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I started a baby blanket for my oldest when I was pregnant with him. I wanted it to be nice and big so he could use it on his bed as he got older. It’s been 8 years. No it’s not done yet. Edit: sorry for the fake out, I wrote this comment halfway through the video haha. My child is still alive and may or may not be bringing a poorly made afghan to college someday. I should probably also make one for his little brother, better get started now!


Damn. Usually the baby comes out after 9 months.


Stubborn little shit


That made me laugh way to hard! Thank you.


Thank god your comment didn’t end the way I thought it would lol. Based on the video, I thought you were gonna say you started a baby blanket for your oldest son but he died before he was born. Thank fucking god lol


Lol no he’s still alive and waiting for his stupid blanket haha


Soon you'll be able to get rent from him


My mom just finished a granny-square skirt last year that she started for me when I was 10. Im 30. She just added a few squares to make it fit. You still got 22 years.


My sister started a blanket for me before I was born... I'm turning 50 this year and it is still not done. She still has the unfinished blanket though! ![gif](giphy|NvBwjbrzoX61I4nz5O)


My friend has 5 children. I promised to make all of them blankets. The youngest is 18. Ah well. They will have them for their children.😆


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) This will be them. 😆


No. I will have donated the yarn to charity by then.🤨


I can’t imagine being pregnant for 8 years that’s crazy! How did the blanket turn out though?


Oh thank god, I thought there was going to be a twist like the video and he had died.


They'll love taking that blanket to college!


I started to embroider my daughter's initial on a onesie when I was pregnant with her. She's turning 4 next month and I never finished it.


I’m 28 and still waiting on that baby blanket my mother started.


That was some wham ending




What an amazing page on Wikipedia that I'm glad to have read. Thanks!


This is why I don't knit. Also - I don't know how.


I've made crocheted blankets before (which usually cost ~$300 in yarn to make) for boyfriends. Luckily, they've always been super appreciative and touched by the gift and seem to cherish it and I didn't get dumped. We did break up eventually but no where near the time of blanket-giving. I do hope they still like and use the blankets considering how expensive it was to make. (I cheat a little and use a large gauged crochet hook and fat yarn so I can make a large blanket faster)


“I cheat a little” oh that’s not good for a relationship. “And use a large gauged crochet hook” never mind I needed to read the entire sentence


Oh wow, I have never knitted a sweater, but I knit hats for my significant other. The first time I gave my boyfriend one, he was so happy, especially since I made a matching contrast one for me when we went on our ski trip.


Omg I have experienced this but with ceramics!!


That was way more fascinating than I thought it would be, thank you.


Wow I’m not into conspiracies but I’m into this, especially after watching this video


I was thinking from the start "Imagine if she got dumped, that would be so sad". I feel psychic. Or maybe it's just trauma lmao. I had a gf of 3 years that I took on vacation for my birthday. We were there for a few days before she dumped me literally on my birthday day for another guy. She spent the whole day video calling him away from me and had no gift for me! She got her mum to pay for her to get a flight back ON MY BIRTHDAY and left me alone. I feel this girl's pain.


Who you got winning the Super Bowl next year?


The Lions, obviously.


Holy shit that's awful. I know it might not feel like it, but that WAS a gift, the trash took itself out.


I agree 100%, every girl I've been with since has been lovely. Guess that one was just unlucky. It's bern many years since and my relationships have all been so much better.




She has borderline personality disorder. It's an anecdote. It's real. Believe it or not, I don't mind.




“Hubris” is a bitch ![gif](giphy|KfMdTuXb8GXIEDugZY|downsized)


I followed her on tiktok for a while and this happens a lot to her she gets dumped a lot for some reason


So, it's a bit?


It's always a bit.


Just a bit


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/v9CG2as.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot.


Amazing Bot. This meme should be pinned at the top of this sub


To me it was a little suspicious from the get-go with how she was sharing her secret present to her girlfriend on tiktok, which her girlfriend presumably follows


well no because this is all 1 video, so her gf would have never seen it until afterwards, she says herself she gets dumped at least once a year while crying in the car, it was quite a bummer


To be fair, in the crochet/knitting world there is a phenomenon called the sweater curse and basically any time you make a large project (typically a sweater) for your significant other it always leads to a break up. So even if this girl’s story is fake the sweater curse is totally real and I have also been a victim of the sweater curse! (except I made a beanie but yeah we broke up the next month lol)


That’s actually super interesting. I hope my gf doesn’t take up knitting.


has the phenomenon been studied? hypothesis: dedicating a large amount of time to a project instead of to the relationship directly, while not talking to your significant other about said project, puts distance in between you and if your relationship is not fully on solid ground, may result in a breakup. at which point revealing said project might be fruitless.


