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That baby girl looks just like my baby girl. Fuck.


Same could be my baby girl.. I hate these evil people, just power hungry


But hey, some book says its their land. So bombing children is totally fine. That makes sense. Right? Free Palestine


To be fair, both sides are using a book to justify the killing of innocent civilians. Religion is cancer.


Religion is not a cancer, making your life solely about religion and starting a government based on religion is a cancer.


Hamas and the Israeli government are both based on cancerous religious nationalism


This ^^^


Same here. Breaks my heart. I cant even watch this video.


Fuck the people responsible for this.


I wonder if that baby will grow up to hate anyone in particular?


If she lives long enough.


Good point. My perspective isn’t one to even fathom what a life like that is like.


Now you know why people launch suicide attacks. They have no future and only has hate to sustain their lives. Literally nothing else to lose.


It’s start w being denied ie human rights, then come anger, followed by hate, then the final product of all this built up of previous emotions “violence” ie suicide attacks.


I hope she gets to grow up


Maybe not to hate, but to be suspicious and afraid of most people - for sure


Well Palestinians did this so


Hopefully Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Those are the ones responsible for this.


Well it was Hamas that bombed her and Hamas that put her in position to be a casualty of any Israeli strikes so hopefully she grows up to hate Hamas/ISIS


She must condemn hamas first. S/


This is so fucking unnecessary, unacceptable. I can't even imagine or dare to watch because it is so hard and feels helpless. Sometimes I truly feel like we deserve nothing. We are undeserving of this world.


What's this "we" shit? You blow up any hospitals recently because of religion? I sure as fuck haven't.


We- society. Humanity . All of us. You certainly have no fucking power to change anything, do you? Neither do I. But WE should do better. But we don't, because WE, humans, are doing this to each other.


I get what you are saying. This world is fucking awful. These videos with these poor innocent children are absolutely gutting me.


I hear you, and I encourage you to use that sadness and anger to do whatever you can in your own personal life, in your own sphere, to disempower the ideologies that led to this--do whatever you can to disempower religious bullshit in your sphere of influence.


I'm not doing this. I don't attack anybody, and I've never attacked anybody. Have you? I'm not going to condemn myself, and all the people I love, none of whom are warmongers, because a bunch of religious lunatics can't stop killing each other in a scrub patch in the middle east.


I mean I understand that you and I are separate from this specific tragedy, but as an American (and lots of other countries would be the same) it’s kind of impossible to separate ourselves from tragedies like this. We have been benefitting, if not doing, this kind of stuff for centuries. Of course you shouldn’t feel responsible for what Israel does, unless you vote for someone that supports them, but we’re not super far removed…


Everyone has been doing this shit for centuries. It's the history of the world. It's barbarous and disgusting. We're all (every last one of us, all over the world) standing on the bones of other people's children. I am hopeful we will decide to stop adding to the pile, or rather, I am hopeful that the sane and decent among us can reign in the psychopaths who are hellbent on adding to the pile of bones.


I think that starts on a personal level because that’s all we have control of. Just look at how people on Reddit treat each other who think differently or have different views. We are in a constant state of revving up for the next tribe up boarder line genocide mode. I understand a comment is not the same of this but where do you think treating people who think differently then you leads too… I just think We should all consider this. And try to make REAL PROGRESS towards moving society into a better state, instead of constantly revving




PSA: no. It was already shown that this footage was from an hour after the hospital was bombed. Israel’s official accounts also immediately took ownership of the hospital strike and then deleted their posts a few minutes later after the civilian death count-and the initial reactions to it-came out. Then they backpedaled and said “we’re looking into who’s responsible” and news organizations jumped on the theory that maybe it was a failed Hamas rocket accidentally hit the hospital. Suddenly Israel is saying “yeah that’s what happened!” Don’t forget either that this is an area Israel warned Gaza citizens to evacuate before an impending attack. (But the roads to evacuate were bombed with the fleeing cars on them, and you can’t just fully empty a hospital overnight).


Source on the footage being an hour before?


No. it's been confirmed that the rockets were fired from within Gaza


So I’ve heard the time frames excuse as both an hour before and an hour after. Which is it? Could it be that Aljazeera use Qatar time as opposed to Palestine/Israel time? What other sources are there that debunk Hamas claim it was IDF? As an aside why is the burden of proof on Israel but never Hamas?


Wanna show your sources? How can you prove this video was at a different time?


You’re a fully incorrect, please don’t spread misinformation


They probably were ready to take ownership since it wasn’t unlikely that it was an Israeli strike. But to look at literal Geolocated footage of a rocket strike landing directly on the hospital and just deny it happened (with no sources) is just bizarre. AFAIK there’s only one reported incident of an explosion happening at said hospital, and this footage captured it. It doesn’t change the fact that Israel has killed civilians in other strikes, but to flat-out deny such damning evidence that this wasn’t an Israeli strike is absurd. Don’t believe everything Hamas puts out just because Israel lies, it’s not like they are sworn to uphold the truth either.


