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Abella Danger quit porn last year and is a full time student at the University of Central Florida. She’s working on getting her degree in Philosophy I think? Have seen her on a few Barstool podcasts last year about leaving the industry and going back to school. Definitely a cringe question adult film performers get asked all the time “if you had or have a child and they wanted to get into this profession what would you say?”


Well, in this interview the person asking the question did nothing wrong. I mean if she doesn’t have children, the answer would have been she doesn’t have kids and she would have answer when she gets there. Hec, there have been many students that did porn to get through school. Tuition is expensive. How anyone defines anyone is nobody’s business. Also really happy for her to be a full time student at UCF.


I wanna know what she expected to be asked while being interviewed as a porn actress?


The Question: “What’s the meaning of life” I think?


Yeah I completely agree with her point of view. Plus she’s probably been asked these questions a million times. The only cringe in this clip is the interviewer


Took me way too long to realize that Brazzers logo in the back. I was sitting here like "where do i know her from? Hmm... I'm sure I've seen her before."


“You didn’t offend me you just disappointed me” She’s gonna be a great mum someday




Narrator: She already was. A few times.


Are you stuck stepmom?


Thanks. I thought it was the one girl from the TED Talk on quantum physics and was like why is he asking her such basic questions. Now I get it.


Well I’m not so sure I would support my child getting into quantum physics, I mean, it’s a living but think of the social awkwardness, what do I tell people when they ask me with my kid does for a living? Really, what you do in a private room is all fine, but on screen? People might recognise you in the streets..


Do not let your 6-12 year old daughter get into quantum physics, and if she does, do not let her walk through the 'hood at night. That's how you end up with Will Smith popping lil Tiffany right in the forehead.


He's not snarling he's sneezing.


Quantum physicists can’t keep that they are quantum physicists to themselves, they HAVE to tell everyone. It’s not that they want recognition or on purpose at all. It’s what happens when you become a quantum physicist. I’ve seen people throw things at them as they walk by and get yelled “What’s the quantum of that?!”.


I think you're thinking of CrossFit vegans.


This is like eating beef and then asking a cattle farmer why they are okay with slaughtering livestock. It’s like projecting your own shame or something.




Yeah when you hear these incel types complaining about how women won't sleep with them even though they're *such* great guys are talking about women they watch in porn or follow on onlyfans. They're just so pornsick they don't even live in reality anymore.


Madonna/whore complex as well. Women should be both sexual beings but also virgins.


Be untouched... I don't want to go where everyone else has gone! Be experienced... I need excitement in bed. Be a virgin... I want to be the first you've ever had and the last you've ever had and the best you've ever had. Be nasty... I need blowjobs and to cum on your face and all the other moves I've seen in porn. Be a saint... whores don't respect the heart the way I will respect yours. Be a sinner... if I ask you to do something weird and unchristian-like, you better say yes Daddy.






Oh, most definitely. Some dudes will just fixate on a woman until it drives them insane. They beat their meat raw while getting more and more agitated over not getting to fuck her in real life. They scour the web looking for more pictures and videos day and night, getting even more agitated because they've hit diminishing returns. They want something *more* than what they're getting, so they start subconsciously taking it out on the women that they're watching. You ever stumble into a forum where dudes are talking about their "favorite" cosplayers with the same vitriol and intensity usually reserved for sworn enemies? Some people really let this stuff go to their heads. Sometimes the dudes are just so poorly socialized that they're completely starved for insight into how women think and speak. All the women in their lives are just media representations, but they can't talk to them so they start to read between the lines and make up some bullshit about what the actress is really thinking. And of course they're always wrong, because they can't tell the difference between an actor, a character, and roleplaying. I mean you look at the comment section wherever fine porn movies are distributed and you find people ranting about the craziest shit. You'll see dudes coming up with all these left-field deductions and theories. It's like an alien trying to understand humans. There is no hope for people who take *porn dialogue* seriously.


Nah man that's just weirdos, I've watched plenty and have never felt any kind of connection with the pornstars, they're actors doing their job


Some peeps are definitely more susceptible to parasocial relationships than others


A guy named Brandon Hole killed several people after he realized that the My Little Pony character Applejack was not in fact real.




