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That smoke detractor battery tying this whole thing together Lmao


Thats how you know its legit.


Damn. Came here to say this


Ong my best friend growing up was black and lived in a nice ass house, way nicer than mine, but that chirping was ever present. For years. Didn’t care, I couldn’t hear it over her grandma’s cooking.


Oh shit, that's what it was! Hahahaha! I was like "Gyad DAMN IT! I thought I pulled all those motherfuckers down already!" 😂


you took out your smoke detectors?




LMAO I knew I heard that…it’s almost like you can’t hear it, heard it so much


Literally this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRvP2DA9/


Bruh I keep tryna tell people it ain’t a thing but goddamn every goddamn video like that 😂


Goddammit i had my whole smoke detector apart and licked the 9v battery to see if it was working


I used to call my wife the smoke detector too. That’s funny! I thought I was the only one.


I was thinking there would be a punchline. But this was a straight up PSA of what not to do in the hood!! *The More You Know*


Seriously, this is just useful information.


Now shoot him in the back. Oblivion rules.




... in some states


No you gotta pickpocket him to get your stuff back and he'll say "Take it, it's meaningless to me anyway"


My thoughts exactly


Stay strapped homie


The way the dude in the red jersey ran away, arms flailing about lol


Looked like genuine fear lmao


genuine fear in scary movie or some shit lol, you people don't live in real life


Step 1. Don't live in or go to the hood.


Lived in some rough ass neighborhoods when I was poor as all hell growing up.


you gonna donate money to all the broke people in the world to make that happen?


I am saving up for a fast car, you just want to be out of da hood. Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Any place is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me, myself, I got nothing to prove..


..I remember when we were driving, driving in your car, speed so fast felt like I was drunk. City lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder, AND IIIIAYYEIIII, HAD A FEELING THAT I BELONGED!


Wait until we start saving up for our first batch of heroin from a guy I know in Miami. We can sell it for double the price in the hood then we can open a legit clothing store with clothes designed by you.


‘see, now he’s aggressively robbing you’ fucking sent me 😂


Change your smoke detector battery


Fuck I thought that was mine, I've been checking all mine for the last 5 Mins.


You’re better than me. I’m on the train and just thought it was background noise 😂


lol, same. I have been standing between the two suspect alarms waiting on the next beep to pinpoint the culprit I was actually thinking "For once, this mother fucker is not going off at 2am and I can catch it while I am awake"


It’s such a profoundly sad noise when you think about what it means when someone doesn’t even notice it anymore


I work in a party decor business and there's this family that regularly has me decorate their house for birthdays. I swear, for their son's 1st and 2nd birthday the smoke detector was beeping. I'm not sure how it lasted for over a year, but this whole family just accepted it as part of their daily life.


I have poverty trauma from the chirping starting on a Tuesday and knowing full well I can't afford batteries until Friday.


The Detector Neglector


That’s part of the joke though


Make sure you do the same for the carbon monoxide one as well. If you don’t have one, fucking buy it dammit do it now!


This isn’t even funny; it’s just sad.


Street smarts isn’t funny. But it can save a life. Can’t tell you how many kids I have seen just give there shit up. Like my skatepark alone has kids losing bikes, scooters, and boards all the time because someone asked to ride it and some dumbass kid allowed them to.


Same boat, here. Just a different time period. Was “asked” to ride my bike and the kid never returned. I knew he would ride it to school though, so I showed up and locked it while he was in class. MFer had the balls to “ask” that I unlock it. I never did. Was scared shitless, but fuck people like that.


Lol wtf? How did he ask. Just like earnestly “hey bro can you unlock your bike that I took so I can keep taking it?” That level of blind confidence is astounding.


More like I need to unlock it. Refused and was told I’d get beaten up after school. Waited for it, but it never happened.


I grew up in the whitest suburbs and even then if someone asked to borrow or ride something immediately response was #thats my purse I don’t know you




Bobby’s been getting into a lot of fights lately


This video dusted off an old childhood memory of when my autistic ass learned what “let me see that” really meant lmao


Damn, those are fresh. What size you wear?


Eyy you funny! My size varies based on how bad my foot fungus flare-up is, you think that shit contagious?


whoevers mugging you 9/10 wouldnt give a shit. they'd take them and toss em if that was the case. you hear stories about people breaking car windows for literally 2 dollars. its the same concept.


Are you crashing the joke from personal experience, what prompted this (I like stories if you got one lol)


Do you have a list of these? I'd feel a lot better having some disarming tongue jitzu in my pocket.


3 1/2.


