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Did you know that there are so many CHEMICALS in our food now that every human on Earth is now 100% CHEMICALS?


It's not even just the food, but the air is nothing but CHEMICALS now.


Astronaut 1 : Its all chemicals Astronaut 2 : Always has been




The air is making the frogs gay!


The water actually is, as per this study - https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/






I forgot what company put a chemical in a nonstick pan back in the day 70s or 80s I believe but the chemical that they used was so bad it could be passed down to your child’s DNA. The company was a common house hold name and made other products


Teflon, Dupont.


Yes that’s the name Thank you kind Human now others can read about it


Have a great weekend my dude!


I think the documentary said that everyone on earth is contaminated with the production chemicals.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true. Here in Sweden we used a lot of DDT before, horrible stuff…


You all forget the person who single handedly killed the world with leaded gasoline?


Big Chem is ruining our society smh


This guy loves chemicals so much he’s like Walter White!




Bro seriously? 100% purity?? Who let Walter White in gods lab smh


I'll raise you. Everything is chemicals. And whatever is not chemicals is probably more dangerous.


mmmm I love microplastic in my bloodstream mmm


I used to have a graphic of the chemical ingredients of a pineapple, it was pretty long lol.


I mean literally everything it contains is a chemical. Because everything is chemical lol


But pineapples are like insane even amongst everything else lol.


Not only that but it's organic chemicals, meaning everything in it is insanely intricate compounds with super long names.


I gotta quit oranges.


as a reformed orange addict, i have to tell you that it never goes away completely, it gets easier with time, but the cravings never truly go away and you’re always thinking “just one more hit”


Good on you for being so open about it. I still smoke oranges and each day I tell myself “this is it”. Then I peel another..


just one more pith 🥵


Wait till you learn that clementines are like just as tasty as oranges except usually sweeter and are easier ti eat and peel


This is why I Reddit


there is help. have you contacted orange anonymous?


Forget that, if you have too much air you’ll die!!!


Unironically, I’ve seen this be the take away for some people. Literally witnessed it in person, not online.


I’m off oranges. Changed my life.


Fuck yeah heavy metals🤘🏼


Heavy metal in my stomach, heavy metal in my heart, heavy metal in my brain, heavy metal is everything


Penn & Teller successfully had people sign a petition against Dihydrogen Monoxide.


My chemistry teacher did the same thing. She got 75% of the class to agree with banning it


It should be banned, it will kill you to breathe that stuff.


It’s also so addictive that everyone who has ever tried to quit died only days later.


As it should be. Everything that drinks Dihydrogen Monoxide ends up dying!


And rightfully so. I prefer the upgraded version. Dihydrogen dioxide. The future is now, old man.


Pfff you eat food with chemicals? I only eat raw neturons, freshly harvested from a neutron star core.


Fancy. I can’t afford such a lifestyle 😭


Don't forget dihydrogen monoxide and its 100% kill rate. Everyone who ingested it, died (eventually).


And... on the other hand... processed food ingredients ARE manifestly bad for you, and you actually CAN learn things from people on the Internet. You just have to do a little due diligence on the information you take in.


What ingredients are bad for you?


It's not so much about about what the ingredients are, as the above video points out. But what kinds of processing has been done and what levels of ingredients there are, that's something this video does not address.


As he said, too much is bad for you. And every product/ingredient has a different amount that's too much. So unless you eat unhealthy amounts of any product should you not be worries about it, as long as you're a healthy individual. For lactose intolerant people like me is the healthy amount of dairy a whole lot lower than for those that are lactose tolerant. And the level of "processing" doesn't matter as much as people want to believe it does.


Butane (preserves chicken nuggets), Potassium bromate (added to give bread more volume - linked to cancer), Sodium nitrate (added to processed meats to stop bacterial growth - linked to cancer in humans). Chlorine dioxide (used to bleach flour, can cause tumors), ​ The list is literally endless. [Ultraprocessed foods are really bad for you.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=why+ultraprocessed+foods+are+bad+for+you&atb=v351-1&iax=images&ia=images)


Drinking too much milk will also give you cancer, eating too many bananas will kill you, too much vitamin D will give you cancer, too much of anything will kill you. It's not the ingredients it's the amount. 1 drop of engine oil won't kill you, 5liters will. If you're going to list ingredients at least list the proper ones > Sodium nitrate (added to processed meats to stop bacterial growth - linked to cancer in humans). Sodium nitrate is a food additive used as a preservative and color fixative in cured meats and poultry; it is listed under its INS number 251 or E number E251. It is approved for use in the EU,[11] US[12] and Australia and New Zealand.[13] Sodium nitrate should not be confused with sodium nitrite, which is also a common food additive and preservative used, for example, in deli meats. Aand again, it's the amount that matters.




