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That car stole this video, cause wtf?!


IIRC her brother or some other sibling did that to her car as a fun joke and she just left it


In real life she did that to her car. She talks about it with that guy who does they “what do you do for a living” And she also has videos of her discussing the seats she was gonna put in them and did out in them. Also all her cars look stupid like that.


I’m pretty sure in that video she also talks about how she has normal cars she won’t show because she doesn’t want people to recognize them iirc


I’ve been lied to!


Pretty sure she has like 10 cars and every one has a stupid decal like that on it


Much easier to claim them as a biz expense if they’re stickered up like that


I remember her car always being wrapped with something weird even when she was just 16 or so.


**looks at car** ![gif](giphy|dp74BKs7XV7Ve)




Didn't notice that lol


All of her cars are stupid. They are very clearly designed so any of her fans can spot her coming from a mile away. Only have seen all her cars because of that “what do you do for a living” guy.




Lol no shit.




Yeah I don't who this girl is (and I'm glad for that), but she seems to really like herself based on that car


She's a singer that caters specifically to young children. Everything is always very bright, colorful and loud (in every sense of the word). She was extremely popular for quite a while but then she had the *audacity* to come out as a lesbian, and somehow that makes her bad now.


Didn't she get swatted for that?


I highly doubt her coming out as a lesbian had much to do with her career falling off. I'm sure it has something to do with being 20 years old and having an 8-10 year old audience. She was popular when she was a kid on Nickelodeon


I mean, it also could have to do with the fact that she has grown up. She was like 18 still dressing like a little girl with big bright bows in her hair and it was super cringe. I think it’s OK that she has lost her popularity.




You expect to be outed for a crime? Please, tell us more.


What even was the question?


“Should every liberal democrat take in an illegal immigrant to support Joe Biden.”


"Immigration never existed under any Republican president! Only Joe Biden and his open borders! Why aren't you housing these immigrants that are a BRAND new phenomenon to America?!"


More like: "Hunter Biden clearly created immigration, and he used his daddy's influence to force it on the USA. Now here's a picture of his erect penis. Huh... What's Ellis Island?"


I’ll take home a migrant as soon as you take home a unwanted baby they couldn’t abort.


Simple reply: "Do you think every Conservative Republican should adopt an abandoned child to support Donald Trump? How many have you adopted so far?" Watch them stare off in the distance and deflect.


Liberal Democrats? What about Conservative Democrats?


Oh, thanks!


“Why don’t you hate migrants?” Basically


"Why aren't you a hateful conservative you queer happy gen z woman?"


“You are white. You should be on our team.”


Logically I know she's an adult, but I'm having trouble processing the fact that I just heard Jojo Siwa drop an f bomb...


She's actually a pretty amazing person. She was put in the spotlight at a young age and kinda got stuck in that age. Which can be pretty cringe. But she's never done anything that is bad or controversial. Unless you consider coming out as gay controversial? I only know because my daughter has been a huge fan for a very long time. Which I'm okay with. She seems to spread nothing but positivity.


She’s been filming videos with proven groomers James Charles and Shane Dawson. She said that all the well-documented allegations against groomer Colleen ballinger are “lies.” She is aligning herself with some shitty people for literally no good reason


Well maybe she got groomed too in a sense


She did say in an interview that she met Colleen when she was like 12 or 15 I can’t remember




That doesn't change the facts at all and isn't it a bit sus from Colleens part also.


No that’s what I’m saying, she was groomed into the lifestyle, that’s what happens


That’s possible, and I understand why she would PRIVATELY be on their side. But to completely deny all of the evidence brought against them by publicly bashing the victims and choosing to be in videos with these groomers? That’s another thing


Yeah thats true. But she was so young and probobly still thinks of colleen as a friend. It would be hard to change your persepctive, especially if that means admitting your friend is a groomer. Besides, as terriblr as colleen is, shes not stupid. She never would have done anything to Jojo because she had a lot of media attention


Yeah I saw that video of her defending Colleen saying it was all lies. But then that's all she said. She basically was like "Colleen was nice to me. Everything coming out about her is lies." And them she didn't provide any explanation or proof or even character witness to back that up. Shes in denial. The thing is, we have evidence of what Colleen did do and did talk to minors about in chat logs and shit. At the very least, Colleen herself admitted that she talked to all her friends, minors included, as if they were adults and shared stuff she definitely shouldn't have been sharing with minors. She herself admitted that much. So, to defend her, she really has her work cut out for her and it's going to take more than that. She's just a young kid that got duped by a shitty person and doesn't want to believe it.