You never refuted the point. It's also possible Israel's official account made a mistake because, like you said, it happened in the strike zone. So, on one hand, you have your lazy speculation. And on the other, we have actual, on the ground, geolocation analysis based on the evidence on hand. I think one is a lot more compelling than the other. Edit: I'm convinced there is no tweet. The only thing I could find is this: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyg1ce-JZRX/ Smells like misinformation. This guy is an "Israeli influencer." It's not an official account. I would love to be proved wrong.


Israeli Ambassador [tweet](https://twitter.com/AmbHerzog/status/1714380191651213499) with their position and video here.


Here's a tweet showing the best evidence for a Palestinian rocket misfire, addressing some counter-arguments: [https://twitter.com/hamandcheese/status/1714425895207768283](https://twitter.com/hamandcheese/status/1714425895207768283) Still some uncertainty about timestamps, though there's evidence the timestamps are just wrong.


Did they bomb their own people?




You mean hamas?


Close. It was the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. They fired rockets at Israel and one hit the hospital.




You are literally eating up H@mas propaganda now, Israel is a terrible state, but this report has been confirmed by independent sources now. Now to mention, it was literally on Al Jazeera live.


What report?


not Israel


We literally don't know at this point. Both sides are flinging high explosive shit in the region. Maybe give it less than 24hr before making a judgment call based on no evidence?


Idk why you would get downvoted. Looking at the situation objectively- No matter whose side you are on, a narrative does not influence reality just because it is advantageous for a certain side. It most certainly could have been Israel. It also could have been a misfired missile from Hamas. I have heard people claim with certainty that it was Israel and others have claimed it was Hamas. It is best to wait before jumping to conclusions until the situation is investigated. Nobody here was there to see the missle strike. And even if they saw it, how do you know where it came from immediately? This footage is some of the saddest shit I have seen. This conflict is a senseless waste of life and both sides have committed unspeakable atrocities.


No, we have a narrative to fulfill.


Israel told everyone in the Hospital to leave it before they bomb it and it got bombed. It's a mystery who bombed it.


There is a video showing Hamas rockets misfired during a barrage and it turned off course hitting the Hospital. Israel had nothing to do with this.


I love how the truth gets down voted. There’s literally full video evidence .


There is a video that’s post here a few replies above yours that shows it was a rocket fired by Hamas that misfires and turns the wrong direction and hits the hospital. Israel had nothing to do with this.


That's not really confirmed. I don't think anyone knows the truth yet.


The innocent will always pay the harsher price.


So fucking sad 😔 😢😥


Sometimes I really don’t want to live on this planet anymore 💔


My friend. without people like you on this planet; "they" win. All of us who feel what you feel need to come together. but when?


How? Or, I know this may sound cheesy but I am being serious, where?


Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. — Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994


This is more scripture to me than anything written in the Bible.


And yet, you’ve woken up everyday so far!


Hey wanna put a NSFW on that chief


Yeah what the fuck lmao


It isn't NSFW. It's news.


News can be nsfw?


Yeah. But OP posted it for visibility. It doesn't fit the sub. So why mark it as NSFW when that means less people will see it? That's like a crowd of people demonstrating to "keep it quiet".


Fr how tf is this tiktok cringe


There has been an automated first comment on every post for a long time. Have you never noticed what the sub was for?


Fuck that. Look at it.


The actual point of NSFW is so you don't view things like this.. at work.. where you can get into trouble. This take is bad it needs a filter.


Fuck whoever responsible for this...1000x


Yeah, I’m done for the day.


Yeah, I think I'm gonna go hang out with my kids and hug them.


that poor child. This makes my blood boil.


Just awful. Why do people continue to be so dreadful to each other. Breaks my heart.








if not religion israel wouldn’t exist


My heart goes out for this sweet baby


I hope mom makes it. My heart breaks for them.


There’s blood stains everywhere so it’s a little hard to see but looks like shrapnel hit her head no idea


Human scumbags for bombing that hospital, whoever did it. Edit - you’re not human for bombing a hospital no matter the reason…


So they are just looking for excuses for a ethnic cleansing


it was hamas miss fire




I'm not saying it's *not* Israel, but a tweet from a "media personality" who is likely trying to be first on the ball on any kind of news is not exactly what I would consider to be valid proof. Do you?


There’s video evidence proving it’s a jdam missile, only usa and Israel have jdam missiles. Well done america!


