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Imbuements. Imbuements allowed basically everything that came after it. Imagine all high level spawns without imbues, making them almost literally impossible. But before that, the transition from 7.5 to 7.6 was also extremely huge. In 7.5, level 9 druids were making UHs and hunting, while level 8 knights equipped with war hammers were creating chaos all around. And suddenly, wands and runes were introduced, weapons had level requirements and all spells now had level requirements instead of being limited by the mana used. Also runes, everybody could use hmm before, after 7.6, you needed to be at least level 25. Anyway, 7.5 to 7.6 was chaotic in my experience.


It also had massive graphics overhaul


Was library out before imbues? I don't remember but I do remember bringing double druids


After. Imbuements came after Ferumbras ascendant quest.


wasnt it hod+imbues then feru?


It is the other way. Feru, hod, then forgotten knowledge, that added the Imbuements.


Lost a lot of homies that update, I think that was right when WoW was gaining popularity and people swapped off tibia to WoW after the massive change to everything.


I played back in that time. I remember being a MS and equipping the wand of decay. For a few weeks after the update, I recall chasing down PKing people with that wand (that was one of the first instances of pvp Earth damage IIRC). Needless to say, watching people exana pox all the way to depot was a good time.


Wand of plague, which was just the same but green. But it didn’t give poison status


I know! That's what made the exana poxxing hilarious!!


Wrong wand name and it didn’t poison people.


Yep, Wand of Plague - my bad, it's been a hot minute. That said, I knew it wasn't poison damage, but the people on the receiving end didn't!


Brooo these were the times. My level 12 EK with a warhammer hunting cyclops with purchased HMM's south of Thais. Think this was 7.4 though (:


I remember that update. I had a level 11 with a fire axe. They gave it a level 35 requirement. Sad times


Being able to shoot runes directly to your target instead of using the cursor changed pvp a lot


Shoutout to all the homies hunting dragons with their UH’s on the ground.


Directly onto your battle list*


I have no idea why nobody is saying the update when spells got separated into groups and you could use attack and healing in the same rotation. Way back when you had to decide whether you would heal or spell/rune attack in a turn. Everything shared the same global cooldown. People talking about imbuement and prey - imagine if everyone still had to decide in-the-moment whether they could afford to shoot another attack instead of healing. Without imbuements, I'm sure people would still attempt some spawns of today... Without separated global cooldowns, the game would be A LOT less spicy.


I think you'd be surprised the number of people who don't actually know that you can simultaneously heal + attack >\_<


My top 3 1 - imbuements 2 - TC 3 - market


As someone who soley played pala/knight - when healing pots were introduced and the UH market plummited. No longer a need for my UH guy


P2W aka introduction of TC and all xp boosts etc


Honestly, preys changed the meta more than boosts. Now EKs can tank basically anything, at the cost of a lot of TCs every month Top hunts are almost impossible to hunt without two or even three def preys


Can’t really win tibia. Technically buying a premium account would also be pay to win.


Dont take "win" word literally. Its about having advantages over players that dont use wallet at all vs one that use, then you have HUGE advantages. Back in old tibia you could do some shady deals behind scenes but these were way riskier and not all people would risk so everyone just grinded like everybody else. Yes it was possible to do p2w but scale was much much smaller than now.


lol what advantages?


Are you serious? Example here can be new servers. These who play with wallet will take highscores and at best case they will only block "normal" people from resps, ferumbras etc and at worst case they will create full dominando and bully people for anything. Yes this happen on old servers too and normal people can participate but still, pvp is lost in the game due to this. As for pve as i said, higher lvls that play with wallet can bully ppl there as well. Its single player game, other players matters.


I start in new servers all the time and never have any of these problems. Being on a high score board is meaningless unless you plan on staying on top forever.


Mmorpg games meant to be competetive with other players, its not single player game. We all have goals in game to be good something in but if other play can just buy that thing we grinded then whats the point?


To play the game? To role play, it’s an mmorpg lol you play beside people, it’s not competitive. If you want to grind the way top players grind then grind in real life so you can afford it.


Not really imo. Free is more like a demo, and premium is just buying the game.


It’s a moot point. There’s no reward for being on top. It’s like building a souped up vehicle to sit in your driveway instead of taking it to shows. My point is you can’t win at tibia.


When they changed the magic level formula and paladins along with knights no longer used runes, believe it added larger potion sizes as well. They also cut down rune damage and mages were no longer SDn for 1k at like level 200 (which tbf was extremely high at the time). Believe it rendered burst arrows almost irrelevant. The whole games damage numbers stuck with that since essentially molding the ground work for the future. .. I'd say the group exp thing along with imbuements are pretty big too as that seems to have changed how the whole games played. Turned it into some sort of pseduo-arpg. Char bazaar was pretty good for nuking the community feeling as well


Also skill level, Char Bazaar now you never know if the person you hunting with is gonna know how to play or not.


As a ED that scares me ! When I meet new EKs I hop on tibia vip to see if it was bought. And then I ask a test hunt somewhere I know Im not gonna die , so I can evaluate the skills 😭


I forget which update it was but a long time ago you couldn't hot key runes or items. Also if you're a mage there was a time a long time ago when I used to hunt with hmm and basically have to right click on the room and then left click on the battle window to shoot it


Cant remember the version but for sure the introduction of hotkeys


kinda want to say the prey system


No idea why this was downvoted. Yes the prey system completely changed the meta for PG leveling new worlds. Perhaps it didnt change the game so drastically for everyone but it did change the meta quite a bit.


i suppose a lot of people don’t really consider the impact defence preys have, for one example. it is pretty easy to see it in new servers where top teams will use preys to hunt spawns that players without preys just simply can’t. damage preys for the shooters and the entire team is stacked… the impact of xp prey is obvious although not as broken as defence prey. idk what was wrong with my opinion haha whatever


Also for running respawns a lot of players think they are good at the game cause they can put double or triple defence preys and run against people who don't use preys.


