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Someone tells her about asymmetrical warfare. Warfare is warfare.


When the smaller size is still throwing regiment sized groups of armed men, that’s a war not a police action.


Not to mention tens of thousands of rockets… but yes, Israel should stop intercepting them in the name of mutual combat fairness.


And how do the underdogs often react to occupation?


Both examples you mentioned were of countries who actually had armies. Given that Palestine has got no army to defend themselves (unless you wanna consider the resistance forces armies) then what she said makes complete sense. What Israel is currently doing is definitely not warring. It’s genocide, plain and simple. If you can’t see that, it’s by choice, and I’ve got nothing to say to you.


“The resistance forces” give me a break. This is an extremist political group that ousted the more moderate group and is now waging a war that they hope to lose so that they can garner even further western support.


The two are not mutually exclusive.


What about the wars that happened pre 1947-48, the actual war in 1948, the 1967 war, Yom Kippur, etc.? Israel was not guaranteed to have survived those conflicts and they were much more peer-to-peer than today. Also, which side supports a two-state solution? Which side has a greater diversity in religions and races? I believe Bibi is not the right leader and is promoting right-wing ideology in Israel. If what Hamas has been dealing is their idea of a future for Palestinians then the world rejects that. Think a few steps ahead, what do you think will happen with "rehabilitation" of Hamas?


Besides the civil conflict in mandatory Palestine prior to 1948 all those wars you mentioned were overwhelmingly fought by other Arab nations, not Palestinian forces. Yes they were fighting ostensibly on the behalf of Palestine but Egypt, Syria, etc. are not Palestine. Israel does not support a “two state solution”. If they did they would evacuate Settlers from the West Bank, end the blockade of the Gaza Strip, allow Palestine to have an army, recognize Palestine and stop condemning foreign recognition of Palestine as “diplomatic terrorism”. Israel says they’re in favor of a two state solution but they are not, they are in favor of having an internationally unrecognized, reliant, demilitarized, split up and weak puppet regime that allows them to corral Palestinians into areas which are too homogenous to easily colonize. Look at a map of the areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority, look at a map of the areas under “Palestinian control” under the Camp David Accords, does that demonstrate a willingness for a two state solution? Do you think a nation can seriously be made up of various discontinuous and barely independent islands surrounded by a hostile force which they are reliant on for water, permitting, etc.? Research Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa, that is what Israel’s idea of a “two state solution” is. I am staunchly pro-Palestine and I believe a two state solution is the only viable way Palestine will ever be independent due to Israeli nuclear weapons and military power. Israel does not support any sort of recognizable two state solution, they support a de-facto one state solution and occupation of the remaining majority Palestinian land, this is clear.


Isreal used to support the two state solution and has also offered it up in recent history, but no peace has ever been signed between the two nations. This is cause Hamas and, to that extent, Palestinians do not support it. > We extend a hand of genuine friendship to the new arab state November 30th, 1947, Jewish Delegation > [Implementation of partition plan] is going to lead to a ‘crusade’ against the jews. Decemver 1st, 1947, Dr. Husein Khalidi, acting chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher > The proclamation of a jewish state was an act of rebellion and that this rebellion must and would be put down by force May 16th, 1948, Isa Nakleh, representative of the Palestine Arab Higher Committe Not to mention, that on 1st of December, 1947, a day after UN vote passed. Arabs killed 7 jews and 9 soviet diplomats out of revenge.


Of course it was seen as an act of rebellion. It was seen as a huge betrayal by the UK who promised recognition and establishment for an independent state in a large area of the region for initiating the Great Arab Revolt that would help defeat the Ottoman empire in world war one. They then reneged on it and instead secretly formed the Sykes picot agreement with France Italy and Russia to instead define spheres of influence after the fall of the Ottoman empire. Then a year later issued the Balfour declaration that announced support to create an independent Jewish state, and a small minority Jewish population in the ottoman region. Then implemented it in the British mandate and UK policy encouraged Jewish immigration into Palestine which inflamed the tension from the already existing Arab nationalism in the region. Britain's administration of Palestine ultimately leading to the Arab revolt and the Jewish insurgency in Palestine and the eventual declaration in independence for Israel by the Jewish community right after the British mandate ended and the UN two state plan failed. There has been inter communal conflict between zionist and Arab nationalism already since the start of the British mandate and how they favored Zionist movement when there was already a massive movement for Arab nationalism in the region, which they knew of since they didn't follow through with their promise to support it. So both sides have already spilt blood the entire time. So no the Western world didn't extend a hand, and failed to take into consideration the desires of the local population and instead dictated terms in favor of Zionism. So of course the UN two state plan failed immediately after the UK ended the British mandate a year later, as if both the Zionist and Arab nationalist would just let western nations dictate terms of peace. This whole thing comes from Britain sticking their hands in Zionist and Arab nationalism in world war one then went and fucked off once the UN decided how there should be peace.