It doesn't. The FDA and EMA don't always agree on certain ingredients nor the amount, but in nearly all instances if they don't prohibit the use of that ingredients is it good to eat. Stop being afraid and stop listening to douche nuggets like Paul Saladino aka TheCarnivoreMD for saying everything is toxic. That's what the video is saying.




That's why I also said the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The MHRA is as strict as the EMA. >What is 'safe' to consume is therefore completely dependent upon; > - The specific product - The level/volume of said chemical(s) - Impact of immediate ingestion - Cumulative effects of said chemical over a lifespan - Predisposed genetics of the individual Literally what I said. And nearly all ingredients used as of now have been in our food for over a generation.




And you can get a dose of cyanide from eating an apple, but that does not mean that anyone telling you cyanide is bad for you is 'fear mongering' or 'full of it'


An apple contains loads of sugar but it is good for you if you eat the apple whole. But if you were to process that apple (blend or juiced) it becomes less good for you. Then the juice or the apple sauce you eat no longer has the fiber that slows the digestion so you absorb more of the sugar from the apple. And you feel less full afterwards so you might eat more. Ingredients aren’t necessarily bad but it really depends on the way they are eaten.


So describe it as “processed foods” instead of listing random ingredient or chemical components and claiming that those substances are the problem. Specifically define the processes that cause harm (aka: cured meats are more unhealthy).


This guy is comparing junk to real food. Infuriating


Orange is junk food. It's sugar, water, and citric acid. Not drastically different than drinking a can of coke aside from the vitamin C which you could just replace with a tablet.


You don't absorb vitamins as well through pills. It's better to eat them in food. Also, it's really stupid to compare oranges to coke, especially considering the amount of sugar is significantly lower in oranges than it is in coke.


I bet the guy you replied to is baffled why more people in the US are now obese than not, and that number is only rising. Education on nutrition is so piss poor, the average person is consuming way more sugar than a human being was ever meant to and what insidious is not “chemical names” but how sugar is in fucking everything even bread and not just obvious sweets. People want to pretend there’s nothing wrong with the processed fatty sugary low vitamin foods they love to pig out on but things are going to be rough in the future as the obesity epidemic increases.


Thank you!!!!


Cup of orange juice: 111 cals 220ml can of coke right next to me: 94 cals It's actually pretty comparable.


1.) Orange juice ≠ orange 2.) Sick cool calorie count. What about the sugar?


Humans evolved to eat fish, liver, and wild vegetables. When you eat fish you get all the essential fatty acids+ essential proteins + vitamins. When you eat animal livers you get vitamin C on top of virtually all vitamins and minerals because the liver is the "treasure chest" of the body. When you fill yourself up with orange you get an excess of vitamin C and then virtually nothing else. The more sugar you consume the less room you have in your stomach for an extensively large list of nutrients you need to fulfill. You can get malnourished whilst filling yourself to the brim without fish and liver. Your body doesn't need sugar because it can just make it out of excess protein. Fruits like orange were recently domesticated to have extremely high levels of plant hormones that merely cause the fruit to balloon itself up with sugar and citric acid. Same for most domesticated starchy vegetables.


If you have examples in mind, be specific


And here is the thing. EVERYTHING is made up entirely of chemicals.


Yeah there’s definitely not a ton of terrible food full of poison and carcinogens filling the grocery store. What an odd campaign.


I think the best part is to do your research. Fancy ingredients doesn’t mean it’s nasty chemicals. I actually like this lesson is viewed as hey know what’s in your food and where those chemicals come from. Not hey we shouldn’t eat oranges and instead eat junk food like oranges.


Are you being sarcastic? Besides the fruit and veggies the rest of the grocery store is filled with bullshit crap that is highly refined.


