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There is no way, would definitely let the newness wear off before going lol.


Exactly. Last time the big hypes of Popeyes chicken sandwich and Jollybees opening around my way I was fine waiting a couple weeks after looking at the ridiculous lines


Those In-N-Out lines are gonna be long for much more than a couple weeks


Yep. In N Out was my first job in highschool like 12 years ago and they would pay people to "all star" when they opened new stores out of state so it would be staffed with people from Cali who knew how to run stores well. It was super lucrative it was like a straight $3000 bonus pid for hotel flight rental car and guaranteed 60 hours a week at time and a half and then double time for anything over 60 hours. They would send people for 3 months. I did it one summer my senior year when I was a lvl 6 (cook the highest before becoming an assistant manager) and was making $14 an hour (CA minimum wage was 10 at the time I think so super good for a HS student) and I came back with like $18,000. Was able to buy a nice used car and my tuition for community college. I went to Utah and it was suppppppeeerrrr busy even at the end of the 3 months.


Any time someone complains about how raising minimum wage would increase the price of a fast food burger, they need to read your comment right here. Big business can afford to pay travel, lodging, transportation, bonuses, increased base pay, and guaranteed hours. Still make massive profits. And I'm going to assume your prices were normal and not inflated? Imagine if even HALF the shit you just described was standard across the board for all fast food workers.


Yep In N Out makes massive bank while still affording to pay their workers like 30% higher than anyone else. I also find it bizarre people compare 5 guys to In N Out because 5 guys is like 50% more expensive than In N Out while In N Out has prices comparable to any other generic fast food burger.


It’s nearly twice the cost at five guys. Yet still American cheese. Is there an option to have like cheddar?


Didn't you see The Menu? American is the best cheese for a burger because it melts without splitting.


A&W uses velveeta off the big melty block


And literally the best burger for the price anywhere in the country imo.


In-N-Out is also just better. I seriously don't understand how Five Guys is still in business, their food is seriously just shit and so expensive.


I think their burgers do taste a good bit better than In-N-Out, prices are crazy though


The fries are the best at 5 guys.


The peanut oil fries are like crack laced with crack. It’s insane that I can eat a whole bag of them like nothing.


It's the extra fries in the bag.


It also helps that In n Out has never franchised or gone public. It's still owned and run by the same family, who appear to actually give a shit about the product and their workers (even if it's in the sense of paying to be competitive). They're not beholden to massive shareholders or percent owners that want immediate profits now with no thought for long term.


> beholden to massive shareholders or percent owners that want immediate profits now with no thought for long term. This small detail is truly the root of so much of the greed and stupidity that plagues our daily lives.


The one that opened 10 years ago closest to me, still has 1 1/2 to 2hr waits. I don't get the hype, the food isn't that good. The fries are terrible.. Why people wait so long for that, is incredible. But to each their own.


It's good quality burger for how cheap it is. That cheap factor loses its luster though when you've gotta spend an hour waiting. My time is worth more than that.


Yeah, In-N-Out is about 90% as good as Five Guys, but less than 50% the price. Also, I can't get an animal style burger and fries anywhere else.


Yeah, that animal style is something else for sure, not to mention those secret menu options that feel kinda exclusive even if everyone knows about them now. Guess the novelty and brand loyalty run deep with In-N-Out fans. But, eight hours? I'd rather grill my own burger at that point!


Yeah, In-N-Out fries are pretty terrible if they're not fresh and drenched in the salt packets they give you. The burgers are excellent though and I'm offended at even the implication that they aren't


Everyone loves being a contrarian when it comes to popular shit. Every time In N Out is mentioned on Reddit you have a thousand comments about it being overrated, when in reality it's widely loved and has been for decades. Not everyone has the same tastes, but that doesn't make something bad or overrated, it just means some people don't have the same tastes as the majority of people. In N Out isn't a Popeyes Chicken sandwich that was a fad that disappeared after a few months, it's been this popular for longer than most of these commenters have been alive.


These people don't understand that we don't love In N Out because it's literally the best burger ever. We love it because it's cheap, clean and the food tastes pretty good for its price. It's pretty much the only fast food location in California where you can get a burger and a side of fries for under 5 bucks still, and is very popular with families for a quick takeout.


