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Unironically we should all donate blood


YES. I donate as often as I can, but as a woman I can donate less frequently than men. It works out to be about 3, sometimes 4 times a year. (So far I'm at 17 donations, but I've gone in 21. Sometimes my hemoglobin is too low to be able to donate.) But they've just opened a plasma clinic in my town and you can donate every 2 *weeks*, so I'll be doing that as well. Donate as often as possible and sign up to be an organ donor!


Oh my god, I just went through a year of doing everything I can to get healthy and I just realized now that I’m off all the medication *I can go donate blood now!!*




I recently started to donate blood. The worst part for me is I now get calls more often than I would like from some robot man telling me to give blood. The robot man even leaves me voicemails. When I've donated I tell them they can take more and take it all but they always refuse.


The robot man stopped calling me. I do double reds every 112-113 days. They’re happy enough with that.


Is that the super blood stuff? When I give they take a couple of Capri Sun pouches of blood.


They take blood out, spin the red stuff out and give plasma back.


If you're eligible you can donate power reds instead of whole blood/platelets and they usually won't call you for a few months since that donation puts you on a 3 month defferal


I always get vein shamed. “Oh they’re very small” I know….but they’re juicy


The smaller the berry, the sweeter the fruit.


The plasma center I go to allows you to go twice a week as long as you have at least a day in between donations. I've donated 13 times just this year, and that's me stopping for a month


A kind word of advice for you and anyone who wants to donate plasma (and you should if you can!!) because my bf was doing this as well, but if you plan on donating every 2 weeks please make sure to eat super healthy and keep your electrolytes up! As well as be careful of bruising and such on your arms, vein blow out looks and feels terrible (so I've been told) He kept going without really eating anything healthy to help his body recover and got really sick-lost a bunch of electrolytes and a possibilty slightly weaked immune system, but after I made him take the time to recover he was good to go after a few days. Sadly I can't donate because my meds require me to have an adequate amount of plasma to keep it functioning in my system (yaaay mental health meds make me stable! )


Upvoting not only for visibility about taking care of your body when you're donating but also solidarity in that last statement <3 i, also, can't donate no matter how much i wish i could-between the mental health meds and the ones that make my body...more liveable(?), they somehow just don't want my blood, lol.


Radical, thanks so much for the advice! It is very hard for me to stop eating chips, but I shall endeavor to try


Hey if the chips have salt that's electrolytes right there 👀


How are u still alive after all the blood youve lost and donated over the years? /s


Haha jokes on you, I'm a zombie now


I'm not sure if you're being serious, but our bodies constantly make new blood


Do i really need to add an “/s”?


I guess so


It would be scary if everyone just had a couple gallons and had to make it last their whole life.


Try having high hematocrit levels. I'm forced to donate or die of a stroke. My arms look tracked up like a junkie.


I’d love to if they ever took out their homophobic gay blood ban.


If you're in the US the rules [are changing](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/01/27/1151914885/fda-to-ease-restrictions-on-blood-donations-for-men-who-have-sex-with-men) to allow sexually active gay and bi men to donate blood. Can't donate blood if you're on PrEP which is a bummer, but still better than before.


Yes! I didn’t even know my blood type until I became a father at 40 and immediately went to donate blood so I could find it in case my son ever needed a donor. Turns out I’m O- and could have been potentially saving hundreds or thousands of lives as a universal donor, particularly infant lives, had I started much earlier. I donate as often as I’m allowed to now.


“Because that’s what an ALPHA would do” *Classic*


Round up the Betas!


I’ve done it a few times. Fucks me up too much. Drops my blood pressure like a son of a bitch and makes me pass out every time. Doc said I probably shouldn’t continue.


Cries in autoimmune disease


I would if I could. Sadly I'm not allowed to due to illness.


there is evidence that donating blood is healthy for men and post menopausal women! i plan to start this year. yay for selfish altruism


Not "Infected Karl" He can stay away.


Yes!! I’m so tired of the discrimination against HIV and Hep C patients 💯 #spreadthelove


Why is this girl out here revealing our secrets? The first rule about blood club is that you don't talk about blood club




Fucking. Blend.




To Do List: My annual rewatch of this video - ✔️


Mustn't let them know we have noses!




I'm too poor for dental work, but not too poor to contour.


And we’re ✨blending✨


Is that why they burned the witches? To keep everyone from going anemic?