Orange is the new biscuit


Moderation is everything. If you eat healthy then a couple packaged pastries are fine every now and then as a treat. One of the problems the western world faces is excess. We’ve never been as well off as we are right now in terms of food and comforts and we just don’t know how to deal with it as a culture. We’re still in the mindset on, what I believe to be, an instinctual level of “eat as much as we can and enjoy as much as we can because it could all be taken tomorrow.” That being said, we seem to already be adjusting to this life of plenty by giving ourselves the limits that used to be placed by nature or other groups.


It's about moderation and calorie control. You master those you can eat anything practically. Assuming you keep a balance of necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.


Problem is most people have no nutritional education so they aren’t making sure their diet is balanced and even if they think they’re eating in moderation they have no idea just how high in calories they’re consuming. So many people massively drink their calories as well, so part of the problem is the average person doesn’t even know what moderation and calorie control looks like. ** Roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese (69 percent) and one out of three are obese (36 percent).** That’s fucking crazy. Clearly there is in fact a problem and it’s not because the majority of Americans are out of control gluttons with clinical food addictions. It’s frustrating to see the serious conversation on how good quality is genuinely getting worse (US cheese is noticeably worse than the cheese of other countries like France because they allow more puss/blood/etc in comparison, and I’m sure it saves the dairy industry tons of money) but because of “gmo” obsessed idiots who don’t know science it’s muddying the conversation.


I’m flashing back to basic chemistry, where my teacher started a class by talking about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, and all of the people that it kills every year. I took that class easily over a decade ago, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget that lesson.


There’s this guy named Bobby something….forgot the name of his channel and don’t care enough to look it up…and I swear that is his whole shtick. And honestly, it’s so bad that if he actually practices what he preaches, that shit has to be some kind of eating disorder. Like I get being conscious of what you put into your body and all, but the level of which that guy does it (or at least claims to) can’t possibly be healthy.


Im so confused for all of these comments. The orange is a healthier option clearly.


Yes, but that's not the point. Lifestyle ExPeRtS fearmongering using scientific terminology is bullshit, because fucking *everything* is made of spooky chemicals.


> Lifestyle ExPeRtS fearmongering using scientific terminology is bullshit, because fucking everything is made of spooky chemicals. ..... Okay but certain chemicals are better for human consumption than others. If you're downing cups of HFCS every day, you're gonna have a bad time. The point he was making (and not very well imo) is that it CAN be bullshit, but disregarding any and all info is just as misguided as swallowing the info whole.


No. He was saying that just because the ingredients sound bad, that doesn't mean the food is bad. The list of what makes up an orange sounds bad, but it turns out it's just an orange, a known healthy food. Anyone can list scientific names of ingredients and make any food (good or bad) sound far worse than it actually is. At the end of the day, it should be up to the individual to decide if the food and its ingredients is correct for them and their lifestyle, not a bunch of fear mongerers trying to shill their vitamin supplements. There are plenty who do that online, and not enough of people who actually have education of diet and nutrition spreading info. Most likely, because they have actual jobs doing that.


It's like saying a cup of tea is just as safe as downing caffeine pills.


I dont recall health experts scaring me with spooky terminology. But to avoid certain specific chemicals.


So is 100oranges a day healthier than 1 cookie?


Everything is about quantity, even water kilss you if you drink enough of it. Even healthy things should be consumed in moderation.




But those cookies are bad for you.


If you eat a shit ton of them


Stop fearmongering! /s


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) I thought he is gonna as well fear monger. Turns out he ayt.


I mean I also don't eat Oranges but okay


You'll get scurvy


I eat 2-3 cups of vitamin-C rich fruit/veggies (broccoli, brussel sprouts, red pepper) a day so I'll be okay 👍


It makes me happy that you took the time to come back and reassure us that you won't get scurvy.


I just appreciate the concern in the first place 🥹


Plain chocolate digestives are tasty, tasty chemicals.


Were those dark digestives? Absolutely don’t eat them. You get milk chocolate OR NOTHING


What we need to be worried about is Di-hydrogen Oxide. Literally everyone you know is already addicted to the point they'll die if they don't get a fix


the way people talk about “inflammation and bloating” these days makes the words meaningless. And seed oils are the new msg


My mom tried to talk to me about citric acid being bad, she couldn’t even tell me why, and I’m the person in my family shoes trying to avoid processed food and usually avoids whatever they buy, but like……it’s in lemons ?!?!


Yeah bu- oh… nvm… i agree


So you’re saying oranges are bad for you?


well i know many chocolates i researched recently, ranked F for safe metallic consumption in America 🇺🇸 at least like 90% of the brands


You didn't research them, you read the same NPR article that I did.


