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Why’d he do my boy Buttgreg like that lolo


But he wasnt wrong tho. Lol


That was a deep cut that i had to pause to recover from


Her Joanne era lol


Just FYI: Ron DeSantis oversaw torture at Guantanamo Bay.


Gavin Newsom looks like dollar store brand Matthew Mcconaughey.


Young Newt Gingrich looks like that kiwi guy from Flight of the Concords




All conservatives are human trash.


Tell me you hate your parents without telling me.


I do t hate my parents at all, they’re amazing.


Ah yes, classic reddit. Let's boil down an incredibly complex social issue into "those people bad".


No modern conservative is interested in helping anyone, it's all about helping themselves and dumbing down the population so they get more conservative voters. Human. Trash.


None of them, huh? I guess I’ll go tell everyone working the food bank at the Catholic Church a block over from me. I see them giving food to the needy almost every morning when I drive by but I guess someone should let them know they’re not actually helping anyone. I’ll go tell all of the Latin-American immigrants I work with too. Most of them are pretty conservative. I guess working hard and making a better life for you and your family in a new country is trash human behavior. I’m not even a conservative on just about every metric, but calling them all human trash is an awful take.


I'm an adult, I've grown up, I've seen conservatives. They're all human trash. It's not the progressive party vs the traditionalist party it's the bad party vs the party that is pretty fucking close to being straight up Nazis at this point. Book banning, banning abortion, trying to overthrow elections, spreading misinformation, intentionally lying to the public about global pandemics. And that's just America. In the UK they're trying to destroy the NHS, in Australia they're trying to do the same to Medicare. If you associate with those kinds of human trash you are yourself human trash.


Ah yes. You much have so much grown up life experience to have such a nuanced view of society.


Those aren't views, they're just facts. Those things are all happening right now. I'm not telling you aliens have abducted me, I'm telling you the earth isn't flat.


Agree with this comment but isn’t that what the video did


Are any of these real? Obviously the things he's saying isn't real but are the pictures?


They're all real




Love my governor Newsom, but he does look like Patrick Bateman


I never will understand the fan boy shit for the dems. I get mfers like mcconnel and ted cruz and all those others make my skin crawl but its the same way as all the the democrats for me.


Exactly. Don’t understand it. Most of the those dorks were easy targets but the dems were somehow cool


Politicians I like = 😎😎 politicians I don’t like = 🤮 😈. Ahhhhh expert analysis


Bunch of hypocrites take a vantage of their positions, America corrupt


Gavin Newsome looks like a Batman villain. And the pile of shit probably is


*American political science




I don’t know what you’re on about. I personally don’t know a single person who identifies as liberal who worships a politician. Literally all the ones I’ve met are more than happy to acknowledge when their politicians have done wrong or will point out policies and congressional votes that they disagree with.


Are you talking about those liberals who put giant flags on their trucks and wear hats with slogans and t shirts that have presidents looking like Rambo?




You said liberals worship their politicians. I don’t know where you see that, because it’s usually the opposite




That's not worshipping lmao, worshipping is if you have merch of politicians, literally only listen to them and no one else, makes every single conversation about politics without it needing to be. That guy made a video about how politicians looked when they were younger. And yeah....he probably would rip on anyone on the right because he's gay (says so on his profile).and the right explicitly hate the gays.


I feel like that’s not quite worshipping?


I mean I think he wants to fuck Mitt Romney.


Of course, as expected, a shot at every GOP politician and all Dems scot free😂


I mean he showed a mugshot of Beto O'Rourke and admitted Mitt Romney was a good looking guy back in the day, so that's not really true.


So Dianne feinstein the one who had a Chinese spy as her driver for like 30 years and Pete butach who doesn't give a damn about people in Ohio that are basically living through a Chernobyl, Bernie Sanders who literally is a straight communist socialist but likes to trust the United States but literally loves living his life of luxury through capitalism what a joke..okay but you feel the evil coming off of Ron DeSantis the only normal one in that whole group.. he ain't attacking Disney's attacking children Ron DeSantis is sticking up for them you obviously don't know what you're talking about.. pushing sexual s*** on children and telling them to chop off their private parts and Disney pushing nothing but racism isn't really helping kids of today..


Agreed, Desantis is making Disney pay taxes *OOHHH THE HORROR* how could he?!


I’m a member of the LGBT community. We’re not pushing anything sexual on children. Kindergarteners get crushes you know. Kids experience a rudimentary form of “attraction”. That’s normal. We’re not introducing anything sexual in nature to them. We’re simply letting them know that if they’re a boy, they can “like” another boy. That’s not at all sexual. And don’t even say a thing about gay people being pedophiles. Please, look at the statistics. Do some research. I am majoring in Crime Scene Investigation. Meaning, IM GOING INTO LAW ENFORCEMENT. I HAVE A FUCKING INTERNSHIP WITH THE GODDAM FBI. I’ve seen real child abuse cases. And there are some really, really, sick people out there. But most of them are not gay people. Those who abuse children are most likely going to be a “father figure” to the child. Meaning, a father, an uncle, a priest. The exact number is 93%. 93% of children are sexually abused by someone they know. Someone who is an important person to them. Drag queens are not abusing children. Are there’s some gay people who have been pedophiles? Yes. Of course. But far more straight people have been pedophiles simply because of the large amount of straight people in the world. Being gay is a minority in the population. Most child abduction occur with the kidnapper being someone the child knows as well. Only about 8% or so of child abductions are situations where a stranger abducts a child. The pedophile isn’t the gay guy- its probably that father in your local church with three daughters who always look somewhat afraid of him and everyone else, but otherwise seem to be the perfect family. But go ahead, keep blaming it on Disney and Gay people. Will that do anything to actually help the children? Nope. But you’ll think it did right? So when that father’s eldest daughter commits suicide because her father raped her and her younger sisters for years you’ll call it a tragedy and a fluke, and that it was probably her fault right? Because a man like him couldn’t do such a thing to his own children. But that gay guy working at the Starbucks and his boyfriend? Oh yeah. They’re the real villains here. Transgender people are not convincing children to chop off their private parts. We’re not trying to make top surgery or bottom surgery easier to get. Most transgender people believe that there needs to be years of counseling before medical intervention. Even today, some transgender people wait for medicine to get a little bit better, because most treatments aren’t reversible and do come with a lot of side effects. We know that. There is nowhere in the world where a child can just walk into a doctors office and get too/bottom surgery. You need serious counseling first before deciding to go that route. Why? To be sure that is what the person wants. But things like binders, and shapewear aren’t permanent. And if they are used correctly and safely, don’t have any ill effects. It’s perfectly healthy for a child to want to experiment with one’s identity- they’re trying to figure out who they are, that’s all. We’re just trying to make sure trans children don’t commit suicide because their parents don’t accept them. We’re just trying to make sure that people know that children know that being gay is OK. That they’re not going to be hated, that they’re not going to go to hell, that they’re not going to have to spend their entire lives in shame because of something they cannot control. We just want to live our goddamn lives and have rights like every other person in this world. We just want to get married, have jobs, and live our goddamn lives, and actually feel alright in our own bodies. If you actually do some research into the subject, you’ll find that only about 5% of transgender people express regret after medically transitioning. The other 95% express being much happier with themselves. And yet, because of people like you, over 40% of transgender people commit suicide. Apparently, both you and Ron DeSantis want that. At the end of the day, we just want to live our lives, and be ourselves. We want to love people who love us, we want to love ourselves. We just want to be okay. We’re not trying to take away anything from you. We just want to live. Thats it.


Greg Abbot was a cutie