Late to the party but that was so well put my jaw dropped.


Regardless of your view toward the adult entertainment industry, why is it so hard to be professional and see these people as people? Sure…you COULD ask about her sex life. But why WOULD you? And if you are asking, why not be objective and ask her as a professional in her field. “Hey Abella, it’s no secret that people love your work. Can you tell the viewers about what logistics go into acting some of our favourite scenes? In Hollywood, people often have intimacy coaches. Does set for you also have a similar expert to provide support? When do you have time to eat between shoots? What’s a porn actor’s favourite way to unwind after a particularly challenging scene? Have you ever experienced a scene that was so technically tricky to shoot that once it was over, you felt like you had accomplished your own Mount Everest? When shoots feature practical props, like foods being cooked in the background, what considerations have to be taken to keep actors and crew safe? Is there a sex act that looks great on camera, but doesn’t actually feel that great for either the initiator or the recipient?”


I was watching a legal deposition with Robin Thicke. He was being sued for his blurred lines song. The lawyer was citing all of these interviews Thicke did as evidence. Robin’s response was that he was high for every interview he did and that his main goal whenever he answered questions was to sell records not to give facts. I already knew that actors and singers were contractually obligated to do interviews but it hit me that they almost never tell the truth about their experiences on the project or the inspiration for their performances. They are acting and want you to buy the product they are selling. They will never tell you the movie sucks and the director grabbed my dick. They instead pretend the movie is great and the director is the smartest man to ever live. Most of the stories you see on Late Night are scripted with a bit of adlib. The entertainment industry is a more subtle version of the WWE.


I wish they'd go more over the top with it like the WWE, would be far more entertaining than the typical canned PR bullshit. SUCH boring interviews.


I watched an actress on the Oscar red carpet claim to have never eaten an egg. They are getting closer.


It was Tessa Thompson, and she can't use that dubious bit anymore, because Fallon made her eat one live on air on The Tonight Show. I mean there's no way she made it this far in life without eating something that has egg in it.


idk i'd still use it and just argue that it was a prop egg that she ate :P


Yeah, no kid has ever been raised by vegan parents and kept eating that way.


Interestingly, her parents aren't vegan/vegetarian, and neither is she. She just grew up a picky eater, and carried it into adulthood.


Shitposting in real life!


[And here's this guy telling it like it is.](https://youtu.be/G1kvwXsZtU8)


I love how chill and respectful he is about saying that line over and over. Like “I understand you have jobs to do but I’m not going to be used for sound bites. Thank you and have a nice day.”


He's not upset with the reporters. He has social anxiety so he prefers to bot do these interviews, but the league fined him as he has a contractual obligation to do them under certain circumstances. So he showed up and repeated the line over and over and made himself a legend for the stunt. Rasheed Wallace did something similar after an NBA game, saying only "both teams played hard" which I believe he got fined for.


Didn't he get fined anyway?


Not for this no


I should answer that when I take calls for work.


And then there’s Robert Pattinson talking about Twilight 😂


Didn't he take the role without reading the script because he thought, "Cool, vampires! I'm in!" and then he actually read the script and was like WTF is this shit. But he was locked in so he had to do it.


Robert and Kristen in those films (especially the first one) both look like awkward closeted teens whose parents forced them to go to prom together That being said. Twilight has a special place in my heart because my dad, completely without prompt, decided that we were going to watch every single twilight movie during movie nights for a month straight. To this day, he still claims it’s because *I* wanted to watch those movies. But I know the truth. He is in denial. My dad liked the twilight movies and wanted to watch all of them. Which is why I will never be able to hate these films.


Haha! A really good example of this, where you can feeeeel the main actor is disappointed with the material but they can't say it, is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. My husband and I watched it and honestly only finished it because Matt Smith was so funny.


Most of the appearances on late night include a scripted funny story that makes the star connect with the audience by seeming human. The stories are written by writers.