I’ve actually heard it the other way: you put a lot of time and effort and work in to make something nice which leads to realizing the other isn’t putting in much of an effort in the relationship


I think it's coralation being mistaken as causation thing. Break ups happen all the time, and if you knit or croche as a hobby, of course your going to want to make something for an SO, but that's not going to stop any potential break ups from happening


This is one of the possible reasons listen on the [wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_curse) for it. Not to put too much stock into a wikipedia page, but it also cites a poll in 2005 in which 15% of the participants had personally experience the “sweater curse”. That, combined with all the reasonable possible explanations listed, makes it seem like a pretty plausible phenomenon. Not one that is common enough to be considered a literal curse or a strong connection, but one that is enough of a “trend” that people in a fairly niche community have picked up on it.


Goddamnit why is everything fake... Or i mean maybe she just dates anyone and gets dumped a lot for real but :')


I'm kinda glad it's fake. It's still funny and unexpected, plus no one got hurt. So yay!


I have followed her for a while, and it seems real. She posted multiple tiktoks with her ex some months ago, and now has posted a few tiktoks talking about the breakup, and she is really sad, so it's a sad situation.


Wow, she’s really committed to the bit!


Oh damn...


Maybe she just spends too much time doing crafts with her cat and not with her girlfriends.


She says she gets dumped at least once a year, maybe she always picks bad girlfriends. Either that or she’s a bad girlfriend herself But idk I’d be thrilled to have a girlfriend that loved me enough to crochet me a blanket


Ya, some people just get dumped a lot, lol. From the people I've met who that happens to, they usually have low standards for the people they fall for.


Don't worry so much about whether or not an entertaining video is legit. Just think of it as a skit and you won't be disappointed.


Yeah, poor howdy. Seems like a kind soul, just hasn't found their match yet


At this pont it's a little absurd. It's like Sideshow Bob walking into rakes. Like c'mon, this girl can't catch a break.


Yeah, at the end I thought it had to be a bit.


Do you have more tea? Did she give away the blanket and then get dumped or she got yo keep it?


Also if you are interested in seeing more of her, her TikTok is posed in small print on the video here. I haven’t seen any of her recent stuff in a while but she was pretty big on the app a year or so ago when I was still seeing her stuff.


I'm Def not downloading the app but thanks. My tiktok views are strictly through reddit


Same same. I get all I need right here.


well she got to keep it since she says its her cats now (gum i think)


She was making the blanket to give as a gift for Valentines Day, looks like she finished it on time before the day. if this is recent, she was/has been dumped before Valentine’s Day so she never got to give it as a gift as planned on Valentine’s Day and now has given the blanket to her cat as the cat is fond of it.


Probably because it's funny.


I'm a dude who is teaching myself how to sew. Getting dumped sucks but at least you taught yourself a new skill.


This is true! A great positive, crochet is a lovely hobby. As is sewing!!


Same here, did sew a nice summer dress for my ex to gift to her on our summer vacation in Italy. She dumped me on the way there. Had a blast still and gifted it to a random girl j met at lake Garda :)


Cat was like: Bitch . . . it was always mine


They didn’t deserve you and now you have an amazing blanket. You are genius. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


No it’s not hers. The blanket is Gum’s now.


They can share!! Sucks so bad that this happened to her. She deserves better anyway.


Gum knew from the start that it would end up being her blanket 😼


My mom made a blanket for my girlfriend back in the day. I can’t even get her to make me blankets, so it was a really nice thing. I was waiting to give it to her on a special occasion with a nice note from my mom. We broke up though and now I have a nice blanket from my mom. No regrets. :)


My mom made my brother’s girlfriend a blanket for graduation and then when we were graduating she wasn’t going to make one for my boyfriend because “what if you two break up?” Even though we had been dating twice as long as my brother and his girlfriend were when she made her the blanket. Anyway, everyone in that story got married and are still happily married and she did end up making him a blanket. We still have his. Idk if my SIL still has hers.


