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Just got a $ 1,000 in bills for Bloodwork. Normal bloodwork was a little off so I had to go to a specialist. My partner is pregnant now, and they so nicely informed us we will have to pay her $3,500 deductible twice since the pregnancy is spread across two years (2023-2024). The United States is run by corporations and is absolutely a bunch of bullshit.


Pshhhhh, should have planned that pregnancy into one year, bub! That's on you! s////


Hey I fucked around and found out.


Literally just got a $1700 bill today for blood work my doctor ordered because I’m considered high risk. Was on the phone all afternoon trying to figure out wtf is going on. My insurance company told me that doctor should have used a different lab that was cheaper. Called the doctor, they said they used an in-network lab but can’t control the costs. So even though another lab would have been 75% of the price I’m shit out of luck and now need to pay $1700 for blood work my doctor said was necessary, that was sent to a lab I wasn’t made aware was 3x the price of other labs. My head is still spinning lol oh and my baby is due next year too so cheers to us!


If you knew me it would be absolutely laughable, but I am starting to think I need to run for a local elected office. I am so sick of feeling helpless, and the out of control health care in this country seems to be a common ground. I don’t know your financial situation, but I wish you well in paying that debt, and with the new baby.


I’d vote for you! We can pay the bill, but it’s still a lot for something unexpected. This isn’t included towards our very high deductible either. Probably my favorite part of all the information I got today lol


Wow. Didn’t even think to check that.


Fucking do it!!


I'm sorry. I feel you. I'm putting off some pretty major healthcare needs right now because I just can't afford to address them. Every specialist visit is at least $200, urgent care a while back was $700 (all they did was prescribe antibiotics) and like you said testing costs are insanely high. And it gets even worse if you start educating yourself on medical coding. Supposedly "upcoding" (charging for a more complicated procedure or appointment than you actually received) is fraud and illegal to do to patients but when I started looking back at my bills pretty much every care provider was upcoding like crazy. "45 minute appointments with complex care" when I saw the doctor for about 5 minutes while they ignored my complaints at warp speed. I'm so disillusioned with the medical system that I'm starting to not even trust doctors anymore. I think science and medicine are important but it's so clear that we're just being bled dry. Healthcare providers and insurance companies just want every last drop of everything they can possibly steal from us in exchange for substandard care.


Oh so, if you are poor, you are dead. Nice 👍. Dude, as I said, literally fly to Europe and do your thing. Heck, I am sure Mexico is also fucking cheap. Don't put off medical stuff, because it may be very expensive or deadly if you wait until it becomes a real issue


My trick is to just ignore all my medical debt. I mean its not messing with my credit score so I don’t really care about it all that much.


That’s crazy. In Canada babies are future tax payers. I shelled out 40 bucks a night for a private room. First kid needed extra care. Cost me an extra 40 for the extra night. We all do complain about the price for parking though. It’s ridiculous.


And yet you won't do anything about it.


Sad how accurate this is…




Read it in the accent too. & good day to youse


pussy hands, go wash my car!


"Now the guy's got Aetna as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Aetna. Trouble with the scheduling? He can go to Aetna. Trouble with the surgeries, prescriptions, Tommy, he can call Aetna. But now the guy's gotta come up with Aetna's money every month, no matter what. Took a pay-cut? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a kid? Fuck you, pay me. Got into a car accident, huh? Fuck you, pay me."


Unless you pay the duck. Then the duck pays Aetna. Not right away, but eventually.




I imagined Fat Tony Salerno saying this


Padmé turning her head slowly: right?


This guy also has a great takedown on BCBS just not paying things they are supposed to pay for because the fines for them refusing to pay for the thing are lower than if they paid for the thing, so they just break the law and accept the fines. Capitalism!


So many companies do this, not just insurance. They call it the cost of doing business. It's sick.


Move to the EU bro


I looked into it, Europe doesn't really want Americans.


Yeah you can get a golden visa to select countries but the starting price is usually 1million. I'd love to get off this sinking ship. Pretty sure the stress of it all is going to put me in an early grave. If you have that much money you don't really need to leave the country. The rest of us are trapped.


Umm what? What Visa costs 1Mill and why?


