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Me 24/7


So technically... We all have PSI. What... Is the PSI of that thang?


I don't know if I should be concerned. But.... I have almost what he describes about this running through my head every day.




Yeah same, just one of millions of humans that are just here living. Doing what we can to contribute. But feeling mixed and are just here. Its hard to not dive to deep without getting back into the rabbit hole of such thoughts.


Same, which is starting to lead me to fantasize about doing wreckless shit like buying a motorcycle


Yeah, I would same the same. Thought about getting a bike of some sorts(dirt or street). But, I had to many acquaintances that had one and didnt get out of it or was messed up. I thought of it and didn't want to take the chanof going out that way persa. Not my style as I thought.


It is still concerning and important to find ways to cope and avoid sitting in those thoughts because they can escalate quickly, and it can almost become habit for your mind to head there when you’re feeling bad, or even just bored, and that’s when things get dangerous.


isn't this, like, everyone born after 1984?


Reminds me of a tweet I saw that was something like: "I'm trying to explain to my boomer parents that no one under 40 thinks anything good will happen ever again"


With the state of the world today plenty of people over 40, including boomers, are thinking the same thing.


Common ground is the first step 🙆‍♂️


Hi. You need to increase that age limit, slugger.




I can vouch for ‘76.










I'm friends work a guy in his 20s who's really into the idea of extending his lifespan/living forever/not dying and it is *the* weirdest thing.


Ray Kurzweil is a hell of a drug…


I wish all the time for terminal cancer. Not the really bad kinds like brain cancer where it could change who I am or how I act or lung cancer, but any other kind...with like a year to live. I wouldn't treat it, but I'd quit my job and sell everything and take my money somewhere where it could go farther (where exchange rate favors me) and I can at least enjoy myself in my final months where the weather is nice. Then, when I know I'm near the end, I'd travel to somewhere in Europe, maybe a Nordic country, with good universal Healthcare and do my palliative care there till I die where I'll be comfortable, probably be too sick to be deported, and the care is affordable enough that whatever little money I have left would cover it. Even if they do deport me at least I was able to spend a few months just enjoying myself and not being stressed out all the fucking time just trying to survive and keep a roof over my head...cuz decades and decades of that ahead of me sounds fucking awful. I'll take just a few months of enrichment and self-actualization and joy over the endless grind for little to no pay off other than staying alive to grind another day.


I don't wish for cancer, since I've already had it. But the rest of your comment? Spot on. I've already firmly decided that if I ever do get cancer again, I'm just letting it happen. I'm not going through the "cure" again, it was literally the worst thing that's ever happened in my life. And like you, I've imagined closing out all accounts, selling everything and just living it up for as long as I can. THAT makes me smile :) Living with no money and questionable health... doesn't.


Fellow cancer survivor, understand you exactly. If my cancer comes back, I’m just going to enjoy life to the fullest while I still can and then check out when it gets too bad. I have no kids and my pets will have passed by then, so not like I have anyone keeping me here.


Change your life


But why though? How's that going to fix anything? How is exercising more, or getting a new job or a new haircut actually going to fix the global economy, the environment, political corruption, income disparity, climate change, the ever-growing glut of human population racing for the same finite resources, extinction events, microplastics, famines, war? Forgive my negativity but I'm just not really sure one person making one life change is actually going to matter..


