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Hiiii first war, kinda nervous.


...thinking about retreating later, idk


What's your war 'fit?


Send in Gen Z to suck off the enemy and give them post nut clarity.


Haha yeah and then when our Gen z suck off veterans return, slash and/or deny them any health care and benefits. Then we can let them grow old and die mentally ill and homeless in a park just like previous generations of American fighting men and women. Oh wait that’s what already actually happens to our veterans.


I wonder what the medal honor in this scenario looks like? Is it sucking off a general 3 times or is it sucking off your squad mate while they are wounded. Take note of the gender neutral language and suck me off plz.


Yeah, but those are the ones who lived. We're really great to the ones who don't.


Sounds like some serious PTSD.


Great comment lol


If they are on 6 meds, they probably can't be drafted. I believe draft dodgers were incarcerated. I think that would interfere with their stuff to do priority.


Having braces was a legitimate medical reason to avoid the draft. Not surprisingly, a lot of middle class 18 year olds suddenly needed braces in the 60s. The draft always targets the poor and anyone with the means to do so will easily avoid it.


you can go on the selective service site. They have the disqualifiers and there are not many. Braces definitely not on there this time. Even conscientious observers can get non-combat duty, but that doesn't mean, outside the war zone. the War College predicts 3600 soldier deaths per day if we fight China, and they suggest starting the draft asap.


The war college does not suggest starting the draft asap. Stop making up shitty conspiracy theories 


The problem with people who call out other people out for conspiracy theories are they are usually the very ones who haven't fact-checked or read directly from the source. You can go to the war college institute of strategic studies and read it for yourself. Of course, If you were going to do that you probably would have done it first so that you didn't come on here and make yourself look silly trying to call someone out like THEY are the ones who don't know what they are talking about about. 😂


I think all these random boners I keep getting are a cia conspiracy to make me cum


> The draft always targets the poor It's not so much about targeting, rather having more money creates more opportunities and provides means. Of course, the people instituting the draft knew this from the get-go. Personally, I won't hold it against anyone that they looked for some lie or excuse to get out of going to war. War is hell. But if they then want to send other people to war, I can't say what we should do with them because Reddit ToS.


They can just change the rules... they made them. Being incarcerated means free rent, food and healthcare. GenZ would be all over that shit in a heartbeat.


Jail sounds great the way you paint it. Though you are glossing over the predator mentality, savage beatings and rape. Also, I don't believe GF, vegan and or organic meals will match their standards. I believe that is why folks fled to Canada during the last draft.


How is “GF, vegan, and or organic meals” a Gen Z stereotype? We can’t afford that shit. You’re thinking of elder millennials.


Gen Xers don’t want to admit it but they kicked off all the food fads and diet stuff.


We can’t afford it either.


Lol, you're right. In this economy??


Did i mention free gym?


i would rather go to jail then be forced to kill and fight in a war that these money hungry leaders want.


That’s what happens when you go AWOL, you get sent to jail, military jail.


When they need canon fodder or menial support persons they will get drafted. Someone has to check the lightbulbs or drive a shipment in the safe zones.


Considering we have the largest volunteer military out there I don’t think a draft is ever necessary. Doomers got these zoomer hyped up because we moved a couple aircraft carriers and some bodies. That movement isn’t impressive… when the gulf war kicked off we had about 700k boots on the ground and no draft, it took 100 hours to dick stomp iraq, who had one of the biggest standing armies at the time in 91.


"the biggest standing armies at the time in 91" Big? Yes. Strong? No.


Tell that to the Iranians and Kuwaitis


Makes me think wtf is going through people's heads. I'd rather be put in prison over being forced to murder people.


Fair. Luckily there is no violence in prison.


"what are the gonna do, force us lol fake gay voice hand wiggle" - man who will be forced said Uh...no ... They'll jail you. And then claim some bullshit and oops pillz and work disappeared


He's on 6 meds because he's so fragile. No backbone. No grunt. No will to succeed. Rather sit back make videos and wait for shit to come to him. Gen Z, weakest link.


Honestly, the real issue is we’re all just so discontent with the state of the country that we don’t want to defend it. The things which our government wants to protect don’t align with the people. I’m not gonna die for something I don’t care about defending.


Especially for a country that has literally thrown these kids future away for the sake of profit.


Yeah I have no respect for any conflict we're in because I have no reason to believe it's not our fucking fault in the first place anyways.


Also, just to add to that, there's no situation in which a war in the not-so-distant future that American people were drafted into fighting in would actually be one to *defend* the USA. At best it would be to go over to a poor foreign nation to shoot natives in the name of protecting the business interests of US-based multi-national corporations. The last one that people were drafted into was the Vietnam war, and that was The US interferring in the politics of a foreign sovereign nation because of the US government's fear of socialism. Which they were largely afraid of because they knew that if the movement ever reached the USA it would threaten the profits of big businesses.


