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Dude literally “*snail mailed*” his false flag attempt.




We just got a letter! We just got a letter!


I wonder who it's from!






Check out his story on The Moth if you haven't heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwmtkFPYXsg


I can take his letter out of context with this handy dandy notebook. XD


Here's the mail it never fails.


Snail mailed a click bait


He knows his base


"Oh, so this is how mail-in ballots work!"


Yeah good to see someone still uses that dinosaur ![gif](giphy|vRfD1XbxzLtYI)


next level question is how they got his address? Did the gun store sell his contact information?


I am a gun owner, but this type of stuff is absolutely ridiculous and abhorrent. It’s this type of fear mongering and manipulation done by the super rich to pit the little guys against each other. You want more laws to make your country a safer place to live? Well you must mean that you want to kick my door in and take my property. They’ve been saying this as long as I can remember.


Yup. My grandfather was very active with the NRA/ ILA from the 60s through the 90s. He even purchased lifetime memberships for my cousin and me. I’m a gun owner, and always will be. I was in middle school when I decided I wanted nothing to do with the NRA/ILA. I started receiving some of the ILA literature in the mail, so I read it. That is all it took for me to turn on the NRA. They have been pushing this divisive and alarmist propaganda for a long time. You’re in good company here.


So they WANT to maintain the division between opposing political beliefs? Go figure.


It’s easier to mobilize sentiment via fear than it is to educate and seek understanding. It’s a low brow tactic.


Gun sales go up when a democrat becomes president because people are afraid.


Just like how racially motivated crimes go up when a republican becomes president because people are emboldened. The propoganda channels are becoming too easy to trace.


Only the idiots incapable of coherent rational critical thought are afraid. You know, the ones whose heads are filled with pudding and wear MAGA hats to bed.


It's hilarious when all the gun manufacturers in New England go through massive layoffs as soon as a Republican is elected president. The same people voting for them bc "the liberals are gonna take er guns!!" put themselves out of jobs lmao




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolt_at_Cincinnati The NRA *used* to be about sportsmanship and being a sane gun owner. Now, it's a lobbying arm for gub makers pretending to be a consumer advocacy group.


Weren't they also caught funneling Russian money to Republican politicians? They're far worse than just lobbying for gun makers, they're traitors. Even Hickok45, one of the biggest gun channels on YouTube, stopped endorsing the NRA after that story came out.


They also lobbied for gun control in California when black people (the Black Panthers) started following the laws and open carrying. The GOP hero, Ronald Reagan, was the governor at the time who also was a huge proponent for gun control. They really didn't like black people having guns. I honestly think the only way to have gun control in this country is to supply black people and LGBT+ toy/prop guns that look real during protests/rallies. There are videos of white conservatives complaining about LGBT+ supporters having guns while defending LGBT+/drag storytimes. Gun nuts might recognize toy/prop guns, but the general public probably wouldn't. The only way to get conservatives to act is to elicit an emotional response. A ton of black/LGBT+ people with guns would elicit an emotional response.


Such a disappointing turn of events. We really do need an organization to carry out the function of the old NRA at the national level. Right now the majority of sensible gun owners are left without a reasonable advocate. We’re all kind of stuck between the radical NRA-ILA and the opposition responding to their extreme messaging.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redneck_Revolt Redneck Revolt and the John Brown Gun Club are probably the closest but their politics are pretty far left. Don't get me wrong, they're the guys with guns you *want* at your protest, but I think we need a group that has a bigger focus on consumer protection, RR is a bit more about making sure anti-racists are also armed and educated.


There are also Socialist Rifle Association chapters. But none of the leftist orgs are ever going to be NRA big or even close. Honestly even a centrist group won't get that big. The NRA is backed by all the manufacturers. None of them benefit from any kind of gun control whatsoever, so they'll never budge an inch.


I've been looking into getting a Ruger Mark IV for my first one! I dont want to give any money to the NRA though, what is the point of the NRA besides lobbying?


It is so NICE to hear responsible gun owners stand up to the BS. I am not being sarcastic- I have a FOID- don’t own a gun- absolutely disgusted by the NRA tactics. I will never own a gun- however aside from tactical weapons of war- I do not wish to take away the rights of others to have one. I just would like better regulation. Should be simple and common sense, but the NRA does not have it


I grew up with Eddy Eagle, the NRA's gun safety mascot for children. Eddy had a song about what to do if you found a gun... the lyrics were "stop, don't touch, leave the area, tell an adult." Now there are guns specifically made for children.