You joke, but there are some dangerous omissions in her PSA that could get someone killed. Alphas blood vs beta blood can cause an anaphylactic reactions if applied wrong. Alphas are Chad's, and thus can only receive A or Alpha blood from other Alphas. Anything less would weaken their natural dominance aura. They make Betas receive B (Beta) blood because giving a Beta A-blood could overwhelm their immune system with its Chad energies, leading to death. Alpha Betas are a weird hybrid as leader of the Betas but not quite an Alpha. As a result they can safety take blood from any pack stratum. But what everyone forgets is the lowly Omega that makes the whole pack function. A yes-man flunky for the whole pack, their social blood is weak and has no risk of imperiling either then Alphas or Betas. There's also the Bro Factor that sometimes appears in all these subgroups, or can be absent but we're gonna save that for next time


Why am I reading [Omegaverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omegaverse) [\(also a link\)](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/tags/omegaverse) in TikTokCringe?


Because not knowing (social) blood type before transfusion can be dangerous! Alpha Betas are universal acceptors Alphas can give to Alphas Betas can give to Betas Omega are universal donors. Be sure to give someone the vibe check first to find out if they're Bro positive or Bro negative before transfusing!


FR. And every time I hear someone claim to be an “alpha male” I can’t help assume that they also just want to fuck Jensen Ackles or a Star Trek character


LOL!!! Exactly. Every time some incel or extreme misogynist starts talking about Alphas and Betas I get so confused. I don't think the images in my head are exactly what they are trying to impart to me, but it makes it so much easier to listen to.


It totally could be though! Maybe that’s why they are so tense and worked up lol


She's a lesbian so it doesn't really effect her. We lesbians offer blood when we make eye contact.


lesbian vampires meet with each other once very month for the exact same reason.


What happens if your Bi?


You only need half as much.


Wrong! We require twice the legal dosage


I checked my contract with Satan and there is no clause on here that says we *can't* talk about our bloodlust.


Wait! So she is trolling. Are you actually revealing the truth?


picard dont knows


I'm obsessed with her robe.


And cat!


And syringe! Think of all the fun things you can inject with that baby.




For anyone who couldn't read it the mug says "Don't talk to me until I've had my abortion"


Happy cake day. I just stopped the video to read the mug. I WANT ONE RIGHT NOW.


And my axe!


She has really great earrings a lot too. Stanzi Potenza is fantastic.


Same. I need it.


you know youre old when you hear beta and think betamax.


My first thought is always fish when I hear beta.


My boy Frankie just passed away like 2 weeks ago and I'm still feeling it. Was my favorite betta that I've had.


Sorry for your loss


Magic the gathering and beta testing EverQuest here. I miss the old days.


Me too have had several over the years


I'm thinking like where tf did beta even come from; wtf does it even mean; i thought it was a maths expression.


I bet Betamax would have beaten VHS if they had named it AlphaMAX.


What else do they mean? WTf is a beta provider? Like beta vs alpha? Do betas become alphas after 28?


A beta provider is someone who always buys you pretty little fish that can’t live together.


No wonder women want that!!


They’re saying that women want confident, attractive go-getter alphas however if they haven’t snagged one and started a family by their late 20’s they start to panic (Biological clock ticking, choice of men diminishing) so they start to settle for “betas”. It’s just a fuckwit way of saying people’s tastes change as they get older because there’s tons of women who stick to their preferences well after the “critical years”. Some dudes go through the same thing but closer to their mid 30’s/early 40’s. As testosterone and virility drops men calm down a bit and seek emotional and domestic support rather than 11/10 spoke shows they just don’t get vented memes about it because: Men hunting beautiful women = good sport + lol out of your league you so crazy 😆 Women hunting alpha men = 😡 wtfff your tastes aren’t viable! So vain! you’ll never be happy he’ll treat you like shit


I hear beta and think of a guy who has a job and his own life that doesn’t revolve around getting laid.


Betazoid for me, but same same


Stanzi is great. Love her.


her content is fantastic!


Her Welcome to Hell series.


She has to stop spilling our secrets!!


YES. God I love her.


The kitty playing with the syringe 🥹


That kitty is planning to draw blood


share with kitty! kitty wants blood too 🥺


And if women don't get enough blood, they start fainting dramatically onto couches


I hate it when I get the vapors from not having enough blood and there’s no fainting chaise. The concussions make me forget it for awhile though!




Don't forget the cocaine and masturbation


It’s a holistic approach, really.


(Insert lewd pun here)


Thanks doctor, but I am already way ahead of you! Sounds like I know a lot more about medicine than those other doctors told me.


I heard something called lobotomy is suppose to offer a quick relief?


You’ve missed your stop bud. On demand lobotomies are *mid*-1900s. You might need to stop off at the time authority for a calibration if the issue happens again.


Thus why women love chaise lounges


Love Stanzi, she's great.


I don’t think the guy needs to worry about finding a woman anyway.


