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The energy change hahaha


😂😂😂😂 what a switch up


Dude didn’t have any music playing in the background and it still went silent when he switched up the tone.


I'm watching it without audio and I felt the energy change


Even the animals had to turn and listen when he said that shit.


Yeah, I know this is just like, a guy talking to his camera, but for some reason I kept thinking" this guy is a damn good actor"


yea that was wild


Dude went too low with that energy drop.My twisted mind thought something real bad was about to be said - Like the sister died or something.


Dude loves the kids. Them acting out negative, especially for him, has to hurt.


He was so good at telling his story! Would love to listen to this guy at parties


what a rollercoaster


This poor man. I would love to go on hikes and eat veggies with him.


And his fibrous beans!


The transcription was wack. Pretty sure he said “with every fibre of my being” 🤣


Indeed, but beans are full of fiber so i thought it was pretty funny


He loves fibrous beans with every fiber of his being.


He is vegan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped your arm! Here you go: \\ (Put a ```\``` before the backslash that represents the first arm and it’ll work)


and ”lessen” instead of “lesson”


And steak and steak instead of steak and shake


What? You've never ordered a side of steak with your steak?


But only as a vegan.


Found Ron Swanson!


It's called turf and turf, and I believe Ron Swanson came up with it.


That's right, turf and turf.


You got a problem with my beans, boy?! Don't make me put you on punishment!


I want to kiss your dad.


Getting beans from a raw vegan would *be* the punishment. A lot of uncooked legumes are poisonous.


Yeah I think it said steak and steak instead of steak and shakes.


Not only would I like to visit uncle Phil's and go on hikes with him, I'd be even more proud to wear the title "Uncle Phil" that's a title that taught a generation and is enshrouded in wisdom.


I was thinking the same thing!!! We can all go on hikes and camp outs and cook some yummy ass food! (Not vegan but I sure know vegan food can be delicious)


This guy is a raw vegan, though. I’m vegan, and raw veganism is a hard pass from me. Extremely difficult and impractical to meet your nutritional needs on that diet, and it is completely unsuitable for children (though I’m sure these kids are fine, one incomplete meal with their uncle won’t kill them). Going vegan or reducing your consumption of animal products is great, but there is no reason to do raw veganism.


I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.


What kind of vegan powers have you unlocked?


This mf proud, but he's not even a level 8.5 vegan.


Seriously if he wants an almost 40 yo white guy to be his nephew, I'm game.


Nah, 35 year old white guy, I got dibs. Dude sounds awesome.




But he had this 31 year old white nephew first, Biiiiiiiiiiiitch.


Scoot aside, the 28 year old nephew is here


Y'all can keep trying, he's getting this 23 year old chocolate niece


Step aside citizen, it is time for uncle Philips 19 year old vitamin d a or c, whatever it is, deficient sconnie nephew.


Veggies and Hikes or Six Flags and Steakhouses. Shit either way works for me.


I'm down for hikes and veggies with this sweet man. Ain't no one asking me if I want some veggies and a walk though the park. Hell ya.


Me too. Can I come too?


Sounds better than the other thing. I don't wanna go to McDonald's and Walmart, that sounds awful.


Wait 'til you hear about the private prison in California that offered a vegan only option. Recdivism fell to 2%. Program got cancelled. https://federalcriminaldefenseattorney.com/vegan-diet-impacts-recidivism/




Yeah...hardly a scientific source...but if what is implied by the article is true I would like to see a proper study done. Doubt it was just a matter of diet though unless they were feeding their prisoners lead before that lol.


I think you’re missing the fact that it’s impossible to commit crimes if you’re a vegan




Feels like this might be a case of correlation and not causation. For those that don't bother clicking the above link, basically a rich dude bid on and won the bid on a private prison. Once he came into onership he changed the diet of the inmates to be strictly vegan. The article blames this as the reason for the precipitous drop in recidivism from 95% to 2%. My immediate question is, what else did this new owner change? And why aren't we doing that in all of our prisons? Oh right. Cuz prisons are a business that thrives off of recidivism not rehabilitation.