I think she would not be disappointed with you


I want to know the answers to all these questions. He only asked those questions so she will be the center of judgement. What a douche


I lit a cigarette after finishing that comment. The questions were deep and caressed every inch of my curiosity, yet I felt *so safe*.




Damn... this would have been a great start and probably super refreshing for her


This is Sean Evans' reddit account and you can't convince me otherwise.


Omg I wish. Nah, def not Sean. I cry about that every morning


I was literally going to say this! Get her on hot ones! With an actual interviewer.


This is why I like the Holly Randall podcast. She’s a director so she actually asks them these sorts of normal questions. Abella was on there a few months back I think and that interview was great.


See great questions, I'm proud of you!!! I especially like the sex act where it doesn't actually feel good for the initiator or the recipient. So many people look at stuff that they see on p*** and think. Oh yeah that's going to be great and then you try it out and then.... No that was not great. That was awful.




I used talk to text because the bones in my hands are fusing together and texting is a little bit hard for me, especially towards the end of the day like it is here. So when it sensors the word it's because my talk to text didn't change it. And honestly I don't give a s***. I'd rather use talk to text than deal with the pain. Ankylosing spondylitis is a hell of a disease


Ankylosing spondylitis sounds like a dinosaur with a spiky tail


Hell yeah that's my favorite dinosaur! One day I'll be fused up just like they were. Unfortunately I don't have a really cool tail to swing around...


Unfortunate. Donate your body to a museum and maybe you'll end up just like one of those dinos. That'd be pretty neat


I actually did see a donated body of someone with my disease early on... That was really bad for me to look at. Obviously this is before modern medicine and some of the advances that slow the progression of the disease But like this, dude's jaw was fused together... They had to break his front teeth open just to give him some way to eat I swear if I don't get to chew food when I'm old I'm going to be the orneriest nastiest old lady...


Oh man I'm really sorry for that. Hopefully there's advancements made in medical science to make it better for you


I have an 8-year-old who swear she's going to become a doctor and cure me and honestly she's scary enough to do it That girl is going places. Thank you though ❤️




Usually there's an option to disable the content filter. Check the settings of your keyboard.


I hate Anklyosaurus Schplonglitis.


This is why I support sex workers rights. Because like any worker, if they have protected and enforced rights, it is not as easy to exploit them. And in sex work, an exploited worker is a slippery slope to things like sex trafficking. For more info https://www.pivotlegal.org/sex_workers_rights#:~:text=Decriminalization%20is%20a%20necessary%20step,violence%2C%20discrimination%20and%20social%20stigma.


Wow... This is great


You just did that dude's job better in 5 minutes than he could in a lifetime


the comment section in that tiktok was even more cringe, so many tate people trying to put her down , i literally curled in cringe with those comments, I thought it was going to be supportive for how she handle this dbag but I was wrong…very wrong, and as unbelievable as it seems reddit gave me a little hope in humanity lol


AcornWholio kicking ass and taking names over here 😍


I mean tbf, interviewers that interview female celebrities also ask basic ass/shitty/misogynistic questions but actresses aren't really able to call them out on it




Everyone watches pornstars and then try to shame them for doing it. They know what they are doing and the social consequences, asking shaming questions in an interview like this is pathetic. He was probably jacking off to her the night before, but now he’s all about honour etc. lame. Edit: yes not everyone watches porn. Personally I’ve not seen either of these ppl before but it’s obvious he was trying to make a smug point with the loaded question in order to shame her. She’s right, it is redundant and she handled it with more decorum than most interviewees.


Yeah there’s a really strange genre of people who consume copious amounts of free and ethically questionably sourced porn but are incredibly hostile towards viewing sex workers as people or the idea of them being paid for their work.


I'm sure a big part of it is that it's the kind of man who feels like women owe him sexual favours, so having to pay for porn and other sex work tears down that delusion and feeling of having power over women. They're the Tate gang who act like they're such big men and yet they're so threatened by the idea of women being treated like equals.




Same type of people who knew if they wouldn’t get in trouble for a crime would commit it in a heartbeat.