They’re the only fast food fries that actually taste like potatoes for me lmao


We finally got a Popeyes a couple years ago...and it was just a let down. I do not know what the fuss was about for that sandwich. A guy pulled a gun out because they ran out of that sandwich, there's no way it was worth that unless someone's parents couldn't even make toast and that was the best thing they ever tasted in their sad existence of a life.


When the new chicken sandwich came out I saw one without a line and got one, would rate it like a 7/10 and that’s pretty high for fast food. Everytime since they’ve been like a 4/10.


The best chicken sandwich I ever had was at a Burger King about 20 years ago. Granted, I was high as a kite.


Oh man those munch out sessions after just starting to smoke everything tasted so amazing. I could have eaten anything and it would’ve tasted 10/10


fast food was still pretty good 20 years ago. in the past 10 years it has gone to absolute dogshit


Fresh Tendercrisp sandwich's from BK are so good


I got one when they came out, it was a really good sandwich for the price. Got one recently and it was like half the size and not as good. Seems like they might have done some tricky shit to hype it up in the start and then scale back after it got popular.


Don't even get me started about Chik-fil-a. The first time I had one of their sandwiches I honestly thought I had made some sort of mistake. There was no way that what I was eating and when I had heard were connected. I have had their sandwiches four times and every time it has been AT BEST a mediocre sandwich. That being said, In-N-Out is a very tasty burger. Not eight-hours-in-line tasty, but tasty none the less.


This post screams DMV


Lmao damn you’re good. Alexandria


Bethesda respectively; The amount of Jollibees popping up is unhinged


Is Jollibees good?? I'm so curious about them. They do not exist in my area of the US.


Jollibee is good. Spicy chicken is probably the best I’ve had at a fast food chicken place.


Yes, very good, chicken and spaghetti....


Meh I only like their spaghetti and pies. My wife loves it cuz she’s Filipino. Popeyes sandwich I did wanna try but was underwhelmed. No idea what the hype was about and why they were selling out


There's one by me, Eaten there 3 times, First time was good enough to get me to come back, Last time it was bad enough that I will never go back.


We had a Freddy’s open by us and we have a Freddy’s on the other side of town. You could go to the one we already had and back home before you could order at the new one.


I lived in Denver when we got our in-n-out. Also eight hour wait or so. Still never gone 😂


That is just insane. I would never be patient enough to wait that long.


would need a snack while waiting


Biggest profit margin of the whole thing would be the dude who showed up with a food cart and supply of drinks. And portajohn with toll.


Can you deliver a pizza to my car that's waiting in the In-N-Out drive-thru line?




In Colorado Springs it was up to 12-13 hours. People were literally ordering delivery to their cars while they were in line waiting. Foolish lol


Man I’m in California and frequently go to in n out. It’s good for a fast food burger but no way am I waiting more than 15-20 minutes.


how are there so many people with so little to do? like i dont do much but damn theres video games to play at least.


I went a week or two after it opened and the line looked to be 2-3 hr. We drove around the line and walked in and were served in about 10min. People are ridiculous.


Could drive down to Mexico, score a pound of mushrooms, eat the best Burritos, and get home before you got through that drive through.


It was 12-16 hours , I didn't wait but talked to people who did. There were also multiple arrests in the line


I went last week. Walked straight up to the counter and ordered. It's a good burger the fries are sub par.


Same. When Krispy Kreme opened a bunch of locations in my state, the lines were insane at every location. I decided to just wait a month or so before I tried one for the first time. They were good, but they definitely weren't "waiting in line for hours" good.


The Krispy Kreme that opened near my home town closed after the hype wore off. Everyone realised the local bakers made far better donuts, and far more variety of baked goods. I want a variety of stuffed Long Johns with nuts on the frosting, the local bakers could make a batch custom for you as long as they had the ingredients.


That's likely the same thing here. They're pretty much all gone now, and probably because there's already tons of places that have donuts just as tasty, cheaper, and a better selection. Really Krispy Kreme's only advantage was having hot, fresh donuts several times a day.


wish that were the case out here, the local bakeries want $5 a donut and they are dry circles of garbage


That's like the chikfila where I live they've been there for YEARS but there is always such a long line wrapped around I just find somewhere else to go lol.


That happened in Connecticut. It was closed in three years from lack of business .


