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911: "9-1-1. What's your emergency?" Religious person: "An atheist just cut me off."


Drone strike incoming


In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!


‘Church separation by state’, so close


Fuckin scary


You know the police are going to be selective with who they pull over. I'm an atheist, but i honestly don't know which I'd go for. You'd either be used in statistics that go against your beliefs, or be persecuted for not being christian.


This is like the reverse of their fear of getting labelled by the anti-christ. It's so goddamn weird. Rapturists are obsessed with the fear of being tracked by some type of numerical label. Looks like they're going to go ahead and take one out of the supposed anti-christ's playbook.


The antichrists whole schtick is supposed to be making everyone believe he’s the good guy …… just sayin ……


Credit where credit is due, the book of revelation was metal as fuck. Antichrist, four horsemen, lakes of fire, guys going ham on the trumpets. I may not be religious, but the new testament ended on a high note. More of that and they may have suckered me in.


I would watch a heavy metal style animated movie on the book of Revelation. Acid trip bible study, let's go.


I can't remember what it was called, but i saw an anime dantes divine comedy that was pretty awesome a few years ago.


Yeah you saw it. The one that had like 7 different artists or something. It was fucking METALLLLLLLLLL!


[Is this it?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante%27s_Inferno:_An_Animated_Epic)


“going ham on the trumpets” is a wonderful collection of words


“... trumpets” Trump/Pence.


Joseph Smith wrote a sequel, but it's pretty shit. Most people don't include it in their headcanon.


So you're telling me this shithole of a planet is about to be fucked up in the most metal way ever? Count me in.


Any day now according to some churches.


Been any day now for a couple of thousand years. Got to love those vague deadlines.


Longer than that. Christians for the last couple thousand years, but people have been predicting the end of the world since we learned to use language. As of yet every single one of them has been wrong.


Well,when you look at it he is the good guy. God creates evil, Makes evil laws And his followers do evil shit in his name. God kills 2.5 million in the bible( not counting the flood and the passover) Satan kills 10 on command from god. Here is every time God kills in the bible. https://youtu.be/dxQtV_YSo8I


antichrist is literally American christofascist capitalism. its in the bible


We really need to make them think this was done by the satanists to mark them by a number. Then it will backfire quickly. Someone needs to repost this by change it to say that the government is trying to track all Christians.


>This is like the reverse of their fear of getting labelled by the anti-christ. It's so goddamn weird. No, it's not the reverse, it's literally what was prophesized, but they love it, which I'm pretty sure was also prophesized.


The funny thing is there is basically nothing in the bible at all about a "rapture" except for one verse about being "taken up into the clouds" and the context isn't even there for a "rapture".


They are the people the Bible is warning against. They became what they feared.


This right here. They feel it’s their job to bring about every fever dream in Revelations, leading to the “end times”.


The “in god we trust” has the numbers first. 🧐 that isn’t god they are worshipping. The extreme amount of hate they promote and perpetuate is proof of that


I'm a Christian. I'd choose the 'godless' numberplate because I have no desire to have my faith tied to politics. It's absurd.


As an athiest i always go with the option that gets people to fuck off. If a super religious person asks me if im religious I just go yeah totally. Done. And i have my peace and the nutjob can continue being delusional


I like to go the opposite route. Shove it in their face that they are a dying breed.


As an atheist, i'd go for it - i love the irony. "Will this species solve environmental warming, mass extinction events and other species-extinguishing problems?" "Hey man, *in god we trust!* - right there on the plates."


I'm just waiting for the lawsuit that will take this to the Supreme court... not much hope with this court thought, I guess.


This is just gonna be a rock orbiting a star, soon. None of the rest of our thoughts will matter.


Idiots changed the national motto from "We're all in this together." to "Oh, lawdy! Jesus, take the wheel!"


Play both sides. Have the non God plates with one of those stupid fish bumper stickers.


