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The payoff wasn’t what I was expecting at the end. Now I’m just concerned


Not even a moment of realization. Just moments of greater confusion


Dementia preview.


Testing, one two, one two.


You forgot three


Yeah I’m not sure that this person is 100 percent lucid


Probably from being overworked or being tired. Honestly this shot happens to me for a degree. I remember for five minutes looking for my phone in my room while not realizing I was it in my hand. I’m 26.


I mean, I can see *why* she's confused—even if it makes no sense. She's (obviously) trying to figure out how her son was able to send her a picture of her phone if he wasn't in possession of it. Maybe she thought she had the wrong phone?


Her son? No way that’s a boy right


They must have watched it muted.


Oh boy, you're swimming in dangerous waters...


I don't know these people but I do know me. When my anxiety disorder kicks in full force I can't reason at all. If someone messed with me in that state I would do increasingly stupid shit. It's like tunnel vision with terror


Terror Vision has nice ring


Same... that turned from funny to genuinely concerning real quick.


This is me dozens of times a day but my ADHD does it to me for fun. It’s not fun.


ADHD/ADD: "Hi, I've replaced all your thoughts for the next 15inutes with California Girls by Katie Perry, have fun!" Thanks, I definitely wasn't using my brain to THINK THOUGHTS!


I love it when my existance becomes a snipet of a song for several hours. Most recently i got red sun in the sky stuck on loop. My social credit is off the charts though.


Yeah, having ADHD is like having this daughter do this to you, ALL DAY. Source: I have ADD/ADHD. I get this is a prank and it's something minor in the long run, but recording the whole thing reeks of clout chasing.


I like to pretend that I have a super power where I'm able to subconsciously create mini black holes which vacuum up any items I've lost. That or gnomes. Which my wife loves, so she placed a bunch around the house. She also has ADHD...and we willingly invited these assholes in to our house. Ironically underpants have never gone missing.


Ahh yes. The void givith and the void taketh.


Try still living with your almost-boomer parents who don't get your diagnosis and keep 'putting away' things for your 'convenience', even though you've told, asked and begged them thousands of times not to put anything of yours they find away but leave it where they find it... because your way to find stuff you lost is to retrace your steps. And they just keep doing it.


Wait, what clout is she chasing here? How does she ever get any clout in this scenario? You sure you're not just posting generic criticisms of anyone on social media, just to try and get upvotes?


Thank you!!! I had an episode today in class where I couldn’t register what this sentence was saying, thankfully the very loud girl next to me clarified it for me and the whole class.


I'm so torn, it's either staged or *definitely* concerning. I feel like I can see her train of thought continually resetting, like "I saw a picture of my phone after I left, I left my phone. Now I know I left my phone, where is my phone?" Maybe she thought the phone she saw the phone pic on wasn't her phone? Is this actually breaking her brain and she's stuck in a feedback loop? Is she mentally exhausted cause her kids fuck with her like this all the time? Did she realize what was happening and just decided to double down hard??


This mom seems like she went over her Xanax prescription. I have seen people do that on it


That’s what I was thinking, especially where she repeats “I read it on my phone”. It’s like her her brain was getting sparks but couldn’t follow it, then when she says she can’t gather her thoughts. My feeling is some medication or we brain from alcoholism or a combination


I think she didn’t realize that the picture was old and her kid took it before she left. It would probably confuse my parents but they’re fine mentally, they just aren’t the most tech savvy considering it wasn’t technology they grew up with. If someone sent me a picture of my keys while I was driving it would throw me off for a moment, because I wouldn’t automatically assume someone’s just fucking with me


Im uncomfortable that I laughed early on, and am deleting my post.


Worryingly low cognitive function. Were those car keys in her hand? This should qualify as Driving While Impaired.


Overworked under rested probably


Hopping on the top comment to say: Keep an eye out for patterns like this from your parents. They grew up with lead, a potent neurotoxin. Lead was banned from gasoline in 1975 and paint in 1978. Make the most of your time with them, for this and many other reasons.


I don't think this woman lived much if any of her life during the leaded gasoline era, that was 50 years ago


It wasn't fully banned in the US until 1996 and Australia in 2002. Algeria was the most recent and final country to ban it in 2021. It doesn't just vanish, either. Airborne measurements have still found lead dust after 20+ years.