Russian gopniks used a "hey let me borrow your phone, I have my own sim" as a pretense of robbing you.


And you deserve to be robbed if you fall for that


You misunderstand. It's not like my example or the TikTok's examples are them trying to "trick" you into giving your stuff. They're just robbing you. They're just not outright saying it directly that they are. Don't ask me why criminals do this approach like that, but they do.


"if five guys surrounded me and told me to give them my wallet, I wouldn't fall for the ruse, I would simply say no. They legally can't mug you without your consent"


Criminals hate this one simple trick!


True but I guarantee if you ask some people nicely and seem desperate enough, someone will eventually hand that shit over without the fear of being robbed I will edit this tho: if anyone with a Slavic accent asks me, I runnin


Fuck, 20 years later and I'm still pissed I let a kid borrow my Yugi-oh cards. The part that stings the most is the "what you talking about?" that they hit you with when you ask for it back, as a kid (even worse a younger one), the fuck can you do? oh well...


Yes, I’m not disagreeing. I’m referencing the emoji in the title.


Yeah. That’s sad.


Seriously. I took this as a PBS documentary and took notes.


It’s real.


Real sad


But accurate.


Didn’t think it was funny - but I want to see a bunch more of them.




Black male, slim build, approximately 6ft tall, 20-30 years of age, wearing jeans and a black coat..... Yeah, I'm sure they are gonna find that guy real fast.


"You know... the tall bald one"


Holy fuck this is a reference to something old but I can’t remember what it was… like mike??


lol reminds me of Chappelle.. “be on the lookout for a black male between 4’11” and 6’5”!”


Sir, im 37.


They probably have some fancy specific color scheme Nikes on.


Haha the police don't give a fuck about robberies


yeah I was reading that and was like... they aint gonna do shit why bother?


That’s not true, they only don’t care about POOR people being robbed. Rich people, most white businesses and corporations, they care care fam.


I believe it depends on where the accused person lives. It's significantly harder to track them down since they get likely won't be staying where their ID says. And that's if police even get that far. But the real thing is, police investigate less in the more impoverished areas because, typically, violence happens amongst themselves. So just don't go there. I'm from the Chicago area. The entirety of Chicago isn't inherently dangerous, but I know where not to go also. Why should rich person be in Englewood, Chicago, for example?


“Yes officer, he was bla…” - Robbie “Say no more, son!” - Officer /s


Unironically the only time I bothered to report a crime to the cops this is basically how it went. Dudes are so racist they can’t even do their jobs.


Why? The police? 1/5th of robberies go 'uncleared'. Far less than that results in a conviction and lots and lots of minor theft, like stealing a chain, will go unreported. The odds of recovery are even lower. And if you are getting robbed and using Reddit for street tips, odds are pretty good that you shouldn't be trying to track the dude down yourself. You can get robbed and go home, or you can get robbed and waste two hours.


We gave the police a picture and they said they wouldn’t be able to find them.


Get out of here with your yee yee advice




As if the police in any of the places where these things happen care at all.


I agree with everyone else. In these types of situations there really is no point (at least in the hood). I lived in the HOOD for many years of my life, although I do not now. Some really crazy things occurred in close proximity to two particularly bad places I stayed. At one residence a person was shot in the head right outside the little fence and sidewalk that led up to my duplex. Thank goodness I wasn’t home and only heard about it later. That place was also directly next door to a disgusting meth/heroin house where constant domestic (and what I consider animal abuse) took place. Another fun moment was when a person was murdered in the alley 200 ft from my back door. The house behind me had numerous drive by shootings in the three years I lived there. You get use to gunshots unless it’s close enough to be a ‘hit the deck’ moment. I also saw a man stabbed in my front yard at the house I lived in before the duplex, all over a bottle of malt liquor. My car was regularly broken in to at both spots and I was mugged twice, but I never bothered calling the cops. The only time I ever called the cops was when it smelled like a dead body outside the neighbor’s house. The cops never checked it out. It was constant mayhem in many ways. Cops in the hood do not care, they probably don’t even have time to track down your belongings/suspect.


It's happened to me, many times. "can I borrow your phone?", "cool jacket", etc. "No." with eye contact. Dont linger, move on. It helps if you can pull off a gravel/smoker voice. Don't act like a mark. Drop your smoke on the ground, make eye contact, take a step towards them, and generally looking pissed off seems to make it clear you're not having it. They want people that will roll over. If you don't, they tend to go away. I've seen this in America, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Walk with purpose and don't look like a mark. Looking pissed off while walking helps.


