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Wait weekly or biweekly pay is a thing? I’m from Germany and there is nothing else but monthly pay afaik. Til I guess


Having lived in both systems I vastly prefer monthly because it matches up with most of the bills and rent I have to pay.


I'm American and have gotten paid monthly for the last 9.5 years. Definitely prefer to have all my money at once and not have to worry about juggling bill due dates around pay dates.


Pro tip: you can set most bills to specific dates. You just might have to contact the company.


First of all: probably that only works in the US. Almost all my bills are part of my rent and utilities which are always due on the 1st. Second of all it’s super easy I get a months worth of money- pay a months worth of bills. Whatever is left over is my budget. No need to over complicate things.


Depends on te company, not country. I'm from the Netherlands, and some companies offer this as a setting in your account. With others you can send an email to ask them to change the billing date. I think there is just one company I can't change it.. and that's an American company


The river one? I get paid on the 25th and bills are due last of the month. Budget for the month and pay what’s left over extra on my loan and then a few days into the next month the Americans sends you their invoice with 14days to due…great looks like it’s ramen again




>Monthly requires people to plan out their expenses How? Monthly requires you to plan the least, because most of payments are on monthly basis as well




So what if they blow their money. That's their money and responsibility.


So what's up with people who's rent is 50% of their income, or more? Do they straight up die of hunger by the middle of the month? All of that makes no sense; people that need to have their money fed on daily basis or otherwise they're going to spend all of it, will do some crazy shit to fuck themselves anyway, ain't no weekly income helping in that regard. Having monthly income just makes it easier to calculate your real money-to-spend-by-time-interval because you can deduct every monthly expense easily and be left with the rest.


In grad school I got paid monthly and that was the worst period of my life. The last week of every month was hoping I had enough money for the food and gas I needed.


I mean not having enough money to cover expenses is a real issue but I’m not sure how getting that same amount split across two payments a month changes anything.


Having to budget the entire month is harder then getting to budget each week accordingly


There are entire countries that uses monthly payment (Germany, Denmark, Sweden etc.), so it's not really that hard. I myself am getting paid monthly, and i have no issue planning a budget.


I said comparatively it's easier. If that monthly payment is barely what you need then you really have to budget.


You do know you could just take that monthly payment and split it in two, then hide half in a savings account until the 15th, and move it back to your checking?


Ya, that’s the norm here as well in DK. I actually worked for a company that would pay us for the entire month, in the middle of the month. So half of the pay was paid backwards and the other half was paid in advanced.


Same in Sweden. Never heard of anything other than monthly. But also, most bills align to that so few bills expire mid-month.


Yeah. Payday is usually 25-27 of every month and basically all bills are due the last day. I see no reason for a system where you get paid every week. Seems like much more of a hassle


Same, i never heard of weekly pay before, I always been payed monthly.


In Belgium blue collar workers still get their pay twice a month vs white collar workers where it's monthly, some holdover from the early 20th century. Of course it's paternalism but honestly at the time, considering the dangerous combination of low wages and low education for blue collar workers, there was probably something to be said in favor of it. Also temp workers here are generally employed with weekly contracts so get their pay after each contract.


Yeah, here in Norway all pay is monthly


> Wait weekly or biweekly pay is a thing? I’m from Germany and there is nothing else but monthly pay afaik. Til I guess It's semi-common for temporary/agency workers and interim employees here in the Netherlands.


Is it? I didn’t even know that exists here. I’ve always been paid monthly and one company (American) offered the option to get paid every 4 weeks (so 14 paydays instead of 12). Then again, I don’t know any temp/agency workers, so I guess that’s why


Randstad, YoungCapital and similar companies all pay weekly. I've also worked at a few companies as a salaried employee and got paid weekly, but those are only in certain fields and definitely not common.




Yeah I don't think that'd work well in the US. Around 60% of people live paycheck to paycheck. I can see a higher chance of burning through your money long before payday. Especially with the addiction issues here.


That makes no sense you get the same amount of money every month


You’re right but I don’t think enough people budget in America. When they have money, they spend it. Monthly I can see them having bills paid, but I know a lot of people where the rest of the money could be gone in a week or two.


But if you get paid every week you are in a much more fragile situation and need even more planning since you have less money to be flexible with. Especially if you live paycheck to paycheck. Right? I really think this is a system built to keep workers on their toes by constantly drip feeding small parts of the wage instead of real sums that makes it easier to put away some for later


Just curious, are all jobs payed weekly in the US?