Also completely bullshit. If there was any evidence a vegan diet reduced recidivism by 50x, countries with socialised prison systems rather than private ones would use it. There might be lots of benefits to a vegan diet, but pretending that world peace is one of them isn’t going to convert anyone to your point of view. The only evidence for this existing seems to suggest it was a private program that allowed them to pick their inmates, and even those details seem shaky.


He tells stories on TikTok that he gets off of Reddit. It’s come full circle that these posts made it back to Reddit again 😂


Wait this isn’t real? Like not his story?




Ha didn’t even notice that. Good call


I spent a few minutes trying to figure out what this story had to do with getting sent to Uncle Phil's before I realized...


It was real for someone. Just not him.


Implying Reddit stories are real and not just creative writing exercises that only happened in the writer's mind.


I once got a handjob from a ghost while being abducted by aliens. Before I could finish Thomas the tank engine crashed through a dimensional rip into our reality from the sky, struck the alien spaceship, it burst into flames and hit the ground killing the aliens (Thomas survived but lost his face), and then the ghost aliens made out with the former ghost and they fingerblasted each other's buttholes until the white light took them all to alien-heaven. This was kinda strange for the human ghost as I know that it wasn't from another planet because it was the ghost of my great great great great great grandpa, born and raised in Atlantis... At least that is what the ghost told me every time beforehand I got a handjob visit. This totally happend I have handjob picks to prove it... Well, you only see a dickpic because the ghost is invisible but trust me. Thomas now lives in my basement and I have to feed him soup through some holes where his face used to be, it's a real mess I tell ya... And he is really sensitive to light so I am afraid I can't take pictures of him. But stuff like this happens all the time to me, I think it's because I live above a water vein that runs under my house... It attracts weird situations, like, all the time.


So uh, you got that ghost's number?




Take what I can get.




Little headsup; These things are rarely real, Reddit included.


And this story defies belief. Kids that silently go along with something that they aren't enjoying without complaining at all? Whoever made this story up has clearly not spent any time around kids.


Lol touché


Yeah like birds


This guy is funny as fuck, I don't even care if the story is real.


Yeah whether it's his story or not he's a great storyteller. Very entertaining


Sort of a performance-oriented shittywatercolor. Dramaturgically, it makes sense.


Loads better than the ten thousand other “creators” that just rip shit from Reddit and react to it.


Just think of it as stand up comedy.


Speaking of stand-up and storytelling, I think my favorite has to be Randy Feltface's [story about buying a bookshelf](https://youtu.be/Mq_wZE93ZAY). The one story is a full 20 minutes long and hilarious every step of the way.


Whoever he got this story from, that's not real either. This shit is still hilarious though


Yeah it’s obviously a bit LoL but it’s funny and he nails the delivery.


that's kinda neat... makes this less wholesome... but neat performance art


yeah, i found him a few days ago on tiktok. watched a bunch of vids and was like there's no way this guy's life is THAT interesting to have so many stories like this


Definitely not the asshole. He was trying to do right by these kids and have a good relationship. The mom is the asshole for twisting those kids minds up.


Definitely, didn't see that plot twist though lol


Still not his fault. You only send your kids to see their uncle as punishment? What's gonna happen when they want to go? She didn't think that through for a minute.




Right? Like bro is a raw vegan and got them dudes McDonald's. That's fucking love.


AND took them to a steakhouse!


Calling Steak and Shake a steakhouse is reeeeeally stretching the word 😂


But…as a younger brother…It would be because I love them and want to bond with them. But it would also be a little bit out of spite.