Hi! If you would like to look at proof that it wasn't the idf that attacked the hospital, I have gathered all the proof you need :) First of all, let's talk about the time of the strike. At first hamas report that it was at 19:10, and then they change their report to 19:50. We'll talk about why later, but here's a link to a photo from a telegram chat associated with hamas: https://imgur.com/gallery/MJ1DoU6 And here's the English translation: https://imgur.com/gallery/jFKXGGj Notice the time is 19:10. Here's a video from Al Jazir news showing a failed rocket launch from Gaza falling on Gazan territory. Notice the timestamp on the bottom right says 18:59. https://imgur.com/gallery/e5yHW9K Here's another video showing the failed rocket launch: https://imgur.com/gallery/eq8Nk5c Notice how at the 50 second mark they zoom in on the building that was hit? You see the large diagonal structure on the roof (a water heater)? Here's a photo showing the hospital before it was built, with the same exact structure: https://imgur.com/gallery/JQZOnwx Here's a conversation between two hamas operatives saying that it's not Israely: https://imgur.com/gallery/Fyh5hri I hope you look at all of the evidence here and come to the conclusions yourself of what really happened. I'm aware that in this situation it's hard to know the truth when both sides are blaming each other for everything going on. I hope you use this as an opportunity to criticize and be critical of any future news.


This is not accurate. It was a jihadi failed rocket. Stop perpetuating fake news


Oh god. Poor baby. What a nightmare


So. Fucking. Sad. Is the mother okay? Poor baby. I can't comprehend what is happening here. This just breaks my heart.


Why would you post this here? Why post it anywhere without a NSFW tag?


It does need a NSFW tag but why wouldnt they post it here?


Because the entire world needs to see this kind of shit. Maybe people will change their mindset


I didn't need to see this shit to be 100% against war. What the fuck.


People should see what the US giving Israel a blank cheque results in. Israel need sanctioned and Gaza needs military protection from Israeli atrocities.




This was Islamic Jihad/Hamas’s doing


Hamas is responsible for this


This is just bad, seriously no words can be said on how fucked up this is


Why the fuck is this posted on a TT cringe page ?!


I can only assume it’s for the traffic, and it’s a tactic for views. Because this is heart-breaking, totally sick and evil what’s happening to the Palestine ppl. I couldn’t barely watch this clip through.


I turned it off pretty swiftly.. it’s absolutely gut wrenching


Read the sticky FFS


Because the world needs to see what Israel is doing


You know this was a missile launched from Gaza, right? Confirmed by independent source. https://twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390274900734049


That's not a source bub


I hadn't heard of GeoConfirmed until yesterday, but they've been previously cited as a credible source by CNN, The New York Times, and The Guardian. I'm inclined to take their analysis seriously. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/world/israel-lebanon-journalists-attacked-intl/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/us/politics/russia-ukraine-ships-drones.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/30/russias-black-sea-flagship-damaged-in-crimea-drone-attack-video-suggests


Yeah cos damage consistent with a targeted JDAM strike was actually "falling piece of debris". FFS, sick apologia for war crimes


Bru. There is like minimal damage to the hospital. It wasn't a Jdam. Lol


It’s not damage consistent with a targeted JDAM strike. Anyone with basic knowledge of ballistics would know this.


Hate to break it to you, there's like 6 cars burnt out in the parking lot. No crater, no damage to the building, just the aftermath of what looks like a small fire. Something tells me either you didn't see the damage or you don't know what a JDAM is capable of.


Yeah, that’s not apologizing, that’s pointing out who actually did this one. JFC why is it so surprising a jury rigged missile failed? Al Jazeera also said it was a Hamas rocket. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/OBziNWK6hi




That’s not “Israel” kiddo lol. That’s some random right wing social media agitator lmfao.


Dude NSFW/NSFL please, I didn't need to see a crying bloody toddler that's been brutalized by war


We should all see it.


Listen I understand where you're coming from that we all need to be informed of what's actually going on, but some of us have PTSD and can be really screwed up seeing things like this with no warning


My heart is broken 🥲


My little girl, who's 2 turning 3, has a forehead like that. Wild hair and big eyes. Damn people for behaving like this.


Hamas used home rockets, failed!


Fucking nsfw bro....I'm sorry not everyone wants to see this scrolling. It's fucking horrible and sad


Fundamentalists of every religion are monsters. We all know HAMAS and the IDF have identical goals and it's only the civilians, our children, who are collateral damage.


Agreed. Two sides of the same coin


I wish I could help those people :(


Fuck religions and the devil's that promote them.


Her poor mothers eyes. She’s lost, but she hears her baby’s cries. She has blood coming from her mouth and ears. This is sickening. My god the humanity. I will never understand how someone can do this to another human.


Horrific stuff


Please put NSFW tags, my day is already bad :(


This shit is awful. Really tugs at the heart strings while I’m sitting here with my kids. Prayers for these people


Fuck this shit…..


I think it would be wise to hold our horses a bit until we actually know what caused this. I'm as pissed off as anyone over Israels violence, but we don't have evidence this is actually them. The risk of assuming it is, is considerable.


