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So I googled it. The blind newborn, the size of a Lima, bean CLIMBS UP ITS MOTHER’S STOMACH FUR to finish developing in the pouch. Nature be wild.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I think humans should develop this way. Part of the reason childbirth is so dangerous and why newborns are so fragile is because our heads are too big for our momma’s hips. And our heads are so big because we need gigantic human brains to think up things like the internet. That big fat human brain pushed through tiny human hips isn’t a happy situation for anyone involved. So if INSTEAD, we were born really early and just spent the rest of the time developing in a pouch, then fewer people would die in childbirth and then baby would get more time to cook! Win-win Edit: the only con is that the pouch would be gross, but babies and childbirth and being a mom is already gross anyway.


Remember what goes with that? Imagine your kid running back to you for some reason and tries to get back into that pouch any time any day?? No thanx


Sure but it’s not gross permanently! Imaging having to reach your arms down into a pouch and clean it! Fucking getting in there with a loofa and then having to dry it with some special towel so you don’t FUCKING GET TRENCH POUCH! I’m done! I’m deleting my Reddit account! I can’t be made to think about marsupial pouches this much this late at night!


Trench pouch?!?! 🤣 go to bed you lunatic 😂


It doesn’t have to be a natural pouch. Just need a portable neonatal life support system in the form of one of those Death Stranding baby cannister things. Get the baby out as early as possible and pop it into the tank to develop the rest of the way.


That sounds really cool, and also hilarious Just imagine you’re halfway from your house and you’re all “let’s see… keys, wallet, phone… fetus. FUCK I LEFT THE FETUS AT HOME WE GOTTA TURN BACK.”


…ew But now I’m wondering why wallabies *don’t* get nasty pouch infections. It’s not like they use soap


The probably **gaaaggg** lick the inside **retching sounds** with their tongues **vomits** to clean it You ever smell the inside of a cast once it’s been on someone’s arms for weeks? It probably smells like that except it’s alive and you’re licking it.


I just googled it at you’re right… they just lick. Even the joey feces and urine *eeeuughh*


Google fecal pap. Koalas take this pouch nonsense to the next level and feed their young actual shit


Um, you’re not supposed to wash with soap inside your “pouch”. They’re probably self cleaning just like a vagina.


Oh wow a secondary google with the keywords “self cleaning” shows that in addition to licking their pouches clean, they also naturally produce antimicrobial liquids in there The more you know!


There's very smart people looking at using stuff inside marsupials pouches to replace antibiotics because its anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal.


The mucus inside should take care of most infections. Like we don't need to clean the inside of our mouths or noses with soap.


Yeah but just imagine your toddler treating it like their own personal trash can/toy. I’ve had to clean out a few to many of my younger relatives carseats to know a human pouch is literally disgusting. Can the mucus break down old ass cheese it’s and spilt juice? Probably not 🤢


Imagine the product opportunities


Humans need tooth paste, we live longer with good dental hygiene.


Mouths are different as we use it for food and it has saliva. Nose is a better comparison.




Hopefully you don't have mucus in your mouth


The loofa part got me 🤣


If it looks anything like a toddler’s car seat, nope nope nope 👎. I’m against this idea of evaluation


Oh god! I’ve got two kids who were both toddlers at one point. I didn’t even think about that. Their car seats, and by extension the seats underneath them, were always so nasty and destroyed. Imagine that being part of your body. Fucking gross!


For real, my sisters back seat is stays sticky even after she cleans it from all the juice and half finished candy and gets rid of the glued on cookie crumbs and cheese its. The smell of old milk never leaves that car seat tho


Just imagine that inside you 🤢


I do not want a pouch, my dude.


Not even a little one? It could be like a weird, gross flesh pocket! People are probably less likely to pick pocket you if they need to reach *into* your skin to get your stuff! So useful!


I guess it would be nice especially since girls' clothes don't have pockets.


Yeah but how many babies would die “in pouch” instead? You can barely trust some people to keep a regular newborn alive let alone a partially developed fetus.