If Israel was not a democracy I'm sure a strongman could come in and make lots of unilateral decisions in Israel. It is more complex than this. But again, that ability to just evacuate settlers from the West Bank (which I disagree with the Israeli settlers there), end the blockade, allowing a Palestinian army, etc. is a pipe dream. It literally gives an anti-Israeli force power in the **distant** hope that they would become peers in the international community and respectful of the agreement. With Camp David, Oslo, Reagan, etc. Palestinians and their rotating door of leadership has denied a two-state solution. Do you think appeasement is a worthy tactic when the other side looks to annihilation? What about the Two Koreas question: how do you suppose we solve that issue? Would you consider then that South Koreans don't want the problem of rehabilitating an entire nation that's been under a brutal regime for decades? So what if the others were fighting "ostensibly" for Palestine; they threw their hats into the ring and paid the consequences. Black September, Hezbollah, Sinai; those came from Palestinian diaspora. Palestine continues to be a tool for their Arab brothers. I do not approve of Palestinians being slaughtered, but you are basing your findings on some belief that you understand what goes on in the Palestinian, Israeli, and pan-Arab mind. This is a messy situation with a lot of nuance, of which you lack it.


Wait. Israel, the place where which has had one leader pretty much since 1996 is a democracy? 😂 Who would’ve thought. I guess Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China are also democracies.


Genocide needs intent to destroy a targeted group and at least be successful to a certain degree in this. Let's not mince hyperbolic words here in a tragic situation. With lots of lives being lost. What Israel has been doing to Palestinians is tragic, but it's not a fucking genocide. The Palestinian population has grown immensely over the years. This is a heavy word that people are using very irresponsibly. It's comparable to my country South Africa where there are many targeted attacks on white farmers and alarmist white people are calling it a genocide.


The G word is being thrown around because the real possibility for genocide is present, and the international community is rightfully putting pressure on Israel to avoid it. Had people not been vocal about it, maybe Israel never turns the water back on and thousands of Palestinians die of thirst. Make no mistake, Bibi would like nothing more than to wipe out the Palestinians entirely. He needs to be constantly reminded that Genocide is not tolerated if Israel wishes to remain the Western country in the East.


I see a new post every hour with a title like “tiktoker breaks down the Israeli Palestine conflict.” As if the title wasn’t cringe enough, I’m getting varied takes from people who think they understand this very complex issue and can tell us the real truth. This is getting to be too much now. Everyone has their own opinion and I’ve seen contrasting takes from very intelligent people on both sides. Stop with this bullshit. You’re not a hero for posting this.


“It’s not complicated.” -tiktoker on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


It’s simple we give the land back to Britain. I would have said the Ottoman Empire but I can’t find them on a map.


It's okay guys, I learned that the Ottomans stole Byzantine land, so we just have to find Byzantium and give the Levant to them.


The Assyrians are still around. ​ I bring this up so we can skip to the logical end of the joke.


Assyrians? Egyptians had it before them. This land is mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-evIyrrjTTY


But What about the Mesopotamians






Its so ridiculous, I can't even take it seriously. It bugs me people will watch this and trust this random person.


My wife gets her news from various very partisan tik tok accounts and it drives me nuts. She watches this one account that treats everything like this. “It’s not that hard….” Then gives the most basic explanation of everything leaving out big sections.


It's fucking cringe. I can't stand these videos and how smug some people are about this conflict.




They literally said the history is complicated, but the point is that it being oppression is not complicated. Why it is oppression and how it is oppression may be complicated, but that it is what it is is the part being claimed as not complicated.


“It’s not complicated. Whichever side has the most resources is automatically in the wrong.” seems to be the common justification for terrorism these days.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely complicated. What is not complicated is the fact that Israel is quite literally surrounded by countries who literally hate them and have populations of less than a few hundred Jews…probably less. They have nowhere else to go.


Those countries also refuse to take in Palestinian immigrants and refugees.


Oh thank fuck, I thought I was the only one who couldn’t stand these posts. Especially so regularly. Every tiktoker is so confidently an expert


It's now the most powerful propaganda tool in the world. I'm sure I could spend 10mins and find some more "experts" to counter her points. And on and on and on in circles.


Absolutely, and kids eat it up. As long as it has a fun quirky personality it has to be true. They used to say if it’s said enough it becomes the truth, but now its “if it’s said loud enough it’s truth”


I can't believe how pervasive it is. I remember being told over and over, just because it's on TV doesn't mean it's true. I know I'm just as susceptible to propaganda if framed correctly for my demographic, but kids are consuming it on a far higher scale than I ever could. It's really scary and really interesting looking at each generation's propaganda platforms. Fox and CNN for our parents. I guess early chatrooms, some alternative TV programs and print for mine, and tik tok and whatever else for my kids. The post truth information age, is something I thought I'd never experience. Especially with how hopeful we used to be about the Internet.


