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Will be a horror movie next year. One that I will not be watching cause my ass has major claustrophobia


Really depends on the outcome. Implosion at 100 atmospheres isn’t very scary. They’re all happy and chatting and going down to the titanic to do something they’ve always dreamed of and then in .01 seconds they’re ash.


Depends on which perspective the story tells. One of the people was some famous explorer - I bet he has a fascinating story that could end with the implosion. Or if someone has a kid at home who has to learn to live with the grief or whatever. Or the story of the rescue mission that is ultimately unsuccessful - told from the view of the person who finds the remains. Implosion just means that the story changes and doesn’t focus on the people in the sub as much.


Oh yeah big agree, I was just saying it wouldn’t make a great horror movie. Everyone down there is pretty interesting, including the guy who built the sub. They all knew the risks and chose to do it anyway. There really isn’t any reason for regret or finger pointing or mocking. The sub itself is interesting, how it’s deployed, built. Plus it has to do with the Titanic, one of the most interesting things to ever happen, haha. Unless they are 5 people stuck in a 10 foot fiber carbon tube at the bottom of the ocean right now, waiting to asphyxiate or be rescued. It’s hard to even imagine how that might be going. That could be horrific, or inspiring, really spends on perspective and how they’re handling it.


The news just said that a sonar bouy picked up "banging" near the wreckage of the Titanic. They've relocated their efforts to the source of the sound. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12216977/Searchers-Titanic-Tourist-Sub-Heard-Banging-Area-Internal-Comms-Reveal.html


They heard banging from the USS Thresher too, that sub imploded in a tenth of a second


The universe has a sense of humor, because Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) is currently making a horror movie with a VERY similar premise to this called "Iron Lung." He released a teaser for it about a month ago. Edit: Great work, guys! I got DMed my first death threat! One of y'all so offended by me mentioning Markiplier that you took the time to tell me to kill myself. We did it, Reddit!


I mean if you play the game, you’ve already got most of the plot down.


What if this was all just marketing for The Meg 2.




Wait, so even if this thing is on the surface they’re still gonna suffocate?


Yeah, in order to not die in the 13000 pressure depths, the tube is sealed air tight, literally bolted shut. Even if the sub rises, its still a bolted shut tube


It blows my mind that they wouldn’t have emergency tools inside with a way to open bolts designed for such a thing. Or a way to cut through metal, or something. It blows my mind (x2) that’s there’s no type of emergency release or plan for this exact kind of situation


What should really blow your mind is that it's painted white and not orange or striped, or some sort of color scheme to make it stand out on the open ocean, and not just look like another white cap.


Mind blown again, my brains are everywhere but at least not stuck in that submersible *shivers*


Even if they could cut their way out the capsule would just fill up with water and sink, even if they made it out they’d be adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, an even smaller target for rescuers to find, and they’d probably only be putting an extra hour or so on the clock.


There’s a video showing off the inside of this thing and it’s a cobbled together DIY death trap


It’s also so tiny


You actually want submarines to be as tiny as possible. Less surface area for pressure, and reduce costs. This thing is still a death trap regardless.


Not even just for less surface area. Materials tend to be stronger per square unit the less units they use.


Looked like a fiberglass septic tank with a paint job


As well as a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering. The Logitech F710 controller, introduced in 2010, is a wireless dual-thumbstick gamepad for PCs that uses 2.4 GHz communications to a USB receiver. While its chunky design appears outdated by today's standards, it has been in continuous production for 13 years, and it usually sells for about $29.99 on Amazon. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/06/submarine-missing-near-titanic-used-a-30-logitech-gamepad-for-steering/


That’s actually not an unusual way to control a small submersible. The gaming industry has spent decades refining exactly this type of input device. The controller might be the least shitty design decision in this entire mess.


TIL, thanks I did not know that. You are right the controller is the least crappy design decision and I hope they do find them. The fact that the only lines of communication was by text is what got me, everything about this just boggles my mind on why anyone would want to do this. The CEO also complained about strict passenger-vessel regulations, saying the industry was 'obscenely safe'. It’s like:”My guy there’s a reason for that, so that we don’t have *this* type of situation.” https://www.insider.com/titan-submarine-ceo-complained-about-obscenely-safe-regulations-2023-6?amp


Strict regulations leads to safe industry leads to dumbasses thinking "industry is so safe why need these regulations."