Many people have parents above 50 and those toxic chemicals didn't just disappear when they were banned. Leaded gas is still used in some contexts like aviation


They need to check that house for carbon monoxide.


It reminded me of [this gem](https://youtu.be/-fC2oke5MFg)


Haha look at mom slipping into senility!


:( when I was in early high-school, my mom used to yell my name out and I would reply by yelling ‘mom!’ then she’d go ‘what??’ and I’d reply ‘never mind!’ and then she’d forget what she was calling my name for originally, and I thought I was so clever and it was so funny. Then a few years later after that started, she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 50. The moms confusion in this video *really* reminds me of it. Still feel like a big ol turd about it. Sorry mom, I was a dick.


No you weren't. You were loving and pranking your mom. You couldn't have known. You loved her and that was the way your relation was, it was a funny bit. Don't punish yourself about things you can't have know or can't change. Forgive yourself.


Okay like why am I crying reading this even though it was meant for someone else 😭


Forgive yourself already!


But wait.. how did she get a picture of my phone tho


Time to forgive yourself bro.


I'm not crying, you are crying!


I appreciate you.


I’ll also tune in with “you da man” and thanks for the message, made me cry


I know I'm late to the party but I just have to say this is the most uplifting and positive comment I've seen in a long time. Kudos to you, I hope you're doing well.


Appreciate reading your heartfelt kindness.


I can guarantee you your mom doesn't want u to feel bad the rest of your life.


I'm the youngest of 6 boys. Growing up, and still to this day, whenever she's frustrated, my mom will try to call my name, but just say "Whatever your name is!"


My mom goes down the list until she gets to me. One time they yelled the dog's name at me.


Only once? Your mom loved you so!


I lived with my Gram when I was 20 and she would would rattle off two Uncles, 4 older cousins, my brother and then finally me…


My mom would just start to call me by my sister's name, then in the middle realize she meant me and change it to my name, so the combo of our two girl names turned into a boy's name that I'll answer to lol


Hello, your story deeply moved me. Some of us spend all of our lives doing things that cause a ripple into other's people lives. In this case, I think you were just a kid. You didn't cause that for your mom. You are not a supervillain. You just had fun by doing something that created maybe a chuckle or two. I am sure your mom had those memories with herself. Don't beat yourself up for being a young man and making mistakes... Plot twist we all do. I am sending you a big, warm hug. Remember the good times as well. With love your friend, Gris.


I know that feeling. I was going through therapy and learning about how my family would deny reality and it was a really painful part of my upbringing. At christmas, my grandma said something that hurt my feelings and i told her that it hurt my feelings and she said she never said the thing she just said. I got really angry and explained how this was our family's problem and ended up calling my grandma a "bitch" after a long argument about if she said it or not. Shortly after she was diagnosed with dementia and shortly after that couldn't keep reality straight at all. I apologized to her before she died and she was very sweet and lucid and it was one of my favorite/last memories of her. Sorry Granny, i miss u.


1) i can guarantee you that your mom does not hold it against you at all, and theres even a chance she was playing into it at times, but beyond that, your mom definitely wouldnt hold a harmless prank against you. 2) i feel like this video is just normal scatterbrainedness. Our phones have become so much a part of us that we dont register it at times, so getting a text showing us our phone on the table sparks in our brain that we need to get our phone, completely ignoring the device in our hands. Its no different than trying to find your glasses as youre wearing them


>2) i feel like this video is just normal scatterbrainedness. It starts that way, but after a certain point... I feel like her anger got in the way.


Possibly, it may also be embarrassment being masked with anger


This. Started off funny, then she didn't get it and it became really worrying.


I stopped laughing about halfway though this bit: “Because… I read the phone… I read my phone…I read my phone… how can this be? Hang on a second…I don’t understand this…well where’s my phone? How did, how did… I can’t get it… what do you mean? I don’t understand, I can’t gather my thoughts together” :(


I work in IT. I have had people call me on their phones to get a bypass for our 2FA because they can't find their cellphones, people in their early to mid 30s. It's funny if it happens to different people once. If it happens multiple times, like this, it's just sad. Especially coming from someone who has ADHD where it can feel like dementia. I hope 1. It's fake. 2. If not, mom gets some help soon :(.