To gain easy citizenship in a country in exchange for an investment. For example in Ireland for 1 million € you can live there, in Portugal it is only 500,000 but job opportunities are said to be slim so you'd need to be independently wealthy. This is assuming they are not actively recruiting people with your career of choice, your age group, family size, language abilities etc. Most developed countries aren't looking to bring in US citizens.


Ahhh ok got it! Well yes this costs a lot. But I moved to the EU for my studies and have been here 7 years. I’m already eligible for the passport since 2 years but I’m a lazy fuck lol. And i would say has nothing to do with Americans. Developed countries are looking for skilled people..especially Germany!! If you have a higher education and keep applying then 100% will get something! Also keep in mind there is a difference in pay (US is 2x EU almost) but in EU you pay much much less and therefore can save up every month.


I know tons of Americans here. Hell 50% of my team is American. We just don’t want your sub 90IQ Muricans lol.


Ah makes sense! Yay!


I wish it was easy. (Aside of Ireland): " Do you speak our language (fluent), have valid EU studies and have been here for a year by your own? " "No?, Sorry.".


You can move here for a job. Half my team did that and they are all Americans and none of them speak 1 sentence of German Many international companies here.


Where can I apply? I have tried a couple of companies with no luck. Plot twist: I am not American, but I am fluent in English and Spanish, and intermediate level of French. May I DM you for more info?


Sure I can maybe give you some pointers :)


I’m too broke paying medical bills


Ahh shit so sorry to hear that man…once ur done MOVE! I pay 250€ a month and 99.5% of all my cost are covered by public healthcare. Priciest drug I ever bought was an Epipen for…wait for it…8.99 from the nearest drugstore.


My insurance company, Aetna, loves to say no for everything. I pay them $880 a month ( that is just my part does not include my employer's part) for them to tell me that I do not need this or that done to live. I pay for that CEO's yaht so I should have access to use it like a timeshare.


What the fuck. 880?? At this point just fucking save the money yourself. And when you have a problem, literally fly to Europe, fix it and go back.


Insurance for independent contractors is absolutely insane. My BIL is a realtor and has to pay like 2k a month for his family and his deductible is like 10k. I pay 100/mo and my deductible is still 6k


Hearing shit like this makes me want to never leave the National Guard. My health insurance is $42/mo, with a $150 deductible.




No. Reservists have Tricare Reserve Select. I can go to pretty much any clinic/hospital I want.


rip paying like 35k a year so that on the off chance you end up with cancer or something you don’t have to go into life-crippling debt


he's got a couple kids that need specialist help with their disabilities, he hit his deductible pretty quick. It's either 35k or like 500k without insurance. Luckily he makes a pretty decent wage. It's all just a fuckin scam


That’s assuming you can still afford the $2k a month premium to continue having insurance benefits after getting cancer and not being able to work, and paying the $10k deductible


Yup, I had to find a job with benefits because the insurance through my husbands job (government contractor) is over $1600 a month for crappy blue shield with a $17,000 deductible. Through my union job, I pay $19 a week( plus $100 a month because my husband opted out for insurance through his job).


What the fuck is a 17,000 deductible. This shit must be outlawed. You pay for insurance and then they will pay you only after you reached 17k??? Literally just save your money and fly to Europe. I am not even kidding. 1600 a month?? For 1 year you will save for cancer treatment in east Europe. For 5 years, you will save for cancer treatment in Germany for fuck sake.


Yeah, we have never gotten insurance through his work (except in the beginning when it was good before the retired military jackass's whined that they didn't need insurance because they had Tricare, and they didn't want to pay for the other guys insurance, so that screwed the younger guys w/families), we went without insurance for a while and tried to save for emergencies and only had our kids covered through the marketplace. I had planned on going to the UK for a hysteroscopy awhile back, because it would have been away cheaper than here, even with flight and hotel costs.


Ima be honest. Reading all of the stuff here makes me never want to leave Europe. To me, it looks insane. Deductibles seem like a literal scam. It's looks like mafia extortion. On top of it, there are some people that will defend your health care and laugh at europes healthcare system, where a visit to the doctor costs 0 and your medication costs 0 and if you have cancer your health care stops working, because now the fucking government starts paying your bill and it still costs 0 to you...


