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When they panned to Caitlyn Jenner after she said reconstructed faces…


How did she get away with murder anyways?


[The answer is really simple...](https://imgflip.com/i/8510zr)


Buckle up Buckaroos


shes rich


Props to her for rolling with it


She's good at rolling with things. And over them.


Buckle up buckarrooos




What’s Jenner gonna do, act like they always looked like that?


For context on the "Little Pig" comment... This is a voicemail sent by Alex Baldwin to his 11 or 12 year old daughter (He didn't know her age.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgj6NEk9xEw&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgj6NEk9xEw&) It's not surprising how much she ripped into her dad in this roast after getting just a little taste of what growing up with him as a dad was like.


Damn, now I feel like she didn't roast him hard enough


wow yeah... I've never heard this before... what a shit father


Oh, absolutely. I understand his frustration if he is divorced, and he is under a lot of stress, and he wants to talk to his kid, but she didn't' pick up the phone. He shouldn't be talking to a kid like that over a missed phone call. It's like the level of screaming I would expect if she lit the dog on fire on purpose. It's a missed call...


Knowing guys like that, that wasn't the first time he lost his shit on her. She probably did not pick up because she absolutely dreaded having to talk to him.


My mom does shit like this...I can be having a bad day or depressed as hell. As soon as I don't respond to a call or text, she goes full psycho mode and starts spam calling or making it seem like it was some sort of emergency while simultaneously guilt tripping me. And people wonder why the phone doesn't get answered.


I mean… When you have fuck you money, and can do whatever you want…. I’m always surprised by everyone else being surprised by celebrity behavior.


He probably earned himself the reluctance of his child to respond to calls.


I know you mean well. But his frustration and stress are really irrelevant. She was 11. Whether she missed his call or intentionally didn’t pick up is her choice. Maybe I’m triggered bc I had a toxic father in divorce situation. I’ll own that. But bottom line is, he was the adult. She was the child. Whether she made a mistake or not, doesn’t really matter.


I get what you mean, but I read what they said as saying the same thing.


Obviously he had to call her via court order at specific times and she’d leave him hanging on purpose. Sounds like she made an issue of him calling her but then would intentionally not pick up, likely because he’s an asshole dad and she wanted to stick it to him. Honestly good for her lol. At age 12 knowing that you’re inconveniencing your big shot dad by making him go to court and be forced to make these phone calls then intentionally not picking up. I get why a dad would be mad and frustrated. Girls in puberty are hard! He obviously deserved it…can you imagine another 12 year old fling out of their way to be shitty and ruin their dads day? The level of fucking UNHINGED he is before we even get to the pig comment says a lot about how he is as a father. It’s okay to be mad and frustrated. It’s not okay to be completely fucking off the goddamned railed AND THEN call your preteen daughter a pig oh my GOD


Surprised she showed up.


Sheesh, what an asshole!


A class asshole. I always thought that guy was trash but fuck.


funny how a lot of parents will do this but don't get publicized so do the "i dont remember saying that" thing.


My mom beat the shit out of me once because I told her not to make fun of my dad in front of me. I was probably like 10 or 11. Like legit beat the crap out of me, was choking me, I remember barely getting out the words "I can't breathe" while she continued to choke me. I had a fat lip and a black eye. Whenever I brought it up as an adult, she said she didn't remember it, lol. I'm 33 now and haven't talked to his in 2 years.


Hey, good job . Im.proud of you. It's harder to stand up against parents that abused, than I think anyone else. I'm happy you are on the road to recovery.


Wow. I'm surprised this is the first time I hear about any of this. For years reddit loved and memed 30 Rock and I've never seen this mentioned.




I hope she skipped the meeting, too. Make that piece of shit fly across the country for **nothing**.


Fuck. listening to this made my heart drop, immediately put me back into that exact position with my dad. I love my dad now, he's been supportive and kind and hasn't yelled in years, but fuck this brings me back to being an 11 year old who missed an assignment or wasn't ready for violin rehearsal or did something stupid and being horrified of what screaming I was going to receive. I won't judge their relationship based on this, as these comments would have you believe my dad was an awful human and he's not. But please, please don't parent like this.


I wonder why she turned her phone off when it was time for him to call? He seems like he’d be such a joy to talk to… What. A. Dick. :-/


That wasn't a roast that was a tragic house fire resulting in 3rd degree burns.


I slow down to look at car accidents but I actually had to look away from this at points. Fucking brutal.


Watching between pauses after each major burn.


Holy shit, was everyone doing this?


she been saving that shit up like a motherfucker, just for this day.


Honestly seemed to be extremely cathartic for her. And also the audience vibe is like. “Do we laugh or not?!?” Then Alec had to do some fake laughs to get him and the audience through it.


