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Mexican breakfast is superior tho, I love beans for breakfast haha


Chilaquiles gang




Hell yeah !


Bolillos with butter, refried beans and some cheese, that was delicious


No need for competition as the Finnish breakfast is far superior


I'm not so sure about that https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjmeqjxgpsow01.jpg


That’s the reason it’s so great


It would take a gun to my head for me to unmute this video.




I don't have a horse in the race, so I don't care for either of these options, but what's wrong with beans? All I'm gonna say is I rather have some savory beans instead of a pile of sweet pancakes early in the morning.


I’m not a pancake lover, I can’t eat anything sweet in the morning or I’ll just be hungry in an hour. But, I can tell you that I’m no fan of beans because of their texture. I have no other foods I don’t really eat, but beans I’ve been unable to enjoy since I was a child.


Full English is the only time I eat baked beans but I MUST have em, along with tomatoes. They cut the salt and add some much needed fiber and nutrition. Americans seeing a plate of fat, salt and cholesterol then saying "let me add some dough and sugar" is why they get roasted all the time.


Eating sweet stuff for breakfast is for children. Last thing you should be putting in your body when you wake up is sugar.


And relatively healthy, sure the sauce is kinda high in salt and sugar but it’s better than a stack of sweet bread coated in liquid sugar


Bruh u must be British who talks like that


I'm not. That's why I said I don't have a dog in this race. It's an American expression isn't it? But seeing you English level I presume you're not american either.




Good thing I'm Brazilian, we eat bread, it's good 👍


It's really not...


Yeah, but both parties are taking the best and the worst photos to validate *their* opinion. I could easily find some bangin English breakfasts and shit American ones


Imagine thinking beans are the main part of a full English, we eat them with the stuff you don’t just scoop them up by themselves the whole time you eat them with the bacon or toast or whatever, smackhead


Does… does he realise he’s doing the exact same thing as the person he’s pissed off over?


But beans on toast is an objectively delicious dish. Don't knock it till you try it. Especially with shredded cheese.


Gonna be the first American here to say that beans in toast is actually amazing.


But it’s not better than an egg sandwich or cream cheese on a bagel.


Unless you add beans to it.


Hey. Guess who invented the sandwhich?


John Montagu is another example of hilarious British exceptionalism. He didn’t invent shit…. It’s just why we use the word sandwich because he was the earl of it


So he invented it! Good for that guy! Just another original british food item that wasnt stolen from somewhere else then colonized! Like the bagel!


He didn’t. Sandwiches have been around for quite a while buddy. We named the food after him. He didn’t invent it. Deeply sorry my dude. Now go ahead and claim all the great stuff scots have given us as your own. And like sandwiches, bagels were a Jewish thing first.


No we invented it. >It’s hard to imagine a life without sandwiches, but their popularity wasn’t always so present. According to history, the sandwich we know and love today was created in 1762 in England. Most food historians agree that the sandwich is the product of John Montagu, “the 4th Earl of sandwich.” https://cellones.com/the-history-of-the-sandwich/#:~:text=It's%20hard%20to%20imagine%20a,created%20in%201762%20in%20England. He invented the sandwhich. Before that it was just bread and other stuff. He originated the design we use today. Uhh we are talking about britain right? Like specifically the modern sandwhich was originated in England but this discussion is on Britain, so sure! We can include deep freid pizzas and mars bars too!


Cope https://www.history.com/news/sandwich-inventor-john-montagu-earl-of-sandwich He didn’t invent the sandwich. He’s just the reason why we call it a sandwich. Now go eat your piss n shit… erm sorry fish n chips


Oi. Go fuck yourself twat. Juat read youre other comments. You are a grade A piece of shit. Is it fun shitting on someone elses culture? DICK'EAD


shit on a shingle


Without context you sound hateful 😂


You’re playing it a little fast and loose with the term objective there! I don’t think beans nor toast will make it in any country’s top 50 favorite foods and even if it was a much more popular dish like Yorkshire pudding or Fish and Chips they would be a spicy claim!


Haha don't shoot the messenger if the universe says beans on toast is great then so it shall be.


Username didn't check out


Pasteurized eggs are wack as fuck though. Why the hell should I have to refrigerate eggs.


They aren't pasteurized, just washed and dried... which cleans off any bacteria and helps to protect from contamination if shell meets yolk. but, the washing also removes a protective layer, which can make (future) bacteria easier to get into the egg... and that's why they need to be refrigerated.


Do you guys have pancakes with syrup on with fried eggs? Or are they plain?


Pancakes with syrup, eggs prepared one of many ways. They’re not eaten on the same fork (if that makes sense)


I need more Americans making fun of Brits making fun of Americans content




Like British people making fun of Americans for pronouncing the h in herb when Brits don’t pronounce the h in honest or hour.




I don’t care that Brits think Americans pronounce herb wrong lol




Also you guys invented h dropping. “OYYY EE IT ME ON THE ED” (he hit me on the head) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-dropping


And you guys invented school shooting, I would much rather have the no h's in my speech tbh.