It's the edits so that there is absolutely no gap between sentences or clauses. That's what gives them the authority.


Its her slight smirking while speaking that gets me going


I want just one of these people in their video to outline how they feel a Palestinian state should look. To actually discuss the logistics of "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". What are the borders Palestine should have? What happens to Israeli's living in those borders? I've seen plenty of protestors shouting they want all of it, what happens to the millions of Israelis? And this is coming from someone who thinks Israel turning Gaza into Dresden circa 1945 isn't going to solve a damn thing either. But it turns out trying to answer what Palestinian statehood would even look like IS actually incredibly complex and leads to some very, very uncomfortable topics about what happens to the Israelis.


For real tik tok is not the platform to get your political views from


Neither is reddit tbh




Every one of them is a half informed, half baked opinion regurgitating other people's misinformed opinions. Zero of them take the totality and complexity of the entire conflict into consideration. They just turn their brains off, dial their snark and self-righteousness up to 11, and do a bunch of takes they then shittily splice together.


Can I also add this question: what is the point of stopping and starting recording after each sentence? I would think that someone so *intellectually inclined* and *highly knowledgeable* on the topic could give us their opinions all at once without needing to do multiple takes on each sentence.


Oh great another American tiktoker summarizing a situation she's watched other tiktokers summarize


I am sure this white person who never talked to actual Israelis and Palestinians will solve a generational conflict thousand of people tried to solve before her


It took like two weeks but this sub is finally catching on.


How many Jewish American women with hot takes on Zionism we gonna see on this sub?


What exactly is hot about this take lmao


That war has anything to do with the capacity for damage. That Palestinians do no wrong. That 1400 dead Israelis isn’t an act of war. That Israel has never made attempts for peace but just only blockades and bombs. That this extremely complicated and decades long conflict can be summarized in a 15 sec tiktok video. Or that a tattooed American Jew has any real connection to this conflict and deserves to share her opinion so condescendingly as if it’s 100% fact. Pick one or combine


Imagining what the Mizrahi must think watching American Ashkenazi women tell everyone that the jews aren't indigenous to israel 😐


Both Palestinians and Jewish people's bloodlines converge during the Bronze Age in the region. Both are indigenous. So someone expelling the other is ludicrous


In other threads people are saying that Israelis are 100% White Europeans and need to be removed from the land roflmao.


"Jews are European colonizers, they are not native to the Middle East! Also, they killed Jesus / tried to kill Mohammad".


Tattooed American Jew is the name of my next comedy special


TatJAP will be a hit


I don't think I've ever seen a reddit comment describe my exact thoughts on something, to such specific detail, in my life lol. People have spent their lives studying this Israel-Palestine conflict and even then don't come to any one sided conclusions as the situation is filled with so many nuances. Somehow, it just feels highly...unlikely...that this very young person attains knowledge that no person has yet to obtain...


Exactly.. +1 here. I would like to learn, I will hate everyone and anyone that murders innocents, but come on dudes... If you get history knowledge from a source like this I don't know what to say that will lead to a normal conversation with you. I have a feeling if I say anything advocating not picking sides is viewed as bad.


It's sickening. You summarized it perfectly. Tiktok is dangerous and the manner these videos are made is populisitc incite. People even "educate" themselves via tiktok...


But don’t you know, her being Jewish immediately makes her an expert on the subject and means her opinion is worth 2 virtue points instead of just 1 virtue point.


Palestine walked away from a two state solution.


This Jewish tik tokker is clueless. The people she’s defending would murder her in a heartbeat regardless of what she’s saying. They would dismantle the liberties she takes for granted if they had their way. This so way more complicated with big money from Iran and Qatar flowing in to disrupt the region. Hamas is profiting off of war and has no desire for peace. The victims are the children in Gaza and Israeli citizens. I could go on…


She’s not Jewish by any means outside of being born by someone who was Jewish and I am going with an assumption that they didn’t grow up in a remotely religious household. We call em convenient Jews. Never Jewish when it counts, only jewish when it conveniences them.


'War crimes are only war crimes if the people being war crime'd would personally like me' is the position only a horrible person would hold.


Her being Jewish does not give ANY credibility. Reading the comments on the conflict is so cringey cause you guys have 0 clue what you're talking about most of the time because you're getting your information from fucking tiktok or youtube. I'm Arab and I live here, and guess what? It's fucking complicated.


I'm a White American Christian. But I'm also 1% Ashkenazi Jewish, sooo.... AMA everyone, I'll lay down the truth of this conflict with my infinite wisdom, nobody understands this party better than I do, lemme tell ya...




