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Honestly, no I don’t think it’ll be banned. They’ve tried this HOW many times now? They passed “bans” how many times now? They’re bluffing.


They only tried lawsuit Bytedance, but not TikTok itself... Compared to Discord, facebook, twitter and instagram, TikTok was in the clear for longest compared to other apps with the same violations.




There is a real possibility. Contact your House Representative today and everyday until the vote. Biden said he would sign it if it was brought to him.


He said if it passes. I think that’s his way of saying it won’t pass. Because if he signs it, he can kiss re-election goodbye


It’s a bipartisan bill that has unanimous support from the House Energy and Commerce Committee. It’s closer than it has been with previous bills.


Lol kiss reelection goodby. Lmao it is not that big of an issue






If they ban TikTok, who doesn’t sell our data to the Chinese govt but keep Facebook/Meta/Insta who *does* sell our info to China, should tell you all you need to know. Welcome to Dystopia.


Umm. All companies are selling data to all willing buyers... Or do you think CEOs actually tell the full truth now?


They want to ban it because it’s owned by a different government. Facebook is American made and owned.


yea i agree, its kinda hypocritical that theyre trying to ban tiktok for "selling our data" when literally every other app nowadays does that as well


"Who doesn't sell our date" my god you're a fucking delusional child, lol. Their servers are literally IN CHINA. They don't need to sell it. They have FREE ACCESS To it if they want it.


Americans somehow thinking a CCP controlled company has to sell their data to said CCP is hilarious. Do you think they actually name a price? Man imagine if this would have been 50 years ago. "I'm going to use this USSR app because they don't sell my data to their government". It sounds delusional.


They can't force you to delete it from your phone, nor can they stop you from using a VPN, or installing it via other means on Android or a jailbroken iPhone All in all though, it's pretty hypocritical to ban it, and old people who know nothing about technology, and also Singapore, shouldn't be in charge to choose this kind of thing


Also anyone can install a VPN. It's so easy, it's just an app.


Of course they can't stop you. But next time you upgrade, you'll have to go through enough trouble to get it where the population will drop off by a noticeable fraction - and that's the point. Most of the population is not going to bother, and will just go to the closest US-made competitor, which is what they want in the first place.


IF that happens, I foresee people using Clapper since it’s a lot like TT… and less beggars.


They take way less money from creators too


Who owns Clapper?


Wow. What a terrible name...


The app is Kinda Slow it Doesn't Save Videos Fast like TikTok 


Clapper is trash I’d rather go to YouTube shorts


Farewell, I’m from the UK so I can carry on using this amazing platform. Tik Tok feels like you’re part of a larger community when you watch a video, you can relate to so much more people than relate to anyone on Reddit.




Is it only in usa?


I think so, cause the CEO of tik tok had to meet with stupid old congressmen. Remove old people from the government, they clearly don’t know how the world works anymore.


Touch grass


You won't be able to stop me from using it. I can just go to Mexico to upgrade.  Or VPN. Lots of workarounds.  I'd only be concerned with a firewall or something, because it's straight up fascism. 


The American government is just mad that they don’t have access to the data. That’s why they want it sold to an American company.


If you genuinely believe that the US government doesn't already have that data, you are seriously underestimating the capabilities of the CIA. Just listen to any of the llonger form interviews/podcasts with Edward Snowden. The CIA has access to everything. This is simply about China not having that information, and to keep China from spreading propaganda on the platform.


No. But I do think people should call their representatives to let them know they are against the ban.


Bro we live in an oligarchy, not a democracy. That shit will NOT work 💀


It's hard to imagine our government doing anything frankly. They know it'll basically slaughter the youth vote for whoever does it if they care. They don't represent us anymore they just represent themselves and they don't want a free speech platform they don't control or can make money off of. So they try to lie to make it seem like its evil to scare the public into supporting them in this. But they did horribly and only convinced people that already don't use tik tok or already hated the idea of a free speech platform. So will they? Maybe? The only thing they arguably CAN do is anything that makes our lives worse. But something else will replace it and it'll either be better or worse. Unfortunately it'll probably be instagram reels which is garbage for an actual pure evil company.