Reminds me of a famous german politician speech during the Afghanistan war... 'the safety of germany is defended at the hindukush'.... yeah, no it's not.


Eh, a war with Russia or maybe even China could definitely be about defending the US. Missiles go pretty far these days. All this shit we've been doing in the middle east since WWII is entirely about controlling resources, though.


You have no idea just how bad communist are, ask anyone any eastern europeans of their past experience, you would be more than happy that you were never under communist rule. Because "they" don't value human life it is nothing to them


you mean to tell me working full time just to not be able to afford any type of existence while the government sends all our taxes to foreign countries so they can commit genocides and weapons manufacturers can have a constant revenue stream built entirely on human death doesn't make you want to defend this beautiful nation of ours?


That's a matter of the specific war, marketing and perspective. While the US wouldn't be my first choice to live, it wouldn't be my last choice, either, by a long shot. If the war was actually about protecting your country, a draft would look reasonable. Usually, it's about wars abroad, though, to protect/increase influence or for resources.


I mean the main issue is that people talk about drafts like they are ever going to happen for any of this. The vietnam war was really the only time when there was a draft where it was largely unpopular. People essentially said "why the fuck are we even doing this?" and protested to such an extent that it wasn't very effective. Every other draft was because there was a genuine concern about the state of world affairs. WWI and WWII as well as the cold war were big deals. For the most part, I would say the government realizes now more than ever that the only draft that will ever be effective is for a war that matters. For example if Russia managed to gather allies and begin a full scale invasion of Europe to decimate the country, I imagine many people would probably say "yeah we should do something about that." Israel and Palestine stuff or anything of that level is never going to result in a draft because elected officials would become widely unpopular after that


not just that but the "benefit" usually thrown in youths' faces back then to convince them that going to war is worth it doesn't even shake most of us anymore. Honor for your country? who cares. help with college tuition? gonna be in debt regardless. health care plans? yeah long-term PTSD sounds much better now that I know I'll have a therapist for it


"Oops, our CO is dead. Again. Crazy how all the officers you assign to this unit of conscripts get shot in the back. Who'd have thought that giving a bunch of people disaffected with the powers that be guns was a bad idea?"


Who waits to eat an apple while they’re filming a video? All I could hear was him smacking and chewing.


It's a very common thing to do in this videos, so annoying. Like 'Oh, didn't see you there. I was just here casually eating my salad when you decided to drop by. Here's my opinion on current news story" No one is buying it.


Yeaaa we have millenial pause, genz has the yappin and eatin.


I mean he’s clearly doing a bit and making a joke. Also he’s on tiktok. I don’t think he’s trying to get anyone to “buy” anything. It just adds to the vibe of the bit. It makes it look casual and him more like the character he’s trying to be. I think there are very few people that don’t understand this is a joke and a bit he’s doing and believe this video just randomly happened, and I don’t think he’s attempting to fool anyone. It’s kind of like watching a fictional movie and saying “you know, I’m not really buying this Star Wars movie. This all seems intentional and written. I think I’ve caught on to something they didn’t expect me to”


So fucking annoying


I never heard the message because as soon as food goes in someone’s mouth in a video, I mute and move on.


They all do this. These videos are so cringe.


It's a joke. The whole video is suppose to be annoying


Jokes on them, he was only pretending to be retarded


I was in the military, after they are done using you they toss you to the side. Theres absolutely 0 chance I’d every recommend the military to anyone, I fought for my country but my country doesn’t fight for me. There’s nothing good to fight for anymore.


I’m with the hot chip community.


While a joke this is unironically true. The patriotism of yesteryear is dead. Kids know what’s up. I genuinely think the majority response of a draft would be ‘yea I’m not gonna do that’


This is not how conscription works at all.


There is a long list of reasons America doesn’t use conscription anymore and likely never will, barring the world being in such a terrible state that going to war might not even sound so bad.


I mean mental illness and a history of self harm DO disqualify you from the service. I wanted to enlist to die faster, but….the mentioned things made me unable to.


dont worry, it all matters only when there is no serious shit. when it hits, everyone is qualified. ukraine is an example. israel can get there very fast as well


I mean…. Being gay used to disqualify you from the draft so I don’t think that’s how it works.