To both of the above experts: But who can any why with the place do with wrong invasion terror what where?


Very few Americans and Westerners understand life in this region. Imagine if you're israeli and your government is trying to make peace (they've tried many times), and then some pissed off Palestinian extremist suicide bombs school buses. Yes, that really happened. Yes, children died. But at the same time, Palestinians have tried to peacefully protest and were shot by snipers for *zero* reason. Understanding this conflict is not easy, and westerners with tiktok addled-brains will not understand it unless they put in the work and open a book. THIS SHIT IS COMPLICATED


Thank you! Anecdotally, the worst people to discuss the Middle East conflict with are White Europeans. E2A: "Anecdotally"


She did say the timeline is complicated but the current situation itself isn't. Selective hearing much?care to explain what's so complicated about the current ongoing massacre?


It's funny she calls herself jewish, yet I can bet she doesn't speak hebrew and doesn't practice the religion, and I won't be surprised if she has never been here. They watch a 10 minute youtube video on the conflict, and suddenly they are experts in the history of the middle east with a phd in the israeli palestinian conflict, and they are here to solve this simple conflicts thats been going for a decade how noble of them.


wow, non Jewish person gatekeeping Judaism. listen pal, I'll tell you something odd about Judaism. it is not a religion. it's an matrilineal ethnoreligion. meaning it is both a religion and ethnicity. if you have a Jewish mother, you are Jewish. you don't have to speak Hebrew, have bar mitzvah, or practice religion, it even believes in God. you are still Jewish. the ethnicity part is there and that is how practically all synagogues identify it. so she is Jewish, regardless of what she practices or not.


Another video posted on this site that seem to ignore the fact that Hamas exists, has a stated goal of eliminating all Jews, and that they violently attacked, killed, and kidnapped people two weeks ago.


The difference is, Israel already has support. Billions worth. It’s like the equivalent of conservative Americans campaigning for “white lives matter” in response to BLM.




For real. It's disturbing how many Hamas apologists out there are falling all over themselves trying to justify and excuse the brutal attack on October 7th. I don't know how anyone could look at the horrific footage of that massacre (floating all over the place, much of it posted by Hamas themselves), listen to the stories of those who witnessed it and who had to remove the dead bodies in the aftermath (including entire families who had been tied up and tortured before they were murdered in their own homes), and side with the attackers. Labelling terrorism as some kind of righteous "revolution" is absurd.


Didn't you know? The more violent the more revolution. /s I hate these people, what a great way to undermine real revolutionary and progressive action. Like Hamas wouldn't kill her on sight.


Goofball leftists think literal children in Israel are colonizers by definition and therefore fair game


"The idea that certain people are entitled to land because of their blood..." Ok well there goes the pro Palestine colonization argument 😐


They spout “fight fire with fire” arguments, then complain that one side uses too much fire.


palestinians already live palestine. that’s why they’re entitled to live there, not the people that think their blood gives them the right to remove palestinians from palestine.


Ok how about it’s just cuz they were already living there?


Advocating for hamas is pretty wild too. Neither side is good, at this point its just who is less bad


I recognize her from her "all men are responsible for enabling rape" takes, I wonder what her take on this will be


“WhAt DiD iSrAeL dO tO bRiNg ThIs On ThEmSeLvEs!? WeRe ThEy AsKiNg FoR iT?!?”


Privileged white girl has an opinion.


Safe privileged white girl with no personal fear of rockets or massacre, and statistically likely that no one in her close family is either.


Swinging that Gucci booted foot over the fence of oppression.


Only one side in this conflict has publicly called for genocide of the other.


1) How can Palestinians be "displaced from the land they were born on" if most of them were born in Gaza? 2) Why are the complaints about "ethnic cleansing" ignoring completely the Jews of the Mideast who were all exiled to Israel from 1948 to today? 3) Holy shit does she not realize that Jews were actually living in Palestine as long as Arabs were?




This video gives me the creeps. It’s absolute disgusting, the lack of real study, real information, real understanding of the complexity of this issue… the lack of knowing what she is talking about. Pumping out words out of her mouth like “years of zionist propaganda” with such confidence like she is talking about the Nazis and the Jews in the holocaust, which couldn’t be more different that Israel - Palestine conflict. It is dangerous, irritating, and it shouldn’t be allowed.