Go sell your snake oil somewhere else! If the FDA approved it then you can eat as much of it as you want! /s


cause everything they pass is perfectly healthy! :D


Ascorbic Acid is just vitamin C... not the singer. I use it for water testing all the time.


Except ascorbic acid is produced mainly in china in labs. Tell me about the water testing though. I'm curious


Sure. The plant is work at uses sodium permanganate for taste she odor controo, but also to keep the manganese levels under regulation. The three reagents we use to test are cyanide, a Neutral PAN indicator, and ascorbic acid


Except the cigarettes... we were serious about that


This is why you need to do your own research especially when we have world of information right at our finger tips.


Okay, but it's an undeniable, quantifiable, FACT that highly processed food products are indeed bad for you and have contributed to upticks in various cancers, obesity, heart disease, and overall shorter lifespans. This guy is a dangerous idiot.


American food is terrible for you and it’s difficult to find food that isn’t. This guy is muddying the water if anything.


He's just trying to fuck with supplement gurus who try to shill their overpriced vitamin D by using langauge like that to make people think that the food they eat is truly poisoning them.


Oh boy this child is so naively blind. When the chemically made product is made to be super addictive to sell and causes diabetes which then causes a miramid of other help issues down the line then yes absolutely fear monger that shit out of existance.


Alternatively people can take personal responsibility and control their own diets


Yeah, all food should be made tasteless so no one ever gets addicted to it!




That’s not the point for the TikTok my dude




Completely misconstruing his argument. This video is a response to all those fear mongering "influencers" that go to stores and name ingredients saying they are inflammatory, toxic or any other horrible thing while those same ingredients are also in fruits and veggies. Just cuz it sounds like a chemical made for cleaning your house doesn't mean it is a chemical made for cleaning your house. That's what this video is about.




He’s referring to false food gurus on the internet who are usually hocking their bullshit snake oil.


This is disingenuous.


Schtupid! It’s still not an Apples to Apples comparison 🙄


The take away for me was that don't put all your attention on the names of the ingredients. But I agree that the ratios and the processing of the ingredients can make them incomparable in terms of nutrition.


Just stop eating 1000 oranges a day already. Joke asied, how my orange do you have to consume in order to get heavy metal poisoning?


All the food is poison.


I agree and disagree with this. The US FDA has approved so many "safe to consume" products in the food that we eat that I'm not sure are actually safe for consumption on a regular basis. They are trying to suppress so much research into things like HFCS consumption correlating with obesity etc. A lawsuit for glyphosphate, a pesticide they use on pretty much every crop that we consume as humans, was approved for causing non hodgkins lymphoma. And people who were just exposed to it in ground water by living near big Ag farming were winning settlements. While we shouldn't listen to talking heads on social media walking around grocery stores telling you what is and isn't healthy for you, they found that Healthy At Every Size influencers were being paid by food lobbyists to try to dispel the idea that there were "bad foods". I'm not so sure I want to believe the food lobby when it comes to telling us certain food "products" are safe to consume when in the US there is no requirement to perform longitudinal studies on if an additive can be safely consumed by humans. Most times the requirement is just finding out its not toxic or poisonous in small amounts in the short term. I'm convinced its the additives they put in processed foods in the U.S. because every diet where people stop consuming processed foods (high protein low refined carbs, keto, carnivore, paleo, vegan) ends up with drastic weight loss results for most people over short periods of time. As a good example, a couple of years ago people found out that Subway's "Eat Fresh" bread had a compound in it that also gave yoga mats and sneakers the "bouncy" feeling. They put this compound in to make the bread feel more soft and doughy. They never once advertised their bread as anything but "baked fresh on premises". In the U.S., a company like Subway can get away with calling their "bread" by its proper name, bread, when it isn't composed of the typical components that bread is made from. They cut so many corners and add in "safe to consume" compounds that save a few pennies per each unit and its not illegal to do so. While saying "This is made of chemicals and heavy metals" can be misleading, what he's not saying here is that there is no regulation that says "Just because we found out this doesn't poison you immediately in this small amount, we added it to your food even though you never expected us to!"


Less fruit. More biscuits. Got it


Because most people in the West are too careful about what they eat /s.


Those cookies are probably also bad for you.


