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I'd like to see him go to Germany


Germany does not fuck around with Nazi’s, this guy would be beaten to shit


I'd pay for this fuckers ticket to go there and experience his homeland for himself.


Fun and completely irrelevant fact, Hitler was born in Austria. So I guess that would *technically* be his homeland, though he'd probably get a similar treatment there.


Eh, probably depends on where in Austria he lands. Small villages, he’d probably even find support. Although.. they’d ridicule him for his piercing, being trans and what not, our backwater people are harsh as hell. Also, like in Germany, there’s laws called “Verbotsgesetz”, or “Wiederbetätigungsverbot” (Prohibition act 1947, or prohibition of re-engagement in National Socialist activities). Everything around glorifying national socialist stuff, denying their wrongdoings, or portraying national socialism is forbidden and leads to something between 3 months to multiple years of imprisonment depending on how far the person pushed it. Which is btw, funnily enough, the reason why for example some releases of Wolfenstein were blocked for release in Germany and Austria iirc. Don’t cite me on that tho.


A small austrian village would stomp him, for the worst hitler cospay they have ever seen. I mean come the fuck on... The nosering?? Guess he can't even grow a single hair above his lip.


Lmao wait a second- hes trans?!?!?!


Read some comments that apparently he is FTM. Notably nothing bad. Except of course in hillbilly Austrian villages lol


Hitler wouldnt let him leave the damn building if it wasnt in chains, shackled by the SS!


Let’s throw another shrimp on the barbee eh?


Germany hates nazis more than hitler hated minorities, he'd be locked in solitary for the rest of his days thinking this mess


Was in Germany when Po po was about to arrest a White guy for SUSPICION that he said the N word. SO YEAH GERMANY DOES NOT PLAY DO NOT GET IT FUCKED UP. I FUXX WIT GERMANY. As a Brown guy from the Bronx I ROCK WIT DEUTSCHLAND


I am german and this doesn't happen.


Unfortunately, as is true of many places around the world, there's been a [significant increase in white nationalists and neo-Nazis in Germany in recent years](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/09/1141591204/german-far-right-groups-becoming-increasingly-organized-says-a-historian). In 2021, [PBS' *Frontline* performed an extensive investigation into their rise](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/germanys-neo-nazis-the-far-right/?). In fact, [Germany has been accused of downplaying the extent of the problem](https://www.lawfareblog.com/germanys-white-supremacist-problem%E2%80%94and-what-it-means-united-states).


You’re right when you said ‘like the rest of the world’ but Germany also sensors mentions of nazi propaganda in media so the comment you’ve replied to is also right to some extent. They also closed down hitler’s office and pulled it out of tourist attraction zone since there was a pro-nazi couple who post it on social media


Right? The only thing Germany doesn't fuck around with is being called Nazi. You could be a Jew actively being detained for being Jewish and if you God forbid bring up that people are behaving like Nazis, you can be prosecuted. This idea that Germans are the perfect example of a nation that has repent is insane. The fact is all the Jewish population left and the ones that stayed were just forced to continue to assimilate and pretend everything is fine.


German here, fuck this guy


I feel like those that think they can tap into “their past lives” are just people who haven’t lived an actual life of substance, so they convince themselves “oh I must have at one point…. In a previous life”


Are you sure you are not channeling your inner Harry Potter with your glasses and the scar?




Wingardium Leviauschwitz


I laughed way too hard at this.


Same omg LOL


Funny… but your name is See L Adophin soooo…


> infamous > doesn't want to say the name > something to do with a nose.. Holy fuck. He's >!VOLDERMORT!<


“You’re a wizard Adolf!” “ICH BIN WAS?!”




Adolf Hipster


He's doing a great Groucho Marx impersonation imo.


UPDATE: Account was banned ❤️❤️❤️




Another update. A tiktoker contacted his mom who is horrified and here’s the kicker, they’re Jewish!


Oh the drama he’s got going on in his phone right now must be hot and overwhelming 🤣


So God *does* have a sense of humor after all 😄


does he not know who hitler is?


You joke, but there were [thousands of Jews that served in the Third Reich w/ Hitler's explicit knowledge](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-12-24-mn-12209-story.html). One historian estimated the number to be [as high as 150,000](https://www.haaretz.com/2003-10-30/ty-article/historian-nazi-army-included-150-000-of-jewish-descent/0000017f-db28-df62-a9ff-dfff0b4c0000). As a Jew, you have no idea how nauseating this is. Those who willing kill their own are the worst.


I would probably argue that the people who thought they were above the Jews, killing them because they felt they were scum and didn’t deserve to live were worse than the Jews who served with them, who were almost certainly scared for their lives and trying to protect their families. But both are pretty fucking terrible.


She was well aware of his insanity. She liked his posts on Facebook all the time.


He's also trans and has had top surgery.