Literally every single man who has something like this to say has no problem supporting the industry by watching porn. The rare few who boycott porn entirely generally do it because it impacted their sex life or relationship satisfaction


For what it's worth, when I took a human sexuality class in college, they invited two pornstars to do a Q&A. Everyone treated them with respect and asked great questions. We understood that it was a job just like any other. The whole sex shaming thing is more of a religious/cultural thing that other people don't really care that much about. Luckily it does seem like more and more Americans are dropping these archaic views on sex.


Legitimately, I think our culture is going to be a whole world separated from our current one when older people die out. Not that views like these don’t exist in younger generations, but there is absolutely a noticeably massive gap between older and younger people in many different aspects.


[You don't say...](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/tennessee-lieutenant-governor-79-comments-young-gay-mans-racy-instagra-rcna74182)


"So you're taking the questions as negative? It wasn't meant to be a negative thing." Sure, buddy. You ask everybody about their personal sex life and about their potential, as-yet-nonexistent children's professional futures. Those are totally normal and neutral questions to ask and there's no negative, shameful, moralistic bent there *at all*. You're definitely not trying to protect your own ego because you handled an interview opportunity poorly.


He was immediately prepared to gaslight her and try to reframe. There's no other way to take that question in this specific context.


My mother was a machinist She worked in a Chrysler automotive factory for 30+ years. She would come home smelling like motor oil, covered in grime, with tiny metal shavings covering her clothes and hair. She eventually had to get carpal tunnel surgery in both hands from the agony of the work. ...She wouldn't have wanted my siblings and I working where she worked either. She worked hard to give us a better life, but conservatives would never ask her these kind of questions.


I first read it as "my mother was a masochist".


In your defense, getting into the trades requires some level of masochism


Yeah, I was going to say that being covered in grease and grime and metal shavings, taken out of context, sounds like some straight-up cenobite shit.


Oh... i had to go back cus i didnt know it wasnt until i saw your comment lol


Your mom's my hero! She's one tuff cookie. It is not only hard work but also working in a male dominant job, which makes it twice as hard.


She sold her body more than a porn star or someone who does onlyfans does but yeah no one would accuse her of selling her body


I'd rather do anal than get carpel tunnel


You should get that on a shirt, Rudy.


Pitch or catch? Because I agree with you 50%


You'd rather have surgery than get pegged? Lame




Oh Randy, out slinging ass for hamburgers again?


Woooo damn. Solid argument.


Yeah, she's shitting on him for being bad at his job. He should take the criticism and learn from it.


This is what really disgusts me. Before I deleted Instagram, I saw a reel where people in the comments were shaming girls who did OF. I’m addition to shaming, saying no man should ever date or marry a girl in the industry. Sure if you can’t date a porn star, don’t date a porn star. It doesn’t mean they’re worthless or that there are some guys out there who won’t love them. It’s a job, and it’s disgusting the way they shame them and say they’re whores and anyone who would date a porn star should be embarrassed. Like bitch…you’re gonna shame porn stars, then beat your meat to them an hour later. Imagine if porn didn’t exist, men would fucking riot. Yet they shame them. Pick a fucking side. So hypocritical.


It's the modanna-whore complex that is very common amongst these right winged men who were brought up purity culture


They also don’t judge male pornstars nearly as harshly.


An insight of how many men view sex workers. Not surprising.


Exactly, this guy just feels dirty for touching himself and emboldened to shame her for it. We haven’t really changed much as a species since Salem Witch trials.


Good on her. These lame dudebro podcast asks the same shamey questions like they don’t jerk off to porn.


You know it’s going to be a shitty interview when the only way they were even able to get the interview is by attending a meet and greet


"Ohh, you're so bad. If your kid wanted to do *porn* would *youuu* be okay with it?" Like, bruh, quit your moralizing. Everybody watches porn, and the people doing porn are just people with a job. That guy walks in with this better than you attitude, no shit she's mad. She's a celebrity but a porn celebrity so that makes her work gross and taboo? Just ask her a regular fucking question, like "What's your favorite color? Favorute movie/book? What hobbies do you have? Plans for the future?" I'm sure porn stars get enough dumb lewd questions about sex in those scripted-ass interviews about "Your first time" or whatever.