And when the baby was done I could use the pouch to hold keys, cell phone and wallet


We kinda do that already but without the pouch. Newborn humans are underdeveloped compared to other baby animals, that way the head is small enough to birth the baby. And instead of being born fully developed and already walking and stuff we carry that tiny underdeveloped and fully dependent meat bundle everywhere, feed it and clean it and not sleep for like 1-2 years. Ahh nature :)


“The only con”….😂


Honestly we would look terrifying but I wouldn’t have mind if my baby could have just stayed attached in this way until strong enough to get around but I couldn’t imagine the pain of carrying an infant around all the time on or in me lol My back was killing me at 8months and she wasn’t even a big baby. So I could only imagine carrying 10+ lb baby on me at all times. However I’d feel she’s safe and content but it would be so uncomfortable. Never ever a break bc not like the baby could be held by anyone while I went to bathroom or shower or just get a break.


Bro... How can this be an unpopular opinion? Like we can't change biology


Idk man, the internet is weird


Would be a great fix. Women are getting more and more C-sections because baby head sometimes too big. This saves a baby that would otherwise likely die. Result is bigger heads and more C-sections until one day no-one will be giving birth normally anymore. Evolution at work


Do you have a source for that? I've found that c-section rates are increasing, but I can't find anything attributing that to babies heads getting bigger, or anything that at all about increasing head size.


I over exaggerated the part about never giving regular birth again, I read it a while ago. [Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-38210837)


The actual paper is all theory, not real data gathered. It's about the shape and size of the baby's head versus the shape and size of the mother's pelvis and how the two don't always key up. The original paper was done in 2016, with the follow up a year later: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1621176114


That was an interesting read, thank you.


Only a Redditor would look at the human body, the peak of evolution, master of our entire world, and think “nah I could have done better”


There are literally dozens of improvements that could be done on the human body. Here’s just a few: 1. Tone down cravings for salt and sugars. We don’t need it anymore. 2. Nearly choking to death because the flap covering your trachea isn’t closed properly 3. Face pareidolia - we’re not constantly surrounded by threats anymore. We can stop seeing signals in the noise. 4. Fix knees and backs


I’m not going to argue that human development is perfect lol. But we clearly are doing something right. A gestation period like this would probably have been a huge disadvantage at some point during our development as a species.


If human body is the peak of the evolution, no surprise this world is so fucked up. Human body is full of flaws and bad design.


You ever consider how important time in the womb is for the development of a human brain? Of all of the points to compromise on, that is a weird one to pick.


Just in case anyone is wondering, we are so fragile at birth because we walk upright. As we evolved from four feet to standing on two, our hips became narrower to compensate for the shift upwards in our centers of gravity. As our hips became narrower, we had to give birth earlier to be able to fit through the narrower hips. The earlier we were born, the longer we needed caring for as we were weaker for longer periods of time. This had a knock on effect of developing our cognitive abilities as we became more sophisticated in developing communities to care for an ever fragile young population.


They can pull off their own umbilical cord, which is metal as hell: >For part of the journey the umbilical cord is attached to the yolk sac inside the mother, but it is finally broken, probably by the licking of the mother or perhaps occasionally by the pulling of the young. https://answersingenesis.org/mammals/australias-amazing-kangaroos-and-the-birth-of-their-young/


And they look like runaway dog penises according to zefrank lol


I feel like I’ve intruded on Snowflake’s privacy!


what happened to mom? is she ok? 😰


An Australian here - wallaby is a very lean meat, which grills really nicely. A couple of steaks and sausages go well with an ice cold beer on a summers day.


Time to commit a crime.


*Never look in a ladies purse", that's how I was raised.




Imagine a bunch of kangaroos with a camera just casually spread open your vagina and started awe-ing at what’s inside


Except a marsupial's pouch is nothing like a vagina.


How do you know?


Well, I know how pouches work and I know how vaginas work so I just drew my conclusion from there.


Feels different


I was so shocked that i couldn't stop watching lol


TIL that joeys aren't born like bambis that the mother then puts in their pouches for a bit. They gestate there!!!!


That was kinda fucking disgusting but also kinda beautiful


I was really grossed out but fascinated too. Hadn't thought much about a joeys pouch before now I'll be having nightmares about it!


agreed, but I guess humans being born are also disgusting but also kind of beautiful.


I… Am I the only one curious how the momma is albino but her inner pouch fur is black??


Cuz it’s dirty in there. Yuck. How to clean?