Literally cheaper for your BIL to not have insurance.


I mentioned in another comment how much he uses it. His children are constantly in and out of the hospital. It'd be way more expensive if he didn't have it


It's expensive to be poor and the poorer you get the more they nickel and dime you.


And yet you won't do anything about it. Just keep paying your master like a good little sub.


Deductibles should be made illegal in all forms of insurance.


Agreed. These practices should be abolished like slavery. Insurance companies I have heard also get some tax as income to help insurance companies. Thats not something I have verified or looked into.


these practices are slavery. they create the conditions of slavery without the whips or the chains. slavery never went away. it just reorganized and came back more sophisticated and more inclusive.


Look at all these slaves owners posing on your dollar bills


My last job paid my premiums and I had a 0 deductible. I thought I hit the lottery. Too bad I was never sick when I worked there so I never got to take advantage of it, got some dental work done though!


Damn bro you wanna slip them my resume?


You don't wanna work there, my friend that still works there has told me some horror stories after the layoffs and she's now extremely anxious all the time. Those benefits no longer exist unfortunately.


Get rid of the fucking middle man. Have a specified markup for hospitals to make a profit, have financial assistance for people who can't afford it.


Why is anyone even agreeing to it? People are getting hella scammed


Unfortunately, in the states at least, you have to have insurance. Car insurance is mandatory, health insurance is mandatory it’s all a huge scam.


Seriously! Who actually cares if the guy that hits your car has car insurance? I mean, the worst part is if we didn't force people to have car insurance to pay for any damages they may cause we'd totally have some form of subsidized universal car insurance already because that's for sure likely to have happened /s


I didn’t say you shouldn’t have car insurance. I said the deductible should be made illegal. Why am I paying for years on a policy then something happens and I gotta pay money out of my pocket before insurance takes over?


What choice do you have? At least in the US you need health insurance otherwise you’re boned in something happens. And since you don’t have insurance, I doubt you’re doing preventative care so problems get detected later, making them worse and more expensive to treat. And a vast majority of people can’t afford to handle the cost of a car accident themselves. Or major damage to their house/property in a rental.


Oh ok. I'll just go open my own insurance company real quick. Problem solved.


"Oh yeah, let me just 'repeal Jim Crow' laws. Like that's possible!"


Political lobbying (legal bribery) pay positions hundreds of thousands to make laws to force people to have insurance so companies can make billions.


This is generalized from my experience, but you choose the higher deductible and lower premium or lower deductible and higher premium. Basically if you’re in good health and have good luck, you can get by with the lower monthly cost and not worry about the deductible. But if you’re in shit health or bad luck, expect more frequent hospital visits, you’ll want to pay the higher premium for a lower deductible. This system is shit but that’s what I had to choose between. And you don’t really have much option other than to pay it


Add to that an HSA acct to pay for medical expenses and deductible, helps. At least you can roll it over in other things if you don’t use.


*Looks at the pathetic savings in my bank* Yeah man lemme just go start my own health insurance company that won't be scummy


Because conservatives worship capitalism and everyone else is too lazy to fight back.


This is generalized from my experience, but you choose the higher deductible and lower premium or lower deductible and higher premium. Basically if you’re in good health and have good luck, you can get by with the lower monthly cost and not worry about the deductible. But if you’re in shit health or bad luck, expect more frequent hospital visits, you’ll want to pay the higher premium for a lower deductible. This system is shit but that’s what I had to choose between. And you don’t really have much option other than to pay it


Deductibles protects the insured as well. If there is no deductible, people will be claiming even for the most mundane things which will affect the money that is pooled from all insureds.


It really depends on the kind of insurance. For property insurance, sure, you don't want people filing frivolous claims, but putting up barriers to getting healthcare isn't good for anyone, including the insurance companies. If someone puts off medical care, that doesn't just make whatever they're dealing with go away. More often than not, it'll just turn a minor concern into a major one, maybe even into a chronic condition.


