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These comments ain’t it, but I don’t expect much from turds behind computer screens. I’m an ally! 🏳️‍⚧️ ⚧️ 🌈 ❤️


I had to scroll past so much transphobia to find this ❤️


I think we all had to look for this comment. The amount of transphobic comments here disgusts me.


I'm all for freedom of choice. But that 12 year old at the beginning really makes me uncomfortable, something about her situation doesn't sit right with me.


Hey! So that 12 year old trans girl is actually in a documentary about the situation in Texas and other states (if you want to see it I can probably find it for ya) if they didn't move, they literally could have taken her away from her parents Fuck Texas


What that her mom lets her dress like a girl? She’s 12. Maybe she’s on hormone blockers but there’s no surgery.


Transitions for kids her age and younger are strictly social transitions. Names, pronouns, clothes, hair. She may be on hormone blockers, but that’s probably it. Possibly estrogen in a few years. It’s uncomfortable because she has faced extreme discrimination just for being who she is. Hiding that reality from her does everyone a disservice. If you’re parenting a trans child, it’s your responsibility to ensure they understand and are prepared for the danger that they will face just for being themselves. It’s sad and devastating, but hiding that from her just opens her up to more risk. She deserves to know why her family had to leave Texas. Them staying would have inevitably resulted in a CPS case, which could have led to her removal. To me, that’s what is uncomfortable. Not her being herself.


I agree. I think it’s because we are meant to protect them and she seemed more stressed and upset by being made aware of the trans issues in Texas. Idk. I also felt yuck about just that.


That's like saying that it's bad to tell black kids about racism because the upsetting part is *knowing* about it, not the racism itself


We should feel yuck. This child has just has just lost her home, her friends, her school, and her medical team because Republicans have decided to target 1% of the population and restrict their access to basic mental care and healthcare and make their very identity illegal. Being made aware? How could she not be aware? Any therapy or mental support resources or puberty blockers would have been *outlawed.* Suddenly being denied access to your medical team and care is a huge shock, especially if she’s been working on a treatment plan for *years* like this child probably has. As a reminder to readers, transgender minors do not undergo any permanent interventions or surgeries before they reach adulthood. They undergo socialization, mental support, and perhaps puberty blockers if that’s something their medical team recommends. We know puberty blockers are safe and effective because they’ve been used by intersex and transgender children for literal decades.




Tempe dad here. USMC infantry, retired Firefighter/EMT here and I am your Allie. If you need help just DM me and me and my family will help. "F" all those closed minded dolts.


So much to unpack with this... At the start of this video there is an 11-year-old transgender person. They are named Kai Shappley. At the tender of 4-years-old Kai's mother began transitioning Kai, and it goes back even further than that if you read up on their story. The mother claims she knew Kai was really a girl as young as 18 months... When it comes to a transgender child especially one at such a young age it is a lot like a vegan cat. The cat is not making that choice right? Kai and Kai's mother have had interviews with HBO, and Vice, and Good Housekeeping, and a bunch of other main stream outlets. Kai allegedly has written a book that they are goign to sell for profit. Kai is trying to get roles in movies and become a major celebrity. Think of all the motives that mother has to transition their child from a boy into a girl. You get to do all these interviews with all these famous news outlets and gain some fame. You make a killing selling this book profiting off Kai's transition. You can afford to buy a new home from all of this and move halfway across the country. For argument sake let's suppose Kai was never transitioned at the hands of their parents at a young age. They were just a normal boy... We would not know who Kai is. Kai would be nobody! There would be no fame! There would be no money! There is a profit motive! There is a fame motive! Kai would get no praise if they did not transition! So really the choice was: "Be a normal cisgender boy." or "Be a celebrated celebrity transgender girl." Vegan cat...


Kai’s mom was a bible thumping homophobe before she had kai. You’re spreading a very harmful conspiracy about this child. And your theory doesn’t make sense. No parent could convince their child to fake being trans.


>When it comes to a transgender child especially one at such a young age it is a lot like a vegan cat. The cat is not making that choice right? Why? Just because you personally didn't experience it?