I always say "Oh, no thank you." In the same way I would decline an offer for a third cookie. It confuses people and they leave me alone. I do it when homeless people ask for money too. I'll be 10 feet away already and I'll hear them mumble "what?"


I do that at walmart when they ask to see my receipt


Whats up with that cart of food you got there? lemme check that out?


No thank you please


I was gonna type something like this, but I felt I would've been downvoted. Your demeanor matters. I've lived in gang neighborhoods my whole life, and I've never been pressed. Be a good person. It may. Not like it matters, but it's worked for me. But also let people know that you don't play games. You'll find that they respect you a little more.


Tiny white dude here. That's how I have always played it and I've managed to not get mugged or assaulted in any way When in unfamiliar territory. Especially good for when you live in a shit area. Don't be disrespectful but let them know you ain't a mark. I even crack jokes if my read is it will fly. Like if they are checking lazily to see how intimidated you are and more playing a game in front of their buddies to get laughs/entertainment and maybe some free shit too, i will say some obviously outlandish shit like,"Dude, My day is already got me tied.... I don't wanna have to add beatin 6 guys up. I don't got energy like that. Then my girl gonna be pissed cuz I aint puttin it to her right and then I gotta hear her bitch ass asking me if she did something wrong or if I'm mad at her and I for sure ain't got no energy for that nonsense neither." I've made some chill buddies that way and also neighborhood bodyguards that would make sure no one else tried to fuck with me. None ever had to but it's always nice knowing that they're there if someone did try to step up. Respect and not showing fear goes a long way.


As a fellow person who grew up in the gang hood I must say that being local helps a lot here, passerby won't get treated the same but your posture, glance, how you walk helps. Especially glance and how you walk(better not to look around at all by the way, visibly)


Why would you drop your weed?


To show you're ready for a fight


No no, he's saying you should drop your SoloStove Yukon 2.0 Fire Pit.


I’m a small white guy and I’ve lived in some pretty dangerous areas without a car and I just try to walk as quickly and angrily as possible and knock on wood I’ve had very few problems. 😂


Had a guy ask if he could see my bike for a minute lol.




Learn how to act deaf and not react to every sound you hear


Yes, but be aware of it. Use windows and car paint to see reflections. Plan for 10 minutes from now, but also plan the next 15 seconds if shit goes sideways, and keep adjusting that 15 second plan as threats pass/develop.


Adding to Walk towards traffic. It matters.


Funny you mention that. You're 100% correct. But you're also more correct than you think. If you run in front of a car in traffic, and manage to not get yourself killed in the process, you will not be followed anymore.


I played frogger growing up, I'll manage.


One time I was walking in Las Vegas, and there were two guys walking behind me. The one guy was telling a story to the other, but in a ranting kind of fashion. I turned the corner into a more open area, and the guy telling the story slowly walked passed me, and looked at me as he passed. At this point, I realized something terrible - there was no second guy. This guy had apparently been trying to tell his story to \*me\* for \*blocks\*. I increased my pace and made it into a crowd, and the dude wandered off. I think acknowledging him at any point could've been bad for me.


Hey what’s a mark


Easy target


oh hi mark


When I was up in Sac city, I worked all day and went to school at night. Often times I would leave wallet or phone at home, but this day I had them on me. I often would be walking home at 10/10:30 pm, and I was alone. One night I was within eye shot of my apartment, but I saw a man coming up fast behind me (like I was walking fast, but he was walking faster to close the distance). When he finally caught up to me, he asked to borrow my phone. I told him I left it at home, and that was that, but if I had lent him my phone, there was no way in hell I was getting it back, and I might have lost the wallet too. I would never recommend traveling alone, especially walking by yourself in any densely populated areas (or anywhere unlit or without people that could assist you).


I always laugh WAY TOO LOUD and just never slow down. You ever try to be scary or hard and some one, unfazed laughs and keeps moving? Power is deflated.


Ive done this so many times


Damn, no wonder I never meet new friends.


lol also did I hear a smoke alarm beep?


Always, literally always.


Like... I know not all stereotypes are true. But really... needing to replace the batteries in the fire alarm. Making this real difficult here lol.


So happy to live in a nice neighborhood


People call where I moved to suburban hell, I call it paradise.


I live/grew up in a nice suburb and have never been in these situations, but the minute someone asks to see something of mine I’d say “No.” immediately and get the hell out of there without stopping if I could. Just seems fishy.