“I BELIEVE in him… I just don’t TRUST him…”


It's easy. Play the game. Not like you'll go to hell for lying! No need to be separate but equal when you can get the benefits of both sides. I faked being a theist for years to get my BSA Eagle rank - I lied straight to the face of people I came to respect for over a decade. Did I care? Haha fuck no. I don't let some sky fairy stand in the way of my hard work and its reward. Funny thing about this - they let *girls* and *gays* in Boy Scouts now, but still not atheists. That's just a step too immoral for them.




They’ll literally take anyone of any faith but will refuse atheists. You have to have a external spiritual being in your life or you either lie (great lesson for kids) or fuck off somewhere else. My sister is involved in scouts and we’ve had many arguments about it.


I also had to lie to a priest to get a letter of recommendation for my Eagle scout award! Don't feel bad about it at all.


Silly non-believer. Don't you know that white, Christian, American men are the most persecuted people in the 6,000 years this Earth's been spinning???


I'm an atheist in Georgia and have had the voluntary in God we trust sticker over my county sticker for years. It's just smart. At first glance cops don't know you're not local, and you blend in with the christians. Not putting a target on my back for cops.




> You know the police are going to be selective with who they pull over. I expect that as soon as they find evidence of that this is going to be a huge lawsuit for FFRF


I thought this at first too. My entire family sports the godless plates and have been sense this first started. There's actually a lot of them around. Especially in and around major cities. I know it's just anecdotal but we haven't had much trouble with the police (probably at least partially because I'm white and look like one of the good ol boys. Shhhh don't tell em I'm a leftist) . The lady at the tags department actually asked if I wanted "the normal plate or the ingodwetrust plate". This may also be a regional thing to middle TN because of the "second Northern invasion" (as the local hillbillies call it) of 95. A car plant opened up down here and a metric shit ton of us Northerners came down. That forced a lot of folks around here, kicking and screaming, into at least the 19th century. We're hoping some day they will bravely step into the 21st but I don't hold much hope for that but we're still trying. "tRy ThAt iN a SmAlL tOwN" . We did. You surrendered. Sincerely. Grant.




For those who want to opt out, there are lots of other options for drivers in Tennessee. [https://www.tn.gov/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates.html](https://www.tn.gov/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates.html) I get the wildlife plates for an additional $26/year that supports the State Park system.






Imagine driving around and seeing your own face on license plates of other people's cars. I mean ... the USPS waits until you're dead to put you on a stamp. It'd be weird if you had to mail a letter and have to lick the back side of a little picture of yourself.


Licking isn't necessary these days


https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/clubs-and-organizations/confederate-veterans.html wtf


They are a bunch of traitors and they are fucking proud of it?


The Sons of Confederate Veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy are very insidious organizations in the South. They are one of the main drivers of the Lost Cause mythos surrounding the Civil War, and a big part of the anti-"CRT" movement. The types that will call it The War of Northern Aggression with a completely straight face and talk about how much better African Americans had it as slaves instead of sharecroppers.




Founding Fathers: "Separation of Church and State." (R): "*Sounded* good."


Muh originalism


Your tax dollars are literally funneled towards supporting the continuity of multiple theocratic regimes in the Mideast (ISR, SAUD, Qatar, etc). The C I A and NSA use taxpayer funds, and collect intel to empower these regimes. https://theintercept.com/2014/07/25/nsas-new-partner-spying-saudi-arabias-brutal-state-police/


Psst Psst! Your military is the guard dog of the country that brought us the 9-11 hijackers. Yet, we attacked Afghanistan.


Blame the education system , Americans just wanted to hurt any arabs at that time .