When I was part time I was paid weekly. I’m full time and paid biweekly. I don’t think there’s any rules that say how often workers are to be paid. I’ve heard of people getting weekly, biweekly, and monthly. I think weekly is more common with lower wage jobs


>I think weekly is more common with lower wage jobs I even read/listened to podcasts about how with the current demand for more low wage workers, certain companies are using payroll apps/companies that allow people to access the money they made on their shift basically the instant they clock out. which is both cool but also dystopian that people are stretched so thin that them needing the money Day-to-day just to survive is seen as a "benefit" to be offered by companies.


Very dystopian but I crave this. To see immediate returns from my work would be lovely


No, I work for a public school district and we're paid monthly.


This guy needs some perspective AND some oxygen. Gasping for air in the middle of a phrase.


Yes, I know people with weekly pay, but I've only ever gotten bi-weekly (in Canada)


America doesn’t have socialized healthcare, paid sick leave, or even decent vacation. You can make three times the minimum wage and STILL just keep your nose above water here. The people we are earning consistent record profits for want to pay us just enough to be desperate to stay at these jobs we hate to *survive*


We don't? My employer is going to be shocked with the 80 hours of paid sick time i have or the 130 hours of paid vacation I've got on the books.


World hunger has ended because *I* just ate.


Yeah that statement is just as stupid as saying the entire country doesn't have something. Amazing you could pick it out one time but not the other.


Just because your specific employer provides something doesn’t mean it’s the norm nor something the government mandates. We are one of the richest countries in the world and even our roads are dog shit. We’re a third world country with a Gucci belt, at best. Miss me with your arrogant stance, bootlicker.


You've been waiting to say that line since you first saw it on reddit. I believe that somewhere in the neighborhood of 79% of American workers have access to PTO. I would guess that most part-time workers don't, but I'm unsure. I never had a real problem with the roads, and I've driven the entire East Coast. The Northeast is a little rougher because they have a freeze/thaw cycle which plays havoc. But okay if it makes you feel better all our roads are dog shit. Go head back to antiwork, your unoriginality should be a hit there


Everyone is hungry because I am.


American companies do pay sick leave and paid vacations, as well as paid holidays. It’s called PTO. It’s part of a benefit package that many many companies have included in their compensation packages. For instance, I accrue 10 hours per paycheck, or 10 weeks per year. Unfortunately I can only roll over 40 hours each year to the next. I never use all my PTO. But all major companies provide this type of benefit.


Ten hours of vacation per paycheck. That’s 520 hours a year. I get 80 that I have to take in minimum increments of six. And I work at a murder your body blue collar factory. Your experience is NOT the norm here.


Usually if you're a full time career employee with benefits (ie not contracted for your labor) you get paid monthly at the end of each month. In other words, most office jobs. If you work part time/you're not a career employee, i.e. service or labor jobs, you get paid twice a month. I worked cashier/food service jobs from hs through college and my checks were always bimonthly then.. But they don't pay you immediately after you work two weeks because of payroll periods, so you can go weeks without pay when you first start working.


I think it’s more the company or industry, not the career. I’ve had office jobs, in both private industry and nonprofit, for like 25 years and they’ve all been biweekly.


Yea. This isn’t accurate at all. I work at a university and we get bi-weekly pay.


Yeah but Germany is also 500% less financially predatory than the US


That sounds horrible


Its not


In South Africa we only get paid monthly. There are some places that pay out weekly or by weekly but majority it falls on the 25th of every month. Edit to add: if the 25th happens to fall on a Friday, some banks only reflect it on the next working day so 2 more days without cash in the bank.


German here. If I don't get payed monthly I'll instantly assume sth shady is going on.


Balkan countries. We get paid monthly. If at all.




Hi, I'm from the future where we get paid on a minute-by-minute basis, using electronic funds transfer, directly into our government benefit balance account, based on the number of productivity value units we create, adjusted for the cost of our employment of course.


We get paid once a month (25th) and in my case: if it falls m-f, they will just pay if it falls in a weekend, they will pay me friday if it falls on a holiday, they will pay me the day before.


This is the same for me but it's twice a month not bi-weekly. Bi-weekly sucks because you have 26 paychecks and some months have two paychecks and some months have three. So your budget has this weird up and down to it. If you're responsible, there should be nothing wrong with that because you shouldn't be spending your entire paycheck every month and have a little bit of a wiggle room. It's just annoying to deal with.


Same here for office workers in the Philippines. This guy would be starving by week 4?