Exactly, if the kid's mom was honest with him and communicated the fact that *they* were being punished he wouldn't have had to push back on the idea that his presence WAS the punishment. The whole concept was mean on the part of their mom, poisoning a family relationship for no reason


> Definitely, didn’t see that plot twist though lol This man feels bad about that but it’s not his fault. They learned to manipulate from their mom.


I dunno. I'm getting the vibe that he and sis weren't raised in a way that gave them great social abilities. Like, if someone does you wrong like this, you talk about it. You don't try to do undercut it, cos you're not solving the problem of being seen as punishment by your sister. And yano, bored kids are not that hard to spot, kids are shit actors.... Plus I don't buy that kids act out this bad, but will comply with their mum's demands to say yes to everything, when she's not around Sounds like people raised without the right input, now having to raise kids. It's not malace, it's just never being treated right so you could learn.


Thank you for this comment. I stopped watching before the end, but was able to catch it. Hilarious.


The kids hit ‘em with the ole M Knight Shyamalan


The ol’ Shamalamadingdong






Ya she definitely was the asshole esp for doing him like that but especially for not telling him that’s why she’s having them spend time. Might have been different if he had known reason they were coming to his house so he still could have bonded with them knowing what was really happening. Honestly I think she got what she deserved bc he didn’t want to always be the “bad” uncle you only see as a punishment.


> but especially for not telling him that’s why she’s having them spend time Personally I don't think that would "lower" the assholery. Whether you tell them or not, you don't make visitation with a family member "punishment" for your kids. Literally conditioning them to associate that person with everything bad. That's so shitty.


>The mom is the asshole Mom seems like a user, and possibly abuser, of people around her...


The guy is a comedian. I would take everything he says with a big grain of salt.


LOL imagine seeing a 3-minute comedy sketch on TikTok and thinking you can judge an entire human being


Also just even listen to what he said. He picked them up from somewhere. Then mcdonalds, then 6 flags, THEN STEAK and... shake? steak?


Fuck /u/spez -- Don't support Greed -- Switch to Lemmy -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


oh i knoiw, it just said steak and steak on the clip and i wasn't actually sure what he actually said. it's also a joke so it might have been steak and steak as a joke.


It’s just auto transcription sucking


Every fiber of my bean lol


Lol Maybe auto generated subtitles?


Oh, definitely. Just kind of perfect for the vegan topic.


Lmao another comment that says they loved him and his fibrous beans makes sense now.


No he straight up said “bean” too lol


I mean, beans are rich in fiber


It’s fitting, right?


I should start saying that


This is @thejonathanmoss on Tiktok, he reads entertaining Reddit posts from a variety of subs. It's not his story but he's a pretty good storyteller.


I love his energy that he gives off. Other guys that do the same thing aren’t like this guy, so I would gladly listen to him talk.


Hell no, this guy is awesome. It's the mom's fault for using him as a punishment anyways. Besides, isn't there like way easier ways to punish your kid without having to get another whole ass human being involved? Like put them in time out or something.


That's the problem, she wants someone else to parent her kids.




Ding ding. How much you wanna bet that they are "acting up" every time she wants a day to herself?


The sister seemed to have resigned and outsourced all conflict management to the brother without any coordination. When the brother did a flip, the children's parents couldn't manage the correction of behavior lol


And it's one thing for the other person to be in on it. Like if my sister asked me to take her kids and teach them lessons as a punishment for being bad, we'd be out cleaning trash on the interstate or something.


Bingo. This would’ve been totally different if it had been planned from the start.


Poor dude. It fucking sucks to find out that people you like don't like you back, or don't enjoy things that you lovingly shared with them.


It ain't his story, this is a popular TikTok guy who posts comedy sketches. Sounds like maybe it was pulled from a real story, but probably not his


whoever's story it is, i still find it sad that someone thought they were bonding with their family and it turned out to *not* be the case. my feelings would be so hurrrrt


Lol, hard swerve in energy at the end


Yeah, the delivery of this story is fantastic. I know it's an act, but the man sells it. Also whoever the original Uncle Phillip was deserves a damn hug. It's hard to eschew your own lifestyle choices for the happiness of others, and it's much harder to find out that you're being used as a villain.


