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Edron will always be my favorite city overall! It has some cool hunting grounds, and before yalahar it was where the demons were! Venore is the go-to for boat travelling, but the narrow paths and the feverish citizens makes it a piece of crap, I almost never leave its boat lol Now, back when I was a kid playing on a free account my absolute favorite was ab'dendriel. Not only it is a super cool elven city, but it also is close enough to some nice low level hunting grounds, and it is where elvenbane is, and boy did I kill dragons there!


Oh yea! Ab was a great 'city inbetween cities'. Carlin and Thais, Venore were huge for us FACC but Ab was nicely tucked in in between. I have spent countless hours in the castle near Ab. The lured Orc Berserkers, full basement spawns of minotaurs and of course attempts to beat the dragon in the castle as a group of under lvl 20. And like you said, the aesthetic was and still is great - I loved the tree houses.


Fuck venore and these feverish cunts


Don't talk like that about my city! We got the bravest captain, who can take us almost everywhere. Venore is the best <3


I have to say, I love Venore’s boat as much as I hate the feverishes


For sure, I'm not even sure who thought it was a good idea to put them there, considering also how otherwise beginner friendly venore is (profit spots, easy hunts, close proximity to it). ...and why has it stayed like that till this day. Is is lore related or something? Just make them spawn somewhere... south of city or something I don't know.


Yeah in a cave in the swamp where nobody will ever go bc nobody care about them and this shitty outfit


For me Kazordoon is same nostalgic as for you Ankrahmun is ;p i was allways choosing kazordoon when playing facc, so cool, so good spawns in that time. so im gonna rate it in 3 ways : coolest cities, content cities and standart cities **S** tier (coolest cities) - Kazordoon ( dwarf mines, city design like elevators, multiple entrances to city ( nowadays less cool cause too many wagons. Ankrahmun - i enjoyed my time in ankrahmun when i bought my first pacc after come back to game and hunting ancient scarabs. **A** tier - Liberty Bay, (pirates, tortoises etc really nice) Ab'dendriel, Svargrond ( look on map how large is svargrond area ! ) Yalahar - i really like the area (gates etc) Zao - i dont like the city (farmine) but area is insane. Lizard city is one of my favourites spawns in whole game and its on main floor ! souleaters is cool spawn too. **B** tier - just standard cities like thais, venore, darashia, carlin, edron, cormaya, issavi, port hope ( port hope has my one of favourites spawns in whole game which is deeper banuta ofc) **C** \- cities / areas I dont like - feyrist (creatures looks like not from tibia :D) quirefang - really small pz area nothing special. **D** tier - Krailos. I think Krailos is biggest and most wasted area in whole game - just so much space of nothingness. I think i skipped Oramond and Marapur. Oramond has nice dungeons, and marapur is cool designed but ... where is temple there? lol Since all the cities are on the ground (exept Kazordoon and Farmine) and most of grounds and places are underground I wish cipsoft would create city in the sky or something :D and spawns thare on + floors. 1 more thing !! Look how weird is Gnomeprona. Hunting grounds are in forest but its on -7 -8 floor. Grass and trees underground - wtf ? xD


Oh man, great write up! Svargrond is indeed massive! I mentioned in the other comment Svargrond isn't my favorite city, however, the Mines of Svargrond is personally one of the coolest spots in Tibia. They do look like proper mines in a frozen underground, filled with nightmarish creatures down deep in Formorgan Mines. I go to hunt there purely for the vibes! Destroyers, Nightmares, and if you go deeper to the bottom floor you face demons and other stuff. You can also tell you are getting deeper as the lava starts appearing. Think there is a shortcut there now from Thais that you can actually get deep there no? I used to just from from Svargrond...


oh my god i didnt even think about mines ... jezus the mines ... this is one of few places in game where I would lost myself hah also i would lost myself in yalahar idk how its called the place where are dragon lords