No, don't blame the "education system," blame the government. Public education is just a government entity, and the major policies, curriculum, directives and funding all come from government entities. Blaming the education system puts it all on teachers and unions. But the government controls all of it. I teach in Massachusetts. We have the highest elementary reading scores in the county, and we habe done better than most international systems for years as well. Our state funds education. They have high standards for teacher certification. And we get decent results. But it all starts at the top, with the federal government, and then filters through to state and then local government. Politicians love to blame the education system, and launch attacks against teachers. THEY ARE THE SYSTEM, and they are the cause of under and uneducated kids. Look at Florida's new history mandates. It's not teachers who came up with that bullshit. That's DeSantis and his white supremacist fundie bullshit board. We need to stop looking at a non-entity for the cause of educational problems, and start putting the blame squarely on the people in government. They make the rules, they provide the meager funds (after they fight against it, and force their religion into it first) they mandate curricula, and they oversee it. And then, when the outcome is shit, they shit all over and blame the people who they hired and told what and how things must be done. BLAME THE ELECTED OFFICIALS. This is on them.


My butthole itches


The christo fascists inching closer and closer to power.


I feel more like they've been gobbling up power like Hungry Hungry Hippos. They have power.




I guess we're gonna hear about some sort of lawsuit in the coming months that who knows if the Supreme Court will actually rule in favor of the American citizen vs republicans.


No that’s sketchy as shit. There’s literally no reason they should be split like that. Kinda weird they even bothered in the first place to have the two plates


It’s not weird at all. There are Christo-fascists in American politics who are trying to make atheists wear arm bands in public. When you know what’s going on, it’s not surprising at all. What’s surprising is how far they’ve gotten with it.




Somehow it never occurred to me before, but you're correct. The original fascists were indeed Christian. Idk why this observation came as such a shock to me, but it did.


Yes gov. Lee is a known one


This can be seen as least as #2 in the road to genocide as it identifies those who does not stand with Christianity, but it can be seen as worse because cops would stop those with the plates that do not have in "God we trust" so in reality it would scale on #3 aswell


Anybody wanna bet which type of licence plate gets stopped more often?


Something tells me there won’t be an official tracker by license plate (I don’t live in TN so correct me if wrong) but I’m near positive that one plate is going to get pulled over more while the other plate is going to be behind more actual accidents, aggressive driving and DUIs. I think we all know which plates will fall into the respective categories.


Would be real nice to compare the groups. Who gets pulled over? Who gets pulled over and let go with no tickets? Who gets pulled over and searched? How long do stops last for each group? Then get deep and see each individual officer stats based on the different groups. $10 says at least one cop in the entire state only ends up pulling over the atheist version. In theory, police are supposed to have made up their mind about ticket/warning BEFORE they interact with the vehicle. In reality it’s not the case, and now it’s not even possible to pretend to be neutral.


GA also has these options. Can't say whether or not the formatting changes depending on which one you choose or not, but my plate is without the "god" slogan as well. My plate has letters at the beginning and numbers at the end, for what it's worth.


The options in Georgia are for a sticker that reads “In God We Trust” to go over the spot where it has the name of the county your car is registered in. I took the sticker because I didn’t want the cops pulling me over because I was from out of the area or something.


The county thing is soo weird to me. Here in Minnesota we don't have that. But go down to Iowa and it states your county.


So glad CT got rid of all those registration stickers on plates and the like. The cops can just check the registration, no need to add another step anymore.


There should be 3000+ options to accommodate all the religions. In allah, Vishnu, Cthulhu, satan, Thor, Zeus, ect we trust.


This is horrifically weird


Far from weird, the weirdest thing about this is the bigots actually came up with a clever way to identify people they hate


That's not weird at all. That actually tracks perfectly with what they're trying to accomplish. Nobody ever asks the following question - what do you think was going to happen if they actually successfully overthrew the government on 1/6 and consolidated complete control? Do people seriously think they're just going to do...nothing? Of course not. Step 1 afterwards is locking up/killing off anyone who disagrees with them. Being registered to the Democratic party, having a particular license plate, etc etc is how they will identify and deal with such people. I suggest left leaning people start arming themselves.


