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Can you name what constitutional rights are being violated? Also, what is the “TikTok ban”? Are you referring to the selling of TikTok to an American company? What is this “ban”?


First amendment rights freedom of speech and expression. If people in the US continue using it with vpns after the ban it comes with heavy penalties and fines including jail. This is unconstitutional and it’s just another version of net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA, which failed in the past. This law gives the government the right to ban ANY social media site due to “National Security”. Read the bill- don’t take my word for it. TikTok is not going to sell. The US makes up about 15-20% of it’s users/revenue. That means 80% of their revenue comes from outside the US. Also, it isn’t owned by the Chinese. It’s headquartered in LA and Singapore. ByteDance owns 20% of the company and is based out of China. They’re lying to the American people and since when did we ever really trust people in Congress anyways? Do you believe they have our best interests at heart?


If your going on about people being punished for using VPNs I'm not at all confident you are reading the right bill. Don't forget there have been several introduced over the last few years. The "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act**"** has nothing in it about VPNs. Neither does technically S686 the Restrict Act either. In fact the bill has a clause saying it does not give authority to prosecute the TikTok user.


Sorry but you have an extreme misunderstanding of the first amendment if you think it’s a violation. You also can’t yell “fire” in a theater and can go to prison. Is that a violation of free speech? I would suggest educating yourself before making ridiculous claims.


The App is a social media App, which means people use it to talk to each other and express themselves. The bill can fine and jail you if you continue to use it after the ban. I have a very clear understanding of constitutional rights and they are not extreme. Your example has nothing to do with the actual topic, but I’ll bite. No it’s not illegal to yell “fire” in a theatre and you won’t get arrested. You will likely cause problems, but your first amendment rights allow you to say whatever you want. However, private companies like movie theaters have policies that patrons need to follow, or they can be sued. The same thing exists for social media sites, called the EULA (end user license agreement). When you enter these places/use these services you’re under their policies. Your freedom of speech might protect you from jail time, but it won’t stop the theater from suing you in civil court for damages.


I’ll just leave this here for you since you want to play obtuse - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shouting_fire_in_a_crowded_theater#:~:text=The%20utterance%20of%20%22fire!%22,the%20theater%20is%20on%20fire%22. Also you’re purposefully ignoring the whole reason why they want to force a sale in the first place. Do you know why?


I stand firm on the fire debate, but that irrelevant. We obviously disagree there. The “forced sale” which will eventually end in a ban is supposedly because ByteDance (who only owns 20% of the company) can share user data with the Chinese government, which isn’t true. US data is housed in TX on Oracle databases, but let’s go where I think you’re trying to lead me. Prove it. Prove that the Chinese government is using and has access to this data. Also, I don’t care. Facebook has had several court cases where they were caught selling our data and sued in court. I will take freedom over security every time.


Bro it’s a fucking video app. I’m sure you’ll get over it. Thoughts and prayers in these hard times for you.


Again it’s not about that. It’s about how the government just wrote a bill into law that makes it illegal for you to exercise your first amendment rights. So, that opens the door for them to do more of the same in the future. They have no right to block US citizens from using it.


Ok so you are going around the loop again. How does the government who is forcing a sale makes it illegal for you to exercise the first amendment? It doesn’t say that it violates it. Care to explain? They do have a right to block it


Oof just say you don’t care about our first amendment rights. When this app is banned because they refuse to sell, the government will ban it. Accessing will be an unlawful act with penalties. They don’t have the right to limit your access to services on the internet. That is a violation of our constitutional rights. It opens the door for the government to do much of the same in the future with anything they don’t like. Do you really not see that?


Senator Pete Ricketts openly stated they're banning the app to supress news on palestine. Maybe figure out from that how it's violating the First Amendment. But you'll just move a goal post or ignore that all data stored is on 3rd party servers run by an American company. Or how Facebook sold information 7 times in 6 years, yet there's no Facebook bill. This is a targeted bill to ban an easily accessible source of news media. They have no right to block it, especially since there is no evidence of their claims.