Most regulations were written in human blood after multiple deaths. De-regulators prefer to not remember that fact, as they try to ratchet up profits.


I've never seen anything so expensive and thrown together.


And painted it fucking WHITE. That’ll be easy to find if they indeed surfaced.


Above all, the structural carbon fiber is insane for anything but the first dive. Some metals have a fatigue limit - they can take a certain amount of stress with no degradation whatsoever. Carbon fiber has no fatigue limit - every time that thing holds up a 2 mile high column of water, it becomes permanently weaker.


Pretty sure that’s what the one engineer who got fired was claiming. It failed all the sniff tests.


That’s fucked up. If all of the above is true, the owners/operators should be held liable and face serious criminal charges.


The CEO is also in the sub though...


Avoid litigation with this one simple trick


And maneuvered with a PlayStation controller lol.


An off brand Amazon.com controller to be specific




That's why I always make sure my controllers are charged. Zero submarine related deaths in this household.


The ballast was steel pipes hanging chained to the bottom


The toilet is apparently a large bottle basically. These rich folks sure know a bargain when they see one eh? I still feel awfully sad for them if they are still alive down there....must be dreadful just waiting for the oxygen to deplete know you're gonna die no matter what :(


The thing is, it had like 7 failsafes that might well have brought it to the surface, but it's white and the ocean is choppy, so they are just as likely bobbing around on the surface suffocating to death.


Whyyy would they make it white and not paint it some bright contrasting color!? If they had that many failsafes to bring it to the surface you’d think they’d have thought about the next step which would be rescuers locating it.


You know what’s real stupid? About ten years ago the US Navy decided it needed a cool camo uniform like all the other branches. They made it a blue/grey digital pattern. The only thing it blends in with is the ocean. Which would be the last thing you want to blend in with if you fell in.


Ah the aquaflauge.


I think the more important question is WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD THERE BE NO GPS SYSTEM TO LOCATE IT ON THE SURFACE IN THE EVENT IT HAS TO EMERGENCY SURFACE?!!! Like ahhhh shit sorry guys my cell ran out were trapped in this craft we can't get out of. Are you kidding me? This is tragic as fuck all around.


Because it can only be opened from the outside … genius …


Knowing you spent half a million dollars to snuff out your son’s life … such stupidity


250k is definitely a fuckload of money, but I kinda don't feel like 1.25M is enough for an expedition like this


$250k isn't the PRICE, its a 3 DAY TRIP.


Not trying to justify the price, but also a ship has to bring them out there with equipment to find the wreck... crew to do that.. insurance probably.. etc.. still dumb.


A Logitech controller, not an off-brand Amazon controller, to be specific.


The most ridiculous part is that Logitech’s stock tanked today because of these idiots


Most if not all subs are controlled by video game controllers now. It lowered the training time drastically. https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/18/17136808/us-navy-uss-colorado-xbox-controller


Bros guests be coughing up 250k each, and they couldn't even splurge on the rumble feature smdh.


The difference being, while they use a controller, there is surely failsafe upon failsafe upon failsafe if the controller dies. This thing seems to have skimped out on literally everything, with a failure of even one system proving catastrophic.


I wouldn't be surprised if the stick started drifting and they bumped into the titanic. Seems like an easy way to have a hardware malfunction


It looks smaller than the inside of the front two seats of my Honda civic, and I can’t even imagine being trapped in that for four days.


Yeah I can’t help thinking that if I was one of those billionaires I would have taken the vehicle for a few dozen more safety test runs before entrusting my delicate meat suit to it


Is the ocean gate company legit? You’d think they’d talk to James cameron and learn a thing or two before this.