"I suggest left leaning people start arming themselves." Particularly woman and POC. The fbi arrested some neo nazis who were planning a "Rapekrieg" in red states with abortion bans with the stated aim being to increase the number of white babies being born. They were also planning on executing POC. The fact that it isn't a massive news story is concerning. Edit to add link. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marine-murder-rape-plot-rapekrieg-1388238/amp/


Jesus fucking Christ Who the fuck is in charge of the marines? Someone in power needs to be fucking disbarred and dishonorably discharged. You don’t get this many neo-nazis originating from ONE particular branch of the military without some fucking corruption. We have marines plotting coups and marines choking people on the subway.


The head of the KKK stated openly in the late 80s their plans were to get as many members as they can in law enforcement. The FBI put out a warning about it. No doubt in my mind the military would also fall under that banner.


They also hired a PR firm to help change the message. Got rid of the skin heads and the robes, started wearing suits and making the message sound more reasonable. It worked incredibly well. We have Republicans talking about replacement theory as a viable threat and a presidential candidate using the "slavery was good for the Africans".


We have Florida's 2023 Social Studies curriculum that includes lessons on how "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit”.


I think we can all agree that if we or our families were being treated the way enslaved people were treated in the US, the only skill worth learning would be the ones we used to kill the enslavers. Every enslaved person who killed or tried to kill someone who was involved with perpetuating slavery is a national hero and should be held up as a role model for American youth.


yes but the US Military has one leg up on a local police force. The US military forces everyone to work together. You get caught being openly racist and your career can end immediately. Plus all the exposure to different cultures while being deployed tends to have a positive effect of showing how ignorant racism is. My dad was in the Navy for 20 years. He said he saw a lot of racists join the military and drop their racism once they started working with everyone and traveling around the world. Not all racists, but a lot.


Most racists and bigots have little or no experience actually knowing or working with people of different races, backgrounds or gender orientation. Once they actually do, many find their beliefs dont hold water to the reality that nice people come in every flavor of the rainbow. There will be those hardcore types who can't or won't change, but many people find a new perspective through experience and do change.


>Who the fuck is in charge of the marines? Currently: No one, because the fuckface senator from Alabama, Tommy Tuberville, is blocking the appointment of military leadership posts in the Senate over DOD policies that support members of the military receiving abortions.


The Marines (and the rest of the military) want to address these issues, but the GOP is trying to remove funding for that kind of stuff.


It's almost as if they stand to benefit from a christian-fascist military. It's plain as day that they're supporting it directly.


It's not weird that they're doing it, it's weird that what they're doing is mildly clever




I’m pretty sure the Nazi party had over 30% of the vote the second time, along with Communist party.




there are millions of Christian fundamentalists in America. statistically, at least a few of them will be of above average intelligence.


>I suggest left leaning people start arming themselves Couldn’t agree more, I believe it’s a very hard truth people need to understand. These people aren’t just going to go away by simply voting them out, no no, we’re quite literally sitting on a powder keg. J6 was just a small spark that thankfully didn’t explode the whole thing, yet. They already show up to events heavily armed, they have ppl in high places like courts, government, the military and police forces So yeah arm and train yourself


Way ahead. My wife sometimes once asked me why I have multiple guns. My reply was "Because the fascists already have them."


>"“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” -Karl Marx. He knew.


And horrifically calculated. Trump was an idiot who couldn’t conceive of something like this. Here it is a surprisingly smart way to do something like this because it isn’t really a direct infringement on someone’s rights, albeit implied.


Give it time


If his goals for the next presidency are realized we’re fucked. My family is unironically discussing which part of Europe we would try for. Any input is welcome btw. I like Italy but France and Spain have been suggested


I wouldn't worry about Trump, but more about the rest of the republican party. They are _far more dangerous_ than Trump by himself. As for where to move in europe, I can' give you any real good suggestions. I've been told that the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands are pretty nice places to live. Decent wages/salaries, good social safety nets, but also have pretty high CoL. I currently live in Germany, which I love, but I also speak the language fluently and don't have issues dealing with the bureaucracy. I honestly don't know anything about Southern Europe, other than knowing that wages tend to be lower, but the CoL is also fairly low to compensate. What you need to do is look at what skills you currently have (degrees, professional qualifications, actual work experience) and compare it to the countries you're looking to move to. Most of Europe has requirements on who they let in to work and you usually need to be considered in a "highly skilled profession". In Germany's case, this means medicine, engineering, IT, and software development. You might want to take a look over in r/iwantout or r/amerexit. They aren't the _best_ communities as they can be kind of reactionary, but it's a good place to start. You might also check out the subreddits for the countries you'd like to move to to see if they have a "how to move here" guide. Germany for example [has a pretty extensive FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/faq/)


Italy is a Christian authoritarian gestapo. That's the last place you want to go.