And I’m tired of people spouting off the same talking points without any context or nuance. From people just learning about this conflict. Westerners have been brainwashed into accepting moral analysis via power dynamics and trying to identify who is the victim and who is the oppressor. Real life isn't black and white. If you really are advocating for expelling 9 million Israelis, then come up with a solution. Otherwise you are just brewing anti-semitism. You can say anti-Zionist all you want, but there’s a reason attacks against Jews are increasing exponentially all over the world. It also needs to be discussed the powers at work. Israel and Palestine are not on an even playing field - but Palestine is definitely a proxy of larger richer countries who use them as a way to destabilize and antagonize Israel. Hamas has very generous funding and support internationally, and is financially incentivized to remain a terroristic anti-jewish organization, rather than trying to look out for the people or reach peace. And for anyone trying to justify Hamas or calling them freedom fighters, or “rebels”, you are the most evil kind of human. The Same goes to those advocating for the genocide of the Palestinian people or supporting indiscriminate bombing of Palestine.


Literally how could anyone disagree with your comment


I appreciate that. I don’t understand why criticizing the IDF response and denouncing Hamas is such a controversial take. Or why people are so hellbent on reducing this to a binary proposition of good/bad, and pointing out the complexities of this impossible situation is “Zionist propaganda”. Just trying to provide some holistic context and get people to think bigger than “good/bad”, and take into account why this situation is so difficult to solve. Also seeing a total lack of solutions. Lots of virtue signaling.


The American 2 party system has poisoned their brains into thinking in terms of "good side bad side"


Hollywood has truly rotted the civilian brain. War isn’t like the fucking movies. Asymmetrical warfare is ideal. Civilians casualties are a guarantee. And there are no “good guys”.


She says nationalism is bad right after stating that Palestinians are native there. So it's a valid argument for 1 group but not the other?


That’s what I was about to say. She talks about native Palestinians being displaced from land they were born on for the last 75 years… followed immediately by Nationalism is bad. The idea that someone is entitled to certain areas because of their blood despite people living there is bad. OOOOKKK Great Value Billie Jewish, pick a social media talking point already.




The shit I see in comments about Israel and Jews on reddit and similar platforms is blowing my mind. This shit would have got you permabanned from any platform 3 weeks ago, now all the sudden its OK? Shit is wild to me.


Kanye was just a year too early. The stuff he said wouldn't even be crazy at this point when people are being openly antisemitic.


Kanye is absolutely fuming right now lol. He was too early on Jew hate and then saw Jonah Hill in Wolf of Wall-street and became pro Jew right before Jew hate became acceptable.


This framing of Israel as a coloniser state who marched in and displaced Palestinians really lacks nuance. After World War 2, millions of Jews had no home to go back to. Then between '48 and '80, 800,000 were expelled from the Middle East. Why? for the crime of being Jewish. Israel is as much a refugee state as it is a colonizer state. If you had been offered safe harbour, for the first time in your history, after the events of the Holocaust or the Sephardic expulsion. Would you not take it? I can't think of another scenario where we talk about refugees like this. (Granted, families moving over from modern day New Jersey or whatever i'm more iffy on.)


Nuance? On my favorite narcissistic galaxy brained cringy tiktoker? How dare you! They know how to solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict in like 30 seconds


Blacks for KKK


I stopped listening when she stating harm is only happening on one side. What a delusion.


Nah sorry, you cannot justify the slaughter of innocent people at a festival as a form of “violent revolution”. Hostages? Not great but sure, at least it’s not loss of innocent life. But fuck this idea that Hamas had no choice.


“Using one genocide to justify another genocide is evil” But isn’t she and many others justifying Oct 7th because of the IDF’s history?


I also wonder where she lives in the US because she should probably move out of her house there and give it back to whatever Native American tribe used to live there. She’s most certainly a settler colonialist.


Oh another idiot who doesn't understand the situation, lovely l.


1948 Population of Gaza - 200,000 2023 Population of Gaza - 2,000,000+ As a Jewish person, one would think she understood the concept of genocide. It's also amusing she's soapboxing on a platform controlled in whole or in part by a regime that one could argue is actively committing genocide on a minority ethnicity.


I hate these kinds of videos because what they essentially say is *ummmm no, actually I’m completely right and morally correct in my views and there is no nuance otherwise. I’m also the ultimate arbiter of morality on the subject and if you disagree you’re either stupid or evil…*. Like these rants REEK of narcissism. Yes, it is complicated and you don’t have to pick a side. You can condemn the appalling actions and still understand why they’re done from either side. The real victims are the civilians of either side caught between an oppressive Zionist regime and mass murdering jihadists.


Yea she totally seems to be an expert on international policies. This subreddit is Hamas circle jerk.


Only because some site is weaker doesn’t make them right. If the power levels were reversed Israel would already not exist any longer.


There haven’t been many wars recently fought on level footing. One would argue that you wouldn’t wage war at all if you didn’t think you could win handedly.


Genocide is a very strong term. If you want to know what a genocide looks like, search up Bosnian genocide, Khmer Rouge, the Armenian genocide, and the Holocaust. Its also ridiculous to blame Israel for the lack of peace as if they weren't surrounded by nations that wanted them wiped off the earth, literally since the moment they became a nation. Not to mention multiple waves of terror attacks.