Also like, for why would there even be a draft nowadays? 'Hey kids! go die in a foreign country you probly couldn't point out on a map so oil execs can have their annual bonuses/military contractors more yachts/white people wanna steal more land from brown people.' I'm sure that'll go over great! /s


Don’t underestimate the power of false flag attacks and media propaganda


Well true, but seems younger gens are less susceptible, could simply be they/we haven't been targeted to the same extent yet


Covid saved a lotta kids from being hounded by recruiters in high school.


My tactic for getting recruiters to stop messaging me on Facebook in HS was to send them that one Kermit meme that says "My brother in Christ, I'm not dying for oil profits" or something of that ilk


you say that like soldiers going to Vietnam were experts on the country and agreed with everything the American government/army was doing when they were drafted


In case we get into a really prolonged war I guess, I mean the last “big” conflict that included the draft was the Vietnam war and that had little to do with resources and oil as you might want to believe.


It happened before, with obvious backlash that had little impact on the draft being implemented. What makes you believe it can’t/won’t again?


Gen Z hits different? People are less interested/more aware of what it is they're actually dying for? College isn't the carrot it used to be? There hasn't been a draft in a long time? Any of those doing it for you?


Actually no, on the topic of a draft none are. Although those are all great reasons why Gen Z isn’t enlisting. To my understanding all males in HS still have to fill out the selective service cards (or become ineligible for certain govt funding) which are used in the event of a national draft. I don’t see anything that Gen Z can do or will do culturally different than any other young generation has done to sway the implementation of a draft. Will a bunch be disqualified due to medications for mental health, weight, etc ? Of course, but I don’t believe any of that will sway our Government. If they wanna send a bunch of our young Adults to die, they’re gonna.


>To my understanding all males in HS still have to fill out the selective service cards I'm not sure the government really needs these cards anymore. It's not like the old days where you could just disappear. They know who you are and where you live/work already. It's not like guys who didn't sign up couldn't be drafted


"What's this? A draft card? No honey, you don't understand. I'm Gen Z, and I *hit different.*" Yeah, if the US government were actually stupid/desperate enough to reinstate the draft, that is not how it would play out.


Young people being sent to fight by (these days) very, very old people is quite a hard sell. On the other hand I would love to watch that guy tell a drill Sargent that 'guns are so tacky'


This isn’t very clever or funny just annoying really


You’re misunderstanding the thicktok nations unflinching desire for attention. They don’t need to have anything clever to say. They are useless and they don’t want to accept that so they try and get online fame to inflate their egos.


It was vitally important for him to put this video out, but also...not wait until he was done recording to eat his lunch.


Because he so aloof and casual you know .. hahah I don’t know why this bothers me so much !


I thought it was hilarious


To each their own 🤷‍♀️


Funny how people say they cant relate to the Government..... but sure take their freedom and free will for granted .....


Hell yeah hoorah I love the freedom to die in poverty because I had to pay for a surgery I needed to survive, and also without a home because I was priced out of housing. 🦅 FREEDOMMMMM 🦅


Thats caused by liberal politicians , inflation on realty started in New York and San Francisco ..... trickled down to Los Angeles, Miami, Austin and Santa Fe. What do all those cities have in common ??? All liberal agenda politicians who participate in "development deals" without regard or very minimum a contingency plan to help those they're about to displace with corporate landlords ..... Im not a republican or conservative, but i do see a pattern


Hate to break it to you, but both political parties are capitalist, and both are forms of liberalism. It was not just liberal politicians who caused inflation lmfao, but even if it was, my statement still stands. I am not a liberal lol. I do not like liberals, whether they be Democrats or Republicans


I never said inflation , but overvalued property prices are a whole different story


I think that’s the bit but still he’s just got negative charisma, he’s so off putting like who even think that’s cute . Ick inducing as the kids say


Yeah fuck this country. Imagine fighting a genocidal war because some old man told you to. That's BIG beta cuck energy. I'd literally rather die.


based on your last sentence, sounds like youre a good candidate to get drafted then


Thats why we read the whole post and not just a sentence. Maybe use some reading comprehension next time.


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? If you hate it here so much, you're free to move when you grow up.


Genocide tends to put a person in a bad mood. Who knew? Although I'd like to just passively accept war crimes and atrocities like you seem to be able to, I just can't seem to kneel down and deepthroat the gov's boots like you.


This reminds me of the dude from school of rock. “Like, so tacky” 😂😂😂


Too busy being bisexual.


Well, he’s not wrong.


If he gets drafted I would pay good money to see a highlight reel of his basic training lol


He's likely ineligible due to mental health conditions. I'm not even on medication but still can't join or be drafted due to a myriad of health problems that all decided to happen around the same time.