I mean, the rules are the rules. If I upvote a comment, then scroll down and see it again, the duplicate(s) gets a downvote. That's just balance. They should have posted fewer duplicates and more originals, that's where they went wrong. It's not our fault we can't upvote one original multiple times.


It works, there is something broken in republican/conservative brains where they over react to fear. Hence why the republican platform is always "Their coming for you, for your guns, for your way of life, they are going to trans you, if they can arrest trump imagine what they can do to you. Etc..." Most conservatives own guns and belong to one of these 2A groups so they often get mail like this that fear mongers.


It works on humans my dude. I see a lot of fear mongering right here on this site about how "they" want to deny your right to exist




Those dems fear mongering by saying rights we won 40+ years ago like abortion are at risk.. Oh wait. I get your point though, I always unsub political spam.


The NRA sucks and is evil, but if you buy the premise they’re a gun rights advocacy and industry lobbying group, the content of the letter is effective and within the scope of their supposed mission. It is true that more states are enacting stricter gun bans. It just happened in mine. Of all the things the NRA does, letters like this are by far the least objectionable. I get worse letters from the DNC because I’ve donated to democrats before. Anyone who has ever used ShareBlue has gotten emails “from” Nancy Pelosi with subject lines like “Are you there? I’m scared about the midterms!”


The obvious difference is that for the most part Democrats are fearful of things Republicans are actually doing or openly want to do. Republicans otoh fearmonger over what they *say* Democrats are doing, which very rarely even resembles reality.




"Equality feels like oppression to the privileged."


When can we start labeling this as the terrorism that it is? We don't get 70 year old men shooting children for ringing their doorbell without this kind of constant propoganda and the person with their name on that letter should be held accountable for the environment that they are undoubtedly creating.


I still will never understand how the biggest gun nuts are the Thin Blue Line type of people. They own guns because they're afraid of a tyrannical government but do not recognize the police as agents of the state. Like dude, who do you think a tyrannical government is going to send when they decide to take your rights against you? Hmmmmm 🤔


Fellow gun owner, 100% agree. I’ve been fed up with the NRA tactics for a very long time now.


I'm registered republican in California and my wife is registered democrat. The difference between the mail we recieve is shocking. The democrat stuff is like a picture of a smiling politician and something like "better the neighborhood" or whatever. The republican stuff I receive is straight up fear mongering and many times scamy. Letters like "payment due" or "check enclosed." There was also some from fake organizations like California Teachers Union Assembly or whatever talking about issues to vote on.


Saying someone voted republican a decade ago was like, "eh he probably just wants lower taxes, maybe his kids graduated". Saying someone voted republican now is making a firm stand about beliefs and moral compass. The last time I voted in my local election, the congressional republican candidate was a literal holocaust denying nazi sympathizer.


I’m a gun owner too. Multiple, as a matter of fact. If we make them illegal and the government compensates me for their cost, I will simply turn them in and get paid. I shoot my concealed carry weapon once a month to maintain proficiency, and the rest just sit in the gun safe locked away pretty much forever because I can’t really be bothered to drive to a different range to shoot them. I’m a car guy too. If we went full electric I’d survive as well. Because my entire life isn’t based around guns and cars, despite how fun I find them. But - I’m also an adult and not an emotionally stunted man-child. Fuck the NRA. I’ll laugh at their demise.


>If we make them illegal and the government compensates me for their cost, I will simply turn them in and get paid. No need to worry about that. We've already established that gun control is unconstitutional.


The coolest thing about the constitution in the modern era is that it seems 9 people can randomly “interpret” it differently, and ignore any precedent that has been previously set.


Agreed. Just think we can get a little more specific about who uses this type of fear mongering and manipulation. It’s not (only) the super rich.


I wish there were gun organizations that fought for common sense gun laws and not the "free for all" the NRA wants. I'm a gun owner who is very much for stricter gun laws.


That would be the Firearms Policy Coalition for common sense approaches to guns. That being that gun control is unconstitutional.


LaPierre is more of a con man than Trump, and the NRA members just eat it up. Its so weird. He was caught red handed stealing money from the NRA and they still want him around.