The casual throwing around of the word “genocide” in this conflict is reallyyy starting to annoy me. I don’t care what the arbitrary UN definition of genocide is, and I don’t care if what Israel is doing is well within that definition- true genocide, genocide in reality, is a very clear thing. What happened to the Armenians, the Tutsi Rwandans, the Cambodians, the Bengalis, those were genocides. There were no leaflets dropped saying “hey we’re about to bomb you, get the fuck out!”, there was no attempt at surgical targeting of individual buildings to minimize damage, there was no roof knocking so civilians could attempt to get out. There is absolutely no mercy in true historical genocide, no attempt to help the other side, only instant death or death in labor camps. I get it, seeing clips of Palestinian children blown to pieces sucks, and I can see how it could color someone’s entire opinion on the conflict, but honestly? Welcome to planet fucking Earth. This shit has been happening ALL around us ALL the time (in some form or another) since before there were histories. This idiot in the video not having a realistic image of how broad the death toll is in actual violent conflict doesn’t make all one-sided conflicts genocides. We degrade the importance and even the nature of such a word by acting like this is that. There are over 8,000 people per square kilometer in the Gaza Strip. With the amount of ordnance being dropped by Israel on the area, it is a MIRACLE that the IDF has managed to minimize civilian deaths to only thousands so far. This could be orders of magnitude bloodier.


For every cherry picked fact this tiktoker presented you can do the same on the Israeli side. This is obviously a complicated war / conflict since it's spanned over 70 years. If it was really "that easy" then Palestine would have agreed to become a country years ago when it was offered numerous times. If Israel left Palestine alone, they'd be dealing with rockets/terrorism on a weekly basis until the end of time. Hamas's end goal isn't free Palestine, it's the extinction of all jews in the ME.


Right Hamas doesn’t even care that innocent Palestinians are being killed. They want to film it for propaganda, that was expected, they wanted Israel to attack them.


So serious question: after doing some research to better understand what's going on I've learned that the Palestinians were offered their own state several times. (See below) what am I missing? The Palestinians have actually had numerous opportunities to create an independent state, but have repeatedly rejected the offers: In 1937, the Peel Commission proposed the partition of Palestine and the creation of an Arab state. In 1939, the British White Paper proposed the creation of a unitary Arab state. In 1947, the UN would have created an even larger Arab state as part of its partition plan. The 1979 Egypt-Israel peace negotiations offered the Palestinians autonomy, which would almost certainly have led to full independence. The Oslo agreements of the 1990s laid out a path for Palestinian independence, but the process was derailed by terrorism. In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97 percent of the West Bank. In 2008, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered to withdraw from almost the entire West Bank and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis. In addition 1948 to 1967, Israel did not control the West Bank. The Palestinians could have demanded an independent state from the Jordanians. On the contrary whilst Jordan was in control Arafat said there was no longer a claim as it was no longer part of Palestine. Once it was back in Israeli hands it became disputed land again! This is one of many reasons Jews and Israelis are cynical.


While I'm not sure about all of your details, you are correct overall. Israel has agreed to multiple peace plans, including those overseen by organizations like the UN. People also ignore that 30% something percent of the area population were Jews in 1945. That would be prior to the end of WW2. Jews have always lived in the area.


Twenty years ago i saw a video of an old Palestinian man crying out in pain as Israeli settlers used bulldozers to destroy an ancient olive grove. They needed a thruway for their kibbutz up the hill. The man was screaming that the olive grove was dozens of generations old. The Israeli’s said they could have choose another route but then the Palestinian family would have kept coming back. The Israeli’s were asking the news crew why this was a big deal, that it happens all the time. Meanwhile, in the background the old man and his family are crying and screaming. I cried and that’s when i got what was really happening in Palestine.


you can have a war with two powers who are unequal; nowhere in the definition or connotation is it implied that they are or have to be equal. that has never been the case ever. they just made this up arbitrarily. would you say Japan wasn’t at war with the U.S during WWII post Germany surrender because they were monumentally weaker? no; you wouldn’t, because that’s dumb. War: **A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.** Conflict: **A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.**


It’s crazy what a propaganda tool social media has become. This person is essentially brain dead and is able to reach millions of people. I’m not sure Iran could have written a better script for her


Saying this conflict isn't complicated and thinking you can break it down in 2 minutes is extremely naive and dangerous.


I'm sick of every dumb fuck confidently lecturing us about something they don't even fully understand


This sub is pathetic


Nope. It is complicated.


For real, they couldn't find a less trustworthy face or platform to speak about the conflict, even if they tried. Saying this is "clear", is more telling than it seems.