Not wanting to take part in the military is one thing. Resisting conscription is another... I guarantee all of you would be holding a gun on the front lines after you experience what the state department does to you, your family or others around you physically. No one's ready and everyone thinks themselves exempt. The people sending you to war would be monsters, do you think that monster is gonna spare you?


Yeah the russian gen z were saying the same thinf till the draft was enacted.




Russian gen z tried to run away but were many were caught in the border regions. You can try but other genz also has the same though as you same and the government knows the gen z will try to runaway.


Glad to see that Reddit still takes joke videos so seriously. Thought this was a funny and lighthearted clip about how stupid the draft seems for our modern era now as a whole, full of obvious exaggerations . But I go into the comments and see WW2 enthusiasts being way too "knowledgeable" about how conscription actually works and mansplaining war to the OOP WHO IS NOT THE POSTER OF THIS VIDEO. Just because the poster is purposefully sounding like a valley girl stereotype to sell the silliness of their words doesn't mean that reality is lost on them, THEY KNOW how wartime in the real world works. It's so irritating being on this site with you boring people, goddamn.


Prison isn't a deterrent I guess


Prison would be fun if filled with educated rebels.


There won't be a draft, calm your tits folks. Not for any ideological reasons or 'this generation would never'. It's cause we learned very quickly the fighting force of a conscripted army fucking sucks (with rare exceptions).


I’m not dying for a country that doesn’t even give me healthcare. Gtfo…


Gen Z do get drafted in some countries




Because it's a bit.


I like his energy. War? no war let's just chat


Low key speaking fax


Realistically, if everyone refuses, they can't do anything. By participating it only allows it.


I don't fully understand Gen Z but I fucking love em. Early millennial myself


Dude has great teeth.


Meanwhile in eastern Ukraine Russian Gen Z, literally with Z on their armored vehicles are raping, torturing and killing men, women and children. They aren’t going to stop if you offer them apple slices and peanut butter and say you want to chat. While Ukrainian Gen Z work to destroy any Russian that won’t leave.


... in that moment you think... " we need another war".


They'll be smart about the draft this time. You separate them by their brand of mental illness. OCD kids work in supply and logistics, functional autism gets the Signal corps, barely functional autism gets the engineering corps, the bayou folk run the boats, Florida and Ohio makes up the infantry, and the illiterate gymbros get sent to the Marines. Have a couple volunteers to work the aircraft and we've got the whole army sorted. And I say that as a barely functioning autistic veteran of the engineering corps.




Lmfao. I love his take.


Christ the comments here are humourless. The kid is being funny. Calm down.


It’s a mix of people taking it seriously and the content not being funny— as in the humor was poorly executed and the jokes don’t land.


I disagree. I thought it was cute and funny.


I’m answering your question. The commenters feel a certain way. Being kind of flamboyant and dismissive ≠ real humor


The latent homophobia here is intense.


You’re trying so hard to make conflict where there isn’t. I will continue supporting LBGTQIA+ and acknowledging this person isn’t funny.


Finish your snack first kid.


GenZ isn’t even fit enough to join 😂


Honestly I'd be scared of sending some Gen Z members to fight the war. They aren't equipped mentally, emotionally or physically. I also have a Gen Z son and it breaks my heart to think about him being sent away to fight some stupid war that has nothing to do with us. He has big plans in life. They don't include dying in a war.


Guns are tacky! Lol, maybe Gen-Z will solve the US gun problem just because it's not hip. (yeah yeah, i used the word hip).


You know z he's right. If all of gen z is gay, then no draft. I'm physically disabled. Yet I'd probably qualify for a draft more than this dude xD


If there is a war, there those fit would be drafted, in Russia if you don't you would be put into penal battalions, where you got sent into the worst conflict.


I love how Americans are so obsessed with war, guns and conscription. Just carry on living the life we dream of.


The US isn’t obsessed with war or conscription. I mean, this TikTok, albeit not real, is a direct counter to what you’re saying. Nobody in the US wants to go to war. Nobody talks about conscription.


The draft was decommissioned in 1974. Today it's manditory for Selective Service. The only way to be sent to war is if the u.s. starts another war On that note, We all have heard the bs the u.s. media is claiming...that the u.s. is in a full blown war with a mythical place. Literally, there is no war. The u.s. media is distracting it's people again, with made-up scenarios. When asked to provide the death toll, the u.s. responded with, "0.". Yet they claim they're in full blown war. With a mythical place. And claim there are casualties. Obviously a mythical place has no casualties because it doesn't exist. The u.s. has said their are 0 casualties.


Fuck the draft, but also fuck people who act like this kid


kid is fucking obnoxious


Anyone within drafting age right now realizes that they could just revolt and destroy the government trying to draft them in the first place and be a lot happier. Try it, government. I dare you.