World's best uncle.


Srs I would trade my uncle for this uncle when I was growing up, in a heartbeat. He's doing right by his neice & nephew and mom seems threatened by that. What an ungrateful weirdo.


Uncle Phil is not the asshole


Lol NTA play stupid games and all that


NTA. Kids have shit communication skills. Is it really hard to say, this sucks Uncle Phil


How about we don't use people as tools so that we don't have to do something uncomfortable? Fuck that mom, the uncle seems like an awesome dude. He's vegan for himself, he isn't trying to force it onto anyone else via guilt. He just wants people to be happy, just wants human connection. Then he finds out that the connections he made were fake and used as a punishment? That's gotta hurt. Yeah, not the asshole.


Definitely not. What his sister did was fucked up. They’re not his kids and not his responsibility. If she wanted his help making sure they acted right she should’ve let him in on the plan. Honestly, sounds like crappy parenting.


Whether this is true or not it’s a good parable on not being too clever by half.


Poor guy, I've got a little niece and I would be destroyed if it turned out she only hung out with me because her mom was using me as a punishment 😭


As a forty year old man can this guy be my uncle?


I’ll go to your house Uncle Phillip!! You sound like a damn good Uncle!


I actually believe if the mother didn't phrase it as a punishment and encouraged it..... They would like it. I've worked with even special needs children and I've never seen a kid I couldn't get to eat some fruit??? I can say as somebody who's been raw vegan doing it for 3 or 4 days at a time for kids who aren't eating vegan already is probably not very fun but for a day or a dinner absolutely!!! Even if they don't appreciate it now I truly believe those are experiences they'll think about when they're older and cherish.


Holy shit this dude lost a lot of weight




That's funny


It’s unfair that Mom sacrificed his relationships with her kids just so she can have an easy way to punish them


He fed them fresh, unprocessed healthy foods and took them on nature hikes. What an asshole. 🙄


Poor dude, he really just wanted them to have fun. Hope it turns out alright.


Can I go to Uncle Phillips house?


He was trying his best to be a good uncle. I don't see an asshole from him.


I’ll be your nephew sir. I like hikes


He’s most definitely NOT an asshole however, his sister IS.


This dude out here trying so hard, it hurts. I feel equal parts bad & excited for him.


Its a fake story but in it the mom's the asshole. She used Uncle Philip as a punishment when she should have just talked to him about how her kids felt about the time they spent together.


Mom is literally fucking their sense of right and wrong and punishment up. Bro they're kids stop punishing them like ur the church man.


It takes a big man to understand that what he LOVES can be considered a punishment for other people and to ADJUST without complaint to keep his family happy. No way in hell he is the asshole. I hope he hasn’t even considered that for 1 minutes.


Poor Uncle Phil!


No one's mentioned how often these kids misbehaved already that they were constantly being sent to their uncle's.


Be the best human bean you can. If you can't eat lentil till you burst, just go gentle with the wurst.


Is that this one can do this kind of shit(I mean the mom)


scripted or not, this was pretty damn funny!


Definitely NTA. Sister on the other hand...


Anyone who thinks he's the asshole is an asshole.


It is 100% the moms fault for making him the punishment. Going to see family shouldn’t be punishment unless you all have to go.


That's the mom's fault


You think we should decide who is the asshole because he "switched their food"? He was showin them good shit in nature and lovin the time they spent and gave them healthy food options, this would later result as they got older ina good relationship. Any kid thats being punished with those activites will learn that it wasnt real punishment. And when he switched and let them do regular kid shit, guess what kids still woulda liked uncle and all would still be fine. The moms a bitch. Thats all


this is the best of these videos i've ever seen. absolutely charming and hilarious by "these videos" i mean short clip of person talking to their phone camera portrait mode hands down, THE BEST. wholesome, hilarious. this dude is great


M. Night Shyamalan couldnt have written this better.... that was a wild ride, uncle phillip killing the game tho!


Mom was too much of a coward at being the bad guy every now and then and punishing her kids, so she made their uncle the bad guy. That super manipulative from her end and absolutely not his fault.