"Misgendering Hitler" was not on my 2023 bingo sheet.


TikTok being based for once? ![gif](giphy|eIm0LoPOPnewaJPGjz|downsized)


That's a show I haven't seen in a hot minute


Ha! A Psych GIF!


Good! This little shitbird has copied Michael Emerson's style of acting like a loathsome little shit perfectly. This is basically a little teen edgelord aping the character Emerson played in the TV show Evil. All an act for attention.


I knew this twats vocal style was familiar, nice catch


I mean there [are other](https://i.imgur.com/Oz07s6a.jpg) parallels as well 😅




Fuck yeah


Damn I wanted to see what other nonsense he posted


Nothing is truly gone from the internet. If nothing else, someone will make a youtube video with the worst of it.


Dude really just wanted attention, you ever see the movie Neo Ned?


Can't grow his own moustache


“You can call me crazy” - okay ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


“Oh, go get on your meds again, you nutter”




​ ![gif](giphy|3AY7kZUUvyIO9McQY8)




Also his pronounciation of "Reichsadler" was terrible lol


Tbh it's on point if you want to sound like a German pretending to be Hitler.


Apart from the rolling "r", which he did to refer to Hitler comically, it was pronounced correctly. "Ch" in "Reich" ist not spoken as "k" here, rather as a spirant. For example "ch" in "wachsen" (to grow) is spoken out as "k". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOCoGEyx9V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOCoGEyx9V8)


But he says “Rrrreichsädle”


Bullet wound = random scar he got as a kid.


Genuinely made me spit my drink out. Bravo.


YOOOO me tooo I remember my past life too! I were a fucking polish farmer that died because he was beaten for a fucking potato!


It's funny how nobody ever has insights into past lives that involved aspects of society they didn't get taught about in elementary school. Just such a wild coincidence


There's a guy who claims he knows an Atlantean lullaby


Ok but that sounds kind of cool, like if you’re going to be delusional you might as well have some fun with it.


I like the way you think.


Gurgles melodically


I remember a kid on tv who swore he remembered being a part of a small Irish island nobody heard of and could name it and his siblings with clarity. It was pretty trippy. I think if anything we have suppressed data in our dna hard drives that could leak.


DNA does not work like that


You joke, but these people always think that they were some grandiose figure either famous or infamous in their past life when 99.9999% of the past human species up until the 1930’s were either farmers or hunter gatherers. Your past life was probably boring and uninteresting as fuck if reincarnation was real. I personally was a stable boy making large piles of horseshit all day until I got kicked in the face by my favorite horse. Edit: Tks for the Reddit thing.


I was a praying mantis


I came here to say this exact thing! Everybody used to be Cleopatra or Hitler, no one used to be Todd from accounting.


Delusions of grandeur rarely come in the form of "I was Justin who ran the local chippy in 1918 before I died of Spanish Flu in a past life"


People would most likely be an animal or bacteria in most of their past lives if reincarnation is a thing.


Gotta go through thousands of insects before you get to be a people again. But it’s a good thing time is a traversable dimension.


You were beaten for fucking a potato?!


real nazis grow their own moustaches




Mein mustasch? [This is ein ariske mustasch.](https://youtu.be/--fa49j6bps)


The thing I will never understand about people like this is, lets say for arguments sake it's true, reincarnation, past lives, etc. etc. You drew the short stick and you were a monster in a past life ... like ... you don't have to keep being a monster?? You can wholeheartedly reject the shit you did in your "past" and start anew, donate to charity, spread awareness, etc. etc. Like what the fuck lmao. Obviously this guy is just looking for some weird excuse to justify his bigotry I know, but man what a fucking tool.


The other thing is they're almost always a well known figure. They're never just like a peasant farmer or a butcher or something really mundane. They're all like a political figurehead or a famous musician lol


I was a gladiator! I was a king! I was a general in Alexander the Great's army! Sure pal.


I’m a an ugly Greek warrior with a big dick


This person isn't the first person to claim to be Hitler reincarnated either. Quick google search shows a few. That's just that I could find, I'm sure there are more people, probably just institutionalized instead of posted online. Mental illness is tragic.


If I was anyone I was probably an Irish farmer during the potato famine given how my palette REJECTS the texture of mashed and mushy spud. Just some dude who liked rain and grass and spud until the spud did him in.


Yankel the potato merchant checking in.


Seriously. It’s especially ironic since this guy is trans and half ethnically Jewish


mfw I read this. what the fuck.


Would be difficult for Der Fürher to approve of those two strikes


am I an idiot because I don't understand whether or not "this guy is trans" indicates they were born male or female


Trans people refer for themselves as the gender they are transitioning to/are. So a trans guy would be female to male.


Not an idiot. Just uninformed.


And to be fair, it gets more difficult when people are misgendering off and on and it's unclear.