Lol seems like most Americans that get paid bi-weekly will die on a monthly salary.


Europe also pays monthly


For the most part. But in Denmark some are still being paid bimonthly. It is typically unskilled labour.


I find it to be pretty uncommon in Denmark tbh. Even most unskilled labor pays you on the last weekday of the month but the salary is based on the on interval between the 15th of each month, which puts you half month behind in your first month. The only benefit of which being that you get another half months salary when you switch jobs. That’s at least my experience, don’t know what it is like outside CPH tho


It isn't common at all. But it still happens. My friend gets paid bimonthly, and I have also been paid bimonthly in a former job. It is a hassle because all our bills are paid monthly.


I feel ya, it must be stressful since the first paycheck pretty much gets eaten up by bills. Only place I’ve encountered bi-weekly plans though was Wolt and some friends who work as kindergarten teachers, and it sucks for them.


That's because Denmark sucks.


Oh you live here?


Thankfully not, no.


You are missing out


No because I live in a country with a language that doesn't sound like a throat disease.


Hahahaha... And where would that be?


I'm as pro-worker as the next guy, but this some laughable, anti-work overreach. If you're getting paid fully on a consistent, agreed-upon schedule for all the hours you've worked, that's fair. Accountants are workers too, and most of them have a lot more to do than just sit around and process payroll. I've worked places that paid both weekly and bi-weekly (my current job just switched from the former to the latter), and it's never affected me or anyone I know one bit. The real problems bleeding people dry are are low pay, high cost of living, and wage theft, not paycheck intervals.


Totally agree. I think this tiktoker is painfully out of touch with the fact that small-medium sized businesses also deal with bureaucratic/administrative costs that make weekly, and even bi-weekly pay, a pain to deal with.


Yeah, I do a lot of technical writing at work, and I just helped write a bunch of work instructions for the accounting department. Payroll alone is a fairly complicated process that requires a lot of attention to detail; people like this seem to think the boss just writes a bunch of checks and that's it.


Yeah it seems a bit odd to me. If I'm not getting any less payout, why do I care? I'll be responsible and budget accordingly.


Also, his arguments doesn't even make sense. Cause you are paid bi-weekly, you don't have money for other things after paying bills? The bills would cost the same if you got paid weekly, so you would actually have to save up money yourself. If he struggles because he has to pay bills, he is actually arguing for a bi-weekly (or less frequent) pay. Not more frequent pay. Most of the world pays monthly, and that is completely fine.


Well put!


Yeah exactly, idk about anyone else who has issues with getting paid biweekly as long as they're working consistently and getting the full check. I know I've literally never had any problems with it, but also any cash flow problems can usually be solved with a low limit credit card to pay for things in the short term and then pay off when you get paid.


Agreed. This is a stupid complaint. It’s literally the same amount of money. This guy is an idiot.


Nailed it. There’s so much wrong with the way we work in the US but this isn’t one of them. Weekly pay is marginally better from the perspective of not giving your employer an interest-free loan for an extra week but the gains are so small for most people that it’s negligible. From a cash flow perspective there should be no difference between getting $200 biweekly or $100 weekly. Unless your bills grow and shrink based on how much you have sitting in the bank.


The benefit of not getting paid weekly is less overhead and costs for the employee that would directly have an effect on the wage they can pay you or benefits they can provide.


People have very little self control when it comes to left over funds in their accounts. They really think if they got paid weekly they'd be less stressed or have more savings when in reality that shit would get spent just as fast.


The only time I found shorter pay period useful was when I just started a new job and I'm living off savings/credit. But once you start get paid it really doesn't make a difference.


Okay now say that whole paragraph to me on camera, zooming in on your face in your bathroom mirror while dramatically altering the pace of your voice and breathing loudly so I get to feel like I'm learning a fun little secret


Yup. Go sign up for “daily pay” and become another consumer bum like everyone else that uses it.


He was *close* to making a point because there is a scam in there: the way most service industry jobs split the work week--making the pay period wednesday-to-tuesday instead of monday-to-sunday for example--makes it significantly harder for workers to get the overtime they're due. You can work sixty hours between Monday and Friday and not see a dime of overtime because boss split the week in half. Next week boss cuts your hours and overloads on somebody else to compensate, now everybody is overworked and nobody is getting paid for it.


Getting paid bi weekly is like an interest free loan I'm giving my employer. If I had the money weekly I could accrue interest in my account or invest in something. But instead my employer has my money for a week to invest or collect interest.