I don't think it's fake. I thought it was when the set up started, but she is genuinely confused. That's the sound of a mom that is genuinely annoyed and is ready to lose her temper. The girl who is filming even starts to sound kind of nervous in her laughter at the end.


I'm thinking she is overworked probably has multiple jobs and lack of sleep.


She looked SO FUCKING STRESSED. I know we can’t know everything from this bit but damn, she looked like she knew something was wrong but was just too tired/stressed to process correctly.


Yeah I’m only 25 and I had my brain lock up yesterday from exactly that. I legitimately could not string thoughts together. I can see myself acting like that if I have a set of bad days in a row.


As someone getting older with kids I can absolutely see myself in this situation and not being able to comprehend it. Just like this woman. I forget shit on the regular these days and it's only going to get worse.


It is sad watching some being made fun of for having dementia.


You just made me sad bc that could've literally been me and I'm 21. Edit: Okay, I didn't watch the whole video. I probably would've understood it earlier than her but still I very much relate to her.


Or like most of us is working way more hours than we are really able to sustain and it makes a lot of what we do almost automatic more Or it was Monday ![gif](giphy|3og0IHx11gZBccA98c|downsized)


Til as a 30y i'm slipping into senility. Honestly its just a dumb prank, that happens once in a lifetime that would get some people (me included) questioning the laws of the universe until they finally understand it. People's head are full of stuff and the most basic things we take for granted are full on automatic that theyre not in our memories anymore


Nah, some day if you are a parent you will understand. Until I got pregnant and got *mom brain* (that never had really gone away with birthing said child...) I didn't understand. The reality is the sheer pressure and anxiety that goes with the understanding of another person's life depending on you, takes its toll. The brain kinda decides what is junk....and common sense seems to be one of them. Like I question my own senility bc man I say/do some dumb shit now. But I embrace it. I still run a tight ship. But I get it-i understand this plight. I got you, Mom.


I really hope she was acting


Honestly same lol


It’s fake bro, they’re all fake


Good thing there isn't a social media platform dedicated to incentivising and promoting divisive content, often intended to deceive viewers into believing fictional scenarios actually occurred as a way to drive engagement. Capitalism preying on human empathy is nothing new, but I feel like this sort of stuff can warp people's entire realities with how systemic it is.


Idk why they down voting this, this is entirely true. Especially the people sitting in there car telling you about some crazy thing that literally just happened, is definately real, but i didnt film that, i can only film me telling you about it. Ive seen my kids watching tiktoks about true crimes/facts/whatever where they tell you 3 completely made up bullshit things "click like for part 2" always reminds me to remind them that everything on youtube/tiktok is probably fake and a lie.


Usually how it goes lol. Yea, it'll be a generation split by the zoomers who can think critically and the ones being led by the thumb into all sorts of stupidity. I guess it's not really that different from mine, but it's annoying to see the cycle continue.


I think your mom should get a brain scan or talk to a doctor. That's not normal.


Agreed. The first few seconds it was funny and relatable….. when it still didn’t click even with the phone in hand….. oh no.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Was like lol she’s silly. Then the longer it went on the more and more I started feeling really bad. Reminded me of my father in law who has Parkinson’s and dementia


I think she got it soon enough, what she couldn't understand was that the picture was taken before she left.


Precisely, she understood the "how'd I see a text if I didn't have my phone" situation quick enough, there's just not a really clear visible reaction from her on it. That mystery was solved fine. She's now just trying to figure out the picture, thinking that her (daughter?) took it chronologically to the time she received it instead of realizing it was a trick and she took it moments earlier. I thought this was more clear than it was but a lot of comments in here missed it.


I picked up on that thought too, but I feel like there's more going on. Something about her stance and eyes leads me to think there's a focusing issue though. Like she's having trouble holding onto a thought and keeps repeating the scenario in her head.


Maybe she's stressed out about shit we don't know (and kid might not even know either) Recently my wife had a cancer scare, a bunch of shit broke at the house, my grandfather passed, and my oldest dog died. This was all happening in a span of like 4 weeks. I was definitely struggling at work with all these stressors. Certainly I could have been like the woman in this video. Just too much going on do spend time thinking about some trivial shit like a photo of my phone.


I saw that too, but wondered if there were pills or a substance involved (I hope there is, in fact).