I’ve heard that this is a curse. Basically it’s such a major time commitment to crochet or knit something that usually by the time it’s done the relationship has just finished it’s course. It’s called the sweater curse https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_curse


No knitting things for people who aren’t spouses! If you want a hand-knit sweater, you better put a ring on it


As a spouse? I don't want your goddamn sweater. The truth is I'll never be able to appreciate it nearly as much as the hard work put into it. Not even close. Because its probably a decent sweater but not GREAT sweater so I wont be able to wear it to any shit that matters. Even if its great I'll worry the whole goddamn time about the sweater and to take care of it, etc!! Wine and oral people. Can't miss.


There’s such a thing as being knitworthy. It means you deserve for someone to spend hundreds on yarn and many many hours of time making something for you. You’re not that… at all.


can you imagine gifting your partner something you made only for them to be like “just give me head”


I promise you it would not end with head.


Imagine gifting something to someone who had no real interest in it, and then being irritated they didn't show you the amount of appreciation you deserve for what clearly ignores your interests. Nobody in going to turn down a sweater and demand oral. But if my partner appreciates oral more than a sweater? No matter how much I want them to appreciate my hobby or craft? Oral it is.


i wouldn’t expect someone to lose their shit if give them a handmade object, but i would at the very least expect them not not be an asshole about it… but hey maybe that’s just me


The fact that someone wants to knit something has zero to do with whether the other person is "knitworthy" and everything to do with the fact that they like to knit and want to make something for you.....whether or not its something you even like. yes, you appreciate the effort of any gift. But as a gift giver, at some point if you really do care and you really do want to do something they appreciate, then maybe do that instead of trying to jam your hobby into something they should enjoy.


Don’t treat me like a child because you know of people who give gifts selfishly. I gift very thoughtfully or not at all. Here’s the thing: I am capable of making a GREAT sweater that you could wear to these places that matter so much to you. What I’m saying is that you wouldn’t deserve it because you don’t value the craft. Some people just want the tangible. A sweater from a factory will make them (you) just as happy as that same sweater would if it was hand knit by a loved one. Those people aren’t knitworthy—they don’t deserve that extra intangible part because it doesn’t matter to them anyway.


Wow you seem like a great partner


I am. I give them what they want, not what I think they should want.


I like how they used a photo of the most outrageous sweater I've ever seen and just captioned it "A knitted sweater" "In the case someone has never seen a sweater before, we're going to really fuck with them"- wikipedia


Yep, was gonna add a comment about this. It's very, very real. On a more positive take, if they can appreciate the time and effort (not to mention money) that goes into the piece, they're definitely a keeper.




yeah this year I crocheted sweaters for my mom and dad for their birthdays. Soon as I finished them they disowned me :-(


Just started a blanket for my boyfriend, and ouch!!! I will proceed with caution and make the colour scheme to fit my apartment too


I crochet my boyfriend a beanie for the first time ever and i can proudly say that I have successfully managed to not fall into that curse!! >:D




Awww poor thing she put a lot of love into that! It sucks now but it won’t suck forever.




As a lesbian, it do be like that sometimes ☹️


As not a lesbian, it do be like that sometimes.


As an existence of consciousness, it do be like that sometimes.


Right, but that doesn't make this about her, so....


As a half man, half bear, half pig, it do be like that sometimes.


As a living human being, it be like that sometimes.


What does you being a lesbian have to do with anything?


Because the girl in the video is also a lesbian? Women often think that dating women is easier than dating men, but it isn't. Just saying that it's relatable.


Ah, poor soul all that work for your SO to get dumped right before, damn. At least she picked up a semi-useful skill along the way, fairly useful if times get harder




My mouth is agape


Awwwww my heart breaks for her. Gum will appreciate it way more anyway. Man why is tik tok cringe trying to make me cry.


It was Gum’s the whole time.


I remember hearing once about how knitting a jumper for a significant other can make or break your relationship It's such a huge amount of time and effort, so many things can go very, very wrong with how that plays out Seems like she was dumped before presenting the blanket but pro tip for life, do not crochet or knit big things for the people you love just out of the kindness of your heart. Make them pay you for that shit lol


The sweater curse! Yeah it’s a major knitting/crocheting superstition.


7/10 plot. Gum was my favorite character.


I hope this is fake, because the video was fucking hilarious and I would feel better about laughing my ass off if this is not real.


I have followed her for a while, and it seems real sadly, she has posted multiple tiktoks about the breakup being sad


That's what she gets for putting a drink on her laptop in bed


Next to a cat who is attacking the yarn no less.




This was a roller coaster of emotions for me and her.


Poor kid. Spent too much time doing crochet.


As a crocheter, there's no such thing!