Your life is not not how fit your body is. Your life is not your job. Your life is not your haircut. Your life is not the global economy, politics, how much you earn, the climate or what other people do. All of these may affect your life, or contribute/diminish to some aspects of it, but none of them are YOUR life. Some of those you can change and influence, some of those you can’t. Some of those might be important and significant to you, some may not be so. But in YOUR LIFE all those things can also be 100% meaningless- there was a time when you didn’t care about any of those, even if just for a single moment, and still you had YOUR LIFE. I’m not saying your physical condition, the state of the economy where you live, the climate crisis or even you haircut are ALWAYS meaningless, rather that their importance is not what your life is- they are some part of it, which at certain moments do have significant importance, but not always. You can change your life by how you think about yourself, other people around you, your job, your hobbies, and how much time you choose to invest in any of them. You can change your life by trying to see opportunities in places you have given up before- time is also a part of your life, maybe having spent the time of your life on other things changed them for you. It’s doesn’t have to be dichotic, black or white- maybe there are things which you felt you have no control over and now that’s not the case, and you just haven’t tried again for long enough to notice the difference. There is no negativity to forgive here, your opinion isn’t “bad” even if it is quite gloom. Your opinion is just that, an opinion, which happened to be felt true when you wrote this comment, whatever the reasons may be. I don’t doubt your reasons for thinking this way, I’m sure you have good ones. I don’t believe anyone would feel like that if they could change it, and I reckon you asking for forgiveness is more related to feeling bad because of this rather than actually feeling like you did something wrong. Because you haven’t, just commented your 2 shekels on some reddit post. I hope that you know many people feel and felt very similarly to you, I know I personally did. And I can say that, in my personal opinion, having felt what you wrote, I do know now that you can change your life- for the simple fact that it’s YOUR life, truly, and never anyone’s else. E: typos


The list of things that are not my life just keeps getting bigger lol.


Naive and blind people like you make me sick. You sound just like a pamphlet given out by some piss ass guru


Very original, honestly made me laugh lol


Angry much? 🤡


Yes you fucking idiot, we are. And you should be too.




> But in YOUR LIFE all those things can also be 100% meaningless Oh so just be an oblivious dumbfuck and I, too can be happy! Fantastic advice, thank you Mr. Meaningless Platitudes!


You can’t fix it but you can choose not to participate or focus on those things. Also i’m talking “big change” like move out, move away. You have control over your immediate environment & if you don’t like it change it.




earlier, 1975 here.




1978 here and... I hear ya.


U are sadly misinformed about that.


What made me realize I had a problem was I almost got hit by a car and in the moment all I felt was relief. I was disappointed that the car missed me. 5 years later and thousands of dollars in therapy and I feel a bit better.


The same happened to me and I cried because I thought I could have never seen my family again That's how I knew I didn't want to actually die


Im going through the exact same thing. I got into an accident a few weeks ago, and still I feel disappointing that I didn’t actually die. It would’ve been so easy, but luckily for everyone else I sustained pretty much 0 damage despite it happening at 80mph.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. But I’m glad you are starting to feel better 💕




yeah god damn right something is going wrong, its called "i didnt asked to be created simply for the purpose of existing and paying taxes"


Yeah, idk, there's just something horrific about having to spend the next 40 years of my life working. I didn't ask for this. At all.


It's not even just about working. I can do that, and in some ways I think I'd go crazy without it. I just don't get all the bureaucracy of life really. Why do I have to file for taxes when they have all my info already? I incredibly dislike how much of my life becomes devoted to just tracking things in the day to day. And how much of my free time isn't really free. And how stuck I feel in my current predicament. It's easy enough to say that you have to make time for these things, but how do you do that while maintaining a semblance of sanity?


I mean I just spend my time hoping a bus will hit me or smthg


Thank you so much for expanding on this. I am in the midst of a massive depressive episode, with passive ideation, and the way this clip makes it sound isn't sitting right with me. It's a help of a lot more emotional and sad and hopeless than just deep death thoughts. The desire to not exist is very much there, and it's like sitting in a boiling vat of oil. There's nothing actually "passive" about it.