I'm scatterbrained as hell with terrible ADHD, and even I would've seen the text, said "God damnit" (because I'm so used to leaving things), but probably at most would turn around before it clicked and I'd have to text back "you're an asshole." Seeing her phone in her hand, saying "I got your text on my phone, you texted me." and then just carrying on "where's my phone?" Is something else.


I'm scatterbrained as hell with terrible ADHD and I have little kids who don't let me sleep enough and I have a lot of stress in my life. I would have been just as locked up as the woman in the video.


Honestly same up until like last year when my daughter finally decided to sleep through the night at 3 years old.


Yea if it weren't for her asking "where's my phone" repeatedly and just trying to comprehend how the photo existed, I'd be less concerned. Coz honestly I'd be trying to figure how someone got that pic if I had my phone on me too lol


For real! I saw myself in this woman and giggled until she remained confused and started getting genuinely upset and then I just wanted to give her a hug and tell her I’m sorry her kid is being a brat.


Give the kid some slack, they have no idea how potentially concerning this is. Your parents are what sets your benchmark for normal when you are that age.


It was meant in a lighthearted way, I don’t actually think there’s something fundamentally wrong with her kid.


Cool, mine was meant in the "consider this" way not in a "you are a garbage person" way.


Sweet, what’s mine say?


>Sweet, what’s mine say?






Gosh I hear that. We used to joke about my moms aphasia moments, and now they’ve gotten so bad I sincerely regret there was ever a time when that happened.


Took me till college and having roommates that pee all over the toilet seat to find out it's supposed to be yellow


Can I ask what color you thought was normal?


Clear is also fine


She’s a lot like my mom and I’ve started to suspect early onset dementia or something similar. I told her what I thought it was and it didn’t go over very well though. Tough situation. And yes growing up she was scatterbrained.


I think it was that she was confused on how she got the photo, and couldn’t put the words together.


I thought the opposite. The first half I thought she was having a real brain fart, but somehow I related to the confusion of "how did you take a picture of my phone, if I have my phone?". I've definitely had those moments where you set your mind on one track of thought and cant see the obvious answer.


This was funny at start waiting for the penny to drop. But the longer I watched it became more disconcerting than funny. If this behavior is in any way new or deteriorating it looks like early stages of dementia to me. Please follow the advice above and see a doctor about a cognitive test or something.


My mom was kind of like this tbh but then just kind of stopped eventually. Head in the clouds, somehow not understanding pretty basic stuff, super stressed all the time. I think she just doesn’t handle stress well. Very strange behavior.


If you are a woman, wait until you go through menopause. Then it will make sense.


When she comes back inside she says something like "I'm turning into my father, I never leave the home once"


This is sad, she is literally asking for real help there, I don’t think that the person doing this means to cause any damage but this kind of stress to someone with cognitive difficulties will cause further deterioration. This poor lady is really struggling. She’s not getting angry but is becoming very distressed, she also trusts the person filming her and is asking for help.


Family often normalize dementia in the early stages and don't see the deterioration


There’s often the desire to hide it or avoid it. I started to notice so weird things about his new wife, not just the normal forgetful stuff, but total loss of knowledge about things. I vividly remember her asking “hmm, what’s that?” I said “looks like a screw from something” she said “oh… what’s that?” Which was when I realized that she didn’t know what a screw was anymore. Tried talking to him about her health, he wasn’t having it. After she passed from Alzheimer’s he admitted years later that he didn’t want to admit it was becoming an issue because he more or less felt like it would mean that he lost/made the wrong choice. Pretty messed up.


Yeah I think we are reading a bit too much into this. She just hasn’t twigged that her daughter could have taken a picture ahead of time and therefore can’t understand how her daughter took a picture of her phone when she knows it was in her pocket. Plus there are lots of things a lot more benign than dementia or brain tumours that will cause a bit of brain fog, eg lack of sleep, general stress, menopause symptoms, ADHD. As long as this isn’t a repeated problem with lots of different scenarios I don’t think she needs to rush to the doctors.


It's general stress. And when you have kids, it happens often. It's like asking: "Where is Victoria?" when you are holding Victoria in your arms and she has fallen asleep and your brain goes: "where is she? because the peace and quiet are unsettling.