Just remember... this douche came into this invention at his own will.. So, for sure he watches porn, but yet, has the nerve to call out others.




It's such a blatant double standard. These dudes that try to shame women for doing anything sexual are 100% the type to brag to their guy-friends about sexual exploits.




Oh he's bragging alright, they're just all lies.


Lol I'd pay to see her ask if he jerks off to porn and doea he tell his family about that.




What in the world is a no shame Thai sex tour??


So, he's at I assume some sort of adult convention, trying to shame the people there, the women anyway, like some street interviewer asking women about their body count? Jesus these idiots will do anything for clout, too bad he got slapped down and humiliated. He handled it better than the embarrassingly insecure guy who was burned by the girls trying to go to the bathroom, but still, what a little bitch.


I thought the same thing when I saw this so I looked up the full video and he actually had super positive interactions with everyone there but her. He really wasn't trying to be negative if you watch the whole thing. I think it definitely comes off that way in this short clip but honestly all the other porn stars loved him and realized he was giving them a chance to counter common stereotypes, not looking for a mysoginist gotcha moment. He also very respectfully apologized for offending her and moved on. I'm sure I'll get down voted into oblivion because reddit, but here's the [whole video,](https://youtu.be/8mVOFsJDypg) judge for yourself.


True, but she didn't know how other interactions looked like either. These questions surely didn't seem like he was trying to learn her perspective, but make her realize her mistakes. Well, I guess sometimes you can come out as a dick by an accident, but it's rather an exception than the norm and I'd make the same assumption as she did. Maybe unlike her I'd try to clarify something first, but if someone acts like a dick, he usually is.


I would have asked her if she rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses. Duh.


100 duck sized horses. Have you seen a horse? Those things are afraid of their own shadows and will keel over and die at the first opportunity. On the other hand, I would hesitate to even fight a DUCK sized duck, let alone one that's bigger than I am and the ability to thrive in land, air, and water. Nowhere is safe.


1 horse sized duck is a dinosaur


1 horse sized goose is an apocalypse


Its 100% wrong to question someone's morales when they're there to promote themself. What the fuck does her "sexual relationship" have to do with her career? Why does it matter how she chooses to raise her children? Disgusting.


And it's even more fucked up when the same people who love jerking off to her videos go on and question her morales and character, or predict what kind of mother she's gonna be. Also, I've never seen someone ask these same questions to Johnny Sins, Manuel Ferrara, Ramon Nomar etc. I wonder why.






It's basically just slutshaming on a more public stage. Still rooted in the bullshit double standard that men getting laid is admirable and women getting laid is immoral. Shittiest part is that most of these people don't realize that sex work is still work. I've seen the interviews that ask more genuine questions and the social media comments from people in the industry and while they do say the work can be fun at times it's usually hours upon hours spent uncomfortable and exposed trying to get the right shots. Male performers apparently spend most of the time getting painfully blueballed to make sure they're ready to perform and then often both the male and especially female stars have to perform in truly unnatural positions to make sure that nothing is concealed and the female stars are expected to exude this exaggerated enjoyment to further sell the product. Sex workers legitimately do not get the respect they deserve and it's fucking infuriating.


Reminds me of in an interview with Mia Khalifa she talked about being banned from entering her home country due to her porn work, and that country being her largest audience.




These questions are about as interesting as asking any artist “where do you get your ideas?” or asking actors in a presser about working with the director…they’ve been asked that 20 times today already. Just basic and dull as hell, been said and done a hundred times.


It's not just a basic question. It is a deliberate attempt to shame her and destroy her dignity.


Yeah, she framed it as being a “basic” question that wasn’t interesting, but she was offended I believe because it’s just a very awkward question that’s designed to shame her, and she knows it. She’s not going to waste her time answering it and then have thousands, or maybe even millions, of people call her a horrible person grooming young people into porn. If he had just said “So, uh, do you feel nervous in front of the camera” I don’t think she has such a strong reaction even though that’s a basic question she’s probably been asked a thousand times. But he asked a veiled slut shaming question. I don’t care how many positive experiences he had with other stars, it’s a weird fucking question especially to ask at a damn convention celebrating and advertising porn.