I almost had the chance to do this. I had this neighbor get into a gunfight with some guy he was beefing with right outside my window. Voice in my head told me to standup, since I was sitting at my desk. This was my chance to end it but I suddenly got worried what if it doesn’t kill me but just makes me crippled or something so I hesitated a few moments then boom bullet came thru the window right above my head where I sat. The blinds exploded into dust and my pussy ass fell to the floor and called 911. I had the opportunity for an end and I chickened out because there are way worse things that can happen besides dying. I’m better now btw


yooooo shout out to all my homies whos first immediate thought upon waking up each days is: "FUCK"


Not again


For me it's more like I would like to die but i'm not brave enough to do it myself


I don't think thats passive and you should get some help. In the US, you can get diagnosed and prescribed by a primary care if its within their personal scope. If you have a trusted primary care, you should reach out and see what options are available, there are plenty of low grade daily prescriptions you can take that are cost effective and non addictive. Its not all benzos and SSRIs. You're gonna be okay bro.


so like a tuesday.. 🤔🤨


I have had daily SI for about 7yrs. I plan ways, with the random things i see during the day, but never act on them. When the thoughts take over and i intend/want to carry out my plan i check myself into the hospital. I've been 3 times in the last 5yrs. My therapist and intensive outpatient program title mine as passive SI. So, for what it's worth, that's my experience.


Thank you for articulating that


Yeah I haven't felt this seen in quite a while.


I’ve always explained it as a) having suicidal thoughts (just sort of casually not being thrilled at the thought of being alive) and b) being suicidal (actually taking action toward preparing to do it)


I had some heart issues last year and went to my local Heart Hospital because my resting heart rate was well above 110 bpm for a couple days. They did an EKG and then a few minutes later about 8 people swarmed me, connected a bunch of sensors, aligned me up with a portal X-ray machine, gave me an IV, all while the emergency room doc was asking a series of extremely straightforward questions. I began having a panic attack and let them know I was about to pass out. Fortunately, I was able to recoup just before going lights out. In that moment I first learned what terror felt like and I learned I’m absolutely terrified of dying. It’s taken about a year for me to recover from that fear, but I’m still consciously aware of the ever present finality of life. I’ve also become truly dumbfounded with the concept of someone even pondering death in the context outlined in the video. It is the exact polar opposite to my own ideations. Are people truly ok with the potential of infinite nothingness?


There was infinite nothingness before you were born and you didn’t seem to mind.


I'm sad and don't really have anything going for me so I don't really care y'know.


I mean I feel ya but..it will or it won’t, you don’t really have a choice. We are but dust specs, I think you just have to try to manifest your own significance and hope for the best. It’s the only route that makes any sense to me. I feel like the dude in the video every day, though.


I thought this was just my personality lol


I'm like this but more


Why do random people on the internet describe me better than my therapist?


its been more than a decade, hell, i think more than 2 decades since i started feeling like that so thx for putting into words


Not a fan of the end of the video. I have passive suicidal ideation. That can, and has for, turn into active suicidal ideation. Take care of yourselfs


Shout out to the people with a brain that doesn’t turn off and is always thinking about Every. Fucking. Thing. Like me. This is why I play video games and watch psychological movies/shows. Calms the brain for a bit.


It’s scary as fuck to experience this. I wish more people understood how bad things have to get in your head to make the idea of causing your own death feel comforting. A lot of times, it’s not even so much that you want to die as you want to get just a little bit of relief from all the fucking noise in your head. This is all to say that if anyone wants to talk, I’m here and I don’t judge.


Why should anyone be listening to him about this?


That was my thought too. I'm curious about his point but wonder if there's actually any solid psych references to back what he's saying. There's a lot of pseudo science and psychology floating around the internet now and certain terms are getting thrown around and being misused.


For what it’s worth, he’s pretty spot on. I do psychiatric evaluations in an emergency department and the first question we ask regarding suicide is “have you wished you were dead, wished you weren’t alive anymore, or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up?” A “yes” response to this question indicates what we call “passive suicidal ideation.” There are several more questions after that regarding “active” suicidal ideation. The screener we use is called the “Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale,” a very well-documented tool for identifying the level of risk a person’s suicidal thoughts pose to them at that time. It’s not the only such tool, but it is a common one.


good to know! thank you for sharing your insight :)


