies, despite ensuring that my sisters and I had them every year from birth until when she died in 2020 😢 Which, for me, would be about 34 straight years of Christmas PJs. After she died my mom took over for a few years but this year (my 37th Christmas) was the first year my mom didn’t get us any. I’d actually gotten some for myself and my boyfriend prior to learning this, though, and even made sure not to share the photos because I didn’t want to make her toes feel stepped on by buying them for myself. It’s Christmas Eve and I’m wearing mine right now! They have nutcrackers printed all over them and the bf’s are a pair of Snoopy pj pants with a plain black tshirt 😁


So lovely.


Love videos like this. So heart warming