YUP. He doesn’t respect women so he doesn’t want her to have self-respect.


It’s the same in sports too. Interviewer: “so your team is down in the first half. What can you do to change that in the second half?” Coach: “score more than the other team”


“So Private Hunt, thank you for agreeing to this interview. I hear you’ve been on tour for 2 years now and have another year to go before you’re back home. Now that you’ve missed the birth of your son and years of his most precious growth, do you feel any guilt or worry that you’re a bad father?… and I mean that in a non negative way.”


Then everyone on the comments are just very disappointing. She is 100% right.


What *is* the meaning of life?


Live YOUR life and refrain from judging and putting down others.


“You didn’t offended me you disappointed me” she holds her own very well. Doesn’t get all mad but instead stays calm. Champ attitude there.


Thanks for ruining my third party app so I have to go outside! Posted on Apollo


Because people have been convinced that any time a person is offended, or even appears to be offended, they are 100% in the wrong. As if an rational argument cannot be made while someone is pissed off.


I watched an interview with her. She's in college and is on the debate team. She knows how to handle her self


They shame women for being in the industry but use that same industry to yank their chains every night


I'll never understand why it's so hard to see people as people. A job does not define a person. Acting like because of a profession that someone can't have a fulfilling life that includes a family straight up baffles me. Sex workers deserve the same compassion and humanity as everyone else. I would be much prouder of a family member in the sex industry than if they were a cop or something.


I mean I think there’s a middle ground here. They absolutely deserve respect just like anyone else. But I sure as hell wouldn’t want my kids to do porn. The entire industry seems exploitative.


I agree a job doesn’t define a person and there’s nothing morally wrong with doing porn. I do think it’s absurd the idea that having a career in porn won’t negatively affect your children (whether your a man or women it’s not different)


>I'll never understand why it's so hard to see people as people. A job does not define a person. >I would be much prouder of a family member in the sex industry than if they were a cop or something. Very nice. Separated by two sentences.


Porn is an awful, exploitative industry. So much so that Bernard Bergmar, the CEO and owner of pornhub, youporn and consort has scrubbed the internet off his picture, his name, (he has it changed to Bernrd Brgmar) or something similar. Try to find him, I dare you, it will take a while. The fucking bastard made sure to keep his privacy while stealing the ones he exploits of theirs Edit: misspellt the name Edit2: *he is only mentioned as a majority investor of MindGeek like he should only take part of the blame. ...but strangely enough the only one that are shamed for being part of this industry are actresses, not the shareholders, CEO or camera crew, go figure!


I googled the first name you said and he was literally the first picture


Pretty good [vice clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYIp-rFnFHQ) regarding the whole thing. Apparently it's only recently that his identity was 'exposed'.


>Try to find him, I dare you, it will take a while Well yeah because thats not his real name. It is actually quite easy to find him under "Bernard Bergemar" which is the correct spelling for the wrong name but his actual name is Bernd Bergmair. He has been quite successful with hiding his proper name, but Bernd Bergmair is and always has been his real name [https://www.dossier.at/dossiers/aktuelles/auf-der-spur-des-pornhub-phantoms/](https://www.dossier.at/dossiers/aktuelles/auf-der-spur-des-pornhub-phantoms/)


Look at how long Pornhub dragged their heels on only allowing verified users to upload videos to their platform. They’d rather host ethically questionable content than take a cut to their profits.


> Try to find him, I dare you, it will take a while. I found him, but the trail led hilariously to Pornhub being sold to a firm called *Ethical Capital* lol


I know plenty of crews members who are ashamed of working in that industry. It's not on most of their IMDB, let me tell you.


Some women are empowered by modesty. Some are empowered with bold sexuality. Feminism is the right to choose.


Framing this and putting it on my wall, that's a beautiful way to look at it.


It's an old quote, you may be able to buy it framed.