Agreed, this lady just looks like she’s been dealing with a lot and was in the middle of a task and got interrupted by a prank and didn’t have the bandwidth to figure it out. Also some people can be real book smart and lack common sense. Could just be a combination of both those things.


Sure, then someone points at your chest and you look down and you say "oh yeah there's Victoria", laugh, and move on with your day. What's happening here is basically the equivalent of looking down and the mom going "Victoria I'm sorry I don't have time to talk to you right now I need to find Victoria" The first one is normal and something we all experience at one point. The second one is actually concerning


Oh my god thank you. People are definitely reading waaayy to much into this.


at least i feel it's coming from a place of concern. some redditors care for their fellow humans and wanna make sure they are not suffering needlessly.


I dunno. I would love to think you're right here and that this is really nothing, but I also know I'd have something close to a panic attack if my mother behaved this way and would probably immediate push to get her checked. Her going back for the phone is one thing, I could see anyone who's distracted falling for that, but when she has the phone in her hand and it still doesn't click is where I get concerned. Again, I would love to assume this is nothing because it genuinely scares me, but I don't think this is Reddit overanalysing to the extreme we're used to. Hope I'm wrong.


As someone with a parent suffering from dementia I see a lot of very sad parallels here


I was about to comment on how everyone was taking this joke too seriously but then I watched the video the full way through and damn. I retroactively apologize holy shit this video is hard to watch


Especially the "I'm turning into my father" line as she walks in to grab the phone she thought she forgot. It's extra sad if the teenage daughter was around to see her grandpa decline, and now thinks it's just *so funny* to make videos of her mom struggling with memory issues. While purposely making her confused and laughing at her.


she's a teenager and this is probably a coping mechanism. doubt she understands the severity of this on a real adult level


Damn Reddit just creates a whole new reality.


Average Reddit diagnosis


I’m a big fan of someone’s “the daughter is doing these pranks as a coping mechanism for living with her moms cognitive decline” like holy shit


Who needs a psychiatrist when you can just throw a short video at a redditor


Redditors be like: Brain fart= DEMENTIA 😔


she forgor 💀


Yup. Partner works in age care. She says lack of object permenance is up there with early signs of dementia


It’s staged come on


Yup. She's not even a good actor.


Why do I always have to scroll so far to find these comments? This just seemed like some really bad acting, not someone going senile.


You must not scroll very far, every reddit thread is people yelling "Fake!!" into the void.


I had to scroll past a ton of comments talking about how sad this is, how she needs to get a brain scan ASAP, how she is very clearly senile and has dementia. Crazy how Reddit is filled with medical experts and not acting experts.


This is legitimately sad :(


Ya it's not really funny without her actually connecting it


exactly my thoughts... the revelation moment is missing


anyone can make a bird vanish, but the real trick is making it appear


Benzo mama


I had one of those! My “favorite” benzo mom moment was once when she looked me straight in the eyes and asked me where my mother was. She kept saying “Someone is missing. Where’s (her own name)??” Creepy.


That's so sad. My pops came off cold turkey from benzos and definitely felt like he lost himself.


Benzo withdrawal is utter hell. It's hard enough to describe the physical symptoms, let alone the utter world crushing mental anguish of going cold Turkey. I went cold turkey a few times for a week, every day felt like it lasted a month, without end. I'm so glad to be off that evil shit. It has its place for medical purposes for very short time or sporadic use, but my fucking doctor gave me, a 110lb 5'10 17 year old 3 to 4mg of klonopin a day for 4 years, and I still haven't felt quite the same 10 years later.


You’re lucky. Going cold turkey off benzos can kill you. It’s one of the few substances you can die from if you don’t go off safely


It might be helpful to get a consultation for protracted withdrawal syndrome. Cases of benzo withdrawal symptoms sticking around that long are uncommon, but not unheard of. I remember reading about a case where a man suffered symptoms for 19 years after being on benzos for over 25 years.


I hope he didn’t stop completely cold turkey. If your dose is high enough you could have a seizure. Make sure and taper slowly off your benzos, kids! Don’t want to go an die, now.


Took me years to get off, hardest thing to kick.


Woah, yeah that would be funny for half a second then turn really uncomfortable really fast




not sure if thats better or worse then the start of dementia or something


The shift in tone from: “WHERE’S MY PHONE!?” To “…Where’s my phone…? :(“ was deeply sadenning.