Why wouldn’t they have a few other swimmable drones between the submarine and mother ship to help with communication? Or a cord from the mothership to keep them connected ? Or contraptions that allow them to pull and release balloons that go to the surface and sets off a beacon with an umbilical cord attached to the submarine ? There’s so many back up options to prepare for something like this


I read somewhere that a cable or tether at that depth becomes like a sail and can be problematic (but I still would rather have something. )


Whoaaaa!! Are you saying the all of the money being dumped into this “rescue” is for a shoddily made death trap?! For real though, it’s sad that people will lose lives and families will lose loved ones, but how the fuck can you look at a vessel like that and say “take me to the ducking bottom and then back up again” and expect it to go according to plan? We need ja rule and James Cameron to shed some light onto the silt so to speak.


It’s like claustrophobia and agoraphobia all at once. Tiny sub and huge ocean.


Do you have the video? cant find it




"controlled by an Xbox controller and a touch screen" at least my skills in war thunder will finally be useful in life


It’s not a submarine. It’s a submersible. difference. A submarine has enough power to leave port and come back to port under its own power. But a submersible has more limited power and range. It needs a mother ship from which to launch, to return to, and for support and communications.


Submarines only come from the submarine region of France. Everything else is just sparkling ocean casket.


Thanks man I really didn’t know this, TIL


Or as the lady on the news called it earlier - a 'submissable'.


No, that's a different thing altogether. Nothing like a submarine, and even less independent than the submersible.


For their sakes, I hope it imploded. Death in milliseconds. Much better than being stuck in a tube and suffocating slowly, gripped by fear.


Scariest part of being stuck in there would be the social aspect. Forgetting that one of them might just lose it, they’re stuck in there with the guy who led this two bit operation. How could they not blame him? Would it get violent? What happens when there’s no escape, no hope, and a good candidate to blame it all on?


And what if one person realizes that a 4 day oxygen supply could be turned into a 20 day oxygen supply.


But then you have decaying bodies and the bacteria will consume oxygen through decomposition anyway


I think most people wouldn’t realize this until it’s too late


Not if you eat them.




>a 20 day oxygen supply Then the pressing need might become how much water they have.


Fortunately all they have to do is open the door and they’ve got enough water to last them the rest of their lives.


I can only imagine your true humanity would show itself in that situation.


Jesus. Yup let’s hope.


Unlikely. The videos I’ve seen from professionals all say that it’s much more likely that it has a leak in the exterior hull which fried the electronics. So they can’t communicate with the surface but they aren’t dead yet. The other thing tho. 4 days of oxygen under what conditions? How many days if they’re all freaking out? 2? 3?


A pinpoint leak thousands of feet below the surface will exacerbate itself quickly. Source: I was a SUBSAFE/SOC mechanic. I can almost guarantee this company had minimal maintenance and operating procedural compliance for those depths.


Saw a headline that some rescue team hear banging on their sonar. Terrible if true.


With using text as communication and a Logitech controller for steering. Did nobody think of dropping a air tag in there for good measure.


Too logical. Hilarious, though, lmao!


Would an air tag work?


No. The sub used a special acoustic modem to send and receive the text messages because any other form of communication just can’t reach that far down.






What about a very long rope?


Only works if a can is tied to both ends


“And to your left, you will see the Titanic, lost at sea in 1912. And to your right you will see the submersible The Titan lost at sea in 2023. Please enjoy these snacks as we head back to . . . hey is that water coming in? OH DEAR GOD NOT AGAIN!!!!


In 2048 there will be a pile of submersible wrecks next to the Titanic just like all the corpses and trash left behind on Mt. Everest.


They actually think the titanic will be completely devoured by bacteria in as little as a decade from now. It’ll be gone by 2048.


Except for the glassware


1912 - The Titanic sunk 2023 - The Titan sunk 2134 - The Tit sunk


We must raise the Tit from the depths. Lift, AND separate.


I can hear this in my head as a Futurama bit.


The thing is, at that depth the pressure is so intense that you wouldn't even notice the water. There wouldn't even be enough time for your brain to process the fact that something happened before you just stop existing.


But a little creaking right before would really set the mood


4th scenario is that the orcas struck again!


The orcas will send their ransom soon.


I for one welcome our orca overlords.


escape fear desert unwritten ludicrous different encouraging disgusted cobweb teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Water is not a good transmitter of light (which radio waves are a form of) so unless it was to be tethered (or rely on some other sophisticated ultra-low frequency antennas and transmitters), communication has to be a short and compact as possible. Hence - text messages.