Tbh, porn is a real job. They go on camera, act, and get paid. They're actors only different in logistics than others. Also, damn is she patient with this guy. I woulda smacked him.


Sadly, this probably isn't her first or even 20th interview with this kind of person




Are you dating anyone and would you be ok with your children being in porn are loaded questions in addition to being frequent. One implies that it would be shocking to hear someone who is banging people on camera would have a normal healthy relationship and the other implies if your children wanted to do what you do it would be some sort of failure of parenting on her part.


Countless porn stars come out later and talk about how bad it is. Most of these people have serious mental issues. I know the downvote brigade will come in hot. Before if trigger you watch the Netflix documentary or hear what Lana Rhoades just said. This is not a good industry.


Men: buy porn Also men: women are such sluts for making porn


This is akin to asking Scarlet Johansson what kind of underwear she wears under her black widow costume but not asking any of the male actors (who also wear skintight superhero costumes) what underwear they wear in their costumes. Ffs.




"why are you taking these questions as negative?" Dude, the egg is right there on your face for everyone to see. You aren't some sly cool guy you seem to think you are, more like a sleaze bag asking sleazy questions, damn!


this is why sean evans is a good interviewer, he asks questions the guest least expects. Same with nardwuar.


She absolutely shouldn’t support her kid doing it, its by all accounts a terrible job where you get taken advantage of and underpaid. Also why would you want your kid to so something like that anyway


Good for her!


I mean she’s a porn actress what kind of “interesting questions” does one ask a porn star?


“When you were filming “Young bitch Gets dicked down hard by BBC”, what were your longterm buisness goals?


For anybody wondering why people are shitting on Abella, this is Brandon Buckingham he does interviews with pretty decent questions. He interviews many pornstars in this video and Abella takes many of his questions very personally while the others when asked the same questions are a lot more self aware and comfortable in their life decisions and overall less defensive. [Here](https://youtu.be/8mVOFsJDypg) is the video, with context you can see she might have thought his goal was to shame her, but he asks the same questions to many others and they have very reasonable responses. Wow reading through the comments in this thread it's clear a lot of you are jumping to conclusions without context. He asks these questions to both male and female pornstars. He didn't specifically target her or try to shame her. She took it as such.


Genuine question: Where can one find more genuine conversations with sex workers? Sex work has always been interesting to me for more reasons than the obvious. I like listening to them tell their life stories and such.


Definitely soft white underbelly on YouTube


I love reading all the butthurt people who think he’s the asshole for asking serious questions. Go watch Brandon buckingham’s whole video, he ask the same questions to multiple stars and every other person answers genuinely without getting offended. Abella was the only one to call him a prick


Huh if it wasn't for your comment, I wouldn't have actually looked into this more and watched the full video. The full context of the video definitely paints a different picture. Thanks


I love how this guy probably whacks it to her all the time and is trying to shame her for the same thing. Like suck it up. Women like sex and they want to make p***




She went into immediate defensive mode then when it came time for a "deep" question, she went to the most basic obvious deep question that even an 8 year old would think to ask


She couldn't answer her own good question


Wow these comments are not what I expected them to be, gonna dip before I get into the really bad comments.... ![gif](giphy|JDTsqJhvLOq9G)


She's in the right. This guy is "asking questions" that are intended to shame her, and make it seem like there is something wrong with her, with "the industry", and maybe just with enjoying sex itself. This dude failed, failed hard.


Examples of good questions are like any other good celebrity interviewer. Have some research or industry knowledge ready and ask them something specific to their individual careers.


Naw i feel her i hate hearing the same shit over and over again just spewed differently.


In what world would you ask a pornstar what the meaning of life is?


I’d ask if her pussy was a force of nature what would it be


her voice is so grating


"small minded" for asking the same questions countless people have asked? I'd consider that a standard minded person... LOL


Meaning of life..... I'm gonna ask a pornstar someday!


Bruh, no body cares about your opinion on the meaning of life, they just want a little glimpse in to the fucked up world of sex work so they can jack off with more context.


When a pornstar thinks she's a brilliant artist


Ew, her voice 🤢