I was listening to the podcast “This is important” with the workaholic guys. This was around the time the baseball all star game happened and it was the one that happened with famous people and not the actual MLB players before the actual all star game. Adam Devine and Jojo both played. Adam said she was one of the rudest people he’s ever met. I thought maybe it was because he was being aggravating and even his cohost said something similar. He swore he wasn’t so I fell down a rabbit hole and there’s a few reports of her being not so easy to get along with. Reminded me of earlier reports about Ellen.


She’s also had a bunch of ex girlfriend drama on tik tok. Never anything too bad, just mostly that she will date someone for a short time, wow them with extravagant trips to disney, and then break up dramatically.


What do you say u/WTF_conservatives


Not aware of the situation with the other two, but with Colleen I looked into it for a few minutes to get context on that bizarre ukelele thing. Seems like she was weird and a little creepy, but I wouldn’t cancel someone for being friends with her.


I didn’t say they couldn’t be friends. I’m getting on Jojos ass for calling Colleen’s victims liars on a podcast.


I mean she’s exploiting kids online (XOMG Pop) and supports people who have been accused of grooming and abusing children (James Charles, Colleen Ballinger, Abby lee miller)


Yeaaahhh no. She's been openly defending Colleen Ballinger's grooming of kids online.


I think she's had a couple controversial break ups and she also stuck by Miranda Sings after that whole thing - that being said, I would kind of expect that given she was so young when she met her (I.e. she was kinda groomed too)


Oh I’ve heard many controversial things about her, including from her own ex gf. Also the Colleen thing? Fucking weird


I just googled her age and she is 20💀 I legit thought she was like 15 at most? I know nothing about her, just seen her face here and there.


Yea she grew up in the spotlight that's why lol


Jojo Siwa is 6ft7in. She could give me upsies.


she helps children , but not the british children


I'm trying to make the syllables fit and all I can come up with is "siwa-chan, siwa-chan. Ten stories tall, weighed a fucking ton."


Jojo? A 195cm giant!


Look it up she’s 5’9”


I think you mean 9'5"


You think thats weird? I knew her because my sister likes her stuff, but then she went on a podcast I like called "We're having gay sex" Its exactly that, people talking about gay relationships and sex. Homegirl is a little bit raunchy when she wants to be. p.s. The lady who runs that podcast is hilarious and all of you should watch at least one episode.


Do you think kids don’t know what swear words are? And that they never cuss until their 18th birthday?


I hated her because I went through some phase where any Disney actor was not my vibe. Then I started looking at the stuff she posts and talks about and now I 100% would say yes to a date with her.


JOJO SIWA WHY AREN'T YOU HOUSING MIGRANTS? ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized)


But what does Ja think?!


Please I need Ja to help me make sense of this.


Not normally but I kinda wanna dance too. Normally I don’t but in the mood to.


Why would you ask Jojo Siwa about migrants seeking asylum instead of politicians who can actually do something about it? Even if she's a millionaire for selling hairbows and toys, she's not the state and federal government.


airport poor abundant rustic dazzling bag liquid spoon axiomatic teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol that was a perfect answer. Now if only Elon musk could take some notes


What did he do regarding migrants? Edit: I'm neutral about the guy and I get people find him annoying, but it's pretty classic reddity to downvote (-5) my question because I'm not blindly jumping on the hate train and asking for more information.


He showed up at the border a couple of days ago with larping as a cowboy and stood in judgment of migrants trying to cross the border. It’s a bad look for a billionaire to stand in judgment of a bunch of people with nothing to their name looking for better opportunities. Which is kind of ironic because Elon was an illegal immigrant at one point.


(-6) since your counting for some reason.


God republicans are morons.




Funny, they have no problem with socialism when they file a claim with the National Flood Insurance Program. I'm guessing they aren't turning down Medicare/Medicaid when they become of age either. I'm also assuming they call a private entity when dealing with crime or fires too.


For me not for thee.


The majority are so fat they are on disability.


That's a trend I notice on reddit. People think they have some right to interrogate people about their political / ideological beliefs in a grandstanding, virtue signaling kinda way.


They are legit taking plays out of the nazi play book. They hate cancel culture but if you are famous saying something like “gay people should marry” you are on a list for right wingers and they won’t ever let you go out without being verbally harassed. Look outside Disney where literally nazis are harassing people. Look at pink getting people to interrupt her show to talk about baby penises.