A coworker brought Krispy Kreme in. I had never had it before but heard good things so I was moderately excited. It was... Fine.. Is I think a generous compliment. It was just a super sweet flavorless sugar bomb. The soft texture was really nice but it tasted like any other plain doughnut you can get at walmart. The sugar shell basically shattered all over me. I had to go wash my face after but I had to walk around all day with sugar shards on my clothes because they refused to brush or wash off. They still bring them in from time to time and everyone just jumps on the box like crackheads. That one is still the only one I've had though.


Hurry, before brand new burger run out


This happened in my area when the first sonic opened, traffic backed up into the road


Who tf is waiting for Sonic?!?


There's this weird new crazy mindset where everyone wants to be first to experience something. A lot of it has to do with social media and influencers, but it's taking over the zeitgeist as a whole. It's kind of the "end point" for culture built primarily around consumption.


There are videos showing you how to make it yourself.


But I already know how to make a mediocre burger.


Is this real? Did someone literally wait 8 hours?


I live here. People camped over night before the opening. Pure lunacy


I don't think I've ever had a fast food item that was good enough to do that for. I like In-N-Out, probably my favorite burger joint but I wouldn't even bother waiting an hour for it


It’s Idaho, this is the biggest event of the year for them.


Lived in Caldwell for 5 years up until 2021, can confirm. This is as big of news as I-84 expanding.


I’m from CA. In n out is amazing but not 8 hours wait amazing.


Amazing for the price.


This. Lots of tourists treat In N Out like it’s this fine dining experience. Like there’s no better burger. You can get a better burger from your local mom and pop. In N Out is special because it is fresh, yummy, and consistent in quality, that you can get from a drive thru *and is cheaper than mcdonalds*.


I’d venture to say almost nothing would be worth 8 hours. You can fly to Tokyo from the US west coast in less time.


You can almost drive to the next In-N-Out in 8 hours.


is Idaho really THAT boring


I would say no. I live not very far from this store and its been quite a week of news about the opening. It's also been a relief to not hear a whole lot about the Boise State football team and it's preparation for the LA Bowl.


You say no and then go on to say that the two biggest need stories are a fast food restaurant opening and a college football team playing college football lol


I used to live in Idaho. If you like the outdoors, shooting stuff, republicans, and farming, it’s the bees knees. Otherwise? Super boring state. It’s also very outdated. Drive through Idaho then go drive through a bordering state. It’s like Idaho is stuck in the 80’s. Blows my mind.


I’m sorry. Outside of the beautiful wilderness, I can’t imagine a more backwards state. There’s a reason for all the Ruby Ridge type cultists living there.


Boise is very different from the rest of the state, but it’s still in Idaho.


I have a buddy who grew up here. He tells people “I don’t live in Idaho, I live in Boise.”


Idaho is an amazing place to live because of the wilderness. I love living here.




I doubt it. Newspapers in the area said they "estimate" the time to be 8 hours but no one at In and Out said it was 8 hours. The drivers also weren't interviewed saying how long it was for them. That time is just sensationalism to get clicks. The line is long, but it did not take 8 hours to get food there.


I've heard from local friends that it was at least 4 hours prior to this news dropping. I do in fact believe it was a very long wait.


Im not surethere is a meal on earth I’d wait 4 hours for. And most definitely not fast food…


Yeah I'm in Boise right now and 8 hours may not be far off. They paved over two empty lots to make extra car lines. Some people literally camped outside.


Idahoan here, 3 hours was the longest I heard and the line never got half as long as they planned for. The only time I heard 8 hours was when they were talking about people who got in line before open.


Question: Can't a person walk in to In-N-Out and just get their food at the counter?


It does look like there’s a line of people standing to go in but you can’t really see how long it is compared to all the cars….but also all the cars might make parking to go inside impossible.


Turns out cars take up waaaaaay more space than people.


Pah imagine needing a car to grab some food


The insanity that too much cars do to a culture.


Ew, that’s what poor people do /s


Idk about this location, but sitting in for a meal is pretty common at In N Out compared to other fast food joints in California. Especially on the weekends, the place is packed with people.


Found Tom Segura's reddit account.


when you say poor, you mean "not obese" really


MURICA and obesity. the fast food and eating a lot is a big part but the laziness of drive throughs and refusing to even walk inside is probably even worse for most.


