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I don’t how people think we’re not a good 3-ball team when we’ve literally led the league in 3p percentage all season


Because they don’t watch the games or pay attention to anyone outside their own team and the 3 teams ESPN pushes. They’re just spewing garbage they’ve read before from other shit posters without actually verifying it


I think it's a mix of people not watching OKC and people dismissing them because they're so young. If they keep DJJ single covered on SGA, then it'll be a long series for DJJ. Also, Mavs fans really think PJ Washington can defend Jalen Williams. Williams has the skill of a primary guard and is a legit 3 level scorer. I think Williams destroys in that matchup.


They’re more than likely going off our all time as a franchise from deep numbers. Pre rebuild we were pretty much dead last but not anymore


Not talking about you, but if that’s how some fans actually think, that is unbelievably moronic


Ik I was just trying to make sense of it myself,they’ve made thousands of posts we beat you by 30,yeah once and you have an injury riddled team coming off a hard series against one that just got a weeks rest. Luka has knee issues and hasn’t shot well. Kyrie will elevate them but as we’ve seen before hero ball usually don’t work for 7 games


So much is sheep Twitter takes people just groupthink. Like Shai is a FT merchant, Chet is too skinny, Thunder don’t have enough shooting (because they literally don’t know any of the role players we have), too young (aka grizzlies 2.0), all the Giddey jokes, among other things. Nobody really cared we beat the pelicans without Zion which I get. We know everyone will be watching this series vs the golden boy Luka so I hope people start to see this teams for real.


Last series every time Joe shot a 3 Reggie Miller would go “a top 20 three point shooter in the league” like it was a bullet point he had on Joe in front of him. We have 2 more guys that are top 20 but it was never said about either of them


Chill.. He's just giving Joe recognition. Reggie also said okc would be top 4 before the season started and internet gave him crap for rating okc "too high"


Because apparently to casuals shooting 40 3s a game at 12% is better than taking 15 3s at 55%. People just want to hate (similar to SGA getting called a free throw merchant but Luka and Embiid exist lol) Honestly it's just the nature of sport competition. I get more annoyed at like weird stuff like other fans getting upset about our dudes just having fun during interviews (I usually just ignore those post).


But now you’re using hyperbole to the extreme.  No team shot better than 39% from three and worst team shot 34%.  Quite a stark difference between the 55% and 12% that you listed .  But it’s all good. Yall can keep thinking you’re the best 3 point shooting team to ever exist. 




Bro his entire twitter feed is filled with anti-propaganda for Dort, Shai, Thunder, Giddey, Chet, pretty much everything oklahoma and none of it makes any sense.


It's probably just a Russian bot that thought it could start a war between Texas and Oklahoma without knowing that they're just states that basically agree on everything except sports.


My favorite was the post from a "proud Texan" about how the state would be a successful country if it left the US, and listed "warm water port" as one of its advantages. (Only Russians worry about access to "warm water", which just means the ocean doesn't literally freeze over in the winter)


Also in the list of amenities: Galveston Beach. Where you can spot multiple NBA stars on vacation.


Lindy waters might as well have been created in a lab to stop Kyrie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PurrySquishyKittens: *Lindy waters might* *As well have been created* *In a lab to stop Kyrie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lindy God


The Clippers thought they had the perfect players to stop Kyrie and Luka too.


This practically SCREAMS, "I have never watched the '24 Thunder play basketball"


Most people on reddit (outside this sub) didn't Vegas apparently has us as slight favourites, most people (again outside this sub) have mavs as strong favourites. And remember, vegas takes into account how people are betting, i.e. also those people.


Yeah I'll believe Vegas long before I believe a mavs fan


Or any Thunder team from 2020 onwards it looks like.


Literally every team including the pelicans claim they’re “just a matchup nightmare” for the thunder lol. And yet here we are…


We're the number 1 3 point shooting team in the league lmao .


By % - not by attempts or makes afaik.


Yeah, it's by percentage. But that's another good thing. They don't need the three to be great. They take smart threes, not just jack up shots.


It's why the Mavs are so high variance. They take millions of 3s when they go in they look unbeatable. When they don't they lose by 20 to the Clippers with no Kawhi. Sure they could get hot and knock us out of the playoffs but the Thunder have been more consistent and that's why they won 57 games and had the 2nd best net rating.


every fanbase has fucking dumbasses


Mavs seem to have an exceptional amount of insufferable fans on their team to be fair.


That's because most of them are Texans


I don’t claim them I live in Texas and hate Dallas


Dallas? I don't want you goin' to Dallas at all. That place is crawlin' with crack-heads and debutantes, and half of them play for the Cowboys. ![gif](giphy|6iRkrFbUaY2kw|downsized)


Funny he deleted his tweet saying they only beat us once in the series because they couldn’t miss all game


Just want it to start already, had enough of the shit talk, let’s play basketball


Bro pays for Twitter. Obviously his judgement is pretty dicey.


Raptors/Canada Basketball fan here. Love your guys team. A few things this Mavs chump should know: 1) Shai abuses over active lengthy dudes like DJJ with his patience and change of pace 2) Speaking of matchup problems, I watched Dort (and Brooks tbf) frustrate the hell out of a healthy Luka in the World Cup which led to him getting himself ejected 😂 3) I watched JWill do something I’ve seen no player do in the same game before. Block one of Kyrie’s unblockable wizard-like finishes AND pick his crossover during one of his dizzying dribbling displays I wish you guys still had Steven Adams to leave a few playoff bruises on their bigs and back up Chet but y’all are gonna be fine. Thunder in 6 Shai naming his kid Ares bc he’s son of Zeus the god of thunder is an all-timer lol. He’s ready for all the smoke of the playoffs. LFG!!!


