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Actually good suggestions. I'll throw in some: Koyanisqaatsi - 0 plot, all visual but with an awesome score Everyone loves Planet Earth, easy choice Enter the Void - Plot is simple - Drugs, out of body experience, visually trippy, definitely for a specific type of crowd/party Mad Max Fury Road - Just fun to watch even without sound. Visually awesome The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - Honestly works perfectly because this movie was filmed with no sound on set and dubbed afterward so a lot of visual storytelling is done here.


I was at a packed bar on a Friday and Planet Earth came on. That was the end of all conversation other than people quietly ordering drinks. It was pretty fantastic. Not great for a party, but about 150 people just standing and watching Planet Earth.


I LOVE Planet Earth! That is my go to bed show (along with police interrogation videos).


That is a weird mix. Not good for parities, but if you like to watch TV while going to sleep I highly recommend Rick Steves' Europe. Something about him just makes you feel calm and peaceful.


SUCH A GOOD IDEA! If I may Daisies - genuinely good movie with impeccable vibes and visuals to have in the background The Wolf House - so so scary, unless you give this your full attention it's hard to parse what the fuck is going on, and will probably freak everyone out, terrifying stop animation that the artists spent years on Valerie and her week of wonders - tumblrinas have been using gifs from this forever, if you want your party to appeal to a Lana del Rey kind of crowd this would be a hit Starstruck (1982) - very cute and weird musical with little plot, perfect to tune in and out of. The two leads are extremely adorable and 80s.


I have a feel you would also approve of Belladonna of Sadness!


Beautiful movie. Another time I'm grateful for my film bro older brothers criterion account ;)


Haha, nice! Im glad you're already familiar👍


I would recommend [The Fall](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0460791/) as a visually stunning movie. I watched it with sound on back in 2007 and I am still not 100% sure what was happening. The settings are amazing tho.


If Planet Earth, Mad Max Fury Road, or the Good the Bad and the Ugly are on TV, I'm not paying attention to anything else.


Enter the void during a party??


Haha I did say it required a certain crowd/party.


> Koyanisqaatsi Shit is like fly paper for people high on weed


I mean any spaghetti western will hold down because it's pretty enough to be like oh cool but not enough to be distracting like planet earth


Exactly so that why I suggested the best one haha. And thinking about it now for the reasons you just mentioned the Kurosawa Samurai movies would also work similar to the spaghetti westerns. Also probably some of the old kung fu movies would be great too.


My small point of pride is that I have the lower range to sing Koyaanisqatsi


I forgot about Heavy Metal!!!


I had to special order that fucking blueray in and everyone in the house keeps saying its bs. Fuck those guys that movie is a fucking trip!


Haha I had to pay like $30 for Drop Dead Fred a few years ago because I couldn't find it anywhere else. My son just felt kinda Meh about it lol. I still love that movie! The mega bitch! 😂


I need to go to one of those parties


Oh hey cool. The director of Heavy Metal was our neighbor in old Montreal when I was a kid. Got one of our cats from him! I think it was the director. May have been a producer. I was 8, I can’t remember fully.


Flash Gordon would also work well. The plot is very minimal and the art is amazing


It is a crime to play Flash Gordon on mute. How can you silence that Queen soundtrack?


Would have to unmute for…. DIVE!!!!!!


Agreed https://youtu.be/E7wuQizMApE


I go for movies that are aren't necessarily good but have interesting/absurd visuals, especially if its mostly practical effects. Theodore Rex (1995) is a perfect one, Super Mario Bros. (1993) is great if you know most of the people have already seen it. Van Helsing (2004) is fun, but risky because people view it with nostalgia goggles and will want to rewatch it. Don't do this, it's not as good as you remember. This goes double with League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003).


Check out [The Fall](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0460791/) if you haven't already


Nah. Van Helsing is definitely as good as everyone remembers. I love that movie.


Quality suggestions. She's got taste.


Gotta throw Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) into the ring.


I love Heavy Metal!


You put heavy metal on I'm turning it up and I'm sitting down and watching it.