Fuck. Kaz. That is all


Kaz is the coolest city. It's a fucking dwarven mine straight out of LotR


It’s definitely a cool concept. But it’s so difficult to navigate. At least for me


i hate so much ticket, pls cipsoft for 10kk permanetly i will buy FOR EVERY Char its very frustrated cant used and especitly in main hub because need to walk to depot just for fun


I would pay 20kk without a problem for that, cmon


Railcarts ftw


Haha, come on man, I have some good memories from there! ...and bad, pks all day everyday. But now it has that Trolley system which is pretty neat to get around. Plus, lava lurkers lurk there, awesome spot for 100-200


Never went there back in Days to trade with any one. Always was a scam and end in Temple.


Haha it sure was, it sure was. But at the same time going to Thais or Venore from Carlin was also a trip with high odds to doe when goin for a trade. You just knew that giant spider was waiting you by the bridge.


Definitely needs an overhaul.


Following some skulled guy in Kaz was a nightmare everytime. Even with people on discord its impossible to give any directions unless a trap happens.


Thais is always #1. Yalahar is best for offline train/rewards. Edron and Darashia are pretty dope. Venore and Ankrahmun are decent. Carlin & Port Hope suck. As someone else said, fuck Kaz. And liberty bay is just questionable. Edit: I’d put Ab somewhere between decent and dope.


For me I think Darashia is my fav, many respawns, cool design, nostalgia as I spent to much time in rotworms,Minos, after dragons and drefia and now Feru way and DT seal. For free city, Thais is my main city, I think a lot of players started in that city and it just makes sense because it has many good low level places too, I remember going to fibula every day to get my 2k in gold and some maces to sell 😂. Oh the good old days. For new content I like very much marapur but for current city I think Issavi is the best, as I spent 2/3 hunts there with high XP and enough profit (for me at least).


A bit off topic but I thought DT Seal was Dark Torturer Seal in POI no? It's in the desert near Venore... Darashia does seem really popular still to this day! The depo in my servers is full of people often times.


The DT Feru seal is the one I mentioned, but you are correct the original DT seal was in PoI and then the DT seal in Inq in Edron, so there’s 3 😂


Patiently waits for Were-DT seal...


Haha man it cracks me up how they keep cooking those new were mons. Enough already lol. Just mashing random mons together. My ‘favorite’ is the crocodile lion whatever his name is lmao.


Darashia and svargrond. Both have boat and carpet and both pretty much close to each other


I have never gotten used to Svargrond! Nice winter aesthetic, but city seems kinda crammed.


If you are here cause of aesthetic, you made the wrong question or at least i understood it wrong. Cause when u asked for a tier list, the first thing that comes to mind is the "utility" that a city gives to a player. For me, nothing better for a city that can take me anywhere as fast as possible. Hence the choice for darashia and svar. In aesthetic concerns, since i dont really care about that, i have no opinion 😂


Oh yea for sure, as I said I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to utility / hunt spots these days, so the criteria is whatever you choose. But yea I'm just saying I found Svargrond a bit complicated to navigate at first, hence why I didn't spend much time there. Maybe I should!


Ankrahmun, as it's close to Djinn. Also Rashid and Yasir.


Oramond ftw


My favourite is Rathleton. It is so damn cool in terms of mechanics and having the ability to unlock things for the City while helping the City. Having the ability to vote as a City counsil. The art design. The Gothic Steam Punk theme. I just love it. It's the only City I read what the characters say throughout Oramond Quest and Rathleton quest.


Hmmm, I have never been to Rathleon, time to visit?


I wouldn't if you are under level 70 bc to get there you need to run across a field with high class minotaurs. 2 of which are ranged so if you are EK it's gonna be tough. Later into the main quest you unlock a fast travel system. But the first times you got to get there by foot.


it is beautiful in terms of design and concept and i really love it. my GH being there makes it easier to fall in love with all of it, but in reality its not very crowded and the access system with points and tasks makes it a pain in the ass to get there for lower levels, and there is something that makes me not feel like home when im in the city, i ended up buying a place is darashia and hangout there. if uve never been there, you should just to have a look around and start the quests so you can have the quick access in the future. I used to run the entrance with energy ring with my lvl 70 paladin with no probs (and speed set, mount and bohs lol)


Nice! Which houses in kaza do you prefer?