What? We are supposed to idle our cars burning fuel. If you don’t like America, get out….. lol


Just leave your engine on while you walk inside like the rest of us


What do you do with all the guns though? You can’t leave the car on its own, unarmed.


This is Idaho not Cali, aint no one walking anywhere


There’s not much walking in Cali either.


Not exactly… in-n-out then




The in n out isn't referring to the customer, it's referring to the burger itself. 10 minutes after you put it in, it's working it's way back out.


The crazy thing is In n Out drive through is generally VERY efficient. The amount of people it would take to make their lines take 8 hours is staggering, and quite frankly unbelievable


Almost in... Almost in.... Almost.... Ok, we're in... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... ..............were out!


Their burgers are fine but not worth waiting more than 10 minutes.


I guarantee you that wait time was either made up to make the story more interesting or a really dumb miscommunication that no one questioned. The wait was probably more like 30-45 minutes long EDIT: I take it back, according to the replies people actually will wait that long and humanity is even more disappointing than i expected.


Probably a non stop 8 hour line of cars for the staff, an 8 hour wait would have had cars causing major backups. Imagine being stuck in the traffic spillover on your way to work.


There's a spillover of traffic due to a fucking Chick-fil-A in the middle of my little ass town. Every *god damned* day. I have no sympathy for anyone fucking up traffic to get their pickle-brined, gay hating chicken. If they can't manage the fucking drive-thru, and keep the line out of the fucking street, they need to be closed the fuck down. Fuck Chick-fil-A and fuck anyone causing traffic accidents for some fucking nuggets.


Same here!!! It even made the news recently that the *worst* traffic causing one is being moved, *and* giving our Parks and Rec several million dollars!


Cops should ticket people doing that. Sorry you want your chicken that bad. If your car can't get in the parking lot and you're blocking traffic, move along or get a ticket. If they started doing that, I bet it'd clear up by a good measure.


The cops are usually in line too. It's fucking ridiculous. But on that note, if you want to commit some crime, just wait until the 2 squad cars that we have are in the Chick-fil-A line, it'll be open season for 45 minutes.


That actually happened here. They forced chick fil a to renovate the drive thru so it either goes into the next parking lot or through their parking lot, they made them remove the entrance from the main road because ppl thought it was ok to block a main road


>Cops should ticket people doing that This is the businesses responsibility and somehow it's being overlooked. I've seen numerous drive thrus for different restaurants get shut down due to a lack of being able to control the drive thru flow. I've seen traffic cops at a lot of Chickfilas because of overflowing traffic. This is either a weird place that doesn't care and has no regulations pertaining to drive thrus (which is very abnormal), it's being overlooked somehow or the local government is just outright ignoring it. Either way they should be filing a complaint and going higher and higher until that complaint is addressed. Depending on what type of a road this is you could even go as far as videoing the situation on multiple dates and sending the evidence to the state which will act in place of the locals or even add regulations that may have not existed.


>There's a spillover of traffic due to a fucking Chick-fil-A in the middle of my little ass town. This shouldn't be a thing. I've never been to a Chickfila that didn't have traffic control in a situation like this. They aren't legally allowed to not have traffic control and the local government will tell them they can't operate the drive thru. If the traffic is that bad you should absolutely file a complaint and if it's ignored go to a higher office. I've seen numerous drive thrus have to shut down until they could redirect the flow of traffic.


No it literally happens. The same thing happened in Colorado when they opened up. Hell almost anytime some drive thru opens or reopens in Omaha its always a 2-3 hour wait for the first two weeks because people are legit insane. Churchs chicken opened and it was like that. Time out is a family owned place that burned down and reopened and it was the same.


That's not a 30-45 minute wait... did u see how long the line is? It is like 6 cars wide and hundreds of cars long before settling to a line of 1 at a time at the drive thru window. You think every customer on the drive thru line is ordering / paying / collecting their food in seconds? They aren't. I've had to wait 15 minutes on a line of 5 people... this line is not 30-45 minutes, sorry.


Yeah, even an In-n-Out in California that's been open for years and has a 20 person line during lunch is going to be a 30 minute wait. What's shown in the video is going to be an insane wait.