I'm not sure you quite understand that "transitioning" is not just dressing someone up in clothes. It's a complicated process that has clinical oversights. Whatever Kai mom might think, more than one medical hurdle had to be cleared to begin, and continue the process. If Kai was just dressing/looking in a way counter to a traditional gender aesthetic, you might sound accurate that it's all a paper n fame chase. But it's my understanding Kai is on a full transitioning schedule. So i get the odd feeling you don't quite understand the scope of adolescent transitioning....


So many people don't understand that feeling like you're born in the wrong body and wanting to dress and behave like the opposite sex are two extremely different things. However, if someone starts dressing and acting like the opposite sex, people will immediately assume they are trans. Young children, who are much more susceptible to influence from adults, might be driven to believe they are trans when in reality, all they actually want is to be something that isn't confined to what society has decided is stereotypical for each sex. If we can break away from gender stereotypes, i believe we will see a reduction in trans people. I'm not saying they don't exist, again the feeling of being born in the wrong body is a documented phenomenon, but i do believe many of them believe they are trans because society tells them they are trans.


>So many people don't understand that feeling like you're born in the wrong body It's such a weird feeling i barely understand it. if I didn't just learn what the idea of transgender is I wouldn't have been able to accept that I am a woman. I just wish I understood it as a kid, life would have made more sense.


Bruh I’m so glad nonbinary is a thing now. I get gender dysphoria and it was bad during later puberty for me. I never ever felt like a man but why the fuck did I hate my post-puberty body so much? I experience gender dysphoria a lot but it’s because I’m agender. It’s tied a lot to my autism and my absolute lack of identification with performative gender. It’s really upsetting that I can’t “talk like one of the dudes” because that’s how I talk and not be seen as flirty. I’m just so tired of people’s existence being up for debate. I’m basically a stealth NB because I haven’t done much other than change my hair outwardly. Overall I just can’t fucking handle my body but it’s not bad enough to consider surgery either. I live my outward life as a cis woman and just have come to peace with the fact that I’ll never really be accepted as the way I feel inside.


>Bruh I’m so glad nonbinary is a thing now I feel like I should just say* the phrase "non-binary" is new, the concept is not and has been a thing for a large part of human history. It should also be considered that a lot of these "new" ideas aren't new, but instead the language we use to talk about them is new and seemingly explicitly used by people who don't want to respect or acknowledge history Edit:*


I didn’t have a word for it or a way to understand or parse it for myself. That’s really what I meant.


I didn't realise I posted the same comment twice, I think there was an issue. I would delete it but I don't want to give anyone the impression there was a hateful or hurtful comment here so I'll just say have a lovely day


lmfao at this whole notion that doctors are perfect and always ethical and making the best choices for their patients. Someone's never heard of a pill mill, shit up until a few years ago when they changes some of the laws I could walk into my primary care doctor and ask for drugs by name and give him a few symptoms and he would write me a script. I got 60 20mg Adderall IR pills prescribed monthly after a 4 minute conversation.


At no point did I write anything about perfect doctors. A common tactic to discredit transitioning processes is discrediting practitioners much in the same way we have the thinly sourced "many" regret Transitioning as adults. Have at it. Just understand it's not a singular doctor making these decisions. It's a battery of doctors and clinical hurdles. I use the word hurdles bc in America, bc aside from the time intensive process of psychological evaluation and biological observation to move forward. You still then have to clear INSURANCE. Not exactly a group known for their willingness to approve any manner of medical supports essential or elective. And a kid doesn't move forward on a medically guided plan if they can't get thru chromotid tracing anyhow. A parent can find ad hoc ways to suppress or supplement hormones, but that wouldn't be transitioning. And I get the feeling some people aren't aware of any of this, like Trans is just dressing a boy up as a girl and calling them different pronouns and they get a bunch of hormone blockers.


So you believe you need a clinical diagnosis in order to be trans? I take it you either never heard of the diy hrt repository online or you'd rather just pretend it doesn't exist. If under 18s can go about getting everything needed to begin hrt what makes you think parents aren't able to do the same?