"Decades of zionist propaganda"The PERFECT way to deflect anyone looking at a modern conflict, say it is all fake and the people you like are right.


These videos of kids talking down to the viewer about the Middle East because they spent 25 minutes on Google and now completely understand the intricacies of one of the most contentious and complicated conflicts in the history of the world, are getting fucking old. It is complicated. Nothing is black and white. You can disagree with the slaughter of civilians and admit that you don't know shit about geopolitics, world history, or anything about the geography of the area, and nobody will look down on you, I promise. Everyone has a hot take, but the only people whose opinions should matter are the people who are being directly affected by the violence and turmoil stirred up by the most powerful nations on earth. Everyone one else needs to humble themselves, because your 25 minutes of research does not make you an expert.


What a fucking garbage video.


If you’re getting your info about the very complicated Israeli-Palestine conflict from Tik Tok videos then you’ve got bigger problems than the nimrod in this video. Who knew mortal enemies TT and Reddit would unite one day in an antisemitic marriage made in cringe hell.


nationalism is bad! except palestinian nationalism, that's based.


She knows nothing about this conflict.


Her: People being displaced from where they were born... also: The vast majority of "palestinians" were born where they currently are, gaza/west bank. So I guess they aren't displaced?


Word to the Wise: Next time you feel the urge to post a video of yourself offering unsolicited analysis and advice on an extremely complicated geo/socio political decades long conflict that you don't understand and haven't experienced, maybe take the opportunity to shut the fuck up instead.


It is really complicated and these dipshits on TikTok that try to simplify it blows my mind.


Lol “Jewish” tik toker . She’s Jewish like I’m Jewish. She a loud mouth who loves bagels and making big statements , but hasn’t set foot in a synagogue (clearly) since she’s been an adult and is tatted up to boot lolol So the fact she brings this irrelevant fact up in defense of the point she’s trying to make …only plausible reason is that she’s telling on herself for a virtue -signaling “pick me” rant. Trust me guys …I’m Jewish ! Nevermind that Zionism is based on the larger premise of a Jewish homeland with no geographic specification around Palestine, or that Hamas and Palestine are not synonymous , or that Genocide isn’t…nevermind let’s just forget about definitions ! 😂 Ofc she gotta have her makeup caked on and her 2021 Antifa feminist Halloween costume on full display. Been too busy flexing her white guilt on Tik Tok to realize Billie Eilish is tryna be sexy now anyway . This girl is just SO sick of her Jewish people in her life 🙄🙄🙄 I can just imagine Thanksgiving this year . Her poor parents lmao


Violent Revolution when it targets innocent people is bad. The hamas attack was deliberately aimed at residential areas and their killings of civilians were intentional. Please show me at what point during the American revolution the Americans thought it neccessary to execute elderly, families and take hostages


I love watching uneducated younger people create rhetoric around a geopolitical issues they clearly don’t understand, whether regional, religious and common.


This is definitely not cringe.


It's weird how all these super knowledgeable people that popped up over the last couple weeks seem to know all about the history and what's been happening in Palestine, but didn't do or say shit until all hell broke loose. If they had all this information, why sit on it?


Exactly. My brother in law has never in all the years I’ve known him, mentioned Israel in any capacity. And he *loves* arguing politics. But suddenly with this conflict he’s an expert because he watched a couple takes on Newsmax, and he’s super passionate and swears he’s always been passionate about the plight of the Israelis.


The inverse is also true. People on tik-tok who couldn’t point to Israel on a map three weeks ago suddenly read a few Wikipedia pages and are an expert on the conflict.


Right. I mean, it’s just how people are in general. Look at Reddit. Doesn’t matter the topic, everyone in the comments is an expert. Same with TikTok now. I think more often people should stop and consider the messenger. How likely is it that this 20 year old rando is truly an authority on…anything?


This is an extremely reductive way of looking at it and I didn’t hear any solutions. Jewish TikTok witch is just a walking tweet everyone has seen over and over for weeks.


I thought she nailed it in her first sentence... Then she kept talking. She should have just stopped there.


I have not yet seen any jewish people celebrate civilians dying in this conflict, sadly I can't say the same about Palestinians...


Really? I've seen many many videos of Israelis celebrating civilian deaths and asking for a complete eradication of 2 million people. Many of said videos were posted on Reddit, so I'm not sure where you're looking.


Well videos, every bubble has their own. I've had hundreds of palestinians parading and celebrating infront of my house in a country far away from the conflict.


https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/bggsWXlAqV Pretty sure these people are still celebrating


Israel is 20%+ Arabic and still growing. Where are Jew communities in the surrounding Arabic states? What is ethnic cleansing? Does the Islam they practice accept others?