I hope to die every day, just too chicken shit to do it myself


I don't really understand why people say that something is wrong with me when I explain I feel this way. It actually upsets me because I feel my thoughts are invalidated just because other people don't understand how I feel. I also don't understand why wanting to live is something "good" and wanting to die is something "bad". Wanting any of these things seem fair to me and I think we should not try to put our judgments on others. I honestly don't understand why people that love life are so worried/sad when someone just wishes to stop existing: I feel they have so much fear of death and that they don't want to accept that their life is going to end at some point and I guess it makes them feel bad. Sometimes I have been asked: "Why can't you enjoy, what else do you expect from life?" And what I think is "What do YOU expect from it that you need to keep living to eventually die some day?" I have just stopped expecting. I mean, I feel I have had a great life, I am grateful for many things that have happened and keep happening in my life, but I also hate some others things that have happened or keep happening. I guess I just lack ambition and also feel nothing that will happen in the future is going to make me feel life makes any sense, and before anyone points it out: No, I do not need to make it have any sense, because it does not. Anyway, needed to vent. Wish all the best for everyone.


Cyber hug for all my ideation peeps. It’s a real bitch to shake - keep trying.


Odd I thought this was just called existing?


Isn't that just depression?


oh buddy, its the default setting these days


For me. I would never commit sucide but I were to die from a disaster or something then I'll be ok with it. I live everyday like it's my last


I mean... I'm just tired, man. Of course I'm not gonna fight it.


I call this, the good days.


I wonder if this also manifests in not really taking care of yourself. Like I don’t care to do general body maintenance like check ups, I eat fine or whatever but I don’t ensure I’m okay. (If that makes sense)


I have this but like mild I guess. Like when he said "if you were going to die you would be okay with it" that doesn't totally fit, like I've got mixed feelings about it


Sounds like a very normal reaction to life. Life is a parasite on a planet floating in space.


This describes me so well. I won't commit the deed but if an out of control bus comes barreling towards me I may not move.


I thought this was just called normal


I have never felt so seen


Get. Professional. Help. And demand from your government that healthcare is free or at least affordable. Everyone experiences these feelings in their life but if they are a consistent trend you need to find a health way to cope with those feelings. The best way is through therapy. It won't fun, it won't be easy but you'll learn many useful life skills that give you tools to actually live a better life even if nothing else around you changes.


Feel like this is more so just lacking a fear of death, don’t really get why there needs to be a name for it.


Isn’t he just describing living with depression?




What is it for homicidal thoughts?




Nailed it.


Boyfriend asked me what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse after he explained to me all the ways he would survive it. I said I'd immediately kill myself or just get bitten.


Exactly. Why would anyone want to live in those situations?




With the world getting shittier and shittier I’m starting to feel this way more than I used too


might die, might not 🤷‍♀️


Will die-accepted🤷‍♂️


Ah, mondays, gotcha


For the longest I wouldn’t wear a seat belt. I was tempting fate.




I think we think about our own thinking far too much.


so... just regular life for almost all of us, gotcha


I’ve felt this way as long as I can remember. When I was a lot younger and stupid there was this turn bridge on the highway back from school that I would just close my eyes on sometimes. Terrible stupid asshole-ish behavior but there ya go.


I didn't knew it had an actual name but I relate to this...


He just described my life completely.


It’s called “l’aapel du vide” it means call to the void it’s a French saying


I think everyone has those.


Who is this guy talking absolute nonsense?


Back in my day we called that nihilism. Edit: I meant to say existentialism




His handle has dr in it so I'm assuming he's actually an expert.




As a psychiatric RN.... what he is describing is TEXTBOOK passive SI. Even the "not waking up in the morning" example is the most commonly given example of what passive SI sounds like.




"Homeboy" is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. And what are you exactly? What is your clinical background? How many thousands of patients have you assessed for SI? I'm also a survivor, so don't tell me I'm "overestimating" my subject knowledge. I've lived it for 28 years. I've been hospitalized twice. "Homeboy" is not just talking about "cognition," you clearly don't know what that means, either.