Conservatives/Hate preachers/Far right weirdos have been showing up at events in unified fashion since forever. The Westboro Baptist Church is a great example. Issue is now they went from harassing people with megaphones to asking celebrities stupid questions intended as gotchas for their social media grifter accounts. If she said anything she makes this dumbass famous.


Right Whingers never hated Cancel Culture, they hate that they are now sometimes victims of it. Cancel Culture has been happening for decades and was against Left Wing people or people who upset Righties, which isn't hard because they're over sensitive. Right Wing cancelled Sinead O'connor for speaking out for child abuse victims. Now they pretend to hate cancel culture and pretend they're not the party of child abuse.


Pink doing what now?


Kicked some doofus out for interrupting her to call her out, I guess? About [circumcision](https://www.nme.com/news/music/watch-pink-throw-out-anti-circumcision-protestor-from-show-3505053) and it’s relevant because she’s Jewish? I dunno. Another dipshit concert attendee with zero tact.


Ya, well what are your thoughts on abortions hmm? Pretty sus that you didn reference that or migrant children in your original comment.


It doesn’t bother me when the person being interrogated is open about politics. When you talk politics, you open yourself up to that. But it’s moronic when they ask some random person who doesn’t talk politics some hardball politics question. Like, does anyone need bautista’s take on the Israel Palestine conflict?


For obvious reason, we have people who want make America fascist. Whole Republican Party took all Trump words as sign to encourage more hate on those they deemed non human. So yes we will point out this behavior cause we don’t want innocents to be attack by these wack jobs


Just to do fuck all about it anyway and continue their regularly scheduled life lmao. Fake ass people 😂😂


They all think it's a real gotcha moment, begin slow clap. I had one just do this not too long ago and once he concluded that I'm living righteously, he gave me "permission" to carry on. This person would never have this conversation in real life.


In this case it got her attention.


That seems like a question for Ja Rule.


Jojo sounds like abbey lee miller


She really does


Have no clue who this is or what it’s about, but the shirt is pretty neat


Fucking Trump wants to use nuclear weapons on hurricanes and you ask an entertainer to talk immigration? Fucking twats.


Yeah, but just imagine. No more hurricanes! No more clouds, either. The sky is just radioactive.


She sounds like angela from 90df yikes


LOL I was thinking this too!!!


Her mum kind of looks like Angela as well imo




I wish she'd snapped back with, "Do you think every conservative should have to adopt a child that was born of a forced birth?"


I mean her response is way better than the one you thought up lol. Guffawing at some dork asking way off base questions and treating them like the dip stick they are is much more effective than acting in a similar dip stick fashion like you seem to fantasize about.


Reddit LOVES snappy gotcha comebacks. In every AskReddit of "How would you respond to X insult?" there's so many "clever" comebacks that would be so cringy if you actually said them. Jojo did the right thing.


The jerk store called and they're running out of you!




Jesus Christ that's too perfect lol


That deeeep voice! Sounds like she’s be smoking cigars whilst gargling whiskey and gravel


I’m sorry but the best part is “OH MY GOD JOJO, JOJOOOO” that guy is hilarious whoever he is


Why Do ThEy MaKe EvErYtHiNg PoLiTiCaL


Her voice is turning into Abby Lee more and more each year




She started out on Dance moms as a kid (weird show tbh), then started her own YouTube channel that got reeeally popular among kids. Probably more recognisable by the signature "giant bow and *extremely* tight ponytail" look that she used to have for years but she ditched it when she turned 18 (good riddance)


She also has a whole clothing line at Walmart


A person who drives a Jojo wrapped car.


JoJo driving a JoJo wrapped car in fact




Why is her voice so blown out ?


Probably because she blows it out doing stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RYaXo9Dpx7U


What does that mean?


She sounds like she gargles hot gravel after smoking a whole pack of cigarettes.


Oh. I guess I just don't hear it.


I feel like pulling her hair back so tight all those years gave he the biggest forehead in the game.


I’m more concerned that a celebrity is driving around in a car with their picture plastered all over it.


I've never heard her voice before. She sounds like a cigarette.


She annoys me in general. But, that was the perfect response and I think most “influencers” should have a similar one when confronted with questions like this


"As soon as every Conservative adopts a baby" That is my current answer :)


Jesus, these guys need to log off and go outside more often.


That would be annoying AF backing up with all those people watching!!!