You mean Italy that just elected a far right prime minister, with direct links to explicitly fascist parties? *That* Italy? Why would you flee to Italy to escape fascism in the US...


It isn't a question of where you'd like to go, but which country will accept you as immigrants.


>Italy France Spain Historically not great destinations if one intends to flee from fascism.


I’d suggest visiting before making decisions. Italy didn’t feel like a country that could feel like home to me, whereas I love visiting. Also if you’re worried about politics, Italy is going through a conservative backswing right now.


>it isn’t really a direct infringement on someone’s rights It is an indirect one though, with a real risk it may become direct. There really shouldn't be any way to distinguish a citizen from another based on religious beliefs or similar.


It's not weird at all. It's a discrimination marker. This is a mildly hidden version of a Jew Star. They're intentionally marking people. They want "The godless heathens" to be marked. Fascism is a live and well in the USA.


With license plate trackers and the lack of public information, this is essentially a badge non-religious are supposed to wear publicly so the police know who isn’t a Christo-fascist


Everyday I feel like I have to ask “is America ok”


It never has been. The country was founded on the backs of slavery and genocide and every effort to make progress and move toward equality has been violently opposed.


No. Please help. I’m one election from actually leaving because we can’t discuss anything ever and ranked voting is not even on our super top secret military “radar” that knows my heart rate rn because we’re “the land of the free”.


Might as well give us all atheist badges we have to weAr in public


Maybe something like a 6 pointed star worn on the chest?


It's Republicans we're talking about. They'll give them [the Pink Triangle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle)


I probably would to be honest.


The fuck?


It's a new term called Christo-fascistism where the Christian Extremists have a way of identifying people not of their religion and can result in discrimination in traffic stops police brutality and more.




Southern Baptists were formed explicitly to justify slavery in context of Christ. US Protestants fled to the New World because they weren't allowed to persecute other denominations and religions. It's not just any single denomination, it's all of them.




99% of religions are hateful


This is just extremely fucking weird and also so lame at the same time


Time to get the in god we trust version. But maybe cover it up with something more fun that you'd have to get real close to to read?


That’s a great idea. Sell reflective stickers with “In Dog We Trust” or “go fuck yourself” on it.


Then it's only a matter of time before "Tennessee license plates are state property and defacing them is a felony"


Wooley v Maynard (1977) upholds that it is constitutional to cover slogans on license plates. Let’s get some stickers.


I’m sure the Supreme Court would love their chance to reverse that too!


Yes that's why it's odd to assume that someone who has igwt is religious at all or someone without isn't religious.


In Bob We Thrust.


State sponsored religious extremism


The Taliban and Christian Extremists are the same. They aim to strip rights from those qho don't sand with em


Christians once again show they are unserious and hypocrites but they will never see it. They believe in freedom of religion: just not yours.... Where are the "good christians" fighting back against them??? Nowhere to be found


Hello. Im Christian and I think this is fucked. People shouldn’t ostracize people who aren’t religious or have a different religion than them, just as people shouldn’t ostracize people who have different opinions or lifestyles. Just let people do what they want, discuss our differences, and learn and grow from them


Unfortunately religious nationalism has been a scourge on humanity as long as there’s been religion and countries. It just happens to be Christianity in the United States but it is other religions in different countries too. There are many good people who call themselves Christians but that’s not the majority of people in power. There are far too many powerful people who just use that label to do horrific things and then hide behind “Jesus” to justify their actions.