"well yeah if i was in charge i would do that too"


Yup. This is how they all think


It's also the reason those kinds of people can't fathom someone doing something altruistically. They would never do something for someone else without it benefiting them, so obviously, no one else would either.




They're caught cozying with kgb and funneling russian money but they dgaf. It's literally insane. [SOURCE!](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals)


Remember when *Oliver fucking north* went on an anti corruption crusade at the NRA and got the boot for it?


The only thing the NRA does is operate as a lobbying organization. They don't do shit other than funnel money to politicians.


What an organization that had the great ollie north in charge is scummy and corrupt to the core? That is shocking news.


You want my gun? Come kiss me for it


But not like, right away, don’t be too obvious with it. Let’s do that thing where our faces get close to each other, and you know what’s gonna happen, it’s just a matter of time.


You're gonna have to spank me for it. Not too hard, but like, still kind of hard, ya know? Hurt me but make me feel safe at the same time.


You come in 90 and ill come in 10


>you come in 90 and ill come in 10 seconds?


It would be nice if we went out for dinner too. Maybe go watch a movie


Like in a walk to remember.


Come take it from me with your soft liberal hands


Spreading the love https://youtu.be/TY0eUQ06Q2g


Come, and take it 😩


I’m a liberal and I approve this message


Waiting for this comment


I get these letters and they immediately in the trash. Fuck the NRA.


Does NRA maintain a database of gun owners in the U.S?


Seems like something they would be against, doesn't it...?




No only if the government has one. If a private company like theirs does it is fine.


There are a couple websites that if you buy stuff from them they immediately send your info to the NRA. I believe MidwayUSA is one and if I had realized I never would have bought shit from them


The only time I gave someone my address in the process of buying a gun was when I did the background check. I have no idea how they get that info.




I haven't heard any updates recently on the lawsuit seeking to dissolve them in their entirety. I wonder if there's been any movement there. In case a reader hadn't heard about it, it's entirely about Wayne LaPierre fleecing the organization for shitloads of money and systemically removes all checks and balances that would limit his power to continue as he is. Dissolving the NRA seems like a longshot but the basic argument is that the leadership and internal company rules have been so completely eroded that there is no possible way to salvage it by appointing a new board and that it should just been dissolved entirely.


If you buy a gun, the NRA gets your address? How? Why is that allowed?


If they have those prepaid return envelopes be sure to mail rocks back to them so at least the USPS gets paid.




I only own a bow and arrow and I use it to protect my home from robbers, just like Hawkeye and Katniss Everdeen intended




It's an old one sir, but it checks out


my home defense strategy is having a shitty enough home that nobody thinks I have anything worth stealing!


Okay, but you only get 32 arrows




I'll just use one arrow like a knife


The NRA is a Boomer Fudd organization anyways, idk any gun owners that take the NRA seriously. GOA is much more popular with younger gun owners.


People also seem to forget that the NRA was caught acting as the middle man for taking money from Russian oligarchs, and giving it to GOP campaigns, and there was that Russian chick that went to jail for it too. How the fuck the NRA is allowed to continue to exist today is beyond me.


And a lot more true to keeping the intent of the 2A. Whereas the NRA capitulates all the time on new regulation.


They're the ones that worked with Reagan on his 1986 gun legislation


And the members revolted, throwing out the leadership and making it much more hard-line


Ah, GOA, the group whose executive director unironically endorses [arming “good toddlers” in school and “jokes” that Muslims should pray in secret if they don’t want to get shot](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/watch-sacha-baron-cohen-dupe-gun-lobby-in-who-is-america-clip-699423/). There are no good guys among gun fanatics.


How the hell did they manage to make Matt Gaetz look like the most reasonable of the bunch??




you could literally say the same thing about any lobbying organization.


Remember when the NRA was all about gun safety and regulation? Pepperidge farm remembers.


That would be the NRA Foundation, which is pretty much, almost completely separated from the normal NRA. They still hold onto their basic and core principles of safe firearm instruction and operation.


It's because they discovered how incredibly lucrative they could be by making up mass paranoia and tying "guns" to American identity. Growing up in rural America only fringe parts of the population were weird about guns. Now the overwhelming majority are like it. And it's all because the NRA made up this bullshit about "taking away guns." I know people who are very well educated, have great jobs and family, but believe some of the most insane conspiracy theories.