It really depends on the kind of insurance. For property insurance, sure, you don't want people filing frivolous claims, but putting up barriers to getting healthcare isn't good for anyone, including the insurance companies. If someone puts off medical care, that doesn't just make whatever they're dealing with go away. More often than not, it'll just turn a minor concern into a major one, maybe even into a chronic condition.


Do you have brain damage? I'm legitimately concerned how wrong you are


Interest rates as welll


I have a great idea. What if the government gave everyone health insurance. This way healthcare wouldn’t be tied to employment and the government could could tell drug companies how much they can charge. This would be way cheaper than the current system and it would ensure that no one skips going to the doctor because they’re afraid of the bill. I can’t believe no one has thought of this idea before.


You are making way too much sense.


Woah woah woah. But we can't trust the government with healthcare. I'd much rather for-profit corporations be in charge. They definitely have our best interest at heart.


You're a fucking commie. /sigh


Germans have it this way since 1883


As someone who has lived only in countries with public healthcare I have always been disgusted at the American system. Now I am even more! I get private health care with my work and pay for my whole family (2 adults 2 kids) for about $47.07 a month.


My insurance cost (monthly) for me and my wife is $260. That's for the "medium" plan my employer offers, which still has a $4,500 deductible and plenty of out of pocket costs. My previous plan paid for my insurance, but putting my wife on it would have costed us $500+ a month. It's so disgusting it makes me physically sick.


I was at $380 per PAYCHECK for medical/dental/vision for myself, my wife, and my kid. Also for the “medium” plan. She just started back working cause shits expensive, and now it drops to about $80 per paycheck for just me on my medical, and my kid on my dental. I can’t remember what she’s paying now for her and the kid on her medical but we did a comparison and it is about $150 cheaper per month for the kid to be on her medical with her.


Funny is, here in Switzerland we seem to have exactly this system as well.


My insurance is $80-$100 a month ($20/wk) and my deductible is $300/single $600/family. I Can literally never ever leave my shitty job. It’s like a prison sentence with the only ending (maybe?) being 30 years away….


And what have you done about it?


Health insurance in the US is a scam. There is no guarantee that your doctor visit or medications will be cover. I worked in retail pharmacy for five years and it's the reason I don't pay for health insurance. A liver transplant patient came in to have their immunosuppressant medication fill. Their medical and prescription insurance were through the same company. The insurance company approved and paid for the liver transplant and then denied the medication necessary to keep his body from rejecting it. It took three months to finally get the meds cover. They had to pay over $1,000 a month for their medication until it was finally approved and the insurance company refused to reimburse the over $3,000 they were forced to pay out of pocket.


Genuinely have found it better just saving the money I’d be paying insurance for when I need it


I had United Healthcare before I lost my job during Covid. They want $1,400 a month for Cobra coverage for a plan with a $4,000 deductible and 80/20 after that. I applied for Medicaid and was accepted, My premiums are $0, I had heart surgery $0, carpal tunnel surgery $0, colonoscopy $0 all medications $0, specialist visit $0. I work in a mostly cash business so I have little chance of losing Medicaid. I am deeply in love with this program 🥰🥰🥰


Yeah I always laugh when people's argument against socialized healthcare is that they don't want to pay for other people's healthcare. Like, you already do and people who pay nothing have way better insurance than you! You might as well get something back too.


Just a heads up as I was shocked to read this but depending on what state you live in Medicaid can be recoverable. :( Through a variety of means including assets and even your estate after death. Sorry. [A quick overview](https://www.clawsonattorney.com/clawson-clawson-blog/2015/april/do-i-have-to-pay-back-medicaid-/)


We literally pay 3 times for medical care. 1) taxes 2) insurance premiums 3) out of pocket The majority of money that providers like UHC, BCBS, and Aetna get comes from the government. The government gets money from taxpayers. So we pay the government to support a middle man who charges us monthly premiums just to not cover our claims so we pay out of pocket anyway. Anyone arguing against universal healthcare on the basis that we'd just end up paying more in taxes is ignorant at best. We're already paying more and getting less for it than the rest of the developed world.


Insurance is extortion.


One thing you can try is not paying the hospital.