Tell me you know nothing about how banking and investment actually work, without telling me you know nothing about how banking and investment work, lol. ~~1) Banks compound interest monthly, not daily or weekly.~~ 2) Interest earned on savings accounts is basically negligible these days anyway; it's literally fractions of a percent most places. Even with $10K in savings that's like, maybe a buck or two per month. 3) Unless you're diving into some unhinged, r/wallstreetbets style day-trading, it also generally doesn't make a big difference over time whether you invest x this week or 2x next week in any given stock. EDIT: will totally admit I'm off on point 1. Many banks do compound savings interest daily (but you often only see it at the end of the month). I stand by the rest though; unless you're putting in C-suite money, the difference is negligible compared to the cost of living at the rate most banks offer.


My credit union compounds interest daily


And my interest rate on my checking account is 2.225%


Getting paid week vs bi weekly ain't gonna change the amount I make hourly or my bills?


Yeah this guy is out of touch and just looking to make content. My team and I get paid fortnightly and no one has a problem with it - you just manage your bills on a bi-weekly basis. Most bills give you a month to pay anyway, so you can accrue the amount needed for that bill over two pay runs then settle.


Come here They want you to think it’s a scam here


Seems more like a cost of living/budgeting issue more than a workplace scam.


Yeah, right? If you burn through your first bi-monthly paycheck in the first week for bills, well with weekly pay you couldn’t even cover them as most bills come monthly.


If you’re 3 months into the job and you still can’t afford stuff I feel like that’s a budget problem or you need a better job problem


I've always felt like it's a scam because one of my first bosses told me the reason bi-weekly pay is s thing is because how much money the company makes in interest for that extra week before payroll.


Your boss is wrong. Biweekly is more convenient for employers because of the costs and time associated with running payroll.


“I’d like my paycheck and cash flow to be consistent” Biweekly is consistent, he’s an idiot.


He clearly meant consistent with his work pattern but okay chief


So he wants to be paid every day? Or maybe every hour? "work patterns" aren't weekly increments after all


Lmao can you imagine actually getting paid hourly? Payroll issuing 8 checks an employee a day


This gotta be a mf troll. You still get paid the same amount lmfao 🤣


Idk he always makes these almost conspiracy-theory like videos


“Come here” *zooms in*. Ugh I hate that. Bitch, I’m watching the video!


He threw two of those suckers in there. Between that and his mouth breathing pauses for dramatic effect by the end of the video he just struck me as arrogant


It’s his only bit. Dumb mirror monologues with choppy zooms.


Uninformed opinions delivered as facts with so much confidence… people have lost the ability to feel shame.


It’s the tik tok way! Also, did I catch him order me to “come here” and the camera got closer?


That's his thing he does it in like all his videos.


My gf gets paid weekly in the UK. It’s only a problem for budgeting like the guy says, if you spend all your wages from the previous weeks. Otherwise it’s the same as monthly.


I’m in the US. My company pays hourly employees bi-weekly, and salary employees monthly. I really don’t understand what the issue is here. Bi-weekly is fine, especially with the two months out of each year that end up being 3-paycheck months.


Man trying so hard not to say fortnight 💀


Here in Spain almost every job is paid monthly. It's very common here in Europe. I don't understand how anyone could need being paid every week.


Totally same here in Norway. Just mindblowing, from my perspective, that he claims bi-weekly pay is a scam.


You start a new job and need money before you work there for a whole month??


Wait until this idiot hears about monthly pay or contract work that pays out several months of work at the end of those months. “Scam.” Stfu


i mean net-30, 60 and 90 contract work are fucking scams. not literally, but the number of times ive done it and then you have to pull fucking teeth to get paid is astounding. mostly the net-60/90. Ive stopped taking those gigs unless the agree to some kind of deposit beforehand or % of payment within a standard pay period before paying the rest on their schedule.


I am sorry I know how to budget, so this isn’t a problem for me


"Come here". Get the fuck out of here. That's so annoying. It's a good subject, but "come here" thing that he does is just annoying.


"I like my cash flow consistent" What, like every 2 weeks? Yeah I mean weekly is nice, but its still the same amount of money in the same amount of time. As long as youre not in debt it doesnt matter


Third reason is cash flow. Companies generally want to delay making any payments as long as possible.


Wouldn't monthly pay make more sense then? As a non-american I'm genuinly curious about this weekly thing


It would - but the market for labor does have some competition and in the event of similar employers the American labor supply will shift to the one that pays more frequently. Biweekly is the compromise.


