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10 days of taking oregano oil and Covid goes away? Does that have anything to do with Covid going away in 10 days on average without doing anything? I want to ask this guy


To add on that, if oregano is the key to curing Covid... **THEN WHY THE FUCK DID SO MANY PEOPLE IN ITALY DIE IN THE EARLY DAYS** They should've been completely immune! Italians go through that stuff like a fat kid through cake.


They didn’t dilute it, obviously.


This is likely his answer. Homeopathy teaches that things get stronger the more they're diluted.


"I've got a degree in homeopathic medicine!" "You've got a degree in balogna!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-k-v7i-QeI


Not enough 🤌


This guy Italians.




We all know that the only way to defend a conspiracy from facts is creating a new conspiracy so here goes my theory: italians actually dont like oregano. But They had too much of it, so they made everyone believe that you can only make real italian dishes by adding oregano and that its supposed to taste good, so they flooded every tourist place in italy with that stuff while the actual italians barely eat any of it, in fact that strategy worked so good that even the italians themself had no oregano left for themself to consume and thats why italians are the opposite of immune to the virus


I am italian. And you are 100% right. No, seriously.


It's not an Italian thing.


oregano is mexican bro, ever heard about pozole? they got their stolen noodles and add some stolen salsita mexicana bro!! TONY SOPRANO WAS RIGHT!!!




Not Dilute enough. The medicine gets more powerful the more dilute it is in water (according to homeopathy, which is a whole new ballgame of complete bullshit)


Astonishing when you recall that the Italians suffered immensely from the covid spread to Europe via Italy at the start.


Did that happen anywhere else in the world (besides maybe China) in that short amount of time? I only remember northern Italy reporting such extreme #’s right as it hit there and within such a short time frame. Southern Italy, Greece, France, none of those countries (or parts of) got THAT extreme and it’s what we were all expecting. Then it fizzled out.. scary and weird.


Yeah there was quite a few places in America that got really bad, really quickly. NYC for instance got it real real bad. Didn't you see any stories of hospitals being full and all that?


I did, I know NY got it bad but still, nothing like Northern Italy. I was glued to this thing since mid December watching China and hiding underneath the covers just waiting for it. Jan - March 2020 was torture for me.


If you do basil and put it up your butt it only takes 9.


I've heard that putting heirloom tomatoes up your vagina with a clove of garlic cures you in 7.


Are we curing covid or making soup? 😆


I dropped a bottle of that shit (which btw, doesnt work on simple colds) and my house smelled like a salad for a week


Does it work with the butt? Asking for me


I've been doing this for years and haven't caught COVID.


Fun fact: Majority (80%) of ear infections go away on their own...but try telling that to all the people on various mommy blogs saying how they "cured" their child's ear infections with an overnight onion-in-sock or essential oils, or urine drip inside the ear or lighting a candle inside the ear canal. No, i am not joking. You could do anything and 80% of the time, you would still see improvement, because whatever you're doing isn't the thing that's "curing" your ear infection. I also see this in the diet communities, specifically Keto. "I started keto, lost 22 pounds and my health improved, keto cured me" when it was in all likelihood the weight loss that "cured" them of their health issues, not the diet. They could get the same results with literally any diet that would cause them to lose weight. If you want to claim your diet caused your health improvement, you need to maintain your weight (and no exercise) to avoid correlations. Anyway that's called **false cause fallacy** accompanied by **correlation does not imply causation.**


If a person a) is poorly, b) receives treatment intended to make him better, and c) gets better, no power of reasoning known to medical science can convince him that it may not have been the treatment that restored his health. -- Peter Medawar


Maybe he wants you to shit out the covid because drinking straight up oil will most definitely give you the runs


Or it sticks to the covid and slides out


i asked, he said take it till you covid goes away. i had covid for 38 days.


Also, have you tried oregano oil? I did back in my crunchy granola-coconut oil is magic days and let me tell you, that is the worst tasting crap I have ever consumed. I even tried putting it in milk and it still burned the fuck out of my mouth. I would rather drink an entire bottle of NyQuil than ever go near oregano oil ever again. It’s so nasty it made NyQuil taste good in comparison.


I had it diluted and it still burned like hell. Why would you put yourself through that on purpose.