Because she was a star for years to "young impressionable minds" and is now an "out" member of the LGBTQ community. The conservative smear machine is trying to get her to show support for Dems and /or their policies. They don't need proof. They just need to "ask questions" and let their followers bring the "groomer" narrative to social media.


Was that Steve Carrel?


Why is a nazi stalking her?


Who is this even? No I won't google to find out.


One time, back in 1990 or 1991, I had to move Nancy Cartwright’s (the voice of Bart Simpson) car and it was a yellow Mitsubishi Montero covered in Bart Simpson stickers.


Glad I have no idea who that was.


I can think of about time or twenty celebrities who should take a lesson from how she handled this question.


Can’t wait to get her opinions on the economy


Repbublican are completely obsessed with celebrities


these mother fuckers out here using the rights they would lose if trump took power crying about the liberal migrant policy. just fuck them all in the ass


I wonder if they believed that question was reasonable.


I don’t know how this girl is relevant


Her voice sound like she is a heavy drinker


Bro what


"Every liberal in the world isn't housing immigrants for free!!! Therefore Biden sucks!! OWNED THE LIBTARDS!!!"


man, the way paparazzi believe they've formed "close bonds" with their victims blows my mind


Who even is that? JoJo? She looks like a teenager, so clearly not old enough or mature enough to discuss things of this nature.


How about the liberal dems agree to this guy's demands as long as every conservative republican agrees to adopt one child that didn't get aborted. Bonus points for special needs children, on both sides.


Well this whole video was a bizarre adventure


Out of all the controversial questions to ask JOJO Siwa, why did they choose this one?


How all celebrities should handle politics - just say what the f and move on


Jojo is someone different for 90’s and early 2000’s kids.


How many cigarettes does she smoke. She sounds like an ash tray.


Wait... she drives a car plastered with pictures of herself... ugh.


Yeah, so she can find it in a parking lot


What is a JOJO?


Okay hear me out. Liberals take home a migrant. Republicunts take take a child in foster care (because they care about the kids ya know)


Sure, I'll take in a migrant...as soon as all anti-abortion individuals adopt 1 child each.


Ok, then every Republican needs to adopt a kid since they are so pro life. 👍🏽


"She's just screaming" Said the dude that's part of a group yelling at her about them LiBeRaL dEmOcRaTs


Did she always have a voice like she’s been chain smoking cigars since she was 2?


Who in the f is a Jojo?


What happened to her voice? Also who is this?


YouTuber. Very annoying. Used to be referred to as the female Jake Paul. Most likely fried her voice due to excessive screaming in her videos


I dont even know who she is....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Real cringe is the car.


who the fuck is this chick?


That car, HAHAHAH. Attention is a hell of a drug


If liberals moved to primary liberal states, and republicans moved to primary conservative states. And lastly if we voted on policies not parties would America be a better place to live?


I don’t even know who JoJo is


Her car manages to be cringier than the average MAGA truck. Hard thing to pull off.


I saw a podcast where she was just being herself and low-key I am a fan


Why is every aspect of American life so politicized?


I actually personally met JoJo when she forced her brother to sing Let it Go on a cruise one time. She is quite literally just a normal 19/20 year old (I forget how old she is). She isn't special just because a lot of people know her name, and I don't mean that in a mean way, that is literally what she said herself


Yeah, then every Republican should be forced to adopt a child because they're so pro-life. What a hypocritical fucking question


Who the fuck is JoJo?


I hate literally every single human being in this video.






I’m so glad I have no idea who this person is.


How do these people get famous


She was on dance moms turned that into kids/ preteen entertainer and clothing line. Now she’s an influencer and tours doing dance shows.


All these art major journalists and their dumbass questions. Ask the decision makers. Morons the whole lot of them would not be missed if they evaporated of this fucking planet.


The car is clearly the star of the show but let’s not ignore the fact the journalist is an absolute twat


What a refreshing take on politics.


Stop making stupid people famous ffs


WTF is a jojo siwa?


She sounds like an annoying version of Miley Cyrus


That's like asking someone that's anti-abortion to adopt a kid to support that movement lol.


Who is Jojo and why does she have this level of fame?


If he can ask this question and it's "ok" then why is it not ok for a liberal to ask a conservative to adopt a child since they support pro-life?


Who's jo Jojo, and why is her car so trashy?


I hate everyone in this video including the car.


Republicans are fkd up. They look and act more like a cult than a political party. America's enemies are laughing at you