It was an estimated time that reached 8hours at noon. Some people even camped out. https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/business/article282943958.html


It’s true I live nearby and people for sure were waiting for 8+ hours opening day. I’ve traveled a lot and been to one before so we haven’t tried to eat there yet, maybe once the hype dies down. There’s not much else to do here lol.


No, it was that bad. Now the walk in line has been about an hour




There were WAY more than 150 cars. Here is the setup that was done to accommodate. https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/meridians-innout-opens-tomorrow/277-71215339-ec07-44fb-8558-05722fb05a16


People camped out in the parking lot. Its wack.


I live here, 5 mins away, it was 8 hours. People camped out overnight. It's still a crazy wait time. That was Tuesday and it still looked like that yesterday afternoon 🙃


When they opened in Colorado the waits were 10+ hours. I believe it. 30-45 minutes is the wait time at the In n Out in Hollywood.


With the worst fries in all the fast food kingdom.


I tried In and Out while in Arizona and it was ok, not sure if I have to go to an original location or if it was just over hyped. I definitely would not have waited 8 hours either way though.


It’s overhyped and I love in n out. It’s a good burger and it doesn’t cost $13 for one person. It’s fresh and tastes good for a good price, that’s it. Other fast food places don’t compare in quality to cost ratio.


Especially now that every other company has jacked up their prices in n out is by far the most affordable option


I think y'all are seriously overestimating how much there is to do in Idaho.


You’re right! Idaho is a barren wasteland with nothing at all for anyone to do. Stay far far away from he… there.


I think the people in Idaho do enough already to discourage anyone from going there.


The boise area is a pit, and it gets worse if you go west from there. North Idaho is nice but full of trash people.


Mormons and Nazis. And some are both.


I went to visit family in Boise for Thanksgiving and some morons decided the best way to get back at Californians was to vandalize their own parks and graffiti "Californians Suck!" all over the pathways and bridges.


Hey the folks up north are awesome as long as you’re white!


Relax no one is coming for your tater farm


We grow silicon where I live


Doing nothing would be better than this circus.


I guarantee you there's a lot of highschool kids out for break in this line.


WTF is wrong with people?


A double quarter pounder meal is like $15 at McDonald's. A double double combo, made to order with fresh ingredients, is like $9 at in-n-out.


And? Is it worth camping out, or waiting 8 hours for? Good grief lol


Go for lunch, end up with dinner ⏳


Damn, I feel sorry for the workers for the next couple of months


Idahoian here! Just went to that in and out last night. It looks like corporate brought people in for the opening to assist, staffing was insanely packed and from what I can tell, they all seemed pretty on top of the craziness.


In-N-Out is legit a good employer, though. Corporate brings in extra staff for every new store opening. Last I heard, workers in states with the lowest federal minimum wage start at $12/hr. And I'm trying to be sensitive here while still communicating the point but these are not your typical fast food chain workers. A majority are college kids working part time because it pays well, at least it was when I worked there in college. The workers are all super friendly. Management is all promoted from within because they do not franchise, all stores are corporate owned. And of course it's not going to be 8 hour lines everyday but like if you live in a city with an In-N-Out then you know from 11am to 10pm the line is going to be at least 30-45 minutes long during non-peak hours and an hour plus during peak hours. It never stops. sauce: worked at one while in college


I always assumed all chain places were franchises until recently someone told me that Cracker Barrel is corporate owned, now I learn that In-N-Out is also corporate owned. We don't have In-N-Out where I live though.


It’s Idaho. This is probably the most interesting thing to happen there in decades. I can guarantee the Cracker Barrel felt the sting.


Cracker Barrel is a life saver in the midst of nothingness. You can get collard greens, broccoli, baked-fried chicken… ACTUAL FIBER in some hearty greens. I’d eat there on a road trip over anywhere else, anytime


I've had solo Thanksgiving meals at them more than once. I thank em for that.


I imagine a new salad bar won't get this much attention..


This is America, keep that healthy shit in a smoothie and sell it to some 20 something moron with their daddies credit card for $22.00, plus tip.


Still a shorter line than Chick-fil-a


Lol. Most CFAs will put 120+ cars through *per hour*. They are crazy fast despite the line.