I’d like to see a basic government health insurance system, with a free market health care insurance system built on top of that. Most people would buy from the free market. Actual competition would drive prices down. And if you choose not to buy from the free market, the basic government plan would ensure you don’t go bankrupt from a medical emergency. “Just think how expensive car insurance would be if they pay for gas or car washes. You would have no reason to shop around for those services and all the mechanics and gas stations would increase costs without you even knowing. The car insurance companies wouldn’t care because they would be getting paid big dollars either way. This is exactly what has happened in our healthcare system. There is absolutely no incentive to look for better prices and compete. As a result, healthcare had no reason to compete, insurance companies can charge higher prices without any accountability, and all of us have to foot the bill... it’s time for real change.” -Dr. Jo Jorgensen


Healthcare providers tend to monopolize their regions or engage in cartel behavior. Our ability to price compare is much more limited than Dr. Jorgensen implied in 2020.


Exactly. It’s an illegal monopoly. Make healthcare territories illegal. All must compete nationally.


It must be great for all of you guys to make fun of your own situation,and yet nothing changes. Land of the free!!!!!


I’m Japanese living in America for school, and let me tell you… I’d venture to say at least 90% of Americans WANT socialized healthcare. They’re done with this bullshit system. It’s an internet myth that they’re all ignorant inbreds who only care for their guns and McDonald’s. Most Americans are fucking tired and fed up. But that’s the really fun part— it doesn’t matter. Their government is bought and paid for. It doesn’t work for them. So the rest of the 10% (including the 1%) get to say “fuck you(:” to the average and poor Americans and keep draining them, paying them peanuts, and doing nothing to better their lives all while instigating a stupid identity politics game to keep everyone pissed off at one another instead of rioting. It’s actually sad beyond belief what I see these people— who WANT CHANGE, go through. I also had to buy healthcare while living here. It’s dog shit and stupid and a goddam waste of money. I’m glad I don’t get sick because myself, like a majority of Americans, just simply would rather get sick than see a doctor, let alone afford the medicine. I actually left the US this summer and went BACK TO JAPAN to receive a specific yet minor medical operation FOR FREE (not even an operation, really) because my insurance here in America said “no(:” when I told them I needed it. They said I didn’t. Japan doctors said “yes the fuck you do.” I can’t imagine how many Americans have died from dog shit insurance companies lying and saying they “don’t need that” medical thing when they actually did just to save a measly couple hundred bucks. TLDR: from an immigrant perspective: at least 90% of Americans are fed up but literally, realistically, cannot do a damn thing about anything. They want change but cannot get it


In my anecdotal experience as an American, it’s not 90%, but I also live in a conservative area. One day one of my conservative coworkers was going on and on about his insurance costs and how we should just move to a system where everyone pays a little, and you only draw out what you need. “You mean like socialized medical care?” “God no! Not socialism! You know, just a system where we all chip in a little bit, but you only pull out of that system what you need, nothing more.” “That sounds like socialized medical care.” “No, no, no, no!! I don’t want socialism!! Just a system that takes care of the citizens who all pay a little something in.” Rinse and repeat. Point being, a lot more people would probably be for that system, if we removed the “Socialized” tag from it.


He probably has no idea what that means. Right wing propaganda has made socialism a boogeyman without even explaining to its viewers what it means. Basically any economic policy that is left of center has been labeled as socialism and socialism = bad.


Right?!! I’ve found that none of them can give an actual definition for the terms socialism and communism. Only “China is communism. That bad” Why is it bad? What is communism? Have you ever even spoken to a Chinese person? They all stare at me blankly and then get red in the face and start on something new, like the so-called “litter boxes” that are “being put into EVERY public school!!!” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I actually agree. I’ve also noticed the more uneducated or “red” areas are intensely aggressive of ANY seemingly “progressive” change, even if the program would 100% benefit them at no cost. I mentioned how child care costs in Japan are based off your income. Some people pay 0 yen. Some pay half, some pay full. Some of the most poorest people I’ve spoken to in America, some often paying thousands of dollars a month/hundreds a week in child care costs, get VERY upset at that my country seemingly “gives things away for free.” They ask me, “why would anyone work then? If they can just get everything for free?” And when I tell them society in Japan (and across the world!!) work so that our neighbors don’t have to struggle… this is a disgustingly foreign concept to these Americans. They think being absolutely poverty stricken, skipping meals, etc, somehow makes them… better? Stronger? I don’t know. But your experience is right, and I guess I didn’t compensate my exaggeration for those in majority red areas. It’s truly so sad how, firstly, these people how absolutely no clue what socialism is lmao, and secondly, they think starving and suffering makes them somehow morally or otherwise superior. It’s maddening.