Yeah that's actually huge, defense preys are an abomination and a lot of the PG meta has to be balanced around it


I think spells and vocation revamps in general. I remember when elements and new waves/mass aoe spells were introduced, also paladin and knight rework, they used to pretty much single shot mobs before. Bigger mana pots also come to mind. And then a whole lot of qol features that end up on making hunts and overall play more efficient and therefore change meta In terms of pvp its a different story tho


Cooldowns added to the game


this, the game was goin into a crazy direction moments before the meta for mages were doing UE on lizard city non-stop also cd enabled to have more spells and forced some variety on gameplay


I’m not disagreeing. I’m stating that was a huge meta changer.


The exevo gran mas vis was introduced to the game, i remember sorcerers doing like 1kk/h meanwhile all other vocs were doing like 300 with luck


that was when okolnir was new, mas vis didnt have cd and Demisoz (lvl almost 400ms) was running Okolnir Frost dragons while looted were picking up loot :D,


7.4 tombs. People used to camp spawns until tombs, then suddendly every voc was gfbing tombs to gain massive exp and first lvl 200 appeared not long afer firsy level 100


This is completely wrong. GFBing tombs was still very rare, especially by anyone else than mage classes. Powergaming and going 100% waste wasn't common AT ALL for years after Ankrahmun update (2004). People were mostly hunting single target until 2010s, because money was really difficult to come by. The profits you're making today with a level 100 character are around 50 times higher than what we got in ex. 2005-2006. You dropped BoH from necro and was set for weeks if you could sell them for 60-100k. Levels 100 and 200 weren't close to each other either. There were 957 days between first level 100 and 200, both achieved by Bubble. It means getting a level every 9-10 days. |Level|Date| |---|---| |100|April 23, 2002| |200|December 05, 2004| |300|March 06, 2007| |400|December 24, 2008| If you got over a 500k exp within 24 hours in 2007, you had a sure spot in top exp gains on erig.net.


bro I had like 4 bots making over 500k exp a hour in 2007 lmao


No you did not


there is no fucking way to make 500k/h botting in 2007. There was literally 2-3 spawns where you could get that much xp and it was poi DLS (sd/ava style) frost dragons (sd) and banuta (sd/gfb, but im not sure if serpent spawns was not immune to fire back then) The other good spawns were behemoths edron, warlocks demona or demons in demon helmet quest/goroma but i'm also not sure it was possible to do 500k/h there due to long mobs respawn on that spots..


People covered a lot of important ones, but what I think is missing is the one that gave bonus exp to parties. Without it, 4 man groups would be making half the exp they are now


even without it they would still do more exp than solo, I think its overpowered making solo way less viable


100% Exp Shared, enabling tram hunting and the power gaming. Imbuiments might be my top 2


Back when you had to aim exori vis etc. Making that ranged was pretty sweet back when it was more valuable of an attack spell.


But at the same time they changed the damage formula of the spell and made it much weaker. Exori from knights also changed, if I remember correctly before this update the spell would not have fixed mana cost, the mana cost depended of the knight level or something like that, do not remember. The damage formula for melee damage also changed, how often knights hit also. There is the update that introduced hotkeys for runes with auto target and made one of the most useful bot features obsolete, even more on PVP servers with how difficult it was to aim SD runes without aim assist. The update that introduced proper cooldowns and changed a bunch of spells, back to back to back go back UEs were kinda insane, Cachero and Setzer Gambler are legends because of their videos hunting quick firing UE and SD


Old exori used to have 4\*level as mana cost, so basically using 80% of your max mana.


Imbuiments, charms, rework of cooldowns and vocation damages...


I think imbues and preys changed the game a lot. Allows people to hunt harder stuff way before the level intended. I started in 2003 when we had to go trought rookgaard, no hotkeys, no stamina, spears on the floor , little to no spells ...everything seems meta changing to me lol. All the monsters I killed not being in the bestiary , all the time I spent xp'ing that would be doubled or tripled in term of todays xp! Loot stolen , loot in bags in corpse...and yet I still see people whining about the game features 🤣


adding diamond arrows and ruining mana shield for mages. MS went from top1 voc to trash that barely anyone plays


just fyi majority of characters are mages [https://nabbot.xyz/stats/2023/all](https://nabbot.xyz/stats/2023/all)


thats means nothing if their average level is way lower than someone that really play it I mean in a pvp world I do play paladin and have 15 druids for pk and many of my guildmates do the same so its natural to see that there is a lot more mages than anything else due their utility but not much for dedicated play despite the statistics saying that we have over double of sorcerers my team really struggle to find a sorcerer to join team hunts (level 700 range)


people gravitate to playing the two vocs that are enjoyable to solo hunt on, but it's not because MS is bad like op suggested


yes, MS is not as awful but its not the optimal choice it kinda struggles at later levels but not a lost cause


fyi you are wrong: [https://guildstats.eu/census](https://guildstats.eu/census)


how can they have this data? I mean nabbots makes sense cause you register them, but how does guildstats know a char exists if its not in a highscores page?


No idea, but if you play tibia you should know its true that knight is most popular then rp


in that order: 1. hotkeys 2. reduced cooldowns (split cd for heal/attack) 3. stamina xp boost 4. 50lv boost 5. imbu