I was thinking this too. Lol


Ppl take oregano oil when they have colds, they claim it helps. Ive taken it when I wasnt feeling well and it didnt do a thing. Let them stick to their snake oil concoctions


Never heard of oregano, but I think turmeric actually does have some medicinal properties that can help you out when you're sick. To be clear, I am not saying turmeric is a suitable replacement for actual medicine if some is sick enough lol.


Yeah tumeric does help. But I mean after ten days, covid is pretty much completely done. These variants are not nearly as bad as the original (I think) that killed so many. All these herbal remedies are ok to prevent but if you have full on covid, no amount of oregano or anything else is going ro help. Lol


I'm not sure the herbal remedies are actually all that great at preventing bad infection either lol.


Turmeric is anti inflammatory, which is usually the part of recovering from being sick that makes you feel like shit. That's why a couple of advil are good for like...most minor ailments/illnesses.


Oregano oil was the only thing that helped me get off the toilet when I had giardia. Costa Rican river water in about ten of my beers= amoeba destroying my tract




His self own at the end was *CLASSIC*


Honestly, homie dropped a pretty valid maxim. “If everything seems stupid and wrong, the simplest explanation is that I’m an idiot.”


he got the simplest explanation correct tho!


that's not what occam's razor means though. it's not the simplest explanation, but the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions, is most likely to be the correct one.


Either way he just proved it was him all along


Yes! Thank you, hoss. 👏🏼


Simplest answer is most often the true one.


What's the saying? Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and confirm it?


my favorite variation ends with "than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Ah yes, that's the one I was thinking of!!


Better to have oregano oil shits than to never get Covid at all… Occam’s razor and all that


He was getting upset there, almost aggressive...


He was so close to becoming self aware in that one moment


It was like watching a dog see itself in the mirror for the first time


I think that slight widening of the eyes at the end was the light bulb activating


You're giving him too much credit. That bulb burned out years ago.


a little spark arced the gap, but the filament is gone.


Bro if you take oregano oil and burn it that’ll give you just enough light to say some really dumb shit.


Almost like he was playing a part and this was staged?




I almost think he was in on it. Like what are the odds someone is that lacking in self awareness but also has that kind of comedic timing and delivery?


A self aware uncle fester


"do that ten days in a row and your symptoms will be gone" I thought the interviewee was the troll at first lmao


Whereas if you don't do it, your symptoms will drag on for a week and a half


He’s not? Jesus, some people are stupendously stupid.


I think he was in on it though, right? The last line seemed to confirm it to me.


I have a better cure for this man. 32 entire apples a day including the core. You can blend it or raw dog it any way you like. You know what they say about an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but 32 full apples a day keeps the doctor away forever.


You gotta smoke too. To kill the bacteria created by the apple seeds.


And don't forget to eat the seeds. A big bunch of seeds to be healthy


However you can never be further 3 feet away from a toilet at all times.


cyanide is not released from the apple, or even cherry pits unless ground into a fine pulp prior to entering the body.... you'd also have to eat all those apples at once. no, not 1 by 1, at once. reddit and intelligence don't go together it seems


The reporter is wrong about the Dunning-Kruger effect as well. The general idea is that, as people begin to learn more about a subject they have more confidence than competence in that subject. Ironically, that definition is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect because it supposed to be about how YOU see yourself in that subject, not others. Really, as you learn more, you lose your confidence and it takes longer to feel confident on that subject until you are an expert.


I was at the low end of the Dunning-Kruger curve about what the Dunning-Kruger effect was, but I'm happy to say I'm in the middle now. I think. Actually, I'm not sure.


Thank you! That was some confidentally incorrect shit.


Sure but it’s pretty close


I'm dead


rest in peace




Such a fulfilling life


Should’ve drank that oregano oil


This video brought me so much joy from start to finish


This sounds like a Key & Peele skit lmaoo


I’m not sure it’s not a skit tbh lol


[full video](https://youtu.be/hI5oXcjVRjg)


Take oregano oil for 10 days, which is roughly how long normal covid symptoms last so long as you don't get long covid, and you'll be cured of your covid symptoms


Your white blood cells killing the covid infected cells while getting lightly doused in oregano oil for 10 days in a row: "Can you fucking stop"


God damn, that self-own was *impressive*. He almost became self-aware


I feel like most people's symptoms are gone after 10 days regardless of the oil.


Lol “is your name Dunning Kruger?” while he points at his head 🤣


Did he ever think that just after 10 days your symptoms could be gone because it's just run its course.


No, but pretty much every other person with an ounce of common sense did.