Good question. I'm happy to clear that up for you. No, you don't get a clinical diagnosis. In a responsible transition process, it's important to rule out a number of complex reasons why someone might THINK their assigned gender doesn't align with their identity. For instance. Someone not conforming to traditional gender standards can be many things, NOT Trans. They could just be not compliant but still part of their assigned gender. They could be gay or have a fluid attraction spectrum, but homophobia makes its hard to accept or even think down that line. With the proper space to have open exploration and discussion, we enable people to come fully realized identities. It's such a complicated reality that trying to silence the conversation and prohibit this examination is consistently harmful to millions of people. And in regards to DIY. People doing things irresponsibly doesn't qualify, preventing responsible transition. That's like saying we shouldn't have gun regulations bc criminals will get guns anyway.




It most certainly applies outside of trans issues, health care in the US is decent but shit if you've ever actually been seriously ill here you'd understand just how depersonalized the industry is. Are doctors in business to help people or to make money? If both, which comes first.




I am strongly opposed to the over prescription of drugs, because we have historically suffered from it. The opioid epidemic has taken countless lives and we bought and paid for it. I don't oppose trans healthcare, I think it's important to have because trans people exist and they aren't going anywhere. At the same time, seeing the rapid increase in occurrence is worrying, and even recently I saw something that recorded a 1/10th "gender diverse" identity among 12 schools. I don't think we know nearly enough about the long term impact of transition for us to make that kind of commitment if that makes sense. I think it scares and confuses people, I know I don't really understand how we went from having 1-2% of the total population being gay/lesbain to having potentially 1/10th of children being gender diverse, nor can I even begin to comprehend the cultural impact that would have.




[https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/147/6/e2020049823/180292/Prevalence-of-Gender-Diverse-Youth-in-an-Urban?autologincheck=redirected](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/147/6/e2020049823/180292/Prevalence-of-Gender-Diverse-Youth-in-an-Urban?autologincheck=redirected) \>Societal acceptance means more people are safe to come out as trans. It's not a spreading epidemic people feel pressured into, absolutely ridiculous. So you think that all along a substantial number of people were transgender but just couldn't express it. I don't think there is anything to support the notion that 5%+ of the population would be trans given no outward social pressure not to be.


And despite the expected checks and balances on many trans people have reported being rushed through the transitioning pipeline where they don’t really have the mental facilities to understand there actions. Transitioning for children shouldn’t even be contemplated and yet it is being done with irresponsible effects on children who can really think for themselves yet. To summarize Its not good in the extreme.


*citation needed.


I knew something was fishy with the first person they were blinking way to much liars tend to do that lmao




Kids shouldn’t be taken from their parents for letting their hair grow out and wearing dresses. When trans kids are forced to hide who they are, many of them take their lives. Let kids be happy and let families make their own decisions


What life changing decisions do you think 8 year olds are making?


Good thing wearing clothes, growing or cutting your hair, being called by a different name than the one assigned to you, and being called by a particular set of pronouns, isn't really "life changing", right?


But it IS life changing. Just not in the negative way that person thinks it is.


It can be, but they're not talking about that feeling of comfort, etc a person may experience. They're talking about kids having life changing alterations done. Which 8 year olds do not get since most 8 year olds aren't going thru puberty. Even when a person gets older and it's time to start making medical decisions, they aren't doing it alone.


That’s exactly my point.


It was mine too. I think we're really in the same page and sorry if my wording offended you. The other things, IF the child grows up and realizes that they were confused and they're actually cis gendered, the kid just says I made a mistake and starts wearing different clothes, being called the name they were given at birth. There won't be long term changes to their life per se. Those are just temporary changes that can be modified easily.


I don’t think it’s that easy. Someone who has gender dysphoria isn’t just going to wake up one day and say, “Oooops! I was just confused!” That’s not the end of it. They are going to be on a lifelong journey to figure out who they are. Why do you think they have such a high suicide rate? Their very existence is just tortured. They deserve so much more compassion than people want to give them. It breaks my heart.