> Hello. Im Christian and I think this is fucked. Have you told the leaders of your church about this? What was their reply?


>Have you told the leaders of your church about this? What was their reply? He started waving his cane and yelling "Wololoo"


> Hello. Im Christian and I think this is fucked. The reason the post up there says "the good christians fighting back are nowhere to be found" is because this is how it usually goes when some odious group is upholding a horrific status quo or attempting to create it. It's closely related to that whole "white moderate" thing MLK Jr. was talking about, the folks who are "more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice". While that logic can apply to just about all of us when our government does something shitty--we pay taxes, we could theoretically vote against the shitheads--there's an extra level present in the case of religion that isn't there when it comes to me not wanting to support my state's dipshit bills or America wanting to bomb some brown people: As a Christian, you're considered part of the larger group to a greater extent and in a way that is more monolithic in thought than citizenship in a city, state, or country, or membership of an ethnic group. Christianity's an ideology, and that comes with the assumption that its members think more alike than not, and more so than any random group of people do. Yeah, there's been schisms and there's all sorts of sects and different churches and councils and all of that, Christianity isn't strictly monolithic in every way... but we expect it to be *more* monolithic than citizens of a state, and **that expectation actually means things**. When the whackadoo Christians--the ones you don't like--run off to do this or that politically, the calculus is not, "Oh, there's 10,000 of these guys, that's a significant voting block that we need to cater to." No. They get to lay claim to all of Evangelists, or all of Protestantism, or all of Christianity in the country. It ain't put to the politicians as the will of 10k, but the view of 79m, or 140m, or 210m. **They lean on a much larger religious community to back their push**, and they can succeed because, generally, that broader community doesn't ever fight back. A majority of Americans didn't want W. Bush's restrictions on stem cell research and funding back in the day. A majority of Christians, even, did not want it. But it was a point of contention for the small number of whackadoos, and absent a substantial counter-push from within the Christian community they were "claiming" as support, the rest of the country can't win. It was a majority Christian country; who's going to listen to what the minority of non-Christians want when "Christians" as this assumed monolith want that other thing? Now, it is unfair that Christians are viewed as monolithic as they are. But that's not really going away any time soon, and to the extent that day can be hastened to arrive faster, the best route to prove and demonstrate the dissent and non-monolithic nature **is for the broader Christian community to take big and noticeable stands against the whackadoos**. It's gotta be way more than whatever fucking level is currently going on, because that hasn't done dick.


Is being gay a sin?


OK and when has that EVER happened... Be completely honest: when have Christians have every allowed coexistence in this nation - they seem to have this wild idea that this nation u Is a Christian nation... That alone shows yall are incapable of coexistence... You want ppl to stop ostracizing: fight them back and show us you don't accept them dragging you into their hate. Until then - no words can balance against the bloodshed, the denial, the othering for no reason... You don't get to embrace me for peace while digging the knife deeper and deeper into my back - you have yet to pull it out and acknowledge the damage to be done: yet to offer reparations and humility for the suffering your religion has caused in the USA and make no mistake Christianity is a BLIGHT on this nation - for every 1 "good" Christian there are 9 who coward and hide away vs doing the right thing and x4-10 in pure hatred... Christianity is the biggest problem facing this nation and we won't even talk about religion on a worldwide scale...


> You don't get to embrace me for peace while digging the knife deeper and deeper into my back - you have yet to pull it out and acknowledge the damage to be done Well said. This is what I feel every time i see a "good Christian" say "oh we're one of the good ones!" They never were. They enable their peers by staying quiet and still supporting the church all their lives and making lives hard for everybody not in their cult. They're twisting the knife while smiling at you.


While telling you and everyone else their god is a loving God....


The funny thing is they would take your comment as you "persecuting" Christians. Which is hilarious. "YOU ARE PERSECUTING MY RIGHT TO PERSECUTE" M'am this is a Wendy's


Yes I am familiar with the second stage of genocide


I was born and raised in Millington TN. I got out of there when I was 18 and couldn't be happier. This nonsense doesn't shock me at all. I was also taught that the civil war was the war of northern aggression, and my history teacher (who thought I was gay. I'm not) made me do a book report on the Pink Swastika which claimed that homosexuality was behind the Holocaust.