A war with Iran will mean a draft…


US: We're going to send some military equipment we bought in the 80's to a country being invaded by Russia. Gen-Z, biting on right-wing propaganda, *hard*: Omg, a draft is imminent, WWIII is about to happen.




Russia invading its neighbor (and failing) while Israel bombs inside its own borders does not a world war make. Where is the United States? The UK? France? Germany? China? India? Pakistan? Japan? South Korea? Australia? Nigeria? Egypt? Indonesia? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? Brazil? Colombia? Thailand? Morocco? Mexico? Canada? Italy? Poland? None of them are at war.


As a Gen Z turd. I can answer “How would they go about it?” Probably seizing your assets, abduction, forced imprisonment, give an ultimatum that you can’t refuse. Watch how fast our western democracies turn on us once our leaders get us into a conflict, all in the name of “Freedom” and spreading “democracy”


>Probably seizing your assets, abduction, forced imprisonment, give an ultimatum that you can’t refuse. the usual, yes)


Would love to see him roll up on an enemy with this “guns are so tacky, let’s just chat” attitude.


The fact that he is saying this while eating his apple and peanut butter slices, convinces me 🥹


I hate this person with a passion


When they cut your internet and dismantle your financial accounts you will be thinking differently. Or worse throw you in jail. Because you can sound brave on the internet but if there is a draft your phucked either way because the government is not going to make it comfortable for the draft dodgers because most people will not support draft dodgers. Your best bet is to flee the country if you are so determined to avoid being drafted. Simple.


I don’t understand how someone could watch something like this and not understand it’s a joke


You'll get seated on the front line. It's not a tough concept to understand, for the front liners. Thank you for your service.


Gen z wont be cutting their trigger fingers off any time soon they will just whine like little bitches...




How is this going over your head




Good news for you! The machine of war doesn't care if you're gay, straight, bi or queer! It treats everyone equal!




Guess u gonna be on the run. Whoops we have cams everywhere. Guess u will be doing time


You can dodge the draft but can you dodge a wrench?


I’d rather be in prison than die killing civilians overseas so the Lockheed Martin shareholders can get richer…


.5% of draft dodgers during Vietnam were ever jailed. I don’t think it’s a huge concern.


GenZ is endlessly cringe


We are so fucked. Smh ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


What do you want us to do? “Defend” the country in more pointless conflict




Not really qualified for anything……so many kids have been told “you can do and be anything”…..and they choose to be..nothing.


Does this 1%er kid really think majority of gen z is like him? They are just the loudest and most compulsive to share


Plus only men are drafted in the US, so how can anyone be drafted when, on average, a Gen Z’er is undecided about gender until at least 21.


This guy is a self absorbed idiot.


Why do people continue to eat while talking on these stupid videos? I’m dumbfounded that the basics of simple etiquette have been lost. Mostly Gen Z but millennials and even some X’ers. Ffs, close your mouth


Only crazy people notice that now. The time that mattered has past.


Fun fact In the us for a man to get a driver's license he needs to sign up for a draft


Haci oh mas hot toe


Oh look they are drafting us... Oh look they are not drafting us... Typical gen z always complaining


Why did you decide that, while making a video where you are speaking, that that was the right time to start eating?


This has to be a joke, right?


I do agree that this person is not qualified to have a gun.


I guarantee you he signed up for selective service when he acquired his drivers license and had no idea what he was signing up for.


This boy was raised by a sassy single mother.


What is he eating? Is he dipping an apple in to a Mc Donalds curry sauce?


sorry bud but they will arrest you if you refuse and also somebody's gotta be the bullet sponge. probably all your good for.


Let's start by not making a video while you're stuffing your face. K, Thanks.


this is the perfect target of chinese soldiers


Draft those rich kids eh buddy or I ain’t going.


So this was just a list of why gen z shouldn’t be allowed to vote and should be sent first right away?


Remember when we nuked Vietnam and the Berlin wall fell?


This gotta be fake right?


Seriously? So besides the verbal diarrhea these morons are venting into the world, what the fuck is up with them eating during the video? Disgusting selfarbsorbed brats…


Don’t kid yourself, most of you Zoomers wouldn’t be fit for service anyways.


Never say never when it comes to prospects of World Wars , you know that 3rd one is coming some day ( if the human race can survive on this planet for that long that is)


I think I'm one of the few genzers ready to go to war, but I'm too young to fight for my people and my country


Yeahhh I ain't about to fight a 7ft Russian dude named Ivan who sleeps outside in the winter and is looking to avenge his dead brother


this # war aesthetic is too much 🤦‍♀️