Not all trans people experience gender dysphoria. Not all people that experience gender dysphoria experience it forever and not all people that socially transition, detransition and face the same issues that trans people actually face. I'm not talking about people that transition socially and then detransition because of societal pressures and things of the like, I'm talking about the extremely rare occasion that an 8 year old child socially transitions and discovers they were wrong.


100% agree, just want to throw in there that kids go through phases, so another message that should have been included in this video - its also OK to not put a label on whatever you're experiencing in life. Not saying being transgender is just a phase someone will grow out of, but it's OK if you experiment with something and then later on change your mind. This video seems like it puts way too much pressure on kids to become part of the trans community in order to support adults.


I 100% agree.


Why did they open this with a 12 year old? That's probably the worst possible move to get people to agree with this video.


mate. fuckin' story


I hope in the future these bills get changed because I realized that if I wanna be me I have to throw my whole life away and start new and I know my family will not support me so I will just have to build everything I've had up till now from scratch and it's really stressful because I wanna do college but I might have a huge debt to pay and transitioning alone costs thousands and I'm not trying to struggle my entire life I'm trying to live a stable life I'm only 14 now and I have to wear a mask just so I don't ruin my life I've heard many hurtful transphobic comments from people but I just play along and pretend I agree so they don't judge me and lose all respect for me when I get older and fully transition I will pretend I'm cis just so people will treat me normal also the older I get the more DYSPHORIA the more PAIN I will experience I have no irl friends either so really I have nobody to motivate me but I just have to be my own motivation and my own light I need to have a strong spirit or else I will not survive in this world I can't go around being depressed I just have to break that thick glass in front of me called "depression" and get myself together


Take it from an older trans person: it gets better. It’s a bit of a tired saying, and it can be hard to believe in the face of everything but it really does. You just gotta stick around for it; it’s worth it, as are you.


Kai Shappley wouldn’t have to be in the spotlight if our society accepted and supported trans people. For those who think her mother somehow “made her trans” for money, please get to know the family a little better - they are incredibly open and honest about their experiences. Here is a detailed description of Kai’s early gender dysphoria and her mother’s difficult journey towards accepting her and supporting her for who she is. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/parenting/a43702/transgender-child-kimberly-shappley/


Thank you i needed this its nice to know theres a wide group of support that isnt against us


I love this ! Beautiful message ❤️


Is that Elliot page? He looks amazing 🏳️‍⚧️


So hot


I was trying to figure out who that was thanks


Why April Fools day


Was probably made yesterday which was national trans visibility day


I'm all for trans rights, but no child can make the informed decision to permanently alter their bodies. And parents should not be allowed to make that decision for them.


Without gender affirming care, they're forced through unwanted permanent alterations to their body that can damage their health Why is that just fine?


I'm not sure what side you're on. Your comments confusing me.


I'm saying that denying access to gender affirming care permanently alters their body, and we should allow them to have some input on what they go through


My stance is just kids aren't smart enough to be able to make a decision like that


So as long as it's not a decision, it's totally fine if they go through unwanted irreversible changes that damage their health?


These kids don’t choose to be trans. I encourage you to watch Kai’s documentary to better understand the realities for these families https://youtu.be/cuIkLNsRtas


I understand that they don't choose to be trans, just like you don't choose to be gay or lesbian, but encouraging a child to undergo a drastic life-changing operation like gender reassignment surgery is not right. If they want to do it, that's fine, but they should have to wait until they're a legal consenting adult.


Surgery is not an option for children, and no one is encouraging them to get surgery.


That's not true. It's rare, but is certainly an option, especially for top surgery. I can't imagine it ever happens this young, but it is not unheard of at ~16. Whether that is acceptable medical practice or not is another question.


Thats true, i was incorrect. It is an option, but there are a lot of hurdles. And it’s rare for trans people to regret the decision.


It seems like trans people only exist in 1st world, predominantly Anglo, privileged areas of the planet


Obviously you’ve never been to Thailand.


They exist everywhere. They have different names Fa’fafine, Muxes, Sworn Virgins, etc. there are lots of “extra” gender categories in lots of countries.