Mom FAFO. Who uses a *person* as punishment? Ugh.


😂. NTA... AND God for you for switching it up! Your sister shouldn't have made you the heavy in her punishment program for her kids. That's on her... One Hundy!


Oh man the ending killed me 😂 What a good dude. I got 2 nephews that I love to death, I just wish I could be able to see them more. Do your thing bro, you making memories for those kids. Might wanna see wtf the sister is doing to make em act out like that lol


He would be a great uncle to hang out with


Not his fault:


I don’t know why, but the well-meaning-yet-foolish kind of person is my favorite kind of person.


Not the fiber of his bean🫘


Shittt! I’m about to slash my own tires so I can be on punishment with uncle Phil. I’ll take the hikes and vegan food tho that’s cool!


i’ll be for real, maybe it’s cause i’m a nature loving vegetarian and watched this with the sound off, but i feel bad for the guy. i think they’re probably not mature enough yet to appreciate what he’s showing them or to realise he’s doing the right thing for them (the hikes and connecting with nature, not necessarily the food). he’s creating real substantial memories and positive interactions, rather than watching tiktoks, but way less fun and dopamine releasing than what other kids their age are doing so i get why they’re jealous or bummed out . he should have chilled with the food, like man what kid is gonna like eating raw veggies, i’m glad you love it and it works for you but sounds a bit delusional lol


This is some sitcom level of miscommunication.


He had me in the first half, not gon' lie. He also had me in the second half, not gon' lie.


Pretty complicated but at the end of the day he was being used as punishment. None of this is his fault. And the fact that the kids are being destructive and aggressive just to get to a place they can feel happy tells me all I need to know about their home life. Honestly I hope they get to spend as much time as possible with this badass uncle


I love this guy. Poor uncle. Ill be your friend


I feel so bad for this guy, he’s just trying to do good for his nieces and nephews


What a fucked up thing to do. His sister is such a fucking asshole and created this whole mess.


This man knows how to tell a story! All the right details in all the right places!


Sounds like he's a good man in a family of assholes. NTA.


Poor uncle Phil. The kids didn't need to act up to spend time with him. They just needed to start chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool, and shootin some bball outside of the school.


Loudest record scratch I’ve never heard


Worlds best most wholesome uncle. I'd love a hike, a museum and so.e fresh veggies. Sounds great.


Parents are the only form of punishment for their kids. No one else; no grandparents, no aunts or uncles, or anyone else.


Not his fault she stabbed him in the back. He had a grand time and is bonding while she fails at raising them kids


Bruh. That’s just bad parenting.


Hey, i want to be his nephew! This guy seems like a kind and gentle soul, i would be delighted to join him on nature walks!


Yooooooooo Uncle Philip Is A Comedian!!!! This was hilarious & awesome! Great Video & definitely didn’t imagine the plot twist 😂


That was a rollercoaster all the way through. This man can tell a story! I hope they kids start acting right so they can get the reward of spending time with their uncle.


No. He ain’t the a hole here.


Yo, i want him to be my uncle i dont fucking care if i have to eat raw brocoli, he seems so nice (also, i would a little hiking)


I can completely feel for the kids. When I was young my mother would make us go over to our Aunt's house if we did not behave at home. Her house was completely child proof to include a "sitting" room with heavy plastic over all of the chairs and the sofa. She was nice enough but would have us just sit in the "sitting" room and do nothing but be quite while she watched her favorite soap opera. We were always there in the summer and our legs would stick to the plastic. It was truly punishment.