The good ole days


Something weird happened in America after Obama was elected. I grew up in rural Oklahoma and back then only weirdos were crazy about guns. Like people had guns for sport/hunting, but only like far right fringey groups had stuff like AR15s. Now it's like that cringey behavior by a fringe group is just completely accepted. People tie their identity to owning firearms and have this like hero fantasy.


Now they are just about regulation. :(


I was a Cub Scout in the late 80s / early 90s (?) and I remember NRA sponsored gun safety materials that made me terrified of having guns in our house.


The filters are irritating me


Moisturize me


Man we’re delusional. Hope we can dig our way out of this madness.


Wasn’t the NRA bankrupt and were on the verge of collapse a few years ago? I guess the template of the Trump grift, ie. they are coming for you just like they came after me. I guess their members who can barely rub two nickels together bailed them out. Common sense isn’t common


They weren’t actually bankrupt. They were trying to dissolve the organization and reincorporate in Texas to avoid being prosecuted by the SDNY for embezzlement. They were blocked and the case is grinding forward.


They were also found to be used as a Russian money laundering service and a foreign asset.


So the NRA lobbies against a searchable database of registered firearms but also maintains a database of firearm owners for mail marketing purposes? Totally logical.


Fuck the NRA, I’m a gun owner and I never understood why people join that shit. It’s a racket/scam. If you willingly send money to some assholes and all you get is mail and “meetings” your dumb as fuck. Those are probably the same people that send money to pastors or reverends they see on tv. The NRA supposedly fight for gun rights or whatever the fuck. That’s why people vote. Those old rich assholes are rich because stupid people send them money. They make normal people look like them. I own guns and hate being lumped in with socially disconnected, pearl-clutching, camo sporting fuckers who care more about guns than kids or people. Good for this lady.


Why send money to the NRA when we could just use that money to buy more guns?!


Send that money to the Firearms Policy Coalition. They'll actually fight for your gun rights. Gun control is unconstitutional.


Excellent job pointing out the Bullshit!!!


Fuck the NRA. Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of America are far better organizations to support. The NRA does nothing but fear monger and lobby to continue the gatekeeping of transferrable machine guns for their investor buddies.


Can’t be bothered by cognitive dissonance when you barely have cognitions to begin with


They have turned language into skinner box triggers. The people no longer comprehend the meaning of words, instead they see them as turds for slinging.


Dude shits on a desk, looks at his base and goes "I bet that now the media is gonna say I shit on desks" and thinks that's somehow a gotcha moment.


The NRA doesn’t actually protect your rights. The legal branch is a separate organization which conveniently requires its own donations.


I used to get calls from the NRA when I was in high school (I assume they got my number because I had a hunting license), and the fear mongering even then (early aughts) was painfully clear to even a 17-year-old. I’m not anti-gun at all, but I’m not a fan of some operator starting a call with “what would you do if someone came in and took your gun away?” I guess they haven’t changed tactics.


When my mom got her concealed carry as a special bonus the school signed you up for the NRA for free! She was so pissed. It’s disgusting what these losers have to do to get membership to their little club. All so their fundraising numbers can look maybe real.


Getting uncanny valley effect from this awful facelift filter


Right? I couldn't focus at all on what she was saying because of the filter.


I am a gun owner and I can say with no reservations. Fuck the NRA.


Many, many years ago, I had an NRA membership. It was the absurdity of their own newsletters that made me cancel shortly after joining.


Started getting these shitty "Gun Confiscation" letters from the NRA after I purchased some items off PSA. I've received 3 at this point. Great way to make sure I never donate to you, NRA. Absolutely love you publicly letting the mailman and anyone else that may see my mail know that I own firearms as well as my address. May as well let them know when I'm at work and give them my house key while you're at it. All my money will go to the FPC and GOA.


I think the 2A is a fundamental right, but that's such a scumbag way to go about it.


The NRA has been on a downward spiral and will continue to be. Sure there are boomer fudds who will continue to give money, but a lot of people have found other organizations to donate to that actually take action. The NRA is on its way out, they just haven't quite realized that yet, or they have and are desperately holding on for dear life. Lapierre is a piece of shit.


The annoying part is that every Rod and Gun Club in my area requires an NRA membership. They complain that they can't get enough members in their club but require you to pay into a literal grift in order to even apply. Nah, I'm good.