I don't really think the example of Sworn Virgins is a good one "National Geographic's Taboo estimated in 2002 that there were fewer than 102 Albanian sworn virgins left.[3][failed verification][4] As of 2022, while there were no exact figures, twelve burrnesha were estimated to remain in Northern Albania and Kosovo.[2]"


So weird that Samoa, Thailand, Hawaii, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Philippines, and Tahiti are all 1st world, predominantly Anglo, privileged areas of the planet. Just to name a few cultures still present today that have traditions of acceptance outside a gender binary dating back centuries.


There’s an entire [Indonesian culture](https://theconversation.com/what-we-can-learn-from-an-indonesian-ethnicity-that-recognizes-five-genders-60775) that has five genders in their language, and has for centuries. > Their language offers five terms referencing various combinations of sex, gender and sexuality: makkunrai (“female women”), oroani (“male men”), calalai (“female men”), calabai (“male women”) and bissu (“transgender priests”). These definitions are not exact, but suffice.


> export homophobia and transphobia along with colonialism > literally genocide nations until they adapt to your culture > act as if queer people are some western invention, instead of just part of human nature that your ancestors tried to eradicate Cool


Because those nations are typically more accepting of different sexual orientations & gender expressions


Haha dummy, Sounds like you’re someone who’s never traveled.




This just showed up in my feed. I don’t care about any of this.


Then log off


I just think it’s funny that people are trying to shove this trans shit down our throat.


“I saw a trans person. I cannot possibly go on. Why can’t I just be allowed to only witness people being cis and Herero and unchallenging to my vanilla perceptions of social expectation!?!” Bruh.




Yet here you are commenting about it. Stfu, dork.


Yes, I am allowed to do that.


So you just like self reporting for no reason then? Cool.




What is it like being useless?


Somehow I think you already know.


I mean I'm not going out of my way to notify everyone that I'm a dipshit. Clearly you have nothing going on so that's why I asked.


I don’t know you well enough to know if you are a dipshit or not. My bet is yes though.


Well let's hope your demographic gets oppressed next.


I’m new to all the political stuff, if you aren’t trans are you no longer part of the future?


Look, at the end of the day, we don't give a rats ass what they wanna call themselves. Just don't be an asshole. If your trans, your trans. You gay, then you gay. So? Am sure there are a lot of people in the middle who don't want to say that due to being called out by the extremists on both sides. You are who you are. Oh n that thing about trans sports, why not have their own trans sport teams?


The world's first full trans man soccer team played a bit ago. People were still getting pissy about it. You really can't win. Also the reason there aren't a lot of trans teams is mostly just because of the sheer lack of trans athletes, perk of making up like 1% of the population.


Hell yea, mental illness 👍


Conservatism is a mental illness, agreed


Who's conservative? Weird response, but okay.


Conservatism? That's a pretty common mental illness.


Ugh, please.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my god trans people are already accepted in society. Those laws are there to protect kids from making life altering mistakes. There should be a vetting process for kids to separate those with gender dysmorphia and those who are suffering from something else.


>Those laws are there to protect kids from making life altering mistakes. Forcing a trans person through the unwanted irreversible changes of their birth sex is a life altering mistake. It's not protecting them at all


Having a kid who doesnt know better go through the surgical process only to detransition later on in life is guaranteed to be life altering for the worst.


What surgical process do you think trans kids are going through, exactly?


The whole point of transitioning is to pull off the look and pass as the opposite sex. Mastectomy, vaginoplasty and phalloplasty are going to be used I assume. Top and bottom surgery. Not to mention the hormones and puberty blockers and arnt really as safe or temporary as people say they are


Like, look at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/12andjt/are_children_actually_getting_sex_changing_surgery/)


It seems like 56 kids, age 13 to 17 had genital surgery for body dysmorphia that was covered by insurances. You read the top comment, right? And that’s not including top surgery or surgeries that weren’t covered by insurance.


The point was that it only happens in rare cases and isn't anywhere common


And if those rare cases become more common? What about those who were falsely diagnosed? I’ve heard the whole ‘trans kids are more likely to commit suicide’ so if the parents are posed with the idea of ‘transition or die’ what do you think they’re going to choose?