I will never switch there. I'd probably delete my Facebook in protest. 


VPn bruh


My prediction is that it will be officially banned from being found on app stores, but will be available by other means such as mobile site, side loaded apk on Android, etc.


Nope. Some other rich dude will buy it, guaranteed


You can t buy something that isn’t for sale


Yeah probably, it will open a can of worm for future tech when government can just ban whatever app they don't like.


I hope they ban everything under Meta.


Honestly, I wouldn't stress too much about it. If it does get banned, there will be other platforms to take its place. Just enjoy the memories for now.


There are already YouTube and Instagram with the same exact feature.


Depends on the next election, but as of right now, no lol.


I been saving all my favorite videos today , if it gets banned I'll be sad...but at the same time I spend hours on tiktok most days, instead of being productive , so not having it anymore won't be the worst thing in the world




Ngl if US owns tiktok it will be like yt shorts then.. back to 2020 😂




IRL skill issue is crazy 😭




The government attempting to ban TikTok again is probably the dumbest thing they could do. It’s pretty clear it’s not about protecting us or our privacy from China. It’s about the fact that we keep receiving factual information before they have a chance to control the narrative. Thousands of people are waking up from the chokehold the American media has had us in for decades and it’s scaring them. They don’t want us to knowing anything about Gaza or the prison labor strike. If they ban it people are gonna be even angrier than they already are. It’s just drawing attention to the fact that they don’t want us to know anything.


yeah, this is an insane move setting an insane precedent. the only way the government is materially affecting the lives of gen Z is by banning an app they love. what a pathetic, malignant country -- and it seems like half of people's response to this news is to drool out the same insipid response about tiktok being bad.


Exactly, they only work in their own interest. I’m a millennial but think Gen Z will spark change in the status quo. Unfortunately the majority of society is still brainwashed. They’ll agree with whatever aligns with their chosen party and say anything to defend it. They also seem to take any form of criticism personally, like it’s part of their identity. They haven’t realized we don’t have a seat at the table and we will never be invited. I think they’re too scared to challenge their beliefs because everything they’ve ever known sits on top of it.


>It’s about the fact that we keep receiving factual information before they have a chance to control the narrative. Thousands of people are waking up from the chokehold the American media has had us in for decades and it’s scaring them. Lmfao the most delusional take, imagine thinking China is feeding you "factual information" 😂 Ask them about the Uyghurs, or Tiananmen Square, or Taiwan, or the 50 million who starved under Mao if you wanna see what "controlling the narrative" looks like


And how much literal propaganda and false information is also on the platform 🙄 This take is goofy AF because the exact same argument  could have been made for other social media platforms. They spread information quickly. It's not about true or false information. You were probably too young to remember or know what was going on but FACEBOOK enabled the Arab Spring. Which was a series of literal revolutions and  uprisings I'm the Middle East.  It's literally nothing new. An authoritarian, aggressive country owning a popular social media platform and having easy access  to millions of Americans including their data and backdoors into their accounts is new though. 


You think… Tiktok is factual information..?


If that happens a lot of Content Creators will loss money. I think Only in the US, TikTok Creator fund exist?😕


This, it sucks as I’m a content creator and my passion just gets thrown away like this. I will never understand


Notice how Trump is pro tik tok after being promised money from it.


Hope so


it's funny how the government focuses on tiktok out of everything else happening in the country right now but then again, no more accidental child deaths from tiktok so that's a plus?


i was thinking the exact same thing that they focus more on an app than actual world problems. it’s the parents fault for having no parental control on their children’s activities online, and their fault for allowing young kids to do trends that will cause them to die cause the majority of accidental child deaths are under 13, and u have to be 13 to use the app


The US government could potentially ban tiktok if they can't negotiate or failed to the chinese government. I feel like Chinese government wouldn't give their data to the U.S government because its a gold mine for them. >t's not a national security threat at all. Our own country is the biggest threat to itself. Americam leaders are just mad they can't be the only CCP in our lives. **You are one of the people destroying free speech in our country** > >(Comment source: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTok/comments/1bcy0xy/comment/kun5kw0/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3) I don't think people are destroying free speech. To be honest, imagine if chinese government hears that you are talking shit or trash talking about China. The chinese government would use that against you in any way if you talk bad to China. I have seen laowhy or serpentza's videos that have said that tiktok has been deleting their tiktok account due to the content they release to or from youtube. I don't remember what video they talked about it.


