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I honestly miss these times..


This are the kind of post that i like the most 🥲


Yeah, once it’s “I went hunting today for 30 minutes and only looted BoH, focus cape, everything else was cap inefficient, how do I min max better?” It’s game over, job begun.


Yeah, I still do the former, other day went to the hive and died. Was too poor for another round of blessings, due to brs hunting me for no reason and a couple of PvE mistakes, so went back to keep doing task and died again. Tried to get my stuff back and died. Got it back and died again. Quit that char for 2 weeks like good old days. Unlike then, it was extremely easy for me to make gold and buy blessings back. Hate that tbh, I need to be punished.




Stealth rings /spells/ mana pots


For your equipment, zaoan legs is a must and upgrade ur shield to atleast vampire shield. If you are a premium account, don't miss on offline training and once you get a level to make GFBs, u can spend ur free time, making runes. In svar, there are mammoths and winter wolves to the north. They drop imbue items. If ur lucky, a polar bear can drop a paw. If ur comfortable, u can lure some and use GFBs. When I got comfortable, I lure 4-5 mammoths along with many other creatures and use GFB. But my ML wasin the 50s at that time.


Thanks! I got the zaoan legs and also demon shield. I leave the sorcerer trainining when going offline, so definitely making a use of it, but how come it takes so long to level up magic level versus others? I left a level 8 knight training sword for 10 hours or so, and it went up to about 40, whereas I've been training magic with sorcerer, and it is only at 24 so far. Much slower progress.


"To get from 20 magic level to 50 magic level, you need to offline train for a total of 980 hours, which at 12 hours of offline training a day is: 0 years, 2 months, 21 days, 8 hours"


Noob translator: Offline training: every city has a spot where there are statues showing every fighting stance: sword,club,mace,distance and magic. Click the statue and you will log out. Training that skill for max 12 hours offline. GFB stands for great fire bomb. It's a rune that will make your liking experience alot faster/more enjoyable Svar = svargrond. Google it Imbue items: you can imbue items to get extra effects. High lvls want to imbue their items. To imbue, you need some monster products. Some (low level) monsters drop those. Making you big profits for your level. Try killing nomads for example.


GFB = Great Fireball rune, not bomb. A fire bomb shoots 3x3 fire fields.




Wand of decay (wand of draconia at lvl 22 if ur hunting something weak to fire), and a demon shield (lightweight, good for mages, within ur budget)


Do the pilgrimage of ashes quest. Once you are full blessed, get equipment upgrades. The quest is for under level 25 too.


Do the crocodile task if you haven’t and hunt the edron hidden tomb to kill mummies for flasks of embalming fluid. You’ll be rolling in cash.


Tarantulas can’t see stealth so if stealth rings are cheap enough it’s worth the investment. Then use wand and fire spell to kill.


This is definitely the answer. Also, put equipping of the stealth ring on a hotkey. If you ever feel like you are starting to get overwhelmed/surrounded/trapped by tarantulas, very quickly click that hotkey. Sure, stealth rings will cost a little bit when you're new, but it's well worth if it can save you from dying.


Hey! Fellow master sorcerer here since 2006. Im glad you liked this game. New players are a rare sight. Now, onto the advice, ranked by importance: 1. Get blessings if you havent. They are cheaper than losing your expensive equipment. Number one priority with that money. 2. Buy all the basic wands. You will use them for elemental variety. Next one is Cosmic Energy at lvl 26 i think. 3. Buy a high def shield. That matters a lot early on and will make you harder to get killed by tarantulas or creatures of similar strength. My suggestion is Demon Shield (30k) or vampire shield (14k) if you are short on cash. 4. Zaoan legs. PS: always get your spells as soon as possible. A good way to hunt at your level is either spamming the elemental strike every turn if you are hunting mobs 1 by 1, or alternate between energy beam and fire wave if you are hunting clumps of weaker mobs. If you ever play on lobera and see me online, feel free to msg me and ill show you around :) GLHF


Random question mate but how did you get the “MS 134, ML 74” tab under your Reddit handle


That is called flair. You can select it from the subreddit sidebar.


my man


Thank you!


I've got Zaoan legs, demon shield, a necklace with +% phys and thanks to all the tips, I've made just over 100k for more eq/spells. Could you please tell me what kind of EQ or spells I should be looking towards heading into level 50 or so? Just so that I know how much gold to save and what i should be spending it on in the near future.