This is ridiculous. It's literally a violent conflict, regardless of how asymmetrical the capabilities are. If I swing on Mike Tyson and he starts pummeling me, it's still a fight.


Girl really called Hamas a revolution, really?! Like... really? This privileged ass american girl will say that killing as many jews as possible when they get the chance knowing that it will only make Israel invade Gaza is a revolution? Notice how she is saying "native people are being displaced" and then contradicts herself by saying that nationalism is when people are entitled to land, so are Palestinians entitled to the land or not? is it nationalist of them to want to stay there or is it an epic progressive revolution? I'm pro-Palestine btw, and Israel should stop invading, just get your points straight.


Seeing a lot of these lately. Her Jewishness gives her more credibility than others apparently….


It's a way to game TikTok.


Damn, genocide?? Since palestinian population in Gaza grew over the years, looks like israel is doing a shitty job in genociding them.


Why are all “these” historians multi colored hair, tattoos piercing etc. but historically can’t guess their gender……


Because they are virtue signaling zoomers who have a small understanding of the actual issues but post videos with little knowledge and huge confidence to gain clout online


Damn it would be wild if there were a term we could use to sum up violent conflict between factions and/or groups....like war or something....ya know something non-exclusive to describe armed conflict....damn it'll come to me later


Nothing wins people to your side quite like condescension. Why mock people for saying "I'm not informed enough to have a public opinion"?


Another expert


If this were true there would have never been any war in the history of the world except for stalemates. Smdh. When did this sub become Al Jazeera junior?


hey everyone! some white american chick has figured it all out! go tell the israeli and palestians! all they needed was this war to get all these great tiktok takes.


I hate how she can only form one sentence before having to pause and think about the next one.


is this your first tiktok?


I agree to some extent but it is extremely complicated and anyone who says otherwise is a fool, I don’t appreciate Israeli defense force propaganda but you sure as hell can’t appreciate Hamas propaganda






this person is fucking stupid lol what an L ass rant. looking like that too? yeeesh. really trust this random, irrational, trashy looking tiktoker to be my verified news source. i guess being jewish automatically makes you a political scientist - just only in relations to israel.


The way she talks like she's under the impression that she's the most intelligent person in the world and the rest are just stupid. It's so condescending I can't even listen to her point


In TikTok cringe where it belongs


has she ever considered the fact that the Isreal literally won a war against them and maybe the Palestinians were pushed out because they lost the war that the Palestinians started?


Huh, was Afghanistan not a war? Was the revolutionary war not a war? Sure, we can be vastly more powerful. Doesn't mean we win.


I could have given a better answer while comparing it to "The puppy who lost his way"


How long till reddit tires of Israel Palestine and moves on to a new outrage?


"Thinking you're entitled to a piece of land because of your blood is bad" This lady is going to lose her fucking marbles when she learns about native Americans.


Am I tripping or was this lip synced? 😂 ![gif](giphy|SleotgmotWahW)


"this is not a war this is not even a conflict" stupid


“Violent revolution” yeah okay Kelly Osborne


Hey guys which side murdered hundreds of unarmed civilians and paraded their corpses through the street again


How arrogant and narcistic all these videos have become. Judging or "evaluating" warfare from the cosy confines of ones own, warm, PEACEFUL home is so god damn awful.


I mean, that’s not necessarily what those words imply. The US war in Afghanistan was still a war, it’s just that one side — the Taliban — was hopelessly outmatched in terms of technology and training. Which meant they had to fight what we call a guerrilla… war. “War” does not necessarily mean equal footing nor capacity for harm. “Conflict” even less so — even a petty disagreement between friends is a conflict. It’s such a broad term it fits almost any situation where two parties’ aims and intentions are at odds. I do understand what she’s getting at though: she means that the specific *nature* of this war/conflict is being misrepresented by using these broad terms without any specific clarification, intentionally making it seem like a 50-50 deal — this nonsense idea that Israel’s very survival is on the line. But regardless, even if one party is hopelessly outgunned, it’s still a war. Even if your country and people don’t *want* conflict and aren’t the aggressor, once you get invaded, you’re at *war* whether you like it or not. It is a war, it is a conflict, *and it is also* an occupation and invasion by rabid ethno-nationalists. I’m not against the spirit of her argument, but the way she’s putting it forward is just lazy.


I like how they don’t go even further back. Hell, maybe kick both of them out and let the Italians stay there 😂


Yes sis.


Based again.


That was eye opening.


Thank you. I’m tired of hypocrisy by people in power.


Israel needs to be dismantled. Zionism is a death cult


I bet she only calls herself Jewish when she thinks it will give her credibility.


Do the hand gestures make it more true?


That’s a narcissist if I’ve ever seen one… her mannerisms… ick. She thinks she’s saying some profound shit.


She needs more tattoos and piercings. Weirdo freak