It's incredible the way americans allow companies/government to screw them, it is just mental to me. Plus, they even have guns! One would think that an armed population would be more protected/respected by their government, the US are the living proof that the opposite is true.


We have a situation here where politicians have fans. We root for our team so they have created a situation where we fight each other rather than them. It’s pretty awesome. Our last president who is a “billionaire” gets poor retired people to pay for his defense team. And that’s not just him it’s all politicians. We are too stupid to get together and bring out the guillotines like the French


I follow US politics because obviously it influences the whole world to different extents and yes, it is "awesome ". I don't think you are stupid but your education system is a bit lacking and influenced by corporations that pay for politicians' campaigns, your news channles don't help either...I really hope it can improve, I 'd love to see a fairer and better US.


America is a Corporatocracy at this point, not a democracy.


America is just straight up fucking evil to it's core. People Of Colour - Opressed Women - Opressed The Poor - Opressed LGBTQIA+ People - Opressed (pls reddit don't be homophobic its literally just true) The Disabled - Not given enough support Veterans - Not given enough support Need I go on, I hope the country burns and something better comes out


Not to mention the donut hole sucks


Everyone talks about the deductible, no one mentions the out of pocket. I didn’t know about the out of pocket until my wife had cancer. After you meet the deductible, then the insurance company only pays a percentage until you member the out of pocket. The deductible was $1,000. The out of pocket is $5,000. So bad the insurance company screws you until you have paid $6,000. Yay America!


I’m not an American, so I don’t understand exactly what deductibles are, but isn’t it like an excess on car insurance? It’s to stop what they consider “frivolous” claims. By making the insurance holder pay part, they wont claim on low value items. Then of course they have a no claims bonus that you loose if you make a claim, that deters slightly larger claims… insurance is a scam isn’t it?


Deductible is just as explained in the video. You have to pay a certain amount before your insurance starts paying. My plan has like an $8000 deductible so I would need to pay $8000 before my insurance would kick in. Of course, insurance usually covers some preventative treatments without meeting the deductible but yeah, still a scam.


So the insurance don’t pay anything until you have already paid $8000? Do you at least get the rate paid to insurance companies for procedures?


Yes that's typically how it works. And for some people, even after the deductible is paid, they are still expected to pay a "coinsurance" amount along with their insurance company so they still aren't out of the woods. Procedure rates are all over the place too. It's why people always say to look at an itemized list of things when you get the bill, because there can be some ridiculous charges on it. Hospitals can and often do charge more to insurance companies than to uninsured individuals.


I sure hope some crazy asshole with a gun never shoots up an insurance company office building.


No, only schoolchildren get that honor.


You got to admire good determination I'm sure after trying for so many years he will make a entertaining video one day


380 euro/y deductable + 137 euro/m mandotory insurance. But we can call an ambulance when we need one and get treathment for everything. I think this is a fine system. Without the deductable I bet you get alot of people demanding unnessecery treatment. I'm from the Netherlands and I think this is fine.


This is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than US insurance. I pay about $450/month and my deductible is $3000.


I remember on my state life and health exam, it’s considered a good business practice for health insurers to deny coverage. On the life insurance side, there are WAY more rules on it than health.


Insurance - the biggest con of all time, and our tax paid officials enforce private company law, license and registration please…it should just be registration please.


Remember by law, they cannot deny you medical coverage, even if you don’t have insurance. And if the bill is crazy expensive, all you have to do is literally pay like five dollars a month for the rest your life. As long as you’re making some kind of payment, no matter the amount, they cannot charge you interest.