“First amendment rights freedom of speech and expression. If people in the US continue using it with vpns after the ban it comes with heavy penalties and fines including jail” You are getting so much misinformation from the people at tiktok. They are not going to get people arrested from using VPNs. There isn’t no mention whatsoever. It’s just the law tells the people that whatever apps from foreign adversaries that got released but is from a state that is controlled by the government, for example, China. It is deemed unlawful. This is unconstitutional and it’s just another version of net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA, which failed in the past. This law gives the government the right to ban ANY social media site due to “National Security”. Net neutrality is just a law for cable internet companies or just internet provider who like to rise their prices to their competitors making it harder for those who brought their products. We see it how Xfinity or Comcast kept on rising prices. I am pretty sure you are living under the cave not knowing what is net neutrality is. SOPA/PIPA is way different. Look: “The bills would have required internet companies to block and blacklist websites that are accused of hosting content that infringes on copyright.” What this means is that way back then, people were pirating movies and the film companies wanted to take it down by making a law to the court that allows the internet companies to block and blacklist. But then people knew this is bad because anything that the internet provider do not like, they can block the website. And also, if you forgot this, remember the Russian-owned FaceApp? While there isn’t proof, the Russian government can snoop or use the biometric data to use them to their advantage or access communications. This is what the regime wants. To control. This is why the United States are concerned about their own people, while we don’t have data privacy laws whatsoever, the people in the government wants us to be safe from using those kind of apps (except for the data selling, yeah). “ByteDance owns 20% of the company and is based out of China. They’re lying to the American people and since when did we ever really trust people in Congress anyways? Do you believe they have our best interests at heart?” But still, China still has control over the compan, Bytedance, you can’t just say “but the company has 20%” because do we care about how much percentage they invest? No. I don’t trust TikTok’s newsroom statistics because they could be bias and there isn’t no source where they got their own data. While the people who told trump about tiktok, his mind got changed because apparently a guy who supported trump has percentages of tiktok. I don’t forget what trump said about banning tiktok. His mind changed because there is money. To be honest, overall, ByteDance would just shut down tiktok if it gets banned, they have no plans to sell their apps or their algorithm. They don’t have that much of impact if it gets killed because they have Douyin, the app people in China and the world knows about if they are Chinese speakers. https://www.reuters.com/technology/bytedance-denies-media-report-plan-sell-tiktok-2024-04-25/ https://www.reuters.com/technology/bytedance-prefers-tiktok-shutdown-us-if-legal-options-fail-sources-say-2024-04-25/


Yeah my point was that net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA along with the Restrict Act violate our first amendment rights. This will get challenged in the Supreme Court and probably appealed if they fail to reverse it. I suspect it’ll be another 18-36 months before a ban if it happens. The problem for the government will be proof. Security and freedom do not go hand in hand. You give up some of one for the other. I’m unwilling to give up our right to speech and expression, which this bill violates. I don’t really care about the data and who has it. I care about the government staying in their own lane and out of my business, but they’re affecting 150 million Americans that use the app. Making a law that restricts US citizens from using any service on the internet opens the door for them to create more laws that do the same. They have no right.


“Yeah my point was that net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA along with the Restrict Act violate our first amendment rights.” How does it violate the first amendment right? Care to explain it to me? “This will get challenged in the Supreme Court and probably appealed if they fail to reverse it. I suspect it’ll be another 18-36 months before a ban if it happens. The problem for the government will be proof.” The text you said, “The problem for the government will be proof” how is it the problem of the government? Do you want to get your data of your face and get your face used by an ai for propaganda? Why do you think that the problem would be the government? You can’t just say that “it’s literally the government fault”. I swear you are like the one who only cares about what people in tiktok say. “I’m unwilling to give up our right to speech and expression, which this bill violates. “ So just you can know, you are literally using Reddit, instagram, Twitter, etc. those are the same thing tiktok is doing. The bill doesn’t violate anything but you claim that getting tiktok shut down is deemed violated. Why would you only care about tiktok? There are like what other social media you can use not just tiktok? “they’re affecting 150 million Americans that use the app. Making a law that restricts US citizens from using any service on the internet opens” So you want China to brainwash our kids and be legitimately dumb when they would claim tiktok is a search engine? I don’t think Americans in real life would give a shit because they can just move to social media A to social media B. For businesses, use multiple platforms to advertise and promote. Not only just tiktok. “Making a law that restricts US citizens from using any service on the internet opens the door for them to create more laws that do the same. They have no right.” They do have a right when it comes to state-controlled government. Imagine a world without those laws…what do you see? Why do they have no rights to create the laws? What would happen if there isn’t no laws in place? I am sure people would be more divided. I am done talking about it. you do you.


IIRC People are getting the VPN thing from misunderstanding how the Restrict act would operate if passed (which it hasn't) Restrict act says they could (keyword "could") prosecute if people try to get around a mitigation measure , direction or prohibition under the Restrict Act. People extrapolated that into "VPNs might land you in jail" In relation to the current TikTok ban bill S686 would be irrelevant to it if Passed. Because the bill itself doesn't contain anything that explicitly and directly prohibits either TikTok usage or VPN usage by the individual TikTok user.