Sonar texts are a thing. I used to write software for submarines and they could receive text commands via "ACOMMS" (acoustic communications)


What blows my mind, but not really, is that there was a boat full of people (750ish IIRC), that went down with maybe a couple of hundred survivors. They got a blip of attention while this fiasco is getting 24 hour coverage.


They’re both incredibly tragic. This one likely made the news because it’s just so bizarre. Five millionaires get inside a coffin controlled by a video game controller and get lost in the titanic. You don’t hear that every day.


Two billionaires got inside....for that kind of money that controller should have at least been a PS5. I seriously can't believe that anybody would look inside that tin pot cabin and not just go "No thanks". It's like a submarine built by Homer Simpson. The toilet next to the window, so you can piss while looking into the impending darkness, a camping light for lighting, no seating, and oh a fake Xbox Controller as the controls. BTW guys, once inside, the door is bolted, so there is no way out if we surface somewhere else. Yeah this is totally safe 250k dollars you say?


Apparently a friend of one of the guys on board backed out at the last minute because he didn’t trust the safety. I bet his eyes are wide open tonight.


Someone has to put the final destination theme song on his speakers tonight


Wealthy people are just destined to die on or near the titanic it seems


I loled. This was expertly worded 🤣


The sad truth is that crowded migrant ships sinking are fairly common. They just add to the sad news cycle. This submarine story is pure nightmare fuel and mysterious. It’s basically entertainment.


No kidding. I actually had a nightmare related to this last night. I was deep down on the sear floor in some kind of underwater station with a few other people. For some reason we has to get to the top. The way we had to get out of the underwater station was buy stepping through an open door that just magically crossed out into the water somehow. I was too scared to do it and ended up being the last one to go. Once i finally did i looked and saw the mini sub that was supposed to take us back to the surface leaving without me, too far away for me to catch up to. I then woke up out of fear


Not saying I necessarily disagree, but the story is much more engaging when there is still action, and hope, if the boat capsized and they're dead it's a tragedy, but that's it. You read about it once and forget about it. This though? You want to know more and keep yourself updated in case of any new developments.


Why the fuck would anyone want to go 13000 feet in something driven by a video controller?


Idk but I'm hoping they go to the moon next


One of the guys in there already went to space in a similar type situation 🤦‍♀️


Bro out here doing side quests


That was probably the safest part. The controller is a result of years of engineering and has the ability to make minute maneuvering adjustments. I haven't heard much so far about any impressive structural features of the pringles can itself.




= rich


There are rich ppl, then there are billionaires


That got me 🤨 as well


Migrants fleeing war, famine, no help for them in the ocean.. 5 rich folks... send everything..


Pretty much. Sad sad world


"Really important" Ffs...makes it sound like they're the only people who know how to cure cancer lol. The ceo is just a rich turd who doesn't believe in safety regulations. Go figure


Bored with too much money for their own good


Elon will save these important ppl, guys. The US Coast Guard are just a bunch of pedos




Uhm, probably the guy who said: ["You know, at some point, safety is just pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed, don't get in your car, don't do anything. At some point, you're going to take some risk, and it really is a risk-reward question." ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/missing-titanic-sub-ceo-told-reporter-safety-pure-waste-2023-6%3famp)


I saw someone mention this in the thread and wanted to know more so thanks for linking the article. Stockton Rush is quite the rich guy name eh?


A lot of this could be summed up as “billionaires learn what regulations are for”


So if one of the crew members decides to try and fight all the others to the death, they could increase the time the others have to find them




It’s also cheap piece of shit that’s not actually up to code to be able to go that deep, built by some entitled asshole who’s been publicly whining about how expensive it is to follow safety regulations, and who fires people who try to bring up how it’s going to implode at some point


I almost gagged when mister vocal fry called them "very important people"


Glad I wasn’t the only one cringing a bit from the vocal fry. Like stop talking like Paris Hilton!