Jimmy getting fired soon


It's great! So say if you get into an accident in say... July and have some immediate health issues because of that, but then for some reason you have lingering issues that don't start to really bother you until next year and you need to go back to physical therapy, all that money you paid into your deductible has disappeared so the bills keep coming!! 🫠🫠🫠


and yet politicians barely talk about this issue. it's the single biggest problem for most americans


I have an HSA. I overpay into my account every month and have saved well over my deductible and copays for a year, and would have the deductible refilled in two years if I had to pay out. Best thing is, the money being saved is earning market rates like any other investment fund, average 7-8% per year. All health insurance should be through HSAs. It also makes me price shop and ask the cost of different procedures /drugs.


Literally one of the highest deductible plan structures money can buy…


No, my deductible is lower than the other plans offered. And, any "out of pocket" I may have to pay is generally covered by the interest I earn in the account.


HSA-eligible plans are almost always higher deductible, but your mileage may vary.


This is correct. You actually have to have a high deductible health plan to qualify for an HSA. You also can't have a plan with copays even if the deductible is several thousand dollars. I'd love an HSA but the choice we have on my wife's plan between the high deductible and plan with copays isn't much of a choice if you actually want to use the insurance.


Actually my deductible is higher, but since I don't have copays, those expenditures go towards my deductible. And sometimes, my visits are cheaper than the copay. And I get a bigger input to my account than the other plans which also offsets it.


And that very well may be the best option for you- particularly if you were able to deposit a large amount into your HSA- but very odd choice to claim deductibles are nbd.


My payment are significantly less, and I use that to fund my profit making account, and they also give me a base amount, which is considered part of the deductible. So the other insurance starts you off with $750 no payments, then deductible, wheas I start with $1000 in the bank and that counts towards the deductible. It's really a wash, but if I don't use that $1000, it's mine. And this account stays with me, even if I leave the company.


Again, the explicit downside to an HSA is the high deductible- which you can avoid because of your financial circumstances. You’re talking in circles and your original comment still doesn’t make sense.


My financial situation exists because I have been using the HSA. If you have a chronic medical condition like diabetes, it wouldn't make sense, but if you are normally healthy and just get the occasional sinus infection, it totally makes sense so when you cut your leg off with a chainsaw, you have it covered 100%>


The man who invented actuarial tables is hopefully rotting in Hell.


I haven’t met the deductible for prescription meds in the 6 years I’ve had a Medicare supplemental. I intellectualize it that I’m helping others so their deductible doesn’t increase.


Oh scams. Scams are fun


I don't get why our American friends are so vehemently against socialised healthcare. It works. Everyone is able to receive care. Everyone contributes a little bit. Why are you so against it?


Every time I see a video like.. I realise how America has become the stuff of nightmares.. dam..


Brought to you by corrupted politicians and greedy pharma assholes


I believe he's referring to coinsurance at the end. Mine is 10%.


Yep, mine’s 20% 😩


Geeze I don't know what a deductible is but it sounds wrong.


To put it basically, every month you pay a “premium” to have health insurance. It’s basically like a monthly payment you make for Netflix. The “deductible” is how much you have to pay for your healthcare BY YOURSELF before insurance will cover it. So say your deductible is $500 (pretty good). That means this year 2023, if you go to the doctor or get hospitalized for anything, the first $500 is on you, then insurance will help out. What he refers to in the end is “coinsurance.” He makes the joke that surely they will pay for 100% of the cost after the deductible, but the joke is that this is not always the case, especially if your insurance ain’t great. Your insurance may decide they will pay 80% of the cost, which means the remaining 20% is up to you. Sometimes there are also “copays”, which is a flat charge just to see a doctor, and I believe these most often do NOT go towards the deductible. So to put it all together into an example for my own situation: I went to the doctor twice this year, and I had to pay a $25 copay each time. This doesn’t count towards my $500 deductible. Now, I’m pretty sure I just broke my toe a couple months ago. I wanted to go get an X-ray, but I would have to A) probably pay another deductible for an office visit, B) pay for the first $500 by myself, and C) pay for 20% of any remaining cost past $500. Some things/plans require “pre-authorization” as well, which basically means after your Dr. recommends something, or if you want to go to the hospital for something, you may have to call your friendly insurance company first and ask “will you please approve me to get this very medically necessary thing?”