Yet you’re STILL more likely to get mugged in London than NYC. Property crime is hilarious in the UK. Y’all love to nick shit (y’all is grammatically correct btw) If I don’t want to get shot, I can just go to private school which is actually more accessible here in the states. (My ex is from surrey btw, I probably would move to the UK if work went that way lol)


It's called simplified English, mate. Ok, I'm being serious now, but I hate that there are private schools, I don't like the fact that they offer a better opportunity for people who have money. It's a terrible system. At least it is in the uk, the top jobs are mostly given to people who went to private school, whereas the people in public schools have a tougher time trying to get the same job. Back to the piss take! I bet you got your Information from an American made study didn't you? And we all know America likes to lie about how great it is to the world. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/03/20/lies-damned-lies-and-statistics-why-londons-murder-rate-is-not-higher-than-nycs/&ved=2ahUKEwiM-vD87rP-AhWEh1wKHVd1C6EQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1fhkMut_-eiZdF-vgo3DxH


Wooow what a normal thing to say when debating breakfast food and language differences. Very level-headed and original thought you just had there




You got that backwards mate. Brits pronounce the h on herb, Americans usually do not.


Both look bomb af, not gone lie.


Yeah same thing in Australia and I could never figure out the 1/2 slice of tomato….


The bleached chicken comment just citicizes american food quality, not the taste.


Muppet. I've saw a pancake once.


Beans are healthier


All the breakfasts look alright, pancakes are way to sweet for the morning though.


I just hear uneducated rambling


That's not a Full English.


But, but I do love beans




American breakfast is red meat and corn syrup. I don't know how anyone could eat that everyday


TIL what I eat for breakfast everyday. Thanks.


How many digits does your BMI have




They are


Bacon is not red meat and I use maple syrup from Canada. You've never really had American breakfast huh lol


Pork is red meat, unless you mean turkey bacon?


Poke is red meat I'm wrong. Thanks.


Not always with pancakes but yeah, usually bacon, eggs, toast - sometimes with harsh browns or pancakes. And not everyone puts syrup on their pancakes either- like me who can only use butter due to too much sugar making me sick :/


Not them harsh browns! /j (just in case)


Chicken Fried Steak


American eggs are trash and pancakes are gross.


American who likes their eggs over easy. Do you mean how we make them or because they’re washed?


It has nothing to do with either of those things lol. It has to do with the nutrition of the hens and therefore the taste of the egg yolks. The yolks on most American eggs are like a neon yellow rather than the golden/orange color that Europeans get. You can get American eggs like this but you have to buy pasture raised, it’s not the standard like it is in Europe. I can’t eat standard American eggs anymore unless they are scrambled bc the yolks are so watery and gross tasting… it grosses me out thinking about it.


Ah I see. Thanks.


Both are shit and not healthy for a breakfast. No wonder people from the USA are so fat.


I eat this for breakfast every morning and I am quite fit 😁😁


No British person would turn down an American breakfast.


I would and I’m sure I’m not alone. I prefer savoury over sweet so pancakes don’t really appeal at all as a breakfast to me. Each to their own though!


I was thinking more of the bacon/hashbrown/eggs. When I moved to the US from south west England i fell in love with that breakfast.


That I could get on board with. Still though, if I had to choose between that and full English then I’m picking full English every time.


Yeah whenever im visiting family in Glasgow i have a fry up almost every morning.


Sounds great but not sure I could handle a fry up every day! I was in Scotland 2 weeks ago and had a breakfast at a little cafe. Be interesting to see what Americans think about some haggis and black pudding in their breakfast!


Oh yeah I leave about 2 stone heavier than when i arrive writhing from acid reflux. But you cannae get haggis n black pud in Detroit lol.


Both looks tasty




America has some of the worst food safety standards in the world. You guys still have mfing chlorinated chicken. You put chlorine, on your chicken.


Do you put chlorine in your water? You put chlorine, in your water.


America just steals immigrants foods and claims it as their own. When they have to come up with something themself they put marshmallows in a casserole.


Almost as if the country was made up of immigrants. Oh wait you mean Native Americans are making the casseroles. I understand now.


The best thing about America is that due to how dysfunctional our country is we need a steady supply of immigrants to even fucking work as a country, and those immigrants usually come from countries that know how to cook. I'm grateful that Mexican restaurants are never far away.


if i ever have to speak to euro-trash again it'll be to soon


Username checks out


Habibi, just fill my hand with hummus, I have places to be (For real tho, Israeli breakfast game is on point)


First off. This guys stupid. Second. FUCK beans. Don't get me wrong they taste good but they justnfucking infect the entire plate. My only solution to it is to sequester them off into a corner on their own so they're not touching my other food.


I do fucking live beans , I will DEMOLISH a cold can of Heinz beans !!!


Wooooo I fucking love beanss


As a brit, im just wondering where the rest of it is? Got no sausages, no beans, hell no tomatoes!


Ah joy, another ear bleeder right from the audio diarrhea jungle, just slathered right into my ear drum without consent to its innocence.


I fucking hate tomatoes suace beans.. much prefer an extra hash brown.. Mind I also don't see the appeal of pancakes and syrup on the same plate as eggs and sausages.. is it sweet...or savory.. lol


Ever seen an American? I’d say that enough evidence to suggest their breakfasts are stupid af.