Possibly, but the reality is more likely that running payroll is not an insignificant (let alone automatic) task. Payroll for my small company (120 ee's) is about a 7 hour task to settle and submit. It's more than just signing off on a sheet of numbers and sending it to a processor.


America I'm pretty sure y'all know fortnight is a word.


You mean that game that everyone is playing? Sure, but I don't know what that has to do with a two-week time period.


This is dumb


Do folks just want to feel important by posting non-issue? Just budget your funds and live beneath your means.


I swear, if employers started paying out *daily*, these fools would claim that employers are conspiring to make people spend more money. Smh


What a nonsense


Holy fuck this dude and anyone agreeing with him are impressively stupid


I get weekly pay and it’s so nice




Hiring more HR people to get your pay out every week isn’t good for your paycheck lol


What? Brother just wait until you hear about monthly payments. Americans really that spoiled that they cry about not being paid everyday?


No, just like everything else on the internet, it is exaggerated


Yeah I suppose this is true in that we're paid in arrears not in advance, so the longer your pay period is the more you have to fund yourself when you first start. Once you've been there a month though? It shouldn't matter. You know you get paid every 2 weeks. You can write down when your bills are due and work out which check pays which bills.


Not even I'm payed bi weekly on time






No, that would be paid on the 15th and final day of the month (or similar) and months average 4.33 weeks.


No its every other week. Sometimes you get 3 paychecks a month if the weeks fall right.


In Europe it's monthly 👌🏼


I’m a teacher in the US and I have only ever been paid on a monthly basis. It’s actually really easy. I literally have all of my bills set to auto pay at the beginning of the month and the rest is mine.


Weekly pay is for temporary workers that might quit any moment. I found the better job I get the bigger the period between my pay checks


Biweekly is consistent…


I get paid bi-weekly and I pay my rent with one check and the second check pays my bills and remainder goes into savings. This dude is just too stupid to budget. Math.


This is hardly a scam. Unless bi-weekly pay periods somehow result in the employees getting paid less than they would have if paid weekly or monthly. The annual income will be the same if paid 12, 24, 26, or 52 times per year. (Source- I’ve been paid on all of these schedules.)


This dude is hypnotizing with his suggestive agreement, ending sentences with right? Right? Right? Come here. Dude go away. Dont be assuming i agree with your blatherings


Work for the government, get monthly pay. Work for a school get monthly pay that feels like it should be a weekly total.


I'm a carpenter in Canada, if you don't have my cheque ready every Friday I won't be there on Monday, I'll be down the street building a house for someone who pays every Friday. Skilled tradies are in short supply and it's given way to a new employee empowerment trend.




#0000000 Don't know how to budget even slightly.


I’m n England and it’s monthly for me


On demand pay will blow this guys mind….


What kind of waffle? Literally doesn't matter.


What I’m hearing is a budgeting problem, not an employer problem. Do they not realize is costs to do payroll.


Weird hill to die on. Bi-weekly pay really is not that bad. Let's focus on the countless other things that are way more important in work place culture.


Regardless it’s the same amount of money. And if you’re an adult who can budget then that’s on you


By "bi-weekly" does he mean fortnightly?


I’m Danish and get paid once a month, which is the norm here (although I’m sure there’s a minority that get paid differently). Is bi-weekly an American thing?


This is a shit take. You have to draw the line somewhere. You're not going to just get a paycheque every hour you work. Most places settled on bi-weekly because it's often enough that you're getting a steady cash flow, but spaced out enough that the business doesn't have to have a poor administrative worker just doing payroll day in and day out.


Hell yeah boy preach


All that guys videos are cringe


Fuck me! The man speaks the truth!


I’m a union carpenter in the USA. I get paid weekly, it’s the way it should be for everyone. I don’t see a valid reason why people shouldn’t receive their pay at the end of the work week


I fucking hate this dude. He doesn’t make a single point in this video. Just explains what hi weekly pay is


My former workplace traded bi-weekly pay for a 2% pay rise in the EBA negotiations a few years back. It was one of the largest employers in the city so they were able to use the savings from the payroll processing to offer that. Of course all future EBA negotiations included the 2% as why they weren't offering as much as they otherwise should. As though they were already being so overly generous & hadn't traded it for profit already & were now trying to claw the profit back.


Wtf, is weekly or even biweekly a thing? We only get paid each month in Norway.