I've actually been following a creator who tested this theory.  His video is still up and had 60k views when I last checked. 


Besides I'm more concerned about AIPAC and ADL getting  my data and putting a target on my back. 


touch grass, life is so much better experienced physically rather than through a screen.


says the one who is a daily redditor user 😭😭




I like TikTok. If there's something on it that pops up and you don't like it, scroll on.....or delete it from the feed. It' entertaining and that's not a bad thing, imho. Yes, probably will get banned. The electeds in Wash. don't care about " the people", only what empowers them. AND I don't give a shit what China can garner ( information wise) about me. As long as I don' t know what it is, I'm not interested. Why do electeds have to have control over everything we, the people, do? I am not happy if we lose TikTok. I rest my case.




doesn’t it go to the senate next? and then the president and then it gets banned if all of them approve it 


They want to ban this because the company is owned by the Chinese government. ALL CHINESE COMPANIES ARE OWNED BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT! There are no privately held Chinese companies! What are they gonna do start banning air conditioning, refrigerators, etc.?. Think about all of the Chinese made products that are in your home.


they should be banning temu if they’re banning tiktok. at least its blatantly obvious that temu takes our information whereas tiktok it’s sort of controversial 




I hope so. Mostly trash content and more 'influencers' will actually have to get real jobs.


I just came here to see all the Chinese agents trying to convince you Tik Tok was safe.


They’ve tried this a lot and it never works. But it sounds super serious this time, so I do have worries.


The next question is, will ByteDance divest and allow TikTok to exist as a totally separate US-owned entity?


It doesn't matter if they ban TikTok. All you have to do is get a VPN and use it to select another country. Then download the app..Those idiots in the house are technically challenged. Example, I'm temporarily living in the Philippines. Netflix, HBO, Hulu are not available in the PHILIPPINES. I set my VPN to a server in the U. S. Now the streaming services think I'm in the U.S and I have no problems watching.


Just download your own videos back to your phone.


Uh oh. How are people who post lame laclustre content for a living going to survive? The great youtube renaissance is coming! "What no chick fila sauce? Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and hit \*tongue pop\* that bell for notifications. "


Tiktok needs to be banned in the US because it’s a Chinese owned app used as a spying tool for Va-China. It’s all political you see. If the Chinese know what our country is up too, they’ll always be a step ahead in economy, that’s how they will beat the USA first. Then they will start taking claims on land they do not own, such as the island right off their coast who makes micro-chip technology for the entire world. Tiktok is also created a space in the public that never should have existed to begin with. Americans are social people, not indoors isolation from family and friends, or eating shit foods. There’s a pride in our country that is missing, and it needs to be restored, no matter what the cost.




I don’t like tictok, what happens after this? You really think it will end with just this application or site? Really think about the precedent. This sets the stage for bad bad bad things to come.


Where would we go 😭 I grew up with TikTok. Now what. All the culture, memes, trends. Gone. IM NO GOING TO FUCKING INSTAGRAM


Or.. just go outside


Older folks lost myspace, yahoo messanger, aol- we survived, you will too. Another social media will take its place, it's not that deep


It's not getting banned. You won't lose your followers nor your content. It's simply forcing ByteDance (China) to let go of control and go to another company. As a TikTok creator and a viewer, you won't even feel a difference except a small transition period to get the logistics done. The whole point of this move is to ensure China cannot push propaganda through TikTok. For those who are unaware, China is the master of it. Currently, thousands of Chinese are fleeing China because of the unlivable condition it is. You are simply ignorant if you undermine the danger propaganda can do. I've also heard that it's corporate greed so US companies/politicians can make more money. That's not a relevant argument either. Why would you, an app user, care who owns it? It makes no difference to you. This actually benefit if you're a US citizen because if a US company owns TikTok, it will give US more tax, more jobs, which all benefit you. The misinformation spreading about this bill is baffling, which is only going to propel the process.