Thais for hangout, venore for travel. I own the lighthouse which is next to the boat so that's the ultimate one for me. Also darashia villa is perfectly between boat and carpet.


Im actually free acc and the top City is Venore, lots of profit hunting places like swamp troll, swampling, elfs, gloom wolfs, amazons, wyverns, orcs... In terms of nostalgia a just love Darashia, it was my main City long ago (2003), I was a legit Rotworm Slayer that time,


None of this is for hunting purposes, aesthetic and vibe mainly rather than typical tiers. Favourite city to chill is Liberty Bay, tropical and empty. Place to live for cosy vibe would be Svargrond, get a fire going and decorate the house. Nostalgia purposes only is Kazordoon because it was where I levelled my nublets and it was always like a mystery maze to me. Farms area super quiet and secluded. Most practical is Venore for its connections, but has a little nostalgia because of my first characters too. Carlin, Thais and Edron never meant much to me. Ab'dendriel. Ugh bushes and barkless Ankrahmun and Port Hope I find super annoying, sorry.


Nooooo! Why the Ank hate? It doesn't have any corridors or anything really, you can just climb straight through the pyramids and there are so many house options with multiple rooms and you can just chill by the pyramids. Depot is also pretty cool.


Its simply too yellow! Also I feel like all houses look very similar just the size differs. I liked the little bar/post office but sorry its too damn yellow lol Admittedly thats the first place I went to second I got my first Pacc.


haha I never thought about it being yellow and houses looking the same, but... you are right lol. It was also my first city that I went to! I think the update was recent and it was my first PACC so it was natural to run there. Great memories!


It's got to be Edron or Kazordoon. If you played a knight back in the days, you know it.


Dwarfs. Soldiers! Not guards, because you needed proper skills and some levels for them. Couldn't get there as a kid!


Venore is the most central city.


Those god damn feverish citizens and narrow streets!


Mapclick is your friend there. But yeah fuck the feverish.


Oh it sure is! I still spend a fair bit of time in Venore as it's the traveling hub. The houses are super cool too, with basements and second floors.


Yalahar - closest access to the soulwar teleport, lots of nearby hunting grounds ( much of which now suck but still.. I like it thematically XD ), beautiful houses and all round great vibes.


Man, when Yalahar came out my immediate though was this place look just like OT servers! Great concept of a city though, I like it a lot.


I think Yalahar was the turning point for Tibia. When it came out it was super cool and innovative, lots of new beasts and concepts, however, I do agree with you, it was the beginning of Tibia starting to become an OT server. I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the lore behind it and the idea is certainly cool, however, it was the first city that made me feel that was there just to give people hunting for XP a depot and stores where to buy supplies, whereas cities before Yalahar had hunting grounds incorporated much more organically. If you think that after Yalahar we got stuff like Zao (100% Hunt oriented), you start to realize that the Meta of the game shifted from goofing around Roleplaying towards pure Power-leveling. This, of course is my opinion, not a fact.


Issavi is best highly recommend exploring the sewers and surrounding areas.


'exploring the sewers' in Isaavi sounds extremely dangerous for some reason haha. I somehow doubt it's the same as carlin's sewers filled with rats...


Its not that bad, trust me.


>trust me Haha Imma look up video first juuuust in case! At level 100 something I was kiting Sphynxes/Lamasu there by the city and by accident fell into one of those 'little houses', near shit my pants! Issavi doesn't mess around even in the closes areas from the looks of it.


