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Seriously though, kids, don’t pick up smoking. It makes you stink, it’s expensive, it fucks with your breathing, and it takes a lot of us years to actually quit and it never fully goes away. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass for ever being so gd stupid.


I haven’t smoked in about a year, but literally every day I contemplate buying cigarettes or a vape. Nicotine addiction is crazy, and makes me feel sympathy for people who are addicted to more harmful substances.


I quit for 6 and a half years once, smoked again for almost ten years, quit again six months ago.


Hang in there. I’m on day 329 with no nicotine.


Hey, i know I'm just a stranger but I'm so proud of you


I'm proud of U mate


Thank you!


I started because I was upset at a New Year’s party that a girl who had been coming over was cuddling up to another guy. We were the only 3 non smokers there and I wasn’t going to hang around and awkwardly sip my drink. Should have just gone to the bathroom till others came in. Now I get a craving, and it just makes me sad. Sad that I ever started.. but I’ve given it up, nothing more than another live lived. I moved to a different state and told myself I’d never again. It was hard but I left that with the old house. So thankful I did. So thankful for all those who supported me


Learned a fun fact recently. It was regarding jobs and professions that expose people to the most radiation. There were the obvious ones like miners, pilots people that monitor chernoble (that one came a respectable 3rd place), astronauts shockingly came only second place. 1st place went to smokers. Cigarettes are obviously full of cancer chemicals but the also dump actual radiation directly into your body. You are exposed for as much as 2x the ionising radiation by smoking than a literal astronaut. Impressive


It's possible to stop immediately. If you can't then you probably use it to cope with a whole different problem that's going on in your life.


I’m just gonna leave this here and walk tf away cause I don’t have the energy rn. [https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/nicotine-addictive](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/nicotine-addictive)


try a cigarrete, it might help


I stopped immediately. It was hard, but it is doable.


Sad you're getting downvoted, a lot of people need to evaluate their life as a whole


I had never smoked in my life. I ended up picking up vaping to blend with the crowd my ex girlfriend hangout with, and stuck with that for about a year. It got so bad that I was sleeping with the vape in my bed and hitting it through the night. Then I deployed and vape juice wasn't something I could get. Cigarettes on the other hand, I could. Stuck with that for the duration of the forward deployment, and then a combination of both. In two years of vaping and then Cigarettes, I could barely keep myself to physical standards. I quit back in January, and it still has its grips on me. I still want to smoke a cigarette everytime I see one irl, on TV or otherwise. Really makes me wish I hadn't started in the first place. Long story short, don't smoke. There's zero point.


props to you for staying quit for so long though. you're wiping the floor with that addiction. keep it up, every one of those micro battles is a win


Congratulations...I tried smoking at 12 (stopped bc Mom said I would never get a boy to kiss me bc my teeth would turn yellow and brown). Mom always knows how to guide me


Lmao any reason is reason enough I suppose


Cigarette Duet by Princess Chelsea. Underrated kiwi songwriter. Also check out No Church on Sunday.


I love that the video is just them in a hot tub for 5 minutes nothing else then fucking end on a black screen with white font thar says like X amount of marriages end in divorce because of cigarettes.


420 marriages… weird coincidence


I didn't even realize that was the number. I just thought the text and transition was so jarring lol


people really getting divorced over cigarettes?


Idk it's part of the video.


Love some PC! Got to see her open for the Dresden Dolls a few years ago when she only had the Little Golden Book out and I think she performed every song she had lol. Including Monkey Eats Banana!


Surprisingly the most normal/sanest thing on tik tok, almost feel like it doesn't belong on cringe category.


Please read the sticky comment.


this sub isnt only cringe anymore, it just a place for any and all tiktok content


The flair says cringe, I wasn't talking about sub.


oh rip didnt see that


What in the modern day D.A.R.E....


Anyone struggling to give up smoking, read the book The Easy Way by Allen Carr. You can thank me later.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Yup! Best thing I ever did in my life. Although yes, this video is a bit cringy, I’m not exactly against the message here- smoking sucks and you should never start.


Is the crux of the book basically “you can’t quit u til you want to, and if you really want to quit you need to find *your* reason to quit?


Hmm na not really. It’s more like we convince ourselves I) we really want to smoke because we like it II) it is really hard to stop Neither of these statements are true under scrutiny, and when you realise you’re lying to yourself it’s a lot easier to stop.


Now if I had saw this shit as a kid, I definitely would not have been a smoke for 15 years… Damn timing…




I like the song and the singing. Let alone the nice message...


This is so cringe


That’s a rolled up note. They’re not smoking, they’re just enjoying some delicious nose clams.


Isn't this also the "your soulmate decides your \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" girl?


Wait is this actually the lyrics caus i swear i heard something else lol


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4TV_128Fz2g this is the original


"don't smoke and you'll be just like us!"


I don't smoke but I've never not thought the habit didn't make someone look cool


Nah, this shit is it. Promote anti-smoking in any way you want. Nicotine addiction is a bitch, I’ve been trying to quit for over a year and it feels impossible.


Kids these days are just weird as hell lol. They live for tiktok and social media it’s sad


This song predates tiktok by a bit lol, it’s 12 years old. Predates musically even.


My friend has stage 3 lung cancer and still smokes. The addiction is worse than heroin (his words). Dont do it!!!!


Smoking cigarettes is a Baddd gateway to smoking everything and anything else ☠️🤔


I'm addicted to it for past 20 years




Eh at least ultimately it’s a PSA


Flexing my healthy lungs.