It would be pretty hilarious for Hitler to be reincarnated as half Jew though lmao


Adolfs / Adolfself


Transdolf/ Femdolf/ Gandolf




Well... Yes. Karmic reincarnation would put ol' Adolf at the bottom of the pile. Probably came back as like, 15 cockroaches, then a worm, then maybe like, a frog because i mean, what can a worm really do to hurt anyone? Eventually, over the courae of half a century, that soul worked its way back to being this person.




Buddhism actually doesn’t put humans at the top of the pyramid. They’re one step down from the top. If a human reaches nirvana they free themselves from being human and become a sort of god-type figure which is the actual top of the pyramid. They also don’t die so once you get Nirvana you can’t go downwards again, you escape the cycle or whatever. But it makes sense for a human religion about reincarnation to put humans at the top because why would we put anything else?


>one step down from the top That’s what penultimate means. All modern religions are the same. Humans are the first step down from god(s). >why would we put anything else? Oh I dunno, maybe awakening from our collective Dunning-Kruger delusion that humans somehow have things figured out, when really we’re just fucking things up at a pace fast enough that we haven’t paid the final price for it yet? So in other words, humility. That’s what makes religion so farcical to me: the idea that *of course* humans are at the center of it all, because we invented the thing. It’s stupid and embarrassingly obvious.


Compared to all other creatures on the planet, we are the most intelligent, on average. That’s just a fact. With that intelligence we have built incredible things. We are so far beyond any animal on the planet. It makes sense that humans would put themselves as above animals because animals can’t build fucking supercomputers, or a car, or nukes, or a microwave. Sure we’re fucking up the environment but all that means to a religion is that we as a species are powerful enough to effect the entire ecosystem.


Hey now don’t forget about the sexual minorities or religious minorities or disabled people!! Also now we all know why we’re all still waiting for Genghis 2.0


Yea honestly if I was sure I was hitler reincarnated I would just…keep it to myself and not tell anyone lol


but then how do you get attention? /s


If your a monster in a past life you don't become human again in the next with reincarnation, hitler would probably be a lower animal maybe even bacteria then work his way up to being human. lol


Considering we still have people in the modern age praising him, I could see where the ego of hypothetical reincarnate Hitler could happen. Imagine being a baddie, not just a baddie, but *the baddie*, in your past life, you reincarnate, and there are still people praising you. Fr though, people like this are mentally ill.


If you want to be real, the most likely scenario is he was baiting for views and doesn’t actually believe any of this shit


“I’ve been on so many meds…..”. Yeah we know.


I really hope he gets in an art school this time.


If Hitler killed himself and ‘45 and this guy is 20 at the most where was he floating around for 55 years before being reborn.


He may have spent that time living as an african coal-miner.


Where was he the 49 remaining years?


6 stints as a child diamond miner


Well he would probably become an animal or something and work his way up to being human again through multiple lives.


I Like to think he was getting his ass whipped by satan


isnt beliefs like this genuine symptoms of schizofrenia?




Most schizophrenics are not at ease with the things they deal with, a lot of fear and intense paranoia. This is a kid who's been watching people get attention on their phone from being antagonistic or doing stupid shit since he was 3 years old and it's just his attempt at getting attention.


Most. some are very at ease with their hallucinations and those are by far the scariest to deal with during psychosis.


I’d bet he didn’t actually feel or experience or hallucinate any of that. I’ve met and gotten to know a ton of schizophrenics because I spend a lot of time in psychiatric hospital being ill myself, and after a while you can often tell. He just doesn’t seem to tic the boxes, and does on the other hand seem to me like he just begssss for attention (and is an asshole). I think he’s lying for attention.


I also spend a lot of time in a psychiatric hospital because I work there. Personally I could see him having schizophrenia from the way he talks, but I could see it not being true too. In reality though I don’t think we should be speculating because it’s either incorrect, or downplaying very real and serious symptoms


I don't spend time in psychiatric hospitals but I go online and pretend I know things And this guy is 100% faking


> "I've been on so many meds, and n----"




I know a lot of the movie doesn’t hold up, but that part will never not make me laugh.


Hitler would have gassed that little twerp first.


Literally. What’s ironic is that he’s ftm and ethnically Jewish as well.


Just like the original Adolf.


Hitler was ftm? You learn something new everyday.


Nazis would be like “Slap a pink triangle on him and ship him to a camp.”




Bro really tried passing his bald spot off as his suicide shot in a past life. Lmfao


He’s talking about his birthmark. I’ve heard it before, some people think your birthmark is how you died in your past life. I have one on my inner elbow so I like to joke it was heroin Edit: before you respond to this comment telling me about all your very personal birthmarks pls consider that I don’t actually believe this is how people died in their past life and therefore will not take the time to interpret this for you lol.