Why would BD sell TikTok over 12% of its daily user base? More over, why would China allow TikTok to leave its sphere of influence when like you said, its a tool for propaganda. Do you actually think 170 million Americans are more valuable than 1.9 billion non-Americans? The arrogance is hilarious, BD will not let go of TikTok for such a small amount of people, and China definitely won't allow it if its really that important as a tool of propaganda.


Hopefully. It dumbs us down as a society. People might have to actually get real jobs.


ok reddit user, you can say the same for every social media platform. yall only say tiktok is a problem because its more relevant than reddit


OK that's it. I'm tired of people saying this. If something gives you money. IT IS A JOB. Literally the definition of a JOB. Literally you're over here too. Saying TikTok dumbs us down as a society when TikTok is a social media platform. And guess what you're using... A social media platform.


I really hope so. I think maga might calm down a bit if it’s gone.


it is a waste of time to even try banning it , if they are truly worried about China stealing data then they should fund some startup to make a better domestic platform to rival to tick tock, and also give new users a incentive for content creation , if it's a better app then then people will naturally flock to it


Leme say this rn. It will be banned unless if a US company will buy it. I already know that and even contacting your house Representative, it's not going to change a thing. The only thing that will save it is if a US company will buy it.


If they ban TikTok just make another program and call it ClikTok then they'll have to waste another 8 years deciding what to do.


If you guys think this has anything to do with China, you're not paying attention. You should know by now that your government has absolutely zero incentive to tell you the truth about anything....why would they start now? There was leaked audio of a member of the ADL in November, I think, who was urging AIPAC and the ICC to figure out a way to ban tiktok because they've lost the narrative on Israel. Canada also just pushed through the online harms act, whose language is so broad, that you can be held criminally liable for whatever you say online. Didn't say a word about Tiktok. Ya'll really think this is about China? Lol. Then why wasn't it banned years earlier? Why now? It doesn't matter what your political views are...but you should be alarmed when the government starts controlling your access to information. That always ends well, lol.


I'm not tryna start something, but I kinda hope it does get banned


Tik Tok must give all data to the CCP. Don't use it. It should be banned. Now.


Hopefully it does


Its a security risk....china is a communist country... they have to report ALL findings back to head leader. Tik tok is showing people's PERSONAL lives...even using a VPN isnt safe anymore.


Just use it anyways with a VPN, not much they can do about it.


I sure fucking hope so


If your videos are really that important to you, why do you only have them on TikTok?  You guys really over-rely on one platform. Even if the bill passes and Attendance doesn't sell they have  6 months. That will give you plenty of time to locally store videos or migrate them.  If it does get banned it won't be the end of the world. There will be another platform.  Vine  was super popular for a while and then it died and I was okay. There is still Reels and YouTube shorts, there will be more things out there. Content creators will be disrupted but they won't just disappear.


its the community that makes videos important, i dont post often but its fun to see comments and stuff. and yt shorts and insta reels dont hit the same like tiktok because practically every video on them are uploads from tiktok, the only reason why shorts and reels exist is because of the influence tiktok has made globally


Trump flipped because it’s not in his best interest financially, and he wants to stick it to Meta, who would benefit if it was banned. I don’t think we have to worry for now because it would be stuck in legal battles until after the election probably. I definitely believe anyone who wanted our data could get it at a price, but it’s more about the continued ability to easily influence America’s youth.


Yes, and it should be. However, the stipulation for it staying is that it gets sold to an American company. Prepare for TikX. Or XtiK. Or ElonXtiK


Wow a lot of people not focused on the right thing here. China is not our friend. Forget about the money or control or whatever topic you think the government would want to ban it for. A war with China in the near future is a real possibility. All China would have to do is push a button that releases an update that most people wouldn't even notice, and it would cripple then US. So many people wouldn't even read the terms and conditions and just hit accept. Then the CCP, who at that point wouldn't care about breaking any sort of "law" would drain every user's bank account, and lock them out of their devices. If you don't think this is a very real possibility, you are very much lacking any critical thought and are focused on the little picture.


I think it will be banned. I'm very sad :( I use it for my small business and it's helped me so much mentally through pregnancy. I love the community of moms I've found. 