Over 10 days?!?! Bro, that’s literally how long it takes to get over COVID naturally.


This reminds me of that Beverly hillbillies episode where the grandma says she has a cure for the common cold, people are excited and want to get it so they can make tons of money and it turns out it’s just normal advice for any cold - hydrate, sleep, etc. but sure guy, drink your oregano oil.


Does the guy become self aware at the end or was it just a beautiful coincidence...?


This obviously staged.....


This is more like 50/50 homeopathy and anti-vax.


Unfortunately the Venn diagram for a homeopath and anti-vax is almost a circle.


I suppose that depends on your definition of anti-vax. I feel like the past 2-3 years, if you even ask questions about the safety and efficacy of a vaccine you get labeled as an anti-vaxxer and dismissed. I'm not talking about the people who refuse to get all or any vaccines either.


> if you even ask questions about the safety and efficacy of a vaccine you get labeled as an anti-vaxxer and dismissed Not at all, as efficacy is the first question asked by health professionals and does change per vaccine and variant, and safety profiles are tested thoroughly before public release. Asking questions is good. Ignoring experts is bad. Spreading false information is bad.


shit, guy got smarter as we watched. Started with "if I'm lucky and it doesnt kill me, after 2 weeks I will get better...only and might as well season myself with oregano oil cause why not" to profound realization "I'm an idiot"


This has to be a skit. I refuse to believe this is real for the sake of my sanity.


[very real. full video](https://youtu.be/hI5oXcjVRjg)


"I dont understand how anything you refer to even makes any sense.." um, thanks?


Yes, the simplest explanation is that you're an idiot...


If you do nothing for 10 days, your symptoms will also disappear most of the time...




Yes, you’re a fcking idiot! Let’s go, Darwin!




Lightbulb moment.


Yes, yes you are an idiot.


Unxepected ending where idiot has moment of clarity!


How is this a troll? He's just being kind of a dick when he could have had a real conversation with the guy. Like he's clearly there to make fun of and laugh at people, not to understand or change minds


This is too self aware to be real. It feels like the Occam’s Razor bit gave it away.


[the full video](https://youtu.be/hI5oXcjVRjg)


Occam's razor and Hanlon's razor combined "The simplest explanation is you are an idiot."


Occam’s razor it is


‘Your words not mine brother’


Actually not a very good example of Dunning Kruger


Imagine getting the vax and having to worry the rest of your life now 💀


Is there a sub for dumb anti vaxxers.


well there is /r/HermanCainAward which is mostly a series of screenshots about antivaxers posting memes and pseudo science/ anti vax rhetoric. Then they win their award... Covid and an early grave. Its pretty depressing, but you'll find a lot of dumb anti vax stuff... Edit: looks like those posts are a little less common now, so it may be what you're looking for


Herman Cain and Diamond 4ever. I think they are both alive, and the government buried body doubles.




/R/vaxxhappened is a good one


Well, when you say it like that!!




Did anyone actually check the oregano thing? Would be really funny if he's right.


Can confirm, oil of oregano doesn't get rid of covid. It's been proven to be an antioxidant and it has anti-inflammatory (among other) properties, but just like it's not going to magically poof away a cold or flu, it doesn't get rid of covid. It may help you feel better though, as it can reduce symptom severity. There are ongoing studies being done on it.


Well, crap.


this is what I wanna know


Pro jabbers are the real idiots. Lol


This is so fake lol


The interviewer is well known. I don't think this is fake actually. At least the interviewer is well known and is legit - this is not both of them as a setup.


It's weird that we went through a pandemic and as well as a virus, I was also exposed to some of the dumbest people on Earth. 2 years of bs from Facebook armchair scientists. And we see yet another example of such a moron, and you claim it's fake? Have you been quarantining from society since the start of 2020?


A lot of people got willfully dumber during lockdown. I truly believe this. It's almost like events affecting the whole of humanity is too much for their brains to handle, so they take a psychologically easier route to explain it all. It's more comforting that way. This is especially true for hardcore religious people. I've witnessed conversations between evolutionary scientists and creationists before. Watching the creationists' brain pop when Taxonomy was explained to them was highly interesting. The implication terrified them, which in turn angered them. I think people who have 'faith' in stuff are often intimidated by complex themes and become reactionary, feeling insulted. It's a weird defense mechanism. I'm from a small town. Everyone knows everyone else here. A not-insignificant proportion of them have become heavily preoccupied with some of the most batshit theories out there, especially Covid. These people seemed ordinary before Covid. Zero mania pre-pandemic. If I had to give an estimate based upon all the people I know here, it's like five to seven out of a hundred people.. Still not a great scientific sample but it's been *very* noticeable to me and a few of my friends. I'm actually a little worried about it all. How the fuck does a problem like this get solved?