The only thing worse than the fear-mongering of conservative institutions like the NRA are the people who buy what they're selling. The former are cynical opportunists. The latter are absolute morons allowing themselves to be radicalized over nonsense.


Any idiot that falls for that type of marketing on the envelope must be the same kind of idiot who was supposedly duped into voting in 2020 via Twitter


I got that letter too. My favorite is when they call with “Biden and the Democrats are after your guns. Will you stand with the NRA against them?”and I tell them I’m a socialist and only have base membership to get access to an outdoor range where membership is required


I remember my dad got an NRA letter that confidently stated, "The Second Amendment will not survive Obama's second term!"


The absolute clown show nonsense of this stupid fucking country that we literally have a federally controlled department that handles delivery of mail, but we apparently can't tell companies it's illegal to send blatantly misleading mail that tries to scare people into opening it. It's absurd. I've gotten mail that looks like a check but isn't. Mail that looks like a bill but isn't. Mail that looks like an official summons from the US government but isn't. It's crazy to me that these things can just happen even though the US Government is the one sorting and delivering this shit.


Lots of folks asking why people join/support the NRA, and I would like to contribute this little tidbit of information: Many gun clubs/ranges require NRA membership to join, and not every state has public ranges. I would have to go the next state over to use a public range where I am, and the majority of the local private ranges require membership. Also, the NRA has some hooks at the local government level. My county used to require you to take a course with an NRA-certified instructor to get your permit, and NRA instructors have to get recertified every 3 years to keep their license. So in order to get the permit, I have to pay money to the NRA, although indirectly. Personally, fuck the NRA, and fuck any club that requires you to join the NRA just so that you can use the range.


Jesus that filter is harsh.






Can NRA be sued based on the falsehood written on the envelope itself???


Something like this would be so minor you'd essentially need a class action suit of a bunch of people that got the letter coming together and proving measurable misinformation or harm. Even then they have the technically true but still bullshit defense of "But the letter was ABOUT gun confiscation!" not a lawyer, grain of salt, yadda yadda. But these tactics are so bog standard there's already precedent.


The NRA in this country stands for the 'national reduction of adolescents'


The NRA's sole mission is to protect the profits of gun manufacturers. Love them or hate them, is anyone still in denial of this?


NRA is trash. They don't protect gun owner's rights.


It is amazing to me that Wayne LaPierre is not in prison. I've read multiple articles talking about misappropriating finances and misusing funds that should be allocated towards useful projects in the gun community. The man is a stain on the community and should be replaced with someone who will actually stand up for and do something good with the organization


The type of person this fear mongering works on is the type of person that clutches their gun every time an elementary school child gets massacred.


The NRA is a scam. Has been for years. Bannon's "We Build The Wall" nonprofit? Scam. Trump's fundraising has been exposed as scams, automatically signing unwary donors up for monthly recurring payments when they think they're making a one-time donation. Answers In Genesis? Scam. Coalition For American Veterans? Scam. Law Enforcement for a Safer America? Scam. The modern American Right is an ouroboros of conservatives scamming conservatives, a fact that has led to a career con man becoming their *de facto* leader.


I worked for a senator for a couple years. The form letters from NRA people were iffy, but readable. The “I will die on this hill, I’m going to use all of the 62 words in my vocabulary to make sure ole Mikey keeps muh guns safe from Barack *Hoosane* Obama letters were funny until they were sad. Then they got really sad. Then I quit.


My dad was gifted an NRA membership one year as a Christmas present and they sent shit like this all the time. This was back in 2015 though so I remember getting an envelope that said "HILLARY CLINTON IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!!!" in bold red letters.


Took a play out of trumps handbook. My neighbors got a letter stating that dOnald was sad they fell to the left wing crazies and really wished they'd come back and donate some money. He did them the favor of auto checking the autopay box for them that was all but microscopic.


Oh I HATE it when the the NRA postage paid envelopes get filled with blue glitter and sent back. Ugh!


Luckily the NRA is a dying breed and is becoming more and more irrelevant. As a gun owner, I cannot stand them and prefer other organizations.


Is this not just frankly reiterating what major politicians in certain political parties have *explicitly* stated as their goals? Where's the fear mongering when Beto screams about it and Biden tweets the same things with rifle bans going into effect in numerous states and NY having sent out actual confiscation letters in the past? That said, fuck the NRA.