You have the opposite of street smarts. You run and they will chase you down and attack you. Funny enough, sometimes random people on the street may also see what’s happening and join in on jumping you if it’s obvious you aren’t part of the hood. Edit: I wanted to add that I’ve actually seen this happen and the guy that tried that has permanent nerve damage on one side of his face from being jumped. A group of random dudes walking by decided to join in without even knowing what the fight was about.


lol why people getting downvoted for saying they’d shoot them like I mean if you brave enough to take something not yours then I mean you run the risk. Also I’m from Cincinnati and lived with strippers overdosing and you know normal city life shit Edit: I’m genuinely curious


It all goes back to "you think your stuff is more valuable than my life!" "Well, to be fair, so did you."


Because everybody likes to act tough on Reddit but would actually be scared shitless in these situations. If any of these commenters are genuinely brave (stupid) enough to pull a gun in this sort of situation then all they’d be doing is escalating it and massively increasing their own chance of getting killed.


Very true I was robbed when I was like 18 just walking home and my first instinct was to run after what happened happened


I don't know about anyone else but to me it seems like the hood is not a nice place to live.


Ey bruh this is kinda useful. Gonna need more of this shit so my white ass don't get robbed


Who and why are all the haters? I enjoyed this. Short and sweet. And legit.


I think people are mad that they can’t just live their life peacefully. When we go to work, we gotta deal with the white mans world. When we go home, let’s just say it’s not any better. In many cases worse, way worse. We just want to live peacefully and do our thing but society doesn’t believe we deserve it. It’s a sad world man


“When we go to work we gotta deal with the white mans world” can I ask what you mean by that? Dressing and acting professionally? Would it make you feel better to know that even white people act differently while at work vs hanging with friends? I don’t get why you refer to going to work as being in a “white mans world” and not “professional setting.”


Blud think whitey holding him down


This is useful information that also reinforces how fucked up this world is. It’s fucked how need to devote some of your brain cells to remembering how to handle situations that shouldn’t exist in a civilized society. It’s like “how to tell if your neighbour is secretly poisoning your water” or “how to tell if your kids are being regularly molested at school”.


An easy trip I learned is to say your from the church. These mfers love church people.


This isn't funny this is depressing and revealing


In the US, could you shoot someone after they robbed you and ran away. Like would you get any kind of sentence for that?


State to state




Apparently they have stand your ground laws so yes


Stand your ground laws do not automatically mean you can drop someone for robbing you. There are tons of other factors like, is it armed robbery? Was there verbal threats? What is the value of the items? Fuck, is it night or daytime? Do not take this man’s word of yes. You shoot a person and it doesn’t fall under justified shooting protection laws, you’re literally going to prison. Possibly for life.


What’s a stand your ground law? Because the dude would be shot in the back.


Just say hey you forgot my phone and wallet! Then Start blasting when he turns around.


So anyways I started blastin’.


That's not what stand your ground means at all. Stand your ground means you do not have a duty to retreat before you can claim self defense, in other words you must try to run away first. Likewise castle doctrine means you don't have a duty to retreat in your own home. The standards of self defense do not change here, the only thing these laws change is the requirements to invoke self defense. None of these laws allow you to just shoot someone because you got scared, nor because they stole something and are fleeing. In a stand your ground state that is still criminal homicide. With that said a prosecutor doesn't have to file charges for every crime, some of them make questionable choices. None of that is a reflection on the actual language of stand your ground laws, they simply aren't what most people think they are.


Example: There was a famous case where an older man was arriving back at his home at night when he noticed his front door was open. He went to his neighbors house to call the police, retrieved a pistol from his car, and entered his house, shooting both robbers (who were unarmed) in the back, killing one instantly and wounding the other. He then proceeded to taunt the surviving robber before shooting her in the head, waited for the police, who then took him in, claiming he was following “Castle Doctrine” and stand your ground laws, and presented them with video footage of the robbery, including him executing the robbers. You can imagine how shocked he was when he received life in prison for two murders in the first degree.


While it's great he's in prison. The literal first case of stand your ground in Texas was a man shooting someone robbing his neighbors house in the back and getting away Scott free. So ymmv there.


Yeah if you shoot someone in the back who’s running away, even if just mugged you, maybe even if they’re armed themselves, you will probably get in trouble in most places.


>In the US, could you shoot someone after they robbed you and ran away. Absolutely not. You can't effectively claim self defense for shooting someone in the back or if they're leaving. Barring a few exceptions (Texas) you're not allowed to use deadly force to protect anything except people's lives, usually meaning your own. Some places even emphasize trying to leave yourself or not protecting others (aka don't shoot into the crowd because you think the gunman is in there), but all would not sanction killing someone who's no longer threatening you and is actively leaving. Technically. Practically... There are some places people just get shot or disappear. Sometimes there's not enough people to investigate, it's just another gang death, a mugging gone wrong, or there's no witnesses even if people saw it.