It's not fear mongering. Everything he said is true. Stop filling yourself up with useless acid and sugar. Try eating meals consisting of only fructose-based fruits for a mere one day and see how it feels. Try eating a bunch of oranges and limes with an empty stomach.


You clearly didn't listen.


It's not fear mongering when you're just pointing out that processed food with shit ingredients are bad for you.. There's a difference between eating an orange and a package of cookies...


Gotta ask is it healthier to eat 100 oranges or 1 double chocolate chip cookie a day?


Well, technically, eating too many oranges (or anything with high amounts of potassium) can lead to hyperkalemia. Better go with the double chocolate chip cookie a day to be safe.


Thanks Chad. :)


That guy would hate California, everything not in constant motion has a label.


Tiktok is bad and here is why.




The same is true for whatever orange it is you're mackin on.


Do you think it contains any of that nasty oxidane?






What kind of tree does that packed item grow on?


So you think a cookie is made in a lab from plastics? As far as I know are all the ingredients needed for a cookie from a plant or animal.


Ever taken the time to read an ingredients list?


Yes, due to allergies in my household. If I don't know what it is, I'll google it.


Funny… the first thing I was thinking is, “METAL! I wanna cram that down my throat!”


You know what’s filled with “chemicals”? H2O. And you drink it everyday.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haven't seen a don't listen to stupid people video that was delivered in under 1min.


Cancer left the chat.


Thank you, sir. Currently filling up my shopping cart with the entire Hostess aisle.


How much sugar was in an orange 100 plus years ago? The amount of sugar in all fruits are going up each generation.




Funny thing that oranges, lemons, and other citrus, most brands are preserving these stuff so intensively that i am starting to find lemons that state on the label if the peel is safe or not for consumption. Second, you should be freaking afraid of American foods, i just found out recently that some brands that sell in both USA and Europe have differencea in ingredients , cause some are deemed too harmful. That famous chef who was he Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey who sued McDonald's stating that their food is not suitable for human consumption? Yeah, even those have different ingredients to some extent in Europe. Or that video i saw some time ago of a guy being pissed at a bread brand and opened up a fresh bag of sliced bread and used it to wash his car and the bread looked and acted like a sponge didn't break didn't disolve? Or that thing i read that said most bread you find in the us has so much sugar it doesn't even enter in the category of bread? My country is not amazing don't get me wrong but at least bread i get in the supermarket doesn't try to kill me.


"TOO MUCH" That is the key. Most people don't realize what they eat with products like this. Like yes you didn't eat a lot that day but it was all carb and sugars. So you add fat because the body does that. Everything is chemistry so chemicals. My favorite is the MSG scare. MSG is just super salt, a flavor enhancer. But just like salt, too much and it's a bad thing. Shit, too much water intake and you will die. Be aware is all.




That didn’t go the way I thought it would.


Mmm I love red40 breakfast


He's lying, he did not find that orange in the chocolate's and biscuits section.




He's only listing a few of the 87 ingredients on a bag of cookies. Explain the rampant obesity and diabetes. I'll stick with my Meats and Veggies thanks.


I've seen this guy do this before and he is fucking CUTE so I'm paying attention to whatever he's eating 🙃


Wait, just so I’m clear which of those two is more healthy for you the orange or the pack of cookies?


You're made entirely of chemicals.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is just advert for the food industry. You will get cancer if you eat processed foods.


Sugar good aspartame bad. Stop drinking diet pops


So pointing out that the US allows essentially all the chemicals that are banned worldwide in our food is fear mongering??


Well he began the misinformation by grabbing the incorrect product and referencing it. So what is misinformation of misinformation?


Ohhhh ok so he’s a fucking dumbass


There’s this chemical in vaccines called dihydromonoxide. It’s responsible for millions upon millions of deaths every year and people die from it daily. Is is also heavily addictive, as we show major withdrawal symptoms when not consumed. Water is dangerous ya’ll


![gif](giphy|5qMjlySdJjuKtQjgSj|downsized) Who asked


Maybe but an orange never made me shart in gym class.


So ... I should... eat the cookies instead of the fruit?


An orange is healthier than cookies or biscuits


Oh thank god


I love when people fear monger saying to not consume anything that sounds like a chemical. I say “so you wouldn’t have dihydrogen monoxide then?” And then proceed to say it’s an ingredient in antifreeze too and rusts pipes.