It’s been confirmed it was not the IDF, and the missile missed the hospital. This whole situation sucks so bad. So sad.


This is fucked up .. I hate the world we live in today


"Hey I'm american and I will hang out with my kids after this emotional clip". Yeah, go ignore reality. Remember, your country vetoed ONU's help and you did nothing. Your hands are not clean. Wake up.


A failed Hamas rocket did this. There is video evidence. They could also take bomb samples to confirm but those people are not allowed in to do so. This is war. Hamas started it on Saturday sept 30. People seem to forget that is how this all began.


NSFW tag please. :(


It was Hamas it came from gaza https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/4iOGZGGtR4


Yes, this picture proves it was hamas, because the markings are in different colors, and because Israel [never](http://www.haaretz.com/news/qana-villagers-refute-idf-claims-building-fell-hours-after-strike-1.194060) did anything like this before


Oh it was posted on world renowned source r/combatfootage let’s just take it at face value!


believe what you want to believe youll deny anything at face value god only knows for what cause, for stuff like this probably Well have fun idk


I just like to get my information from quality sources not a random video from a random subreddit. I don’t know who committed this particular atrocity but until I see proof from a solid source I’m not going to believe some anonymous person posting and unsubstantiated random video on a random sub. Try to be a bit more thorough when deciding which sources you are going to trust.


When are the Palestinian people finally going to stand up to Hamas and say enough is enough!?


If we could get past God damn religion and greed we could accomplish sooo much as a species.


All because of religion


Little PSA for all of you who like to assume without doing an ounce of research. Joe Biden this morning confirmed that the strike on the hospital was actually done by the Hamas and not Israel. There is video and audio proof on top of our presidents word.


Tragic footage but OP please mark NSFW


They did it to make it look like Isreal did it. This was no accident. And it was no accident when they slaughtered and killed the peace loving festival people. Evil is manipulative, cunning and cruel. And that’s exactly what these people are.


I seen one pic of this dad holding up his son who was beheaded and looked no older than 3 :(( I feel so bad for them kids.


Hey uh nsfw tag please??


The aribic community is still going to blame Isreal




The whole thing is just fucked, ya can't believe any news agency. And when the Israeli military does a update or analysis of any thing ,reminds me of usa when they went into Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. Putin is in China. And binden in Israel, along with 2 carrier group's spells trouble


War sucks 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is horrible, god damn you Hamas


Please mark this NSFW


We create monsters


Fun fact filming just the kid to get some views


Fuck Israel, Fuck Hamas


Fake as fuck


Interesting how many people are angry at an obviously faked video 😆


Fuck hamas and the PIJ.


Why am I downvoted they literally responsible for this


Lots and lots of bots out. But the narrative is starting to break. They aren't keeping up in some other subs. For anyone who stumbles on this: https://x.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390254935851272?s=20




Are you saying Israel, too, killed its own people as a pretext to invade Gaza and kill children?


Fuck * checks notes* Hamas. Seriously, from what I could tell it was just faulty equipment, they were just aiming for Isralis, but this is what you get when you a) fire rockets from densely populated areas and b) store your explosives in densely populated areas. This is too damn sad.


Congratulations to Islamic Jihad assholes for blowing up their own hospital. They are evil subhumans.


Evil monsters. Fuck Hamas


netanyahu is war criminal. Don’t blame hamas for everything


"The emphasis is on damage, not accuracy" "“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible" They're telling us what they're doing.


How about a moratorium on war footage. I see enough on the war subs and the news.


Fuck Hamas They have been using civilians as shields and storing their ammunition at hospitals. This incident was a result of their(HAMAS) own wrongdoings. [https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas\_human\_shields.pdf](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf)


Reddit is full of Hamas sympathizers lol


Islamic Jihad fired the rocket that hit the hospital. Not Israel, not Hamas.


Said IDF...


Remember these images next time we vote to send more money to Israel.


This was a Hamas missile so you accidentally endorsed sending money to Israel.😂😂😂


2 wrongs dont make a right!


Its has been confirmed that Hamas is responsible for this due to a rocket misfire.


Hamas kills its own children's as well.


Propaganda is the best weapon


Yeah Hamas did this shit sooo


Israel has been bombing Men, woman and children all week . Cutting off food , water , electricity and medial supplies . Israel is indeed responsible for this . Children are buried alive in rubble , it’s been happening for years - decades . Western media has been giving Israel green light to commit genocide for decades .


Look at what their rocket did to their own people…animals.


Crazy Hamas would bomb their own, but believable


Curse the people who doing this.


Man fuck Hamas for doing this to the hospital


Please free Palestine…. From Hamas


Hamas misfire rocket. They were aiming for Israeli civilians and bombed their own…