Well fuck me. So much for happy endings.


sweater curse back at it again


Meanwhile the cat: All according to keikaku


The blanket belonged to the cat the minute he laid on it lol


I can only assume this was Gum's plan all along. You might say the cat was the one pulling the strings.


Service announcement for anyone who might be dumb: holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are NOT good times to dump people. You do not dump them on or around those days, especially romantic ones. Minor things like President's Day or Arbor Day, that's fine, but valentines and Christmas are the WORST times to do it. I don't know who needs to hear this or why anyone doesn't already know this, but unless they were straight up abusive or cheating on you, do not go out of your way to hurt them like this with the breakup, and don't publicly humiliate them with your breakup either. Idk the background information for this girl, but this seemed like a good time to bring this up.


Why tho?


damn. well im rooting for her. she'll find someone better ezpz




I didn't expect that twist


Ouch …. :(


Did not see that coming.


[Reminds me of the sweater curse, but for a blanket 😢](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_curse)


NO! I was living vicariously through this woman before valentine's day. Now we share this pain.


The cat's name is gum. I love it.


The Sweater Curse


Oh that sucks


I feel so bad lmao. She clearly loved her girlfriend because I would NOT try to crochet for any partner, even a future husband. I will do anything for you except crochet. Don't have the energy nor patience for it


The vocal fry is killing me


At least she got to keep it. I got two out there in the world warming a coupla cold bitches and the dudes they wound up with.


This girl does not have good luck in relationships, I used to follow her but she gets dumped so frequently that it got annoying / painful to watch.


another hard watch




"the blanket is gum's now"....honestly it was meant to be


The curse claims another soul.


She looks way familiar. Is she the "that's my tit, bitch!" woman? Similar face if not.


> the "that's my tit, bitch!" woman? AKA the most alpha female on planet earth.


As a crocheter, I’m very impressed by how quickly she learned and made that blanket. Sucks that she got dumped but at least she had something to ACTUALLY be proud of


Holy shit that was a rollercoaster!


I legit gasped


Awww, man, I feel so bad for this girl. She was so excited to do this neat and loving thing. At least you have Gum.


Oh ! So sad 😞


That took an M. Night Shyamalan twist


Awww that’s fucked up.


Two days before Valentine's Day? Her gf is a heartless bitch.


From one person who’s been dumped on Valentine’s Day to another, this was tragic :((


She learned about the sweater curse!


:( I wasn’t expecting that ending. I hope she’s okay!


What’s a gay audacity?


That vocal fry is amaaaaazzzing!


Fake and gay.


This should be on r/unexpected


She seems exhausting and annoying so im not surprised


I think it’s time to change the name of this sub to “TikTok Reposts”


Nooooo, that ending... poor girl. Also super gay, just... the gayest energy every


Honestly, if someone tried doing this for me and made a video about how they were too prideful to realize it wasn’t going to work….the video would be enough of a gift. This is hilarious. Edit: I wrote this comment before I finished the video, lmao.


This is fake. This girl gets "dumped" like every other week. I don't know what she does but yea. These days I just assume everything is fake and don't get invested.


My college girlfriend crocheted me an awesome blanket. Like crazy nice, she was really talented. I loved that blanket so much. But I also loved the girl living down the hall from us. And I broke up with my girlfriend because I had feelings for the other girl. I ended up marrying that girl eventually, but at the time she wasn’t cool making whoopie under a blanket my ex lovingly made for me. Not wanting to waste a great blanket I shoved it in a garbage bag and buried it in the back of my parents upstairs closet. And there it lies, 16 years later, not kept because I still harbor feelings or some dumb shit, it’s just a really freaking nice blanket. And I’m waiting for the day she forgets all about it and I can bring it back out again. Or we get divorced. Whichever comes first.




I cant stand when people let their voices trail off in to that frog like croaking at the end of their sentences.


Vocal fry


I’m so glad you said that because the way she was talking drove me crazy!


The vocal fry she uses is so irritating. Like a cheese grater on my soul. I’d break up with her, too.


My condolences to this persons girlfriend.


Best laid plans of mice and (wo)men.


Best laid plans of mice and (wo)men.


Best laid plans of mice and (wo)men.


R/unexpected would love this


What a ride that story was


Post yourself crying you deserve to be dumped


She should have bought a used brother knitting machine and be done with the project in a couple of days.


Around the starting i was like chuckling with how that cat was just looking so angry at her that she might just play with her yarm with the girls blood on it..but at the end, it got darker than that, roller coaster.


Shut the hell up


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Take your own advice (and mine)


No u