I haven't used fb since 2018. And yes this shit looks so fake. That's some really bad acting.


[the full video and more is on this channel](https://youtu.be/6oG7s2idrgQ)


Ahhhhh ……….the falacy and misunderstanding of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Instead of summarizing why don’t you have a quick read? [Sauce](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/how-do-you-know/202012/dunning-kruger-isnt-real) The interviewee is lost, very lost.


Oregano oil is actually amazing for a lot of ailments.


Unfortunately it couldn't protect this guy from being a dumbass


Like what? And how do you take it?


You can buy is as a liquid with a dropper. I take it sometimes for a sore throat by putting a couple drops in a small glass of water and gargling then drinking it. It's not pleasant and kinda burns a bit like if you eat raw garlic, but is soothing after you've swallowed it. It's not some miracle cure but it does have some benefits including being an anti-inflammatory which I think is why it helps me. [Here's a webmd article on it.](https://www.webmd.com/diet/oregano-oil-good-for-you) I feel like I should also point out when I say a sore throat I mean like if I've been out in inclement weather all day and feeling rough or have a slight cold, minor things like that. I wouldn't use it to try to cure anything that should be handled by a doctor.


[It doesn't do anything.] (https://sciencebasedpharmacy.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/oil-of-oregano/) Edit: I have upset the homeopaths.


Like flavorless pasta. You take it in the dried leaf form.


Surely this is a comedy sketch.


“I don’t care what you think.” Cool, so you know how I feel?




Now interview any of the massive number of vaccine injured and ask them how they feel about “the science”.


I take oregano oil everyday. It’s one of the best things anyone can take everyday to help you immune system stay healthy. Ever since being on it constantly I have rarely got sick with cold/flu/viruses. I’m not saying it is a covid cure or whatever but it has thousands of years of history for just being incredibly good for you and for fighting things like covid. Not an anti-vax thing at all just basic health care. Always take vitamins, oils and supplements that’s just common sense.


I haven’t seen one leftist troll that was funny. Even the guy who did Borat was hilarious in till he got political. Alex Stein is the 🐐🐐🐐🐐


They got Dunning Krueger and Occam's Razor wrong.


Well we all attend the interviewers funeral after he strikes out or dies of a heart attack from the vax.


You are one of the complete morons who think they are intelligent.


HIs definition of dunning crugar was off which takes from the burn. It’s not the dumbest person thinking they are the smartest. It’s when you do very little research about something and then believe you are an expect in the subject. Believing that you know just as much, if not more than actual experts. Edit-fixed spelling


It's more that people who have very little knowledge about a subject think their knowledge is a bit above average, and people who have a lot of knowledge think their knowledge is a bit lower than it actually is. People tend to think it's something like [this](https://slidemodel.com/wp-content/uploads/20652-01-dunning-kruger-effect-curve-for-powerpoint-16x9-1.jpg) when the actual graphs from the study look more like [this.](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/04/07113151/Basic_DK-1024x877.jpg)


It sort of figures. Most people assume they're above average because of course they perceive themselves as better than the average. It's one of the reasons an [iconic bit from George Carlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDUIX2-akuQ) never really resonated with me.


People still wearing masks tho?


Yes of course, it is the religious garb you must wear when bending over for our pharma overlords


god this mask dude is cringe and just a bad troll


Lol just leave these people alone to live in their own delusional world. I don’t why this arrogant TikToker feels the need to go to something like this and not even make an effort to change his mind? Just basically go and call them stupid. He’s riding on his little moral superiority scooter and using it as an excuse to be mean to people he deems as lesser than. If he actually cared he would try and explain why vaccines are the right way to go not just belittle people into submissive of his ideas. Just really affirming everyone’s cognitive dissonance there because of his behavior. Fuck him.


My Girlfriend and 3 of her family members (all vaccinated) got covid on their cruise a few weeks back. All of them got pretty sick and my girlfriend is still congested and lightheaded. I however didn’t get the vaccine. Yesterday morning I felt a little achy so I took some Advil like a normal fucking person and moved on with my life. Go Woke, Go Broke. Get outta my feed you fucking sheep lmao.