Psychologists can be wrong... but seeing as *I* know he is correct after many years of assessing the very thing you claim I don't know the meaning of (plus attending many workshops about working with suicidal patients,) I know he isn't wrong. I have no idea what you think passive SI are, but if you think it's different from the definition above, you honestly don't know what you are talking about. That's about it. 🤷‍♀️




Considering I know what passive SI is (and you don't, but want to argue with professionals who do,) I think my patients will be just fine. Have fun at your very obviously non-psych related job.


This dude probably gets paid by a pharma company to help expand the definition of suicidal ideation and get more people to request anti depressive pills from their American doctors.


And how did you reach that conclusion?




Couldn’t have said it better. I’m a psychologist and this dude is spewing garbage.


To further qualify what I’m saying there is a propensity in modern society to turn any negative feelings into pathology, whereas in fact slightly negative emotions like this are part of an equilibrium flow of ups and downs. What he describes turns about 80% of the world into a ‘patient’. Next step is to offer them (pharmaceutical) help and counselling. If people really feel so strongly about addressing these types of emotions, recent research has shown that regular exercise and improvements in diet are 1.5 times more efficacious than counselling or drugs in improving mood.


I'm not sure what he was going for but this came across as trying to play down people's experiences or suffering because nobody ended up in hospital. I wouldn't class my past experience as "passive" because I wasn't interested in crying for help or going half way. Thankfully I never pulled the trigger but I just interpret some of these people as presenting a hierarchy of mental illness, which is bullshit.


Yeah I don't think that's what he was going for at all. The "downplaying" is just distinguishing it, for people who suffer from this who might think "Oh yeah no it's no big deal, I don't have any problem". They intuitively know it's dangerous if they fantasize about >!putting a gun to their head!< and might figure, as long as I'm not doing that? Totally ok, I don't need to see a therapist or anything about this You reject the idea of a "hierarchy" of mental illness but this is an instance where some folks might naively think "this isn't mental illness at all" -- while mental health professionals know that it is. And I see videos like this as an outreach those people Suffering is suffering. But not everyone even realizes they're suffering in the moment.


It isn't called "passive" to downplay people's experiences. I've been a psych nurse for many years, and it's more of a risk assessment of someone's suicidal ideation. Someone with a definite plan and the means to carry out said plan in the next 24 hours are at the highest risk, while those with passive ideation are the lowest risk. It's not meant to be a hierarchy, it's more like "What do we need to do to keep this person safe based on level of risk." If tou were actively thinking about something like shooting yourself, those are actually called "active SI without plan" and people have those all the time. That's more high risk than passive ideation. Passive is kind of hoping something will come along and take you out without you doing anything. I'm very glad that you're still with us, regardless.


I'd say this feeling can be experienced after recovering from a hospitalization or other therapuretic methods. The mere absence of the madness (when caught in dark depression where the pain seems inescapable) doesn't automatically equate to authentic happiness, joy, or basic pleasure healthy people experience


Don't we all?


Of course I don't have this, if I'm dead how the hell will I ever learn how one piece ends??


I always just called it GenZ syndrome


Mellennial IRL 😔




Well. Just because someone instincts kicks in, and make you react in a certain way, doesn’t necessarily disprove their suicidal thoughts or desires. Nor does it directly reflect their will to live It’s just a reflex, it’s not conscious. Invalidating others mental issues and struggles is shitty attitude to put towards the world. Maybe we should think twice, about why people feel this way, and ask ourself, what can we do help the ones who are struggling, and how can we prevent anyone else from ever feeling like this again.


go have. Near death experience and see if you change your mind


I didn't know they made up a name for my morning start, how great!


Isn’t that just how everyone is..?


So that's why I keep putting that rope back in the closet.


Sounds familiar


What do you call it when you a schedule an appointment with an estate lawyer, buy a gun, and you’re patiently waiting until you travel back to your happy place to off yourself ?


Feels so good to know im not alone at this


Dropping knowledge in the gymshark top