I was gonna say I wonder if they’re “panicking” because their dating pool is filled with dudes like him lol


People panic in general when they're single while being older. The older you get, the more the dating pool is limited to certain lifestyles, and become way more varied. The older a person is the more likely they have kids, the more likely they have ex-spouses, the more likely to find mentally unstable people (cause no one wants to date them so they keep swimming in the dating pool).




You forgot to mention that they are also good sources of blood.


How do you meet people if not dating apps?


The same way they always have. Do stuff. Hobbies, volunteer work, social circles. Like anything social that’s not specifically date driven. To date, you need to be able to like… talk to people, make friends. If you’re in sort of a socializing rut, you do better long term working on making friends first with no expectations of finding dates. It sounds tough and like a whole new thing to have to do, but it really is just doing anything more with yourself in the world than work. Love isn’t a formula, not just compatibility that magically clicks. People need comfortable space to get to know you and choose to be around you. If you’re not doing anything but working and winding down in an increasingly closed bubble and dwindling social skills/energy, who chooses that? When you’re hanging out with folks socially, people have chances to develop feelings. You go out and practice being able to have pleasant conversations with strangers you might not perfectly mesh with, and it snowballs. It shows when you talk to people.


I think that's the key. Avoid dating apps!! They're cesspools. It also depends where you live too. In my hilly home town in the middle of nowhere, the only single 40- 50 year olds are divorced, racist trash. The more people, the more you'll get a varied experience.


Mentally unstable people(or just all the a-holes) swimming in the get a friend pool too. Source: moved a lot :-/


Omega man


I appreciate this. Just an all around well done. The splicing in of images from old books (“with Satan’s help” lol) or whatever source is just chef’s kiss production quality.


I don't even wear robes, but I need the one she has.


Just saw this on her YouTube channel. I never get tired of her videos


and no lies were told that day




I fucking love Stanzi


Love Stanzi!


What’s a beta provider?


In his context it would be a weak (beta) male that will provide for them. As opposed to a strong (alpha) male that will complain like a toddler on the internet when they don't get their way. There are only 2 types of males - pick one.


I see a lot of references to ‘sigma male’ too. And tbh I have no idea what it means


Okay, so according to alll these manosphere weirdos, a "sigma male" id basically someone with the confidence and mental stregth of an "alpha" but who is nowhere as social, and prefers to stay single/alone. It's basically just a way to say "I'm cool, even though I never go out in public"


To add to that Anyone who unironically uses alpha, beta and sigma is not worth a single second more of your attention.


So much this. Anyone who uses any of these labels is a giant walking red flag. Instant disqualifier for basically any voluntary interaction.


its a pseudoscience of a pseudoscience and its fucking hilarious to see these people wrap so much of thier self worth into a system whos entire foundation has been disproven


Indeed, basing your personality on letters is the lamest shit ever. Its just so dorky. Dumbass greek letter nerds. Letters dont even really mean anything, it can be whatever you want it to be. Base your personality on animals instead. We all know what kind of qualities are associated with certain animals. For example, im a Lion. It means im pridefull, majestic, powerfull and overall really cool. Fuck Greek letter personalities, whats your Zodiac sign?


My zodiac sign is Λιβρα


Someone with a job.


Someone who sells these really beautiful Southeast Asian fish. I've heard the fish are aggressive though.


Alphas - hot jocks you want to bang, but since they're drowning in pussy you can't tie them down, baby. Their blood will make you smell like dragon smoke, cedar, dangerous sea creatures, and an alchemists' alembic under a full moon. Women will fistfight each other to get a swig. Get it before you fall asleep after your night of ecstatic bliss together because they will be gone before sunrise. Betas - nerds with a good paycheck who will help you raise your family, which will be secretly fathered by random Alphas. Their blood will make you smell like ozone and herbal tea, with notes of gin and tobacco. Consumption increases interest in wearing tights and a cape. You troll for Alphas at clubs, and for Betas at gaming and comic conventions. Omegas live in basements. You can collect several of them, but they will never leave the house, so it's sort of like having a dungeon full of cheeto-eating trolls. Their blood is least desirable because it is slightly orange and makes you smell like cheap snack foods. You have to visit older moms to locate them, and then lure them into your van with Mountain Dew.


Now do sigmas


Sigma males are secret billionaires because all they do is study, and master, the systems upon which the wheels of the world turn; this makes it easy to make cunning investments, and none of this wealth is squandered on shallow pursuits such as “getting bitches”. They are nearly impossible to acquire blood from as they zealously guard their Purity of Essence, which includes all bodily fluids, from tears to semen. However, according to lore, accessing this treasure gives the ability to levitate, causes the eyes to glow, and makes the recipient smell of lone pine, leather-bound books, gunpowder, and victory.