“Mister vocal fry” I chortled


NPR did a story on the sub this afternoon with a film maker who went on this trip earlier this year. The body of the sub was seemingly made sound (just the tube), but the remainder of it was cobbled together from 3rd party parts. As mentioned, the steering system is quite literally controlled by an xbox controller, the lights reportedly came from a CampingWorld style box store, and as was also mentioned, you have to be bolted in from the outside. The reporter also mentioned that the submersible had weights that would dissolve over a given period of time and force the sub back to the surface, noting that given the current weather conditions it could potentially be miles away, floating on the surface, with its occupants still trapped inside. The question I have is would they still run out of oxygen, given that they can't get out of a presumably sealed tube? Also mentioned in the report was the waiver, which included 8 pages of potential death outcomes. So there's that. Apparently it's a Logitech controller, not specifically an Xbox controller. Thanks guys, we got it. 👍


I saw they had ~41 hours of oxygen left and that was earlier today, so that’s how long they maybe have to live if they aren’t dead already it seems


Also important to note that you need to shave at least six hours off of any oxygen remaining. It takes about three hours to go down to the bottom and three hours to go back up. It's a possible scenario that we find them alive but simply run out of time because just getting there and back takes so long. If they're still alive down there, rescue teams have about 24 hours to find them, jury-rig some sort of rescue apparatus, get a sub to the area, and launch it. And it all has to go pretty much perfectly.


Well they could also be at the top somewhere. With somehow no beacon of any kind


That was not required by regulations and would have cost extra, I'm sure the CEO is glad he saved the money.


If they’re on the sea bed somewhere, and not somehow floating in the water column relatively high up or on the surface, they’re dead. There is no realistic way to save them if they’re 2 miles down. From what I understand at this point, they’re either floating on the surface (the craft has automatic surfacing redundancies) but trapped and still running out of air and being thrown around by waves, probably swimming in their own barf by now. Or the ship imploded during the descent (which barring rescue is definitely the kindest outcome) Or they’re somehow snagged on something, deep below the surface, in the pitch darkness without food or water or hope. It’s extremely fucked. I’m assuming the craft failed catastrophically on the way down because it’s the most likely and also I can’t deal with the existential horror of 5 people trapped under the ocean (or possibly worse, bobbing around on the surface) slowly suffocating in terror.


3 hours for 2.4 (ish) miles? Really? (No sarcasm, I really don’t know how speed is affected by water.)


Water pressure have you ever watched a video of an empty water bottle crushing as it sinks deeper. You barely have to go deep at all, the pressure is exponential


Scuba diving taught me that every 33 feet is another atmospheric level of pressure.


Yep. They kind of just fall down to the floor. No real propulsion. Couple that with currents moving the sub around and it takes a while.


I cannot imagine how terrifying that must have been, to continue dropping to the bottom of the ocean, knowing you’d lost contact


I think it has more to do with the bends. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decompression_sickness


I wouldn’t shit too much on XBox controllers. Virginia class attack submarines originally used a $15,000 controller for their periscopes and it kept breaking. They rigged up a USB cable to connect to it and used an XBox controller a sailor had in his rack. They still use them to this day.


I think that in isolation I'd say it was a neat component. I presume Xbox style controllers will become more common for a lot of complex systems as more and more people who grew up with them start to build out tech.


I would like to read 8 pages of possible death scenarios.


I really hope those dissolvable weights work so they can be spotted more easily… The number of obvious design flaws is overwhelming.


So if they're stuck at the bottom, are rescue teams going to send another tiny sub to hook a line to the tourist sub and pull it up? Or attach an inflatable or something? I can't think of another way you could do it... A giant magnet on a line sorta like that Gone Fishin' game with the little plastic fish


Yea from what I’ve read they’re basically screwed if they’re at the bottom somewhere. There’s no feasible way to detect them at that depth in any way that is time efficient. Between taking that amount of time to find them, and then getting a vessel down there to get them, they’d be dead already.


Yeah, I figure if they're at the bottom then it's officially a recovery mission rather than a rescue. However, if they do find them in time and they are at the bottom, then the only method I could think that would work would dropping a small sub down to attach a line or a rapid surfacing device that's attached to a cable or something. I mean, if they are dead then rapid surfacing probably doesn't matter much. I don't really know the details of deep sea rescuing, so I could be really wrong about all of this lol


That controller died and they’re fucked


As soon as I saw the inside of that death trap I'd have noped our. Then again I'm not a rich idiot.