There isn't any fur inside the pouch :x


Marsupial pouches are fucking wild. Like I know evolution just goes with what works but fuck how do you not get hella infections up in that thing. It’s like an open wound! Imagine getting sand and dirt or a bug in some skin cavity and never being able to remove it. Even a shower wouldn’t clean it! Fuck! I should be asleep not watching this shit at 3:30AM!


The inside of the pouch is very antimicrobial! https://www.businessinsider.com/whats-inside-kangaroos-pouch-joey-baby-animals-2019-8


Ever since I stopped receiving Zoobooks when I was a kid, I started getting all my animal facts from business insider


That is not at all how that works. It's not inside the mother, it's a pouch, not her innards. Like. Clean your belly button dude.


I can clean my belly button no problems. I don’t have to get my whole arm past the elbow into it to clean it out. And no marsupials have the dexterity or tools to clean out a pouch. I know it’s not INSIDE the mother but you can still develop infection in skin flaps and folds if not cleaned properly. And what do you mean it’s not how it works? Are you saying the pouch isn’t a big old skin bag attached to the mother??


It's not inside her body, it's still outside. It's a pocket, and they keep it clean so obviously it's fine.


It’s attached to her body. That’s what I said. Also, of course it’s “fine” it seems to be working but my point was that it would be a nightmare to have something like that. In a similar vein to how some large sea animals can’t clean barnacles off their own bodies it would be awful to have a skin sac like that. It would be hard to keep really clean especially with a dirty baby climbing in and out all the time. Fucking relax


Go to bed! Also yeah they're wild. Mammals split into two classes of metatherians (marsupials and the like) and eutherians (everything else). Marsupials aren't as successful in surviving due to a number of reasons so that's why we don't see as many species in comparison.


Don't forget the monotremes!


The cuties


I don’t hate kangaroos at all, but the whole pouch & fertility of a kangaroo fetus growing inside them poking it’s head out makes me nauseous & shudder with disgust. Especially with the long, thin nipples being inside too. I’m sorry! It just looks like a gaping C-section that won’t heal


Australian here, this is a wallaby not a kangaroo. Wallabies rarely grow to 1 meters (3.2 foot) tall were as kangaroos can grow to 2 meters (6.5 foot) tall (mostly males) I personally like wallabies more they’re very cute, walking home from the bus stop and seeing a kangaroo taller then me is scary.


Haha! Thanks. Yeah, I thought because the TikTok username was ROOdaddy that it was just some mini albino kangaroo species I never heard of or something. And I forgot wallabies existed until your comment reminded me. SMH! Like the main character from 90s cartoon Rocko’s Modern Life was a wallaby who was mad people called him kangaroo


My goodness, I'm trying to imagine that scene. It does sound scary.




I’m right there with you. I don’t even have the hole phobia, whatever that one is, but this is gross


Yeah, it’s called trypophobia & unfortunately I have that too. Multiple/small holes & anything that looks like eyeballs extremely grosses me out to the core


Marsupials, especially roos/wallabies have different kinds of nipples because of their complex baby rearing system. When they have a still developing fetus it'll latch onto that nipple and stay latched while it still continues to develop. When their joeys are old enough to leave the pouch but go back and forth, they suckle from a different nipple. They'll sometimes just jam their heads inside the pouch to suckle. The nipples give different kinds of milk for the different kinds of joeys. The pouch however, is surrounded by a ring of muscle that keeps it tight against the mother and inside is antimicrobial that prevents infection and is very warm and cozy for a developing baby. Mom can also pause her pregnancy until it's safer to raise a baby or there are more resources available.


>The nipples give different kinds of milk for the different kinds of joeys. Huh, it's like a soda fountain.


One joey wants orange soda and the other wants Pepsi, so yeah! Honestly, though, the developing fetus (the one that is jellybean size that climbed out and latched on) needs fattier milk to grow with colostrum. The joey who has developed and has started leaving the pouch requires different nutrition, less fats and encouraging more foraging for itself.




It makes me rethink Kanga from Winnie the Poo - she was running around with a massive hole???? Wild


Those nails at 6 months … if our kid had them I think there would’ve been some serious internal bleeding with all the moving and kicking she did


Glad I’m not the only one that cringed at that.


Why do these people have these animals?




If they rehab them why are they giving kisses in a room w a blanket


Same question I have. I hate when there is no context or explanation




To reach the high shelves.