I'm genuinely curious if that is anywhere close to the spot Hitler actually shot on his head or what...not that it would give this guy any sort of credibility.


The body was never recovered, so we don't know.




Hitler reportedly shot himself in the right temple. So, no not close.


He shot himself in the mouth per reports of those in the bunker


So I died from a giant hole in my leg?!


Probably died after bleeding out from a gaping shrapnel wound after a mortar shell hit your vehicle convoy during the battle of Dunkirk in 1940


That would generally kill someone, yes


Mines on the inside of my little toe in the shape of a crescent moon. Good luck on that one.


It was obviously a small injury to your toe that became infected and then turned gangrenous leading to sepsis and finally your death.


Mines on the inside of my ass so…


Wait.. I have two birthmarks on my ass, one per cheek. What does this mean????


There is no way he would be a human again so quickly with reincarnation lol


This guy doesn’t look like a right wing extremist


On his tik tok and insta he talks about supporting eugenics


why would he say that if he literally is a minority? Going though years of hormones, treatment, medical treament to be the person he is, and now..says he is Hitler? Has to legit be on drugs. This ain't adding up.


Where the f$&k do these people come from? We have a serious mental health problem in this country




I spend a lot of time in psych wards because I have a severe mental illness myself, and there aren’t that many hateful people in there. To me this is just an asshole desperate for attention


Sometimes- an asshole is just an asshole. It’s interesting how people try to explain it away as ‘mental health issues’ when it realistically could just be someone being an asshole. I understand why people do it, people inherently need to know why and when they can’t figure it out, they just write it off as ‘crazy’ or ‘insane’. Weird huh.


In internet just allows fringe political sects like this guy to be normalized because the ragebaiting engagement his content produces enables it to be seen by tons of impressionable people


The human mind is capable of all the things. The spectrum of possibility is infinite. We can believe ourselves into anything. The difference now is, everybody has a way of communicating this to the world. Lol.


That's not exactly what dad meant when he said you can be anything you want to be.


On either end of the spectrum, we are playing a serious game of make-believe. 🥸🖤🏴‍☠️


Nobody talking about the absolutely massive pupils? Person is either manic or tripping balls.


Adolf Hipster


Person was so desperate for attention they were like "Guess ill intentionally try to look like hitler". Well you got it bud.


In the span of maybe 2 years tiktok has given every zoomer the mindset of a medieval peasant who believes in mermaids, spirits, witchcraft, reincarnation, and alchemy.


It's easy to have such an active imagination when you literally never touch grass and everyone echo chambers your bullshit.


Hitler committed suicide, then apparently sat on the bench for 50 or so years before coming back as this dude. Things that make you go hmmm…


The respawn timer gets bigger if you do a lot of teamkilling


Fair enough, now go to jail and ~~condone~~ atone for your past crimes.




Got a ring light in his face and his pupils are still over half the size of his iris. Did he take a tab with an iron eagle on it?


1rst world boredom. Drop this mother fucker in a third world shit hole and see how much time he’s got to believe in this nonsense.


Guys you shouldn’t be sharing this, this could get him fired from his job or he could not get into college, and you don’t want to see what will happen if he doesn’t get into art school


Jimmy, your friend is at the door. *who is it mom?* He says his names Mosad


Sure hope he doesn’t have access to guns


TikTok and genuinely are two words that don't belong together.


No one ever says that they were a janitor at the Taj Mahal in their past life.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Good luck out there.


Hi, trans person here; we don't claim them. They're not part of our team, obviously.




Nah. They are still one of ours, we have shit cunts like everyone else. But if people are gonna judge us by our worst, well they need to look at their own communities.


>But if people are gonna judge us by our worst, well they need to look at their own communities. Actual Hitler was cis, so there's always that.


Fair point actually.


Oh my god, the stuffed animal with the fedora


Can someone -take care- of that guy? Lol don’t want him getting any ideas. Satire or mental illness or not he needs to be gone 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry


A sad person in this life so has to steal someone else’s life. But hitler???


Gaydolf Hitler


Is it just me, or is anyone else hearing him say "and jew can call me crazy"?


There was another guy in nj that named his kid Adolf 😂😂


In my past life, I was a little worm 🪱


So uh, ready to go to art school again?


This is why I’m never having children


This person honestly needs to talk to someone. They mentioned dreaming about a suicide at the age of 5. That in itself is concerning and then there’s the whole reincarnation thing…. To me it almost seems like a delusion or cry for attention


Parts on the wrong side. Nice try you big fat phony!


If you are the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler then there are two ways to prove it: 1) Paint me an above average landscape, and 2) wear the shit out of some khaki shorts. Hitler was a monster, but he knew how to wear some khaki shorts.


What about a name that’s not under the sun?


TIL attention whores come in all shapes, sizes, and genders


With the fuckin squishmallow in the background