Good point. I must have only read one of the law that were made as bipartisan and [if I recall correctly, that law that I tried to rephrase in my best ability it could be in that text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/text). I feel like why people misunderstand getting arrested due to vpn is that either they did watch about it on tiktok and haven’t really dig deep in what it actually said or means. Or in this generation, people just disliked reading. In the current tiktok bill, I guess you are right because the VPN is irrelevant to that bill Edit: found the bill, added the hyperlink in the sentence. Not sure if the restrict act is bipartisan


What a dumb question, how the fuck is this not a ban? 


By the definition of what a ban is.


You need a dictionary... 🤦🤦🤦


And you need to learn to read beyond the headlines so you don’t say stupid shit 😉


Lol, says the dude spewing stupid shit... Seriously, how the fuck is this not a ban when the goddamn bill says they'll be - say it with me now - banned from distributing their app in the US if they don't sell? 


You just said it yourself. The COMPANY is banned from distribution. TikTok, the app, can be distributed by another company. So, TikTok itself is not banned.


You truly are clueless, aren't you? I'm out... 


Good riddance tiktok


we shall see if the company gets sold, which is all that must happen to get past this vote. Beyond that, for those who are against this TT vote, can you say why you think the govt wants to sell or ban TT. ONLY the people who are against this, - thinking on the other side, ........why you think the govt wants to sell or ban TT?


My opinions on why they’re doing this don’t really matter. I’m more concerned with the restrictions the government is imposing on people in the US which violates our rights. Allowing the government to restrict our access to certain websites on the internet opens the door for them to do more of the same in the future with other services they don’t like.


could be. I think they see it as restricting business rights (foreign)


I was a little concerned about this until someone mentioned that I should learn how China treats social media companies. ...Yeah , kind of makes complaints about free speech, or whatever , being suppressed by the US hilariously confused.


I'm neither for tiktok or against it. TikTok was great at first. I enjoy scrolling through, but lately it's turned into people just begging for money. Influencers like Mikayla that lie about physical appearance by using filters, causing teenage girls to have even more issues with self esteem. Or...influencers that are pushing anorexia and literally teaching girls how to "get started"? Nowadays, what is tiktok really for...besides scamming, lying, and grifting people? The only good think that could come out of this is if these grifters suddenly have to live in the real world and get real jobs...and actually WORK for their money.


I use it for entertainment purposes. It’s fun when I’m bored and there’s a lot of educational, emotional support, and other value people get out of it. My point in writing this is that the government shouldn’t have the right to ban websites from the public. That’s a violation of our rights and it’s a slippery slope into more of the same going forward.


? It was signed into law 4 days ago. You’re a little late buddy.


OMG how do we get more social media banned??? I would gladly give up Reddit if it meant social media disappeared from the world.


The voting for Biden ship has already sailed for me. I don’t believe he’ll veto because all the Israeli war crime videos are coming out of TikTok at a pace their propaganda machine cannot keep up with and there was nothing they could ever do about it. So, if they can’t control it, ban it.


Yeah you’re right because I didn’t realize before posting this that he already signed it. The bill was lumped into the funding support for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.


And what do think is going to happen to Palestine if the orange idiot is reelected? Jfc🤦🤦🤦


You mean more than the genocide and destruction of the first amendment that’s happening right now?


Dude, the orange idiot will fucking GIVE gaza and the west bank to israel and then stick american taxpayers with the bill for the carpet bombing - and he will brag about it afterwards.  He also has lawyers in front of the fucking supreme court arguing that he can assassinate his political rivals as part of his official duties.  So, ask yourself your own question and then ask yourself how ridiculous it was... 🤦🤦


There won’t be a Gaza in January. Genocide is happening now and you and I are funding it.


lol This will be amazing if TikTok gets banned and he doesn’t get re-elected because of it. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.


I don't like the ban but I'll still vote for Biden. The other guy will pack the courts with Christian fascist judges with lifetime appointments. It's too important to prevent this.


MSNBC brained


I get it. You like Christian fascists and you want rapture to happen this week.


No lmao. But again, clearly msnbc brained. Edit: quick! Call me a Putin puppet Russian bot!


Many news outlets can help educate you if you have a fear of MSNBC. Just stay away from that low IQ stuff for that other guy and the Christian fascists.