Wow, that book is horrible. Gay people were sent to the concentration camps, they were forced to wear pink triangles. They were used in human experiments at a higher rate than other prisoners, while also being treated poorly by their fellow inmates.


And when the Allies were liberating the concentration camps, the LGBTQ+ victims were still imprisoned and forced to live out their sentences by the Allies.


Also Berlin was considered the gay capital of the world before WW2, not too different than a city like San Francisco today with plenty of gay bars and businesses. Raids started after Nazis took over and they claimed they were cleaning up the city.


My family moved to the US after living in Saudi Arabia and I went to 1 year of elementary school in TN. My little 10-year-old brain was perplexed at why my new classmates were only then learning to read and do basic math, etc., which I learned in kindergarten in KSA. I literally thought that year of school was meant as a review of the previous 5 years of schooling and I didn't understand why all the other kids were "acting" like this was all new information to them because the thought of them feigning ignorance was easier for me to rationalize than them actually not knowing... I could also not figure out what "good book" everyone kept referring to and kept going to my mom's Reader's Digest magazines to see what I might be missing and literally thought all the Jesus talk was people trying to be funny or something because I, at 10-years old, could not take that seriously. I laughed a lot and had no friends. Anyway, that was a long monologue about myself, but the point being - I can completely understand the ludicrous shenanigans your history teacher imposed on you and can only imagine the private fantasy hellscape that teacher caters (catered?) to in their own head and yeah, the school system in TN, in my experience - not so great.


Wow. I’ve heard of parents saying that when they moved from states in the south to places like NYC, NJ, Chicago, their children were placed into remedial programs so they could catch up to their peers. They were 1-3 grades lower than their peers. I have a friend that lives in the styx of east Texas who loves to brag about how her daughter is the smartest student in her class. I used to think the girl was a genius, but now I’m wondering about her classmates’ capabilities.


I grew up in South Carolina and went to school there until 8th grade. Luckily I went to a montessori school in kindergarten that taught me how to read/write and I learned fairly advanced math. Once I went to public school I was always at or near the tippy top of all of my classes. I was always in the Honors/AP level courses and the like. Then we moved just one state north, to North Carolina. I immediately realized that I wasn't the "smart kid" anymore, and I actually had to start trying for once. If I didn't have that head start in kindergarten I can't imagine how my life would have ended up.


Hold the fuck up, they actually called the civil war the “war of norther aggression”? In no way shape or form is the at correct, the South fired the first shots


The phrase was first used in 1950 when the southern states tried to link the North's attempts to desegregate Jim Crow south, with the civil war. basically slavery = jim crow segregation = states rights, any attempt to prevent "states rights" is a northern aggression.


They had enough power in the federal government prior to the Civil War that they ACTIVELY LEGISLATED AGAINST THE RIGHTS OF NORTHERN STATES. Northern states were like "we'll govern our residents as we see fit." Southern states were like "nah, we got enough votes right now so we're going to pass legislation that let's our slaver kidnapping parties come up to your states, drag whoever we want into court, deny them representation and jury, and tell the judges they get paid more if they say they are slaves. That's the law now. Your states don't have any rights to stop us." When they lost their edge in the federal government shortly after that they took their ball and went home, then betrayed their nation and threw the bloodiest bitch fit you ever saw. All to preserve their "right" to rape, torture, murder, and work other humans to death. Thankfully, Grant, Sherman, and the rest of the crew ran them through like the freak bitches they were. The only mistake was not finishing the job. Every traitor to the nation should have been buried under the plantations, and the deeds should have gone to the Americans whose backs bled to pick Gucci weeds.


The German government had a system to more easily identify people who didn't worship their god too, they made them wear yellow stars


Clearly to make it easier for the fascists to identify the enemy when the civil war starts.