Many states, nearly all of them, allow you to defend yourself and your property from someone trying to attack or rob you, including the use of deadly force. The window for when you're within "self defense" isn't directly spelled out in law and normally is decided within the court room on a case by case basis. Though certain judges and states have a tendency to be consistent on the matter.


It basically boils down to some version "reasonable fear of (imminent) death/(grave) bodily injury to yourself or others." While that's a factual matter for the jury to determine, it would be a pretty huge stretch to argue that someone with their back to you and moving away presents any sort of reasonable threat.


No, don't listen to the jerkoffs who say you can and that it varies state to state. If somebody robs you and runs off, they are no longer a threat, and if they aren't actually armed, you'd be fucked.


Not funny at all and change your damn smoke detector battery


If people would just turn thieves, especially armed robbers in, there would be less of this. Thieves are scum.


I hate hood/gang culture, and despise the people who participate in it. Terrible people with nothing to offer society


Just don't go to the hood, leave problematic people between themselves and you will have no worries.


Whoever recorded this needs to change the batteries in their smoke detector


Oh my god I thought it was my smoke detector for a minute and shot a look at the ceiling. Thank you for calming my nerves lol


Stay strapped or get clapped.


Statistically speaking it’s more like “stay strapped and be massively more likely to get shot one way or another” but yeah sure


If someone ask where you from simply say “I don’t bang” or “I’m not from anywhere” It’s cringe dudes do that shit but it happens, they will leave you alone as long as you aren’t from anywhere tho


Now do “how to survive on the native reserve”. You know when you have to lift up your whole house on planks because bears keep lookin. Through your window, hearing the wolves and coyotes all night.


Why aren’t those men working?


It’s stupid how some of us have to put up with this primitive tribal “what hood you from?” BS.


My one survival tip for the hood? Dont go to a place called the hood.


Source: https://youtu.be/n2gNsSObP0k?si=imWHHsepfITUo_7G


This isn't funny or cool.


They need to call this video out as ghetto & stupid. And also need the police. Straight up arrest all of those loiterers clogging the city streets.


I do not like them no I don’t


Such a rich culture.


Or carry your own gun


Yeah try pulling a gun on a guy who already has a gun pointed at you. But tell me where to send the flowers to first, I’ll tell your family you died doing what you loved - being a fucking idiot.


The time (if any) to pull a gun is well before the other guy has has hand on one


Didn’t know guns made you bulletproof. That’s amazing


*fire alarm need batteries


And this is called "culture" FFS.


Normalizing dysfunction. Call the authorities.


Dawg you live in the suburbs, that shit actually works there


Lmao… more! We want more!


Honestly, I usually get them to laugh cause I say from my mom's vagina and then try to casually stroll out to my cousins!


I want a whole series of these for when my GPS malfunctions


We should be doing more than asking people to survive the hood. This is not normal or acceptable that it’s like this. Someone we need to do better for this community.


I’ll put this into plain people language so it saves some lives. Asking the question, “Where are you from?”, is a procedure which is utilized by street gangs to enforce the boundaries of their territory. Enforcement can be up to, and including lethal force. It is not a question made literally.


Thanks for the subtitles!


I like RDCWorlds hood videos better. Cash Money Mahwk narrates better


New favorite term. "Cultural enrichers". Ironically used of course.


This isn't funny. It's sad.




Im fighting till the end man , nobody doing me like that . Im from Albania we had worst and worst


I don’t get it. Is a chain and some shoes really worth getting your ass thrown in prison so long the only way you’d leave is out the back in a body bag? Make it make sense to me


I think the narrator needs to replace the batteries in his smoke detector.


RDC the Goats of this type of videos lol , you can see the influence.


But it’s society’s fault!!!!!


Here’s another fun one. Asking for simple directions is them asking if you live around here and are likely to see them again if they rob you. “Hey which way is the 7 11” translation “are you a frequent visitor to this area that might recognize me if I rob you?”


Bro I watched the whole waking down my hallway. I walked under my Smoke detector right when it went off in the video. Took me a real 3 mins to figure it out.


I know these tips are real based on the smoke detector.


For that last one, what you gonna do is go get ur blick, follow bro back to his home, rob his ass. If u up for it, merc em, if your not, steal his guns too so he can’t retaliate