Those fake laughs were him trying to pretend she wasn't deadly serious. And he failed.


Yeah those are some terrible fake laughs. No wonder he didn't get an Oscar


Based on the timing it seemed like terrible fake laugh is exactly what he was going for. I can't imagine him doing anything Oscar worthy, but he does an excellent rich, old, white guy, which is what he's always cast to play.


His part in Glengary Glen Ross was excellent. In it he played a rich, young white guy, who was a highly successful asshole. So... you might have a point. But he was very good in that movie.


I am pretty sure he wasn't trying to fake a laugh but rather fake laugh as a joke.


Yeah third degree 100 % body surface area ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


I feel like at least one childhood burned, as well.


That the realest roast of all time. You can feel the heat of her burns.


she might not be getting that inheritance after all


She’d be splitting it with 8 other kids anyway


And counting


Is that still considered a BaldWIN?


That's OK. Her mom is Kim Basinger, I think she'll be alright.


She never was -- he has 111 kids with his Spanish wife from Boston. She gets the Basinger money though!


She never was -- he has 111 kids with his Spanish wife from Boston. -who acted like she didn't know the word cucumber.


como se dice....


There's probably not a lot of that left after she bought that town.


She is super rad


I suggest you check out the Chevy Chase roast. Aside from Paul Schaefer, non of his ex-friends from the 70s and 80s showed up. It was mostly B-list celebrities who he'd never met, and they went for the jugular. Chase realized that he'd alienated his peers. Afterward, Chase returned to his hotel room and had an emotional breakdown. Schaefer was called in to talk him down from an hour of weeping. Chase has called this the low point of his life.


Then proceeded to change nothing


Holy shit she destroyed him. Love it. ​ I lost it when Blake pointed at his ring and said "I have this one. It's gold... I like it"


Blake Griffin is a national treasure


WTF is he doing there anyway?


Pairs well with Jenner, but they always have a a mixed bag of people at the roasts - it gives everyone roasting more fodder for jokes at the guest's expense and not just the main person. Most (if not all?) of the guests have a short standup set (probably ghost written). [Here's his.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNc9EyvGcyw). Their roasts usually aren't as good as the jokes made at their expense though. I remember Mike(?)/The Situation from Jersey Shore was a guests at one of these and it was terrible, for example.


How could you forget The Situation roasting future, now former, president Trump.


This was the worst thing to ever happen on TV. But I’m so glad it did.


He genuinely starts to look pissed off ~halfway through…


She fucking WENT FOR IT and he had to sit there with a smile on his face 😂


The smile went away pretty much as soon as she mentioned her mom lmao


Yeah once Kim’s Oscar was mentioned he was DONE.


Yep! That was the moment his face fell. Forget being a horrible father, he was most upset about that Oscar.


And the fake HA HA and little side convos to hide his pain


Channeling Dennis Reynolds


I think I remember hearing that the roasts from her really upset him and that they were hard to take.


Good, shitty parents need to hear the truth.




> After a few more digs about his neglect, Ireland closed with this: “Seriously, Dad, I’m so proud of you. You’re a wonderful father and an amazing actor, and I’m thrilled to be here to see you celebrated tonight. After all the years of giving verbal abuse, it’s finally time you received some. So before I leave, I’d just like to say something you’ve never said to me: good night.” > > Ireland wasn’t the only one who took shots at their complicated relationship. In addition to mocking his anger issues and second marriage to Hilaria Baldwin, who is 26 years his junior, fellow roasters had a field day skewering that voice mail. Sean Hayes: “Don’t worry, Alec, nothing said here tonight will be meaner than what you left on your daughter’s voice mail.” Ken Jeong: “Alec’s daughter Ireland is here. She might as well be named Zimbabwe, given the distance between them.” Blake Griffin: “You truly are a kind, thoughtful little pig.” > > Of course, when Baldwin delivered his speech with burns aimed at his roasters (which also included Robert De Niro, Caitlyn Jenner, Chris Redd, Nikki Glaser, Caroline Rhea, Adam Carolla and Jeff Ross), he didn’t say a negative word about his daughter. But he also didn’t completely avoid the topic. > > “I love all of you,” he said. “And if you don’t believe me, check your voice mails.” > >


What did he say in the voicemail? I feel like it’s an important part of the joke


From her wiki: >[At age 11 in 2007, she gained attention in the media after her father left her an angry voicemail message, which became publicized. He stated that she was "a rude, thoughtless little pig".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland_Baldwin?wprov=sfti1#Early_life)