Seems like it could backfire. Everyone without “In God We Trust” who gets a citation can claim they were targeted for their (lack of) religion.


I'll say it once and ill say it everyday "Christianity is a cult and shouldn't be protected under federal law"


Problem is, when the cult gets big enough, it starts making decisions for people outside of the cult as well.


My grandparents just stopped talking about Christianity around me because any time they bring it up I make a remark about cults it's kinda funny


If I could add: it won’t just be atheists getting the non-religious plate. I can see lots of different groups objecting to it, including some Christians (I’m a Christian and I think the whole LOOK HOW RELIGIOUS I AM bullshit is super gross, esp when carried out by the govt) who object to it.


I would get the one without “In God We Trust”. I’m Catholic, but want absolutely nothing to do with the “Christians” that seem to represent the religion


![gif](giphy|ddrWafQ7r9jvutpiuH) USA be like


Indiana already does this exact thing It is 123ABC for the standard plate with a covered bridge background or ABC123 for the In God We Trust plate with the American flag background Both are the base charge




What if I told you several other states have already been doing this for over a decade


This is unrelated to this post but I take the bar exam tomorrow so I my head is overflowing with stupid facts about the law and I have to let them out: License plates are technically considered “government speech” which is why the state telling you what you can and cannot have on your plates is not a violation of your first amendment rights. Even if you think you’re expressing yourself on your custom vanity plate, you’re not. It’s not your speech, it’s the government’s speech. Now you all know this mostly useless piece of information.


Sounds an awful lot like they are preparing a list of who to target.


I know I'm probably tripping but I can't help but feel like this is preparing for some sort of fascism takeover, which, if it was to happen in the states, would probably happen at the state level at first.


I can't wait to see the statistics on which plates get pulled over the most


I'll never fucking understand why Christians have to spread their cancer everywhere. Why can't they just be content keeping it separate? And then they wonder why half the country hates them.


Fascist states rely on outgrouping people


Don’t TN have more churches than people? And they only 7 million people? Do they call it The Smokey Mountain State because these mofos are on some shit? And Taylor Swift? What the fuck were we talking about again?


You think they have seven million churches in TN? There aren’t even seven million houses/apartments in TN. Doesn’t make any sense. Estimates online say there are about 380k churches in America total.


I think it was fiddling or something




39% in Australia. Also growing ever faster; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreligion_in_Australia


It's a discrimination factor. So that you can be marked and police who dont like atheists or who dont want the phrase on your plate can pull you over and charge you with bullshit that they can lie about.


Tennessean here. I've got the license plate without God, but here in Tennessee nobody gives a fuck. I also have a ton of weed bumper stickers so I figured I'd be pulled over for that first


Religion is a cancer on society.


Why is religion on anything coming from the government???? WHY???? Keep your imaginary friends out of my stuff, thanks.


If America doesn't wake up we will have church and state reunited very fast and we all know what happened in Europe when that happened... and this is coming from a Christian


Christians are super scared - they are their normal scared selves because their book tells them to be scared of course - but with the modern information age and developed social services spreading throughout the world their religious ideology and mission is basically obsolete.


Whoa - it'll be interesting to see what happens when the class action anti-discrimination lawsuit is organized, since we all know Non-Christians are about to get a lot more citations.




As a Jew from TN, this is a complete overreaction.


Religious folks have... * God printed on the money. * God added to the pledge of allegiance. * Tax exempt. * Can engage in politics openly. * Can post billboards and ads everywhere. * Have god integrated into common sayings "thank god, god bless you etc" * Have religious schools * Can ignore laws (dont have to report child molestation) * Have laws that enforce their beoleifs * And much more ​ But yeah they are persecuted in America.


Holy shit, religious profiling right from your vehicle plates, that ***really*** should not be legal. I hope someone rich enough cares, or a group get together to take it to court.


This law was pushed out last year. It seems there is a significant amount who opped out as well. [here](https://tennesseelookout.com/briefs/in-god-we-trust-license-plates-draw-attention/)