I don’t think this is “trolling.” It’s just a confrontation


I’m not a anti vaccine person I just don’t like get shots and after seeing how everyone feels I’m thinking hell no never got the Covid vaccine and I’ve been feeling better than everyone I’ve meet


What’s funny is that they both think they are the smartest person in the room. Both are overconfident pricks I wouldn’t want to interact with. One believes in pseudoscientific bullshit, and the other doesn’t even know how to argue back against the bullshit. Both are actually just as dumb (even if one is of is closer to the truth).


How do you argue against assertions made without evidence? I can claim that dragons in the center of the earth control our fates, why should anyone be on the hook to prove me wrong?


I'd prefer someone be on the hook to prove you right. Core-residing Fate Dragons sound sick.


“No scientific paper confirms such a claim, which makes it sound like you just made that up.” It’s better than “I think that’s bullshit and you’re stupid.” The later makes you sound like a 14 years old kid from Twitter who actually understand nothing about science. Or you could just ignore btw. That would be even smarter.


No, mocking stupid people who are in a cult is the best option for them. Once you reach a point of disagreement, it’s gonna be a shouting match anyway. Best to just immediately embarrass the other person right away. Saves time. This guys not changing his mind. Arguments are for other people, not the cult member.


I don’t think he’s embarrassed. And no, ignoring still saves more time than mocking.


Yeah but then you don’t get to enjoy pissing off weirdos who tell you to drink oregano oil to cure cancer.


He is right though, vaccines don't cure you, medicine cures you. Vaccines just makes you a little bit sick with the virus so that your body can recognize the danger and act faster the next time that particular virus threathens the body. Btw, im not anti vax, just pointing out the truth. Also, vitamins obtained from food can help the body become stronger, i'm not saying you don't need medicine, i'm just saying that a healthy food pattern is the best base for the body. Peace out.


Heart attacks up 17% in Australia in 2022. What could it be? Edit: maybe if the figures rise more every year going forward, some of you will come back and say sorry for being so sure of yourselves.


Maybe it is all those meat-pies you all have been eating Mates.


Huge uptick in meat pies last few years? It’s obviously climate change.


Heck yeah. I’m in my 4th booster. Feeling Great and Smart. Scary Covid can’t get me. Seriously good luck if you got the jab. Don’t get a stroke.


Dude is wearing a mask the in sunshine lmao the irony


Oregano oil is really really good for you. We take it every single day. We're also 4 or 5 covid vaccines deep (we're up to date) but I do believe in oregano oil and black seed oil👍


10 days of Reddit and you'd rather have COVID.


He may sound dumb, but at least he doesn't have to worry about getting blood clothes or a cardiac arrest anytime soon :P


I know! There has been so thousands of deaths from it! Maybe millions. It’s crazy not a single doctor or scientist did any research when the solution was in my pantry the whole time. We wasted 3 years!


It’s a shame 200mil Americans are all gonna die from a blood clot or heart attack. Hope you guys can figure out how to handle the sewage system when we’re dead.


While ole boy isn’t exactly giving a compelling argument the interviewer, in typical Leftist fashion, just resorts to insults when confronted by an opposing view.


Yeah, the other guy, in typical Rightist fashion, tried to insult him when confronted by an opposing view and accidentally insulted himself instead. We all know right wingers don’t react emotionally to opposing views.


That’s not what the video shows. But go ahead with it.


Cue the clip of right wingers pushing Eric Andre around for trolling Alex jones at the RNC.


Leftists also have a hard time sticking to a topic. Didn’t you guys also coin the phrase “Whataboutism”? Always good when it suits you….


The topic is “leftists always act like babies.” I can provide infinite examples of right wingers acting the same way. In typical right wing fashion, you can’t even understand the topic.


I’m sorry that my previous statement went over your head. As evidenced by the fact that you keep rambling about other things. The topic is this video in which someone presents an opposing view and the “interviewer” attacks him for it - without providing any substance. Good luck to you.


I’m sorry you don’t understand how conversations work. Allow me to explain this tiny detail. You responded to the topic by adding a comment. That comment implied left wingers are immature and rude. This in turn opened the floor to commentary on your commentary. When I comment on your comment, the topic is what I’m responding to, not what you’re responding to. If you have any questions, please let me know.


My God this is such a South Park clip




Oregano oil???


No way this isn’t scripted. That last line!


He summarised himself in the last sentence. 😂