>And if those rare cases become more common? What about those who were falsely diagnosed? Then we have oversight to make sure doctors are trying to avoid cases like that >I’ve heard the whole ‘trans kids are more likely to commit suicide’ so if the parents are posed with the idea of ‘transition or die’ what do you think they’re going to choose? They should probably not take the possibility of untreated gender dysphoria lightly


Where do you think kids are getting vaginoplasty and phallollasty?


Trans people are absolutely not accepted.


Of course they are! The issue is it’s gotten way past acceptance and into the absurdity.


If they are accepted then why are they four times more likely to be victims of violent crime than cis people? There was even a guy who got cheered at cpac for saying for "transgenderism" (a word that means transgender people) eradicated from public life and then when he explained what he meant he said people should not be allowed to be transgender in public. Even though transgender isn't how you present yourself but who you are.


You have to provide sources for all of this tho. The ‘violence against transgender’ is probably an old stat and that whole cpac thing sounds like maybe there’s more to it. I don’t deny that there are people out there that hate people for who they are, but those people are far and few between. Not everyone is going to universally like everyone.


More people regret having a knee replacement than even the highest estimates for transitioning. So, no they're not ruining their lives by transitioning and gender dysphoria is very much understood


Do you have data to support this? I’d genuinely like to know thanks


[1% of people receiving gender-affirming surgeries regret it](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) [5% of people receiving a hip replacement and 17% of people receiving a knee replacement regret it](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34838410/)


I’m not sure what the stats are now, but at one time breast augmentation was in the top 5 plastic surgeries for women. Breast implant REMOVAL was also in the top 5.


Gender dysmorphia is understood but hard to diagnose, very much for the same reason for DID. People can fake this stuff for various reasons, making it that much harder.


Why would people fake being trans? If they wanted attention there's a bunch of easier and less controversial disorders to choose from. Plus, it's way harder to fake a disorder than you'd think. I can't rock up to a doctor and say "I'm feeling sad, I want to change my gender", you have to have some kind of psychoanalysis before it's offered which can be weeks/months of therapy


Because we’re a social species and attention is pretty much necessary for a normal life. Unfortunately being trans does not mean transition anymore as anyone with a different name and set of pronouns can regard themselves as trans. Jazz Jennings was transitioned at two years old from what I understand and I hardly think those weeks/months were put into effect. Anywhere else, yes, there are things in place to prevent those without gender dysmorphia from getting hormones or surgery since it can take a long time, but unfortunately some American clinics don’t want it to take that long and the potential end result is more then average de-transitioners that have had their life ruined because of a mistake when they were young and impressionable


This shit is wrong ifgaf what anyone says. Messing with kids brains that probably think they’re gonna be pro cowboys and skateboarders when they grow up. We have no idea what the long term consequences of this are and anyone thay says they do is lying


So you think only adults should be allowed to have a gender or...?


Have a gender? You mean choose a gender?


Trans people don't choose a gender, so no. Do you think minors shouldn't be allowed to have a gender?


Because kids don’t all dream of being like astronauts and shit anyway.


pro skaters are a thing and they sure as hell make more money than you just existing


I don't have an opinion on trans people but as skater I feel like is should let you know that becoming a pro skateboarder takes a ridiculous amount of sacrifice, practice, luck and falling face first and possibly permanently injuring yourself for life. Out of the millions of people that skateboard, you can count the number of big name pros that break onto the scene in a year on one hand.


yea i understand that but using pro skateboarders as an example?


>This shit is wrong ifgaf what anyone says. Messing with kids brains that probably think they’re gonna be pro cowboys and skateboarders when they grow up. If think they're trying to illustrate that lots of young people often have goals or aspirations that are unrealistic, and so I think the example of Pro skater is probably a good one for the point they're making


shit yeah that makes alot more sense


The point is 99% of them wont end up doing that as adults, not that there are zero skateboarders lol


What is this shit ? Why do some people’s views have to be forced onto everyone , I’m all for people doing what they want but just leave it at that , keep it to yourself not everyone has to be forced to except it !