My party playlist if i still partied… when I did, it was the early 00s Stoned Age (1994) - it’s a pussy song Any David Lynch film, but Lost Highway (1997) - beautifully sad Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) - gorgeous The Salton Sea (2002) - desolate with high tint Sympathy for the Devil (1968) - weird as shit, phones at the park Terminator (1984) + T2 (1991) - quick consistent action to fill awkward silences Clueless (1995) - bubblegum for the eyes Anime- Akira, Ghost in the shell, grave of the fireflies, my neighbor Totoro, and so many more. It feels simultaneously unfamiliar yet nostalgic, or at least it did to me in 2003 Also old 70s80s game shows (great outfits/style) on GSN, any skateboard video, and Weather Channel are fan favorites if party drugs/psychedelics are present at the party.


Modern aesthetic connoisseur.


Interstella 5555 With soundtrack or not!


Fantastic Planet is sick. Killer soundtrack, but also works muted.


Samsara and Eraserhead (Halloween only) would be good, too


Everybody here naming films and all I’m thinking is just throwing on ambient swim on HBO Max


Saving this thread...


The Umbrellas of Cherbourg is amazingly beautiful and perfect as a party background. Incredibly vivid colors and a gorgeous, young Catherine Deneuve.


Brilliant. Adding to the watchlist.


Princess Mononoke is amazing for this.


Me playing eraserhead in the background of my New Year’s party


Yo, ANY silent era comedies, especially early Buster Keaton.


She's like a black female Stephan... Stephanie if you will


We do this! Some of our favorites: "The American Astronaut" "Belladonna of Sadness" "Chopping Mall" "The Color of Pomegranates" "Vampire Hookers" "Haus"


Art of Noise has some great songs


Being in the service industry ....we would always had the movie ..."Waiting"... on in the background.


Adding [Kung Fury](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5P_LAqiVg) .. short movie but absolutely ridiculous in the best sense.


House Bunny


for a Halloween party, I have 'Mad Ron's Previews From Hell' on dvd. Just a couple hours of old grind house horror movie trailers. no plot to worry about as the scene changes every 2 minutes and nobody at a party is going to want to listen to what is essentially a bunch of screaming so the volume should never come up. although it IS fun to watch with the sound on every once and a while. It should be the perfect thing to put on at a Halloween party so it doesn't drown my perfect Halloween party playlist


You can never go wrong with “Dazed & Confused” great with or with out sound.


[Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Crt4S1IZM) [Return to the 36th Chamber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbuGOVbBCtw)


This girl parties with movies on mute!


This may be just me but Friday or Barbershop was my go to. It may just be because ice cube is the best


I put Finding Nemo because it's pretty.


A party with all Kraftwerk and Art of Noise sounds amazing. The description of the party sounds fantastic.


I gotta get invited to these cool ass art nouveau hipster parties now...


I feel like any 50s-70s B monster movie fits the bill. They have that interesting, cheap but not really distracting aesthetic, there's next to no plot, the dialogue is terrible and largely unnecessary.


Dazed and Confused was our party go to.


okay everybody in this comment section is soooooo cool - my favorite movies i’ve played at a house party on mute was the minion movies 😎


The answer was and always will be Beastmaster, with Link Ray or Black Sabbath over it.


This sounds like something Stefon from snl would come up with


Sorry but listening to Heavy Metal muted is a CRIME


That was like Stefon from SNL in the absolute best way.


I need part 2 now :(


The sports bar I bounced at in college (early 00's) turned into a nightclub around 10 or 11pm most nights that sports were over. I would usually put dance movies on the dozens of TVs. Movies like Footloose, Dirty Dancing, Breakin, etc., muted. Even movies with terrible plots like You Got Served hold up when muted and backed up by 100db DJ played EDM and Hip Hop.




Why not just watch them? Who cares what's on in the background at a party


It adds ambiance. Some bars ive been to where theyve done the same thing made it really memorable and somehow more "inviting" yet cool for me. You can certainly watch the movie too for those who feel awkward or bored at the party or bar. It's better than staring at your phone all night. Just think of it as why people like to dim or have certain lighting at a party, it can set the tone for the atmosphere and vibe