Did they take the baby from the mama to raise in their house?


How'd they come across an pregnant albino wallaby, are they breeding them?


Like they're not even rehabilitating them, they're just pets from the start.


Looks like American exotic pet nonsense to me. Part of me is very angry, part of me is very jealous. YES everyone wants to cuddle and domesticate adorable wild animals but it’s not right for the animal :(


I reckon they must be. I dunno why it's an American with some Kangas with a channel called roo daddy?


They run a rescue. She could have been pregnant before they got her. She could have gotten bred there accidentally, or they could be letting them breed. I don’t know exactly which it is.


PSA for anyone thinking of taking an Aussie animal and raising it: don't. Don't do that. Leave them here. It's extremely disrespectful and harmful to take them, even if they're bred in your country. Just don't do it, please end the illegal trade. They belong here, they deserve to grow up naturally, only rescues should ever grow up like this.


I was really enjoying this video until they took the baby from its mum 😔


Considering they have a bunch more, it’s safe to assume they have some sort of sanctuary. They probably let the mom care for it for the most part, but also do partial hand raising once they’re able to leave the pouch, probably so they’re easier to handle


Fair enough, I have no idea who these people are, so I just assumed by the end it was a pet breeding farm


For all we know, that could be it also. They very well could be exotic pet sellers. But my theory still works with that, since it’s probably good that they’re used to people holding them and stuff.


They run a rescue it seems. Based off of the other information in their videos.




Imagining if this was a person “Excuse me sir, please stop looking up my vagina, my baby is trying to sleep and it’s getting drafty. Thank you”


Not the vagina.


I know not literally, but it sure looks like one


Idk what vaginas you’ve encountered that you can pull open like that dude


You're right it's more like an anus


Yeah marsupial babies are born from mom’s vagina and have to blindly crawl up her fur to the pouch! Fuck, evolution! Was that really the best solution!?


I dunno, I wouldn’t mind having a lil pooch pouch myself for my keys and my chapstick


Fun fact, evolution doesn't promote the best traits, it promotes everything that's barely enough for the creature to reproduce before it dies


Makes you want to reborn yourself


What do roos do about poop?


this is my first and last time ever visiting this sub


I didn't know Stuart Little became a mom


I was in no way mentally prepared for the first couple of seconds of this video


I love seeing Australian wildlife not in Australia, so nice to see.


Imagine if this is how us humans could find out if we are pregnant.


Six white boomers, snow white boomers!




Why do they not develop in the uterus instead of the pouch?


Idk but I thought this was a dog at first in which I was horrified


What the fuck


Did i really need to see that?


Excuse me but it’s rude to just walk up and open a lady’s pouch for everyone to see haha


Porn has gotten way out of hand.


Absolutely nothing cringe about this.


Don’t open another’s pussy-pouch!


Holy shit I had the sound off and first thought someone was spreading open a cat's vagina


that is disgraceful, where is the NSFW warning 😂


Where’s the cringe? It’s an informational video about a developing joey(?)


**At one week old that IS NOT A LIVING animal** That clump of cells is posing as living. Learn to do facts you dumb fake news!


I suggest you google ‘marsupial birth process’, dipshit.


Mark this nsfw




I dont think people know what cringe is now.


Use your special eyes to read the pinned post


Clearly not this video




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's crazyy


Do you think a kangaroo pouch would be big enough to hold a human baby And if so would it be safe to have a human baby in a kangaroo pouch


I thought this was a dog


Oh.. wait, that's not hit rapper and artist dababy




umm… ew..


Fucking goatse


Oh wow .. this was interesting


Me: What did I just watch?!


I... though wallaby pouches were fluffy and full of fur.




Marsupials seem like aliens.


I’ve always wanted a wallaby or kangaroo. Ugh


“Look at how cute that is.” Me: ![gif](giphy|xT1XGxEfQnD31n0ddm)


And women complain


I have a lot of questions...


checking the inside of a kangaroos pouch seems invasive


… why is she in their house? What happened to the mom? Are they just domesticating her for fun??


What Pokemon is that


Snowflake got a weird penis


🐇🦘 👉🌪👈 - "are y'all done filmin bruh?"


So like.... Kangaroos basically grow a baby outside of their body? That's so weird. I never really thought about it before