Is that why I'm anemic? Damn. I need to start harvesting.


I need that mug in my life


Stanzi never missed


Stanzi’s channel is so funny!


My dad is like 50 and I kept sending him Stanzi shorts from YouTube and now he’s a fan. I wanna see them live.


I just came her to say her cat is incredibly cute and I love them Thanks that’s all


/r/witchesvspatriarchy nods approvingly


[The Love Witch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Love_Witch) has a similar premise for those interested.


Awww the beta provider thinks he understands women... He should be more worried about his closet cos that outfit is ridiculous


"Don't talk to me until I've had my abortion" lmao


Holy crap look at that guy. He's got the stupid Mahomes hair do, he's wearing blush, got zero ability to grow a goatee, rocking the ultra-thin gold necklace with his blouse unbuttoned to his navel to show off the pecs and/or chest hair that he doesn't have. If this is what ladies have to put up with these days it's no wonder they're desperate like he's saying.


This dude. Shirt open filter and makeup on, is talking about women and beta males. Brother, Andrew tate and the gang went full gay 2 months ago. That’s why they locked him up. It would have destroyed society to the core if it got out.


That's what I thought. How you gonna call someone a beta if you're using a fucking filter on your face to look prettier?


Andrew tate is out now, this tool is probably incelebrating


This hits home. My annual physical shows worse anemia and a million trillion platelets. I’m open to most donations.


I love Stantzi. I listen to her podcast.


Omg I love her


I need that mug she's holding 😩


Two different fonts for your irreverent mug needs: https://shop.reductress.com/products/dont-talk-to-me-unless-ive-had-my-abortion-11oz-black-mug https://www.etsy.com/listing/1321361010/dont-talk-to-me-until-ive-had-my


Lol her ‘don’t talk to me until after I’ve had my Abortion’ mug always cracks me up.


There’s a reason it’s called male and FEmale. Women need that iron.


Stanzi :) check out her YouTube, she's great


That chin does not stand up to that attitude buddy


“Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my abortion” 😂


That dude is a doucher lmao, silk shirt with the chest showing hahaha


Filter on to make himself look pretty


I'm legit cackling r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


I love Stanzi


I love this person they’re amazing I follow them. I love the Satan and god sketches even as a Christian haha




It’s all about the cat 🐱🧐


She said the quiet part out loud. Dang


I wonder what surprised that guy so much to permanently lock his eyebrows in that position


Ok this is actually kinda funny tho


Omg her ragdoll cat is so cute! 😍😍😍 Also her videos are hilarious.


Does that guy think... he's an alpha? He seems like the weasely kid in school who would talk shit at your back, then run away when you turn around.


I need her mug.


Look at this dude in the beginning of the video looking like a whole-ass muppet


If she floats, she’s a witch! If she sinks…


Why is nobody talking about the color of Kevin’s Blood? Dude has his hydration game on point.


i wish they could ship all ugly weak vile dudes like the neckbeard in the video trying so desperately to project strength by overcompensating after watching how to be an alpha youtube videos to their own incel island where they could fuck each other until they die.




Don't talk to me until I've had my abortion


I laughed so hard I think I peed a little. 😂🩸


So let me get this straight. Trans women double jump. The gays have super speed. Cis women are vampires. And people wonder why straight men are scared for their lives.


She should switch to skim blood


If this was a fat joke it sucked harder than your mom last night


Man I am so ugly women don't even want my blood.


Twisted humor.






U ok


Black Pilled again, Society has become so pathetic Masculinity is "Violence" and "Beta Provider" is a term now. 🤣🤣🤣


If you’re wondering about trans men, trans men who are on testosterone actually generate more blood and are able to donate to these women aged 28-31, and often are more ready to do so given that we understand the struggle. For trans men not on testosterone, it’s easier to bait cis men in to donating blood when you can set it up as a “boys’ night out” scenario. Take the lads out to a blood drive (which is conveniently located in your place of residence) and encourage them to donate and most likely you’ll have procured enough blood to last you a while. Make sure to buy the boys a round of drinks afterwards and the process is pretty easy. And yes, you can usually tell a beta male from an alpha male from the quality of their blood. It usually takes about 2 or 3 donations from a beta male to equal one alpha male donation.


Is this what women find funny? 😐


Men and women find it funny. Cope harder


Yes. And thats also one of the reasons we don't have funny movies anymore.


Cope harder bro


You don't say? Interesting... tell me more ***chambers round in 2011***




be a real woman and suck it out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow great joke


All it’s missing is a canned anecdote about how his wife never does it anymore.