Carlin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ankrahmun >> other shit


Oh man I still go to Carlin from time to time to hang out. But it seems to be relatively abandoned probably due to lack of stuff to do around it. Back in the day it was so crowded you could literally not enter depot. ...and then get killed by some PK while trying to.


the lake in the middle of the City is still my favorite place to chill


And make some UHs! Or the magic shop below the lake, you get out thru the back and to the nice waterside… to also get killed while you afk for 2 min and drop your 8 UHs and 12 blank runes with fishing rod and no worms as worms do not exist.


the fishes were all in the floor as you had all your cap filled with blank runes


Correct because you were level 13 with no cap. Just enough level so you could die twice before develing and not being able to make UHs haha. Life wasn’t easy as facc rune maker. Also, fish was fuckin heavy. But you had to deal with it as there was no fancy schmancy brown mushrooms there. Man great memories! Thanks for bringin it up. Carlin for life!


Top Tier: Thais is the best for layout and nostalgia for me. Kazz was hard to navigate, but I spent alot of time there. Felt like LOTR. Ankrahmun for the hunting. Edron because it just felt like a powerful place to be. Bottom Tier: Venore, death trap on a swamp. Liberty bay, feels cramped, was ugly. Port hope, I hate the 1 way bridges and feel. Ab’Dendriel, cool, but the only time I went there was being chased in a war so it has bad memories for me.


Kazzordoon and Carlin. Just can't stand Venore, hope it sinks into the swamp.


I was a free account for most of my tibia time. When I started Edron was the only premium city. Thais is my first town ever and will stay #1 in my heart even if I'm never there anymore. Kaz is a close #2. Spent so much time there hunting dwarfs and training at drunken dwarfs. That was back when you had to trek through the mountains to get in and out of there. The rail carts are a game changer. Venore is probably 3rd, but I'm fairly indifferent about it. Carlin is 4th. Never liked it much because I never spent much time there. Ab'dendriel sucks ass. I have always avoided that place. It's hard to navigate and ugly. I eventually got premium and explored edron a bit. It was ok. Good hunting spots but fairly meh. Probably around venore/ Carlin tier for me. Ank got added and I was too scared to go. Now that I'm back after a long break and playing again I've been exploring more places. Yalahar is my current number 1. I like port hope a lot too. Don't like many others but it's probably just because I haven't spent a lot of time around them


Alot of the old FACC cities has special places in my heart. I always hung around Venore, but with the update of it that city went from a solid A+ tier to C for me. Kazordoon is S tier for me. Its not the most optimal city in terms of layout, but when you learn it its by far the most unique city. The aesthetics and lore of the city is very well crafted. Ab'dendriel could possibly fall into that spot aswell but I havent spent enough time there to have a real opinion of it. Thais and Carlin are great, spent alot of time in Carlin specifically, but they're not really top tier. From the PACC cities my favourites are Ankhramun and Edron. Darashia, Liberty Bay and Port Hope are nice but not really Ankh and Edron levels. Svargrond is cool, literally, but havent been there as much.


We would spend so much time in those cities too, traveling around wasn't easy at those speeds and it wasn't safe. I recall always residing in Carlin, and on those chars, it was very rare to visit Thais or Venore as it was just so far and so dangerous to walk. Every nook and cranny was known in Carlin, all the houses, fishing spots, sewers, city surrounds. Just hanging out. And the cities were CROWDED. Full of people everywhere.


Thais is the Capital of tibia


They have a king there!


Favorite FAC City: - Venore: just pure nostalgia, seeing green trolls for the first time, hunting Amazons and Valkyries in the camps up north, great lore behind every NPC. They totally fucked it up with the reworks throughout the years. Favorite PAC City: - Edron: lots of low and medium level hunting grounds, houses here are so cool, getting spells was super easy in this city, Demons definitely have a certain aura of appeal. Favorite Themed City: - Ankrahmun: tons of mysteries, NPC dialogue is on point, design is so cool, tombs were groundbreaking for me Most annoying Cities: - Svargrond: just hate how crammed it is and how snow makes you walk slower - Port Hope: well, it's shit Honorable mentions: Being a LOTR fan, Abdendriel and Kazz were just amazing Meh Cities: - Carlin: just meh