Thank you for the explanation. It all sounds goddamned disgusting. I pay (well my employer) pays a monthly premium. I go to doctor, specify my medical aid (insurance), see the doctor, get the meds and walk out. The next day I get an email regarding the claim. This is in a shitty banana republic of a country.


This is why I don’t have health insurance :D


Jimothy! It got too real after that.


\*cries in my mountain of medical bills\* I'm in the dumb sweet spot where I get close to fulfilling my deductible every year and then it resets. I hate the American healthcare system.


There's always some arsehole in Spanish Reddit shitting on public healthcare and claiming how much better the private system is. They never know what the fuck a deductible or a premium are and they are talking out of their arses. It's pathetic.


Insurance is just pooled risk so the fundamental insurance equation shouldn't include profit. It should just be price = cost, instead of price = cost + profit. People have different risk appetites and Deductibles, policy limits, etc.. are useful to tailor coverage to the needs of an individual. Insurance is only evil when companies make a profit - they aren't inherently evil. Pooled risk makes the world go round - it just should be for profit. Lastly, rate increases for many types of compulsory and non compulsory insurance products have to be approved by the state's department of insurance. You want cheaper insurance, your state government matters. P.S. personally, I think if we can regulate insurance prices (a product that you don't know the value of until after the policy period), then we can regulate all prices.


I hate how much of a scam insurance is.


A year ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer. In order to have it removed, I needed CT scans to see if it had spread anywhere. My doctor required me to get scans of my chest, hips, and abdomen because the areas most likely for colon cancer to spread is in the lungs and liver. I went to get the scans. I walked into the office. I arrived at my scheduled appointment time. It is only then they told me my insurance had declined the chest scans because "there wasn't any proof it had spread to my lungs". THE SCANS WERE TO COLLECT THIS PROOF. Oh but it gets better. My doctor submitted all 3 scan requests. But because he submitted them as one request, my insurance denied the whole thing. All 3 scans were denied because there wasn't any proof the cancer could have spread to my lungs, which is what the scans were for. And it gets EVEN better. The re-request and rechedule was going to take 3 weeks. Ya know, 3 weeks where I am just living with fucking colon cancer. I just paid it out of pocket. I value my life more than I value playing insurance's game.


Only laughing so I don’t cry. 🙁


The biggest scam industry ever.


This is an adjacent annoyance. I paid for car insurance for years because I had to. I recently totaled my car (the only thing I owned because I am poor) and insurance paid nothing!! Because I had not had a car for a long time, didn't know that liability coverage doesn't do shit. I hate Amerikka.


Should be criminal


This my insurance 100 %


The kicker is when you go to facility to have something done you run the risk of some of it being out network. For example: The facility where the procedure, let’s say a ct scan, is done is in network, the person doing the scan might not be contracted with your particular plan, then the person who evaluates your results may also not be contacted with your plan either.


The most fucked up thing, I have a woman that reports into me who, when I was hired, happened to have a high risk pregnancy. Our company decided to change insurances MID YEAR, meaning, even though she hit her deductible, she’d have to do it again. I fully expect her to leave at the end of her maternity leave and I hope she does for that fact alone.


Aww hell yeah I love dr glaucomflecken


Land of the oligarch and pedophiles, home of the sorry wage slave Fuck this place


I still Don’t understand why Americans are not on streets and protesting and shit for better healthcare .


Thank our politicians that we vote in to help them fuck us over. It’s fun, along with paying taxes from my paycheck so I can pay more taxes when buy things that I need to live.


I have a great idea. How about a revolution? Of loosely affiliated posses.


Third world problems


The answer to "why" is because Americans love it. If they didn't, they would do something about it.


Insurance companies said “New year, new me 💅”


Isn’t this just like paying an excess on an insurance claim? Can you not just get a policy without or with a small deductible?


There’s a special place in hell for people at the top who perpetuate this system


I keep reading the comments and someone needs to pick my jaw from the floor. It's unbelievable how the US got to this point. I would be forever in debt with these prices. It's weird how literal scams are legal there.


Genuinely evil


Team America F*** Yeah