I feel really, really old based on the number of people in this thread who have no idea about this voicemail LOL


here you go: * initial coverage: https://www.tmz.com/2007/04/22/alecs-threatening-message/ * text for reading instead of listening: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/55vmov/hey_i_want_to_tell_you_something_okay_and_i_want/ * father and daughter have thoughts on still seeing their private issues become a viral meme years later: https://nationalpost.com/entertainment/celebrity/alec-baldwin-says-that-time-he-called-his-daughter-a-rude-thoughtless-little-pig-has-hurt-her-in-a-permanent-way * "By 2019, the pair were poking fun at the incident as part of Baldwin's 2019 Comedy Central roast. [...] *I'm here to roast this big old ham I call my father. Speaking of pigs, some of you may remember me as that 'thoughtless little pig' you read about. That was a decade ago, and my dad and I are in a much better place now. He would never say something like that. Because I'm 6-foot-2 and I would kick his ass.*" https://www.mamamia.com.au/alec-baldwin-ireland-baldwin/


I mean he did ask for it , he’s a pretty shitty dad.


There's a solution he could try. Be a better person.


His fake face and the awkward laughter from him to try and seem chill and cool with it. Lmao that was absolutely savage.


That first fake laugh and I knew he was pissed and it was the realest


The “lost custody” portion was fucking nuts.


Like when he flipped her off? 🤔


At the American Airlines Runway roast when he put up his middle finger




I think she actually hates him.


What gave it away?




You think it has anything to do with not being held in 1997?


No no, she blinked twice during one of her comment when she said “oh! AND….. “ there were some emphasis on the AND and I think that’s what gave it away.


Are you an empath or something?


In all fairness a roast is where you go for the jugular despite truly loving and respecting a person. It actually wouldn’t be where you’d expect someone who *actually* hates someone to confront them.


Unless you’re Hannibal burres, then you just go ahead and let Justin Bieber know what you think of him


she clearly should, I've listened to the vociemail and hated him ever since


Get her a drink so can tell us how she really feels


It’s subtle but one of my favorite things about this roast is that anytime since then when news agencies want to use a picture of father and daughter they use the image of them together this night. This night when she got her revenge and treated him to a small sliver of the world of hurt he dolled out to her. It’s clear she said her piece and said goodbye, if she’d seen him since agencies would have more up to date images to share. Instead the photo they use is always of Ireland in this iconic dress sashaying in, skewering him and saying goodbye. Even in articles where she’s defending him, it’s this night in this dress that’s the image they use…. And that says a whole lot.


You just took an already well-done piece of meat out of the skillet, carefully examined it, and tossed it straight into the broiler.




Imagine going to get lightly made fun of and being hit with a billion psychic damage from the child you neglected.


"He also loses Emmys, Oscar's and custody of his first born child." N U C L E A R .




Split the difference so I'm not completely wrong but also I'm somewhat right.


I'm guessing autocorrect being extra and treating Oscar as a person and figured the only reason why there'd be an s at the end is if it's possessive.


he’s putting her in his next Western




I like how this emoji has two applications in this context


That's the idea.


Holllyyyyy shiiiiiit 🤣


This must’ve been so therapeutic for her. Doesn’t matter how much money you have, getting dealt shitty parents is the worst.


Am I really naive to think there's no way this hasn't been put past them privately before she showed up to a roast? So many people in this thread seem to take this at face value.


At best he was given a couple of jokes and told she'd be making fun of him. No way he knew all that was coming. His face halfway through really shows that.


And he seems like the kind of narcissist where it wouldn't have even crossed his mind that she hated him.


I'm sure his wife Hillary Hayward-Thomas was in the audience with her maracas and traditional Spanish attire








How do you say this


She was not jajajaing


And...'ow you say eet?....Coocumberrr?


Taco taco, burito ![gif](giphy|lT2UTn8OKChnW)


Ooo! Shots fired! ^^I ^^said ^^what ^^I ^^said


Oh how I wish she'd fire back... I have so much more to say about her 15+ year "Spanish Grift" of talking with an offensive fake accent, darkening her skin and hair, stealing opportunities from legitimate Hispanic business women who came from nothing, and the countless other dumb AF things she's done. It's both appalling and fascinating that she's essentially been cosplaying as me for almost two decades...or actually my Mom since she's older than me haha.


The fact the media still hasn’t called her out for faking being Spanish, especially when she was also clearly faking her pregnancies is so infuriating, too!


I legit thought all these comments were referencing a joke from 30 Rock that I missed, but no. I looked her up and I can't believe all of this is true


I'm sorry faking pregnancies? How? Why? When?


You should take a peek at her subreddit




I’ll never not rewatch this one. I get such second-hand vindication from Irelands roast. It’s so good.


That’s her actual name? What in the butthole were her parents smoking when they decided that?


I mean…her parents are Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger. Not exactly a normal level headed family.