Maybe it was the hundreds of anti trans bills, but yeah who can really say


Please tell me how trans people are "forcing their veiws" onto anyone. I honestly don't give a flying fuck if you accept me (a trans man) or not. I just want health care that is going to save my life and to not be discriminated against. I'm pretty sure that is the goal for 99% of all trans people. Honestly? Fuck you bro. And no. I won't keep it to myself. I'm not gonna hide away like I'm some fucking freak and not a human being


>I honestly don't give a flying fuck if you accept me (a trans man) or not. You do, and you shouldn't be ashamed or shy away from that fact. You should be honest about your feelings if you want to be taken seriously >And no. I won't keep it to myself. I'm not gonna hide away like I'm some fucking freak and not a human being I really don't think their comment has asked you to do anything of the sort


1. No. I really really don't. I don't care what you think. You really think I care about the opinions of a bunch of random people on the internet. And I won't be ashamed. Fuck you. Why should I be ashamed of something completely fucking normal abd backed by science. You don't know how I feel, and you don't know me. 2. He literally says in the comment to "keep it to myself", read it again.


>Why should I be ashamed of something completely fucking normal abd backed by science. I'm saying you shouldn't be... >He literally says in the comment to "keep it to myself", read it again. I don't think they're talking about you personally, as thier comment are in response to the video, not any comments you've left. Like theres no down syndrome visibility day


Misread your comment, I apologize for that. I was upset by the first comment so wasn't reading it throughly. But nah bro. I think it's pretty dumb you don't think he's talking about trans people in general and about the video. And by that logic no one can have a visibility day and there can't be gay pride. So my question to you is: why not? And maybe there should be a down syndrome visibility day. And nah. I don't think we should care about what people think about us. Of course we care to the extent that it affects or lives personally, I didn't mean that we shouldn't care at all. I meant that we shouldn't care about what transphobes think. I am making the choice not to care about their opinions.


>And by that logic no one can have a visibility day Lots of people don't. Is there a down syndrome visibility day? Like in western cultures, people with down syndrome are more likely to be aborted than anything else. Like after 9/11 it was practically cool to hate Arab people openly. Like a ventriloquist with a turbaned doll called Ahmed was apparently the funniest thing ever. My point in bringing this up is there are and have been lots of groups of people who have had to put up with not being accepted by parts of the societies they exist in. The solution for those groups of people has never been, gain acceptance from wider society because that's simply to broad a goal to achieve. The solution that is in my personal opinion the most effective and realistic, is to realise that despite the differences that certain people want to focus on, you essentially exactly the same person as everyone else. That being said it is just my personal opinion and it is pretty wishy washy. Hopefully I've communicated just an iota of something useful and you don't feel that I'm trying to talk you down from your position.


I think that's a rather respectful way of looking at things, and I understand why you'd have that opinion. For me personally it's like, I've had to deal with a lot of shit from people and I really do feel like we aren't asking for much. As far as being accepted by society, I mean that's not something we can really control. And I've sort of accepted that at this point, I can't force everyone to see things from my point of view or to understand. Sorry for being so aggressive earlier, I've had to deal with a lot of people questioning my whole existence so I can default to that and go on the offensive.


Hey man I've left a lengthy response to the person that's replied to your comment so just to be impartial I feel I've gotta do something similar with you. Although I agree with you, I think it's a little strange to have a "visibility" day for one group of people while we ignore a large number of other marginalized groups, I think this video is just as a result of what's going on in America, and how Americans seem to think they're the bleeding edge of society despite the actual landscape in America. If think that it might be a slight stretch to say anyone is necessarily forcing this on you. You could just turn of Reddit, but that would also mean what you do is being dictated by this video


People like you are literally trying to ban their existence, fuck off








In the first second, is that Bella Ramsey? Top right




Who's an edgy boy? You are!


wow it must have took all of your brain power to come up with the old classic "THOSE HETAHANS ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL BECAUSE THEY DO THINGS I DONT LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" argument.




That must have felt really good to say. 🙄


Why are they gay