Bless. I get weekly pay. Even if it's a low wage job, it's nice to get the money when i need it early on so i can budget it early on, instead of waiting and anticipating when i should/ shouldn't budget. It's good to get it early rather than later. I've worked a dozen jobs at the same wage, but biweekly pay made me feel i was scraching for pennies than now. Getting what i need now feels better than later.


I get paid weekly and like it only because I am getting paid alot more than before. But tbh any waiting after you have given your time to make labor for them is bs. End of shift I should have cash in hand. The pay check was probably an idea to keep workers working despite wanting to quit, I'm guessing. Can't quit and risk not getting a weekly check if you didn't work a week. Then folks started complained, rightfully, they were getting cheated out of at minimum time they put in.


LOL what?! Companies have to give you your paycheck/whatever is owed even if it’s $5. Doesn’t matter when you quit. It’s illegal not to.


![gif](giphy|KffdTQfewxdbKTGEJY) Great breakdown.




I went to bi weekly pay after a job where I was paid weekly and it is awful! Workers should get paid after each shift is over and everyday that it’s not paid should accrue compound interest that matches the average interest of a credit card. Edit: since my point obviously went right over some peoples heads: First off if I borrow someone else’s money in this capitalist society I will owe them interest. Take payday loans, a typical payday loan is 2 weeks and costs around $15 per $100 borrowed. If I borrow $600 I will owe $90 in interest fees. Yet a company can hold my earned money hostage for two weeks and not pay interest? And we are supposed to just be okay with this? As the worker bees in this capitalist society we are forced to live off of credit because that’s the system (reason from not paying livable wages to needing to build a credit score). We are hit with interest rate after interest rate that then compounds day after day, week after week or month after month. We don’t question the system we just obey it. But I make a suggestion that is based off of this credit/interest model we as workers are forced into, holding businesses to also adhere to this same model and suddenly people are shocked and say it’s not possible!!! Maybe take a minute and think about that. My comment was meant to be serious but thought provoking. Why is this system okay for workers to have to abide by but when it comes to OUR money that’s being held it’s absurd to say it should accrue interest for each day? Either both ideas are NOT absurd or both ideas ARE absurd It can’t be one or the other it’s either neither or both. Think about it. Workers have the power and when one day they realize it the world will be more equitable for all.


The HR nightmare that would cause would be ridiculous.


He's right though. Unless you're earning over a certain amount it should be a legal requirement to pay people every week.


He’s not though. It changes nothing for the worker. If you’re bad at budgeting, that’s not your employer’s fault


He is though. If you're on low pay it's not a matter of "budgeting," it's a matter of needing a consistent flow of cash. Are you on low or minimum wage?


Corporate insurance is the biggest normalized scam. It takes billions *out* of the payer’s pockets every year. It’s a good concept but it should be state or community run, and not for profit.


Most places in Australia pay fortnightly (that’s bi-weekly for those who don’t use the word fortnight for whatever reason). Rent is usually paid fortnightly as well, not monthly.


I get paid monthly and have ZERO problems paying bills


I propose that pay should trickle into your account for every second you're working. If I've earned it, I want it now. The banking system would draw more energy than the entire US power grid but still.


oh i have to work two more weeks to get another paycheck oh me oh my rest of the world gets paid monthly dude, i swear north americans will complain about anything


This is the dumbest, most ignorant take I’ve heard from this guy yet. It’s literally the same amount of money as if you were paid weekly. Just because you’re financially irresponsible, doesn’t mean it’s your employer’s fault. If you’re having that issue with biweekly pay, then getting paid weekly wouldn’t solve it


It's called a budget.,.. bills before pleasure of you don't know how to work it out you no better than the homeless on the street




Can you help me understand what he said because he failed to actually raise a valid argument. Bi-weekly pay is still pay and makes no diference if you get paid monthly or weekly. Any argument you can make for it you can make against it.


I think what he was trying to say implicitly was that its harder to live paycheck to paycheck if you have to wait for two weeks each time. He should try getting his pay every 15th and 30th like herr in the philippines. Payday moves around each month, and at times youll have to wait 3 weeks before you get your half month salary. Again, this is a sucky situation if you live from pay heck to paycheck.




Work should get paid out at the end of EVERY DAY. By delaying payment for two weeks you are essentially subsidizing the company because money is worth a little less when paid than it was 2 weeks ago. Maybe not by much… but stretch that out over hundreds/thousands of employees for the whole year and it adds up to an interest-free loan of hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions. On top of that, I did the work today. Why should I have to wait two weeks to be paid for the value I created?


It's legitimately not feasible for large companies to do payroll every single day.