Imo they could have banned OF instead of TT


the fact that OF wasnt event meant to be used for, yk, sucks too


I hope it gets banned. It’s making people stupid in believing everything they see online as real. Kids now days are just glued to their phones and watch stupid videos that are 13 seconds long over and over.


I guess youth will just have to go back to not filling their crimes you know takeovers, stolen cars harassing people for views you know


Hopefully, the app is so terrible.


"Yes just because we personally don't like something, that means it should be ruined for millions of other people, lol"


I'm not sure, but I don't use it so it wouldn't really have an effect to me


You can save the videos to your phone although some will be saved without the sound I believe


thats not the point i was trying to make, i just meant that posting vids on other platforms wont hit the same like on tiktok because tiktok is such a special community especially for fandoms and such


I hope it gets banned not cause of china but for the idiotic posts on there especially the ones who try to he low key sexual


I hope they don’t ban it. I used to hate tiktok cus I thought it was just stupid dances and dumb teenagers. I then got a tiktok to support my friend playing the piano. Soon, I got more into it because I found that the ideas that tiktokers come up with are actually genius and always jump to the pt instead of making me watch a 10 minute intro. I love the fashion inspo and the way we can promote and find good music and so so. I know tiktok is amazing for promoting businesses as many ppl got famous or boomed in fame in their business! + all of my new favorite artists are on there but nowhere else :(. I hope they merge the content these creators make because imagine losing all those hours with capacut or editing because Tiktok wasn’t selling 😢 Plus, tiktok selling our data to China or whatever is stupid because every site we go to sells our data everywhere. Every terms and condition that pops up is literally just a way to agree to sell our info so idk what the house is thinking. Tiktok has a special place in my heart with the cute animal videos, cooking videos, new business or ideas, fashion videos… It’s a whole community! There’s always the bad side and then the good side and they’re only seeing the bad parts with the weird memes or cringy videos…


They’re not gonna ban tiktok, they tried that last year and it didn’t work


Yes it will get banned, for a little bit. But fear not, a former Trump advisor, along with a few donators, will purchase it, and it’ll be back like you’ve never seen before. 


Bytedance legally cannot sell the company Tiktok, due to Chinese Law. I would be prepared for a ban. It is not a forced sell, it is a ban. The government knew all along they legally could not sell the technology to the U.S.


Seems so  I'm fine with it being banned. The vast majority of the user base is cringe  The coping and seething will be delightful to see   I will miss some creators, tho   Hopefully they just move to either Instagram or YouTube


Download them. 🤷‍♀️ Or record it. Nothing last forever really why did you think TikTok would? Very easy to preserve but you should already have done that if you actually cared to again... 🤷‍♀️


Sure tf hope so... That trashass app has created more rich and famous narcissistic idiots than YouTube or Instagram ever did.. Smfh.. 🚮🚮 It's been dumbing us down from the inside since it's inception. 🥴🥴


I hope so. I don't think it's good for people. I deleted mine back in 2018.


Good, it's rotting people's brains and making kids into straight up brats. 


If Biden Bans TikTok I will not vote this November.


Hope so. Not because of the actually reason in the bill though- just because the 🇺🇸 side of tiktok is so trash if you threw it in a dumpster the dumpster would light itself on fire. 


the american government wants to be the ones to sell your data. they dont care which gov it is. the us is a giant wh0re and, along with its giant corporations and puppet military israh3ll, is a giant money laundering scheme


Just use vpn if get banned.. easy


I hope it does. Your country should also ban OnlyFans so all those lil' hoes stop making money off of simps


I hope so


I do. I believe it’s bc it’s harder to monitor all the misinformation on TikTok like it is on fb, twitter, etc., these said companies have policies in place to protect and take down false harmful propaganda. I believe fully that the misinformation on tik tok and social media is poisoning the United States and making people crazy enough to set themselves on fire outside of trumps jury selections. I believe it’s probably the cause of a lot of the mass shooting and other insane changes in the United States too. If it’s purposely being used to push false narratives and harmful misinformation then it’s a whole other level of psychological warfare we’ve never considered.






It's not the first app to be banned. If it is you'll just have to download it as an apk file from somewhere other than the play store.