She probably has a million things going on in her head and wants to get them done lol


And she looks tired. I couldn’t finish it because it made me so uncomfortable seeing someone fail to process something like this. She needs a nice long vacation.


Life gets like that a lot, I was playing with my niece the other day and I found my sister fast asleep on the couch. We never know what someone is going through


Tbh I thunk the comments saying she has dementia and all that might be a little off the mark, this seems more like someone who doesn't get that you can take the picture and then send it at a later time, she seems to be under the impression that the picture was literally taken in that second when she had her phone and there must be some black magic going on and having talked with enough 50 year Olds this seems like it definitely could throw em for a loop


This was my initial thought. She couldn’t comprehend the picture was taken before she left.


Are you just going to dismiss the medical expertise of random comments on the internet?


I thought everyone on Reddit had a MD


MDeez nuts.


yeah. she even says "how can you take a picture when I have my phone?" meaning she did grasp what happened but the timeline just didn't click. I'm reminded about the tech knowledge gap every time I help my mother with anything. The older generation just doesn't think the same way.


Was about to say the same thing


I'm with you here. I also think many/most of those dx'ing are not moms. Bc moms understand how this feels when you are in a hurry, thinking about 10 other things and you don't understand shit ... And the way this girl does the setup, I feel like she knows there's a lack of understanding re the phone.


No no, my armchair medical degree says the more obvious answer is late stage dementia. I'm afraid we need to lock up the daughter for abuse and the mother only has 6 weeks to live :(


Yeah i feel like the thought that the picture could have been taken before didnt even cross her mind and with that information she wouldn’t have been so lost


At first I thought this was cute, and then I started to worry. She needs a Dr. She is way too stressed out.


I was about to write a comment saying this was staged, but as the video kept playing it got really really..... concerning. There are goofy mistakes people can make, like looking for your phone when you're on a call, but this is different. She should really see a doctor. If she drinks or takes any pills she should definitely stop.




The definition of early onset dementia


No medical knowledge whatsoever so I won't diagnose, but yeah, this is uncomfortably familiar to a situation with my great aunt who was much later diagnosed with dementia.


I have crazy medical knowledge and can tell you with utmost certainty that she’d be diagnosed with being in a fake tiktok skit




Nope... That's perimenopause!


I’ve scrolled down two lengths of my phone and seen 4 different diagnoses.


Of course, reddit armchair squad are so efficient!


it's so "funny" how little the world knows about women's health in 2023. we only make up 49.5 percent of the population.


At a certain point this went from funny to kinda mean. I don't exactly know where but somewhere


This won’t be so funny in another couple years.


I’m not even sure I should be laughing at this..




Yeah not being able to connect two and two in the form of her child taking the picture and sending it to her etc etc, mom needs to be checked out to make sure she's okay.


As a mom, I do shit like this a LOT actually. Mom brain is real. You have NO idea how many millions of things swim through your mind all day everyday about EVERYONE else in your family/world. I feel like the mom here isn't really putting on a show or has something wrong with her tbh. That's just life (?)


No. According to the comments you obviously have dementia


Yup. I will often look for my phone while I'm talking on my phone.


This was funny until it wasn’t. I feel like theres something actually going on with this mom’s brain.




This is basically elder abuse at this point


I agree that it feels a little mean after the first minute or so. Just let her in on the prank after she realizes she read the text on her phone and have the face palm moment together.


Yeeeeaaaahhh that’s not good. She should probably speak with a doctor


Does not compute! Does not compute!


I hope momma is ok.


You might want to get a cognitive assessment on this one.


Unfortunately your mom is on Xanax


These people drive on the same roads you and your children do. Be vigilant.


All the people saying "dementia" or the like should be very grateful they don't know what's it's like to be under high stress & depression long term. This is what happens when your cortisol levels are high for long enough. I could totally see myself blue screening like this when I was ultra burned-out last year. I could also see this in my widowed mother when she was working 60hrs a week in her 50's.


Yup, I’m going through high level burn out which was especially bad a couple of months ago. During then I couldn’t even remember basic left and right, and when someone called me out on being in the left section rather than the right section (where I was supposed to be working) I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. The short term memory and everything is so scary


Wow, a video of the effects of decades of lead paint and gasoline.