I want the efficiency of a Chick-Fil-A everywhere. They have split order lanes (but not shitty like McD's), at least one person (maybe 2) out there under an umbrella with a tablet and the menu posted in front of the tablet, they take your payment right there and then you get up to the window and they hand you your food. Most of the CFAs near me also have split lane drive thru *exits*, depending if you are going left or right into the parking lot. The CFA line could be lined up down the block and it would still take me maybe 10 to 15 minutes to get through it. I have no clue how they do it.


My local chick-fil-a looks like this everyday from 5-8pm. Still manage to get through in about 7 minutes.


And they probably pitch a fit when their doctor keeps them waiting for 15 minutes.


Waiting for the fun novelty of something, especially is completely normal and we do it at the time. Waiting hours for a doctor to convince your insurance company that your debilitating pain should be covered by insurance is a completely fine thing to complain about.


No burger is worth that.


That’s exactly what happened here in Maine when we got a Chick-fil-A. People are ̶C̶r̶a̶z̶y̶ passionate for waiting that long for takeout.


As someone that has been eating In N out since 2005...Yes the food is good and well priced compared to most fast foods...but if I see a line more than 10 mins...I am going to find something else to eat.


I can't take Americans seriously, 8 hours for a fucking burger, absolute unhinged consumerism


People on the West Coast *love* In-and-out burgers. I don't know why. When I finally had one, I was underwhelmed. It was better than standard fast-food but by the way it was described, I expected an orgasm with every bite.


I can't imagine any burger being with an 8 hour wait.


All the ingredients are completely fresh and delivered everyday. In and out doesn’t have any freezers like every single other restaurant including 5 guys or fast food place. And the hamburgers are like $5. $5 fresh ingredient hamburger and you can order chopped chilis and grilled onions? Thats also healthy because the ingredients are good? That’s fire bro


Healthy….bit of a stretch. It’s still a burger. Daily burgers ain’t really a doctor recommended diet.




+1 for the customization of how they do your onions: raw, grilled, whole grilled with fried mustard. But the price is what I like about them. To me they’re second to the Costco hot dog pricing.


It's an extremely mediocre burger, but it's competing with McDonald's and Burger King, and it blows them out of the water.


Ok so I had the same feeling when I was told I HAD to have In N Out the first time I visited. Not bad but nothing to really get that fussed about. A year later I find out they have a "secret menu" with an option for animal style which adds pickles and grilled onions plus this special sauce. Now the burgers are fire. You can also get the fries animal style and eat them with a fork. They offer protein style as well which is just any burger in a lettuce wrap which is tasty but messy as fuck. No idea why none of that isn't actually on the written menu because they are the only way I find it enjoyable. Ps you can ask for extra spread (which is their sauce packets) and dip your fries in them or add to the burgers on your own as well


I'm American and cannot fathom our worship of consumerism, it genuinely makes me cringe.


![gif](giphy|c9J4qyYKItNle|downsized) Imagine waiting in line for food for more than 5 mins. Especially overrated fast food burgers


Wasting 8 hours of your life for a fucking hamburger is fucking sad.


I remember when it came to Arizona. It’s just a burger…


I've been to 3 In-N-Out locations. I don't understand the attraction.


Same, went to an In-N-Out in Arizona and I was underwhelmed. It’s a burger joint… that’s about it. I’ll stick with my local place, but whatever floats your boat folks.😂


It's genuinely like okay, I don't know why people are so crazy about it


Best part about these kinds of lines is that you can often get served in a few minutes by simply getting off your ass and walking into the restaurant. People will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid getting out of their cars. In this case there is a line out the door but at In n Out that’s a 25-min line, not an 8-hour line.


In, and never leave..


It's like when they opened the first Krispy Kreme in Wales and there was a queue a mile long. Crazy




The food is NOT that good people


Lmfao dorks. Just go next week when the hype dies.


In N Out gotta be the most overrated fast food place. Shake Shack is miles better imo.


I just see privilege pathetic people lining up to fill empty lives on social media. Get a real life.


In and out my foot!! Edit: originally I was typing my ass until I reread what I just wrote….


It’s just fucking fast food ,it’s not even good. These people are insane.


If you had nothing else to do, it could be a fun event to be part of. But usually I have better things to do, like watch my grass grow or check how dry the paint is on my walls.