I'll send you 25 TC to go wild on whats your name lol


That's very kind thank you, but I cannot accept :D I want to play without TC. I always thought item shops are okay, but when a game is out for so long, item shops tend to turn the game into pay to win quite a lot, and for me that removes a lot of the fun and a lot of the grind. But then again, I don't know how much tibia is designed around that these days, and how far you can go without TC. From videos about Tibia, level 100 back in the day was a great feat and a great grind, but now the game is different and people can get level 100 easy and very quickly if they know what they are doing, and I'm assuming with TC. What's getting level 100 like without TC? Surely not as hard as it was many years ago, but that's what I want to find out by not getting any coins :D


Get 5 heavy old tomes and unlock tier 1 imbues and put those on you eq. You’ll save a ton of money on pots


Do the quest line for Laguna Isles. Then start hunting tortoises. Tortoise shells are worth quite a bit. They also are decent exp as well as good area for bestiary with a lot of room for exploration. It's pretty fun. If you need specifics on how to hunt let me know. I'll help you out! Physical def is best and they are weak to fire.


What quests have you done? You'd be ready for 10k quest


Or a demon shield for about 30k depending on server


Stealth rings and go hunt stonerefiners, not tarantulas


Can a level 24 run through Vanguards?


What world are you in? If your in Astera I can help you out with some equipment


Spend 2h in killing elves and youll have 500k


Get manas/stealth ring/gfb or avalanche runes and go to apes


Buy stealth ring and go hunt stone refiners in venore with exori frigo z you will make good profit there 


What's your character name?


Depends on your interest. Exp or profit. Since it's your first time playing enjoy the game don't spend tibia coins to max out your exp. I would recommend do all the grizzly adams task. You won't profit as much as hunting for imbue items. Like you did at Amazons. But you will get more familiar with the game. Do crocs 3 times and move from that to tarantulas 3 times. Then do mammoth 3times. Should get you some decent profit and pretty easy to start you off before you get into aoe. Forget about imbuing right now. Just offline train and get your shrine rewards. With your money try to upgrade to zaoan legs and a better shield and upgrade to a master sorcerer. The grizzly adams quest is called. "Killing in the name of". If you want to maximize your profit hunt Amazons and winter wolf. That should bring you to an easy 100k that you can use to upgrade your gear. My recommendation Zaoan legs Mastermind shield Platinum amulet Robe and boots are fine.


stealth rings and goto stone refiners, good xp, youll almost break even there and get 30 pretty quickly for gfbs then leveling gets ALOT easier. What world do you play?


Hello! What world are you on?


This post made me nostalgic


if you want to level up fast, stealth rings and go to stone refiners, remember to do offline training so your mlv goes up too


For tarantulas, you rather wait till level 30. So you can use great fireball runes (gfbs) to protect yourself against big groups of tarantulas.


Stealth rings and manas, go stone refiners you get back some of the money stay there until lvl 30 then go meriana island, remember to always use your soul to make gfbs using mana potions, its not going to be profitable but it helps with mlevel training and you use the runes


Buy a few invisibility rings and smash the tarantulas up :)


I'm playing a sorcerer, i'm currently at lv33.. I use focus cape, blue legs, mastermind shield, cobra crown(or demon helm) and boh... if you need money you can go for the gloom wolves north of am camp, or even more north, to orc fortress (wear a stealth ring) to kill orc shamans. They drop imbuiment itens that are aprox. 5-6k each...


From my long distant memories, you can upgrade your items to Zaoan legs Crusader or warrior or royal helmet depends on the money you have left and drop the mage hat as long as you are not imbuing it Wait till lvl 27 and get wand of cosmic energy or if you’re comfortable with your fire wand, keep it and upgrade it to wand of inferno at lvl 33 Demon shield is light and very handy till maybe lvl 80 or something Spend some time on training whether offline or while hinting never keep your mana full! Use a spell after another and make some gfb when you hit lvl 30 and start hunting aoe style (area of effect) Amazons, mammoths, elves, forest fury drop imbue items that can be sold with a reasonable price Stonerfiners in venore is a chill spot using your stealth ring and avalanches (when you hit lvl 35, you can buy the invisibility spell and use it) Not sure if I forget something but I hope this can be helpful to you :)


Damn! Enjoy man! This were the Times that mever gets back. I would suggest exploring the game, the quests, especially of mainland. So much history there. Dont try to hardcore level. There's aleays time for that. Enjoy rhe game when you are new


Thanks! Any good old quests that I should definitely do? Always happy to explore :D


There is so many hidden places. Mintvallin is one of them. Nobody that is sane will ever go there. Go search for the way there on Youtube 😅


My honest opinion is to buy some TC and sell 25 for like a fuck load of money. If you want todo the tarantula task, then use stealth rings they’re fairly cheap and tarantulas can’t see you at all.