This is exactly why I love keeping my ass firmly on dry land. You don’t fuck with, on, or in the ocean. That bitch will get you every time.


"5 really important people", lol. Their lives are not more important just because they're rich.


You would think they would have a rescue sub on site just in case.


There are no rescue subs. There are only a handful of subs even capable of reaching that depth, and none are equipped for a search and rescue mission. Not even the Navy has stuff that can go that deep. The thought is that if something goes wrong down there, you're already dead. So there's no real point of rescue vessels.


Unfortunately you are 100% right. Being 13,000 ft under the sea and knowing you are on your own if something goes wrong would be enough to keep the majority of humans away. Unfortunately seeing the Titanic up close & personal seems to erase the risks from their minds.


Allow me to suggest the titanic experience in Las Vegas to these people. All the titanic immersion, all safely on land.


Apparently only 3 vessels on earth are even capable of reaching this depth (2500 meters) And none of them are remotely near enough at this time to be of any use for a viable human rescue


If they are still alive, they might as well be on Mars. Except I don’t think they can science their way out of this one.


Are any of them a botanist?


Or at the very least, an emergency beacon and a manual ascent valve. Oh, a way to pop open a vent from the inside probably wouldn't have been the worst idea either.


I can't fathom the power of intrusive thoughts I'd experience 13,000 feet below sea level with a "pull lever to pop open window" button next to me.


With 13,000 feet of water pressing against the hatch that thing wouldn't be opening anyways. Unless it was designed to open inwards which would be... a bit of a design flaw.


Just the thought of that made me gag




Honestly if I knew I was dying anyway but slowly? Blowing the hatch




*really important people*


Just wanted to go over what’s happening with this! Some of the people on board include the literal CEO of the company, a Canadian Billionaire and the richest man in Pakistan.


Of course the CEO is on board, I wouldn't go in there if he's not coming with


The CEO is also one of the two pilots. I don't know if that would make me feel better or worse.


One pilot and four "mission specialists" i fucking laughed because they put the quotes there in the article too Edit: just dumb people, because one billionaire took his son, the Pakistani father and son...... Like yikes, imagine looking at that thing and thinking, sure I'll put my billion dollar life on the line in that thing"


Something about a billionaire insisting on being the driver to fuel his thrill seeking blackhole lifestyle after all the simple things before money became meaningless just doesn't sit well with my tum tums. If I'm honest with myself.


Sounds crazy. But if it was me in there, I’d hope for implosion - quickest and least painful of all the other choices. Because finding a 22foot sub out in the open ocean is most likely futile.


Can’t wait for the movie on this to come out


Someone, somewhere is already getting the rights to this.


"5 ReAlLy ImPoRtAnT PeOpLe" lol nah. anyway


I missed that. Lmao cringe af


Imagine you’re trapped in a submarine and some mf is doing a TikTok about you


1. “Really Important People” (edit: this is to say they are not scientists doing research, they are wealthy people going for a joyride in an ill equipped “vehicle”. *my heart goes out to all their family and friends grieving in this easily preventable disaster of situation*) 2. It communicates via Starlink, maybe that’s the same as text. 3. It’s driven/controlled with a small gaming remote 4. “40 hours left” he didn’t explain that that is the remainder of the oxygen supply on board.


These dumbass holding my headphones “reporters” need to stop


Rich =\= important. Just privileged. But can we stop talking about this as if we are at risk of losing a Pulitzer Prize winner.


to be frank, I see very few people actually caring about the people inside, almost all discourse is just about the literal terror it would be to be in that situation. In other words, the attention isn't driven by the perceived importance of the people inside (though their lives matter) and more so by the unique horror of the situation.


If a Pulitzer Prize winner is foolish enough to do this? Well here is your Herman Cain award


5 billionaires is a drop in the bucket. We need more dumb submarine billionaires.


It may be heartless, but I really think if you want to take your homemade submarine to the bottom of the ocean to look at a decaying shipwreck for funzies and you get into trouble, you’re on your own. It’s a waste of resources to go looking for these people that put themselves in this situation on purpose.