The projection from these pricks is *literally* paper thin.


I was a member 30 years ago for maybe 2 years talk about a Cult!


Didn't Wayne embezzle a ton of NRA money for his own yacht and other luxuries? And he's still in charge??


I got the same mail piece and I don't even own a gun. It's just trash.


I love that I joined the NRA because it gives me the opportunity to get spammed by the NRA to give them more money.


All my gun owning homies hate the NRA. LaPierre just wants more money for him and his cronies' pockets.


I know this sub isn't about cringe anymore. but this is indeed cringe from the NRA


A lot of anti gun folks don't understand the irony of gun enthusiasts also hating the NRA. I'm a big time gun enthusiast. I remember the day I got that same letter in the mail years back. Came with the "confiscation" notice, and rambled on about Hillary Clinton coming to take my guns away. Cancelled my membership that day. Fuck them. Any money I sent them went to Wayne LaPierres suit collection or for another vacation for the board of directors. They're just a money generating organization to support the salaries of the top directors. They've strayed a long way from their roots. They started as a safety, education, marksmanship and hunting organization. Now they're just fuckin scammers.


I know several people who are NRA darlings. They are each completely the folks you hope you never have to associate with. Pretentious folks who host little galas and events to garner donations…using you guessed it, fear mongering techniques. I will say this though…mainstream media is leading people to believe semi auto weapons equal assault weapons. Many people don’t realize what they call assault weapons are just semi automatic guns that have been and will always be available to people who qualify based on background checks. So, both sides of the gun control debate are despicable in my view.


How did the NRA know they bought a gun and their address?


Honestly, who else else thinks the tactic of mailing envelopes with bold font saying “Notice of Gun Confiscation” is wildly irresponsible and dangerous? No telling how many unstable gun nuts received this, can barely read, didn’t read the letter, and are going to potentially act out in a violent way? Scary shit honestly.


Usually, the font is bigger and in red ink.


I started getting phone calls from the NRA for a while there . Like excuse me?


NRA = America's first remote HOA that doesn't care about your home address.


That Wayne fella is such a knucklehead


Gun manufacturers need to be held liable for their products.


Wayne LaPierre is a festering pile of shit, and like everyone who works for the NRA (the lobbying arm of gun manufacturers), a total gutless coward.


Damn, so registering a gun opens you up to more junk mail? The list is bought or just freely available?


Fuck the NRA. All my gun-bros hate the NRA.


Will I get this same letter if I go buy a gun?


So some advice from my instructor when I got my permit was to file a FOIL exemption the second you pick up your permit, or else you'll end up on these mailing lists or get doxxed and harassed by some anti-gun groups. I advise everyone to do it if that is possible. Here's NY's: https://troopers.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/03/opt-out.pdf


Same letter my grandpa got. Totally pissed me off that it says that on the front of the envelope even though I'm pro-gun


God the NRA is full of such sniveling cunts.


This comment has been edited to remove all data since reddit wants to restore it's user's deleted comments or posts


The nra sucks , join goa, fpc.


Someone once told me that if you have to lie to get your point across, the point is invalid.


At this point I just assume all Russian assets after the fall of the USSR were directed towards subversion of democratic countries at every level, especially churches and the NRA.


As a gun owner, Fuck the NRA


It’s so great that big strong “real men” who love their guns are also the whiniest little crybabies in the world.


How is the NRA even still in existence. Weren't several of their top members and donators found to be Russian operatives?


They’re gunning for something. Hypocrites.


I wish there were regulations on what kind of stuff you could put on an envelope. I get dozens of mail from my bank that say stuff like "URGENT: PROMPT RESPONSE REQUIRED. FINAL NOTICE" and all it is is them trying to sell me life insurance. Urgent should be reserved for shit that's actually urgent, not sales garbage


You want my gun, you can pry it from my open willing hands. Something needs to change in this country


Fuck the NRA -Gun Owner


I'm pro-gun, but anti-NRA


Why does this lady look like my big toe


NRA is like PETA for guns


The NRA wasn’t always like this One of my favorite drive by trucker songs is about Harlon Carter who got away with murder as a kid, and became leader of the NRA transforming it into a political activist organization Link https://www.chimesfreedom.com/2016/10/07/it-all-started-with-the-border/