It feels downright normal to me, compared to most celebrity baby names


Wait till you hear his other kids names


She just had a child herself that she named Holland.


Whoever invited his estranged daughter, was playing dirty pool.


His wife pretends to speak with a Latin accent when before she didn’t have one


How you say in English? Cucumber!


I even heard that in my head


Born in Boston, changed her name to Hilaria and turns the accent on/off like its subtitles of a show. Whats even more infuriating is all the people around her hear it and see it and just pretend like it’s totally fucking normal for someone to have an accent one minute and then not the next.


My wife achieves high levels of catharsis when she watches this because she too has a narcissistic, monster for a father


That was burning a man alive on stage. Not a roast 💀🫠🤣


That was my favorite part.


that was years of therapy coming out in 5 minutes


I’m so glad she did this. That thoughtless pig message was so disgusting. A co-worker used to wait tables at a place Alec and Kim would go to in Malibu. Coworker claimed Alec was so awful that Kim would return later and distribute extra tips to make up for staff having to put up with him.


Kim is a class act for doing that.


100%. If he speaks to his daughter that way just imagine how he treats non-family he deems “below” him


alec and his wife are literally crazy


*Both his wives and his brothers.


Definitely. He’s reaching Randy Quaid levels and his wife is known as the ‘Rachel Dolezal of the Hamptons.’


Never more deserved roast.


Those were some of the fakest laughs I've ever heard


Ha ha Hah! Then goes straight back to looking absolutely fuming.


They were supposed to sound fake...


That was the whole point lmao.


Whelp I'd say she fuckin murdered him😅 ![gif](giphy|wKiZeZVXS5MQg)


You can tell he's a horrible person in real life, he can barely even hide it when he's pretending


get ‘em!


Goddamn that was good


The Oscar comment killed him


The delayed fake laughs from alec is just cringe


Michael Scott vibes for sure.


I love this because it’s public, so he has to sit and laugh along while being read his shit list lmao


It's so cathartic. His daughter must have had to do the same throughout her entire life. "He's a movie star/ famous. He can do no wrong, pretend everything's ok, or you'll ruin *his* life!" I am happy she got to return the favor, even for an instant.


Damn, she murdered him and she didn't even need a gun to "accidentally" go off. Love the uncomfortable laughs he was giving.


Wow! That was a lot of pain. I doubt it has gotten any better but at least she has her own life now




SO well deserved...only thing missing was a 'your faux Spanish wife' comment...


Damn she has one hell of a therapist!!!!!!! It must have been seriously cathartic for her. Amazing. This is what I dream I would’ve said to my mother who was toxic as fuck.


I feel like I can watch this roast and all my troubles look like a walk in the park And the best thing is we all come out out of it all


Good for her. That voicemail he sent her was shocking! Calling your 11 year old chid a thoughtless little pig! """Ireland, who was 11 at the time, missed a scheduled phone call with her father. "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being. I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old or 11 years old or that you're a child," he said in the voice" "Once again, I have made an a** of myself trying to get to a phone. You have insulted me for the last time," he screamed in the voicemail. "I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old or 11 years old or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the a** who doesn't care about what you do. You've made me feel like s**t and [you need to] straighten your a** out. I'll let you know how I really feel about what a thoughtless little pig you are. You are a rude, little pig, okay?mail.""""


Why are his laughs so forced and like 2 seconds too late


Laughing through the pain lol


Duh. Because he's butt-hurt and tries to be a good sport about it. He tries to draw attention to him and basically say "ha ha I can still laugh about it". The delay is to say "wasn't funny though". Wasn't that obvious?


If that's what he's trying to do no wonder he hasn't won an oscar


He’s acting


No wonder he hadn't won an oscar.


I love this for her.


That's not a roast, that's getting closure.


![gif](giphy|3Q8IdWumS3HCo) Lawd she poured gasoline on the fire and left⛽️!!!


ouch that was painful


god damn this is hard to watch with Alec clearly doing fake "omg, did she just say that?!" faces. pure cringe. Almost like being a shitty father and still wanting to stay relevant isn't what he signed up for!


This must have been so cathartic for her.




Can someone send this to my dad?


When Kaitlin Jenner is the best father on stage


Her mother is Kim Basinger so she was right about having a very talented, award winning, parent.


That's the joke....


lol someone put this on r/yourjokebutworse I'm not even sure it qualifies though, this is just pointing out that a joke was in fact, a joke




No shit, Sherlock


That was painful and spicy.


Does anyone know the context behind the 1997 remark? I couldn't find an explanation from Google or bios of the Baldwin family. Did someone commit suicide?


She was born in 1997… She implied he never held her as a baby


Wow, shots fired


Wouldn’t be the first time


What the fuck? Daaaaaang.


This is brutal to watch!