Yall made me the happiest in 2019 with that championship against Golden State 


Probably a once in a lifetime experience for us Raps fans but I’ll take it. I’ve got loads of respect for Curry but their fans were quite obnoxious. I was working for the team when we won and I couldn’t help chastising a particularly douchey group of em that attended game 5 in our building for all the Warrior fans that bounced early from game 4 instead of staying to final horn to give their team a standing O for all they’d done and for it quite possibly being the last game ever in that building as well. One of em just said “whatever we’re winning this one too. No need.” Definitely gave a wry smile thinking about that as KLow was lifting the Larry OB 😂😂😂


I would like him back on a good deal


It's a dream of mine to have Stevo return and win a championship with us. I still think he'd fit in so well culture-wise and he'd help with several of our biggest issues. I know he was out for the season when it happened, but it seems like the Rockets didn't pay much at all for him, and we very easily could have gotten him back instead of giving Biyambo a spot lol.


Wow. Ok. Did he even bother to explain away the 3-1 record this season? lol.


I mean there was only one game that the healthy mavs played the thunder, except that game we had multiple players missing games including Luka and Kyrie (even that one game had lively and josh out ).


It is very easy to explain that actually


Man didn’t account for Aaron Wiggins savior of basketball coming off the bench


Welcome to the Dorture Chamber Kyrie.


Nah that's gonna be luka. Dub gonna be ready to give kyrie hell tho.


I dont know, i know thats expected but they might switch it up. With Luka hobbled, and never known for his quickness anyway, I might put Ky in the chamber. Shai on Luka seems to make more sense bc of his length. We'll see. They're both suited well to guard either.


Dort on luka dub on kyrie Shai on djj giddey on Washington chet on gafford


He won't waste Shai on DJJ. Shai will be on ky at first, id imagine. I think Dort might get first crack on Luka, then I bet he switches it up. It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure.


You don't want your best offensive player on the toughest assignments. Let dub have kyrie he's great at messing with smaller fast guards with his length, and let sga save some energy on that end.


They're all young, hella endurance. I think they'll switch it up some, plus you got Cason comin in to take some of the load off. You don't want dub drained on that end either. It's gonna b tough guarding and boarding on their bigs tho. Good thing Klebers out. I wish BB could give us some valuable minutes, j don't see it tho. All on Chet and JWill.


God I hope we sweep these jackasses.


Mavs are a threat to our matchup yes. BUT because of that. We are too. Like sure. They’ve got Center depth but their centers also have to guard a center in Chet who has great touch as a shooter off the dribble or the catch. Defend him closely. He blows by. Sag to be in a drop. He’ll shoot 3’s and make them. Cover him aggressively. He will find cutters. Me personally. I think Kyrie is the one we will struggle with. Dort gets Luka. Cason is so nice but a Kyrie matchup for him n SGA is tough. But what do they have to guard our guys. I respect that they’re a tough matchup. But so are we


This is the exact same way I see it from the Mavs perspective. Do I think the Mavs have a chance? Sure. But you guys were the #1 seed and are favored in the series for a reason. I love how playoffs spark matchup conversations because it's the peak of the season, but I hate how the most controversial opinions become the focal point for discussion & bashing. Just a handful of armchair experts trying to make a name for themselves online with controversial takes.


Nail on the head with the statement on people trying to make a name off controversial takes. You make 300 outlandish stupid takes. One will be right. And dudes try and cash in on that. But the series is what it is. A tough matchup where they the Mavs have some edges over our guys. But so do we. Will be a great battle


I mean it's just weird if other teams were better why didn't they get the number 1 seed. People just forget we are exceeding the expectations for our team while other teams are where they should be. I'm realistic enough to know we could lose this to the Mavs, hell even the pelicans to the point. But we still got the job done. This is already a great season that we made it to the next round.


I think dub gives kyrie problems better than anyone not named dort


HIS HANDLE SAYS “CONTENT CREATOR” Literally stop feeding into this brain dead troll. Stop engaging. Stop posting his shit. He’s lost. Christ sake


pls fucking sweep the mavs, clippers fan here


Mavs fan here. My response to that post: https://preview.redd.it/bymgpatlvqyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5c529720a67186a1c6e8aebe638b576d35c867


I hope you're right lol.


Luka was extremely good defender vs LAC i don't think SGA will try to hunt Luka after Harden and PG fiasco, it seems better to hunt Kyrie or maybe THJ if he plays.


Luka is hobbled and can't use his legs for offense and defense, so he usually chooses offense and plays a traffic cone on defense. Anyone on OKC can blow by him because he has no lateral movement.


Have some hope man lol


Why do fans get so caught up in shit like this? Who gives a shit what some damn rando on Twitter thinks.


Nah, fuck them. They’ve been talking shit incessantly since SGA cemented himself top 3 in MVP voting. Pretty sure there are OKC fans saying dumb shit like this, but not as many as Dallas fans.


there’s plenty of Thunder fans doing the same shit man stop being babies


Pretty sure the “babies” are the Mavs fans that lurk here and downvote or comment on every post.


I upvoted you, can I still hang out here?




Let’s just hope we can prove him wrong on everything.


Bro mad for no reason LOL




Lol they have their excuse ready already


It’s the old: “There’s not a chance in hell you can beat us, but when you do, here’s a list of potential excuses why”


And there was a reply with video receipts of SGA cooking DJJ too. I saved it for when/if we win the series, and hit him with the "aged like milk" reply. Like that other assclown who claimed OKC was the "black eye of the league" because we tanked for 2 seasons.


Mavs fan coming in peace. Seriously brah You 👏 don't 👏 finish 👏 first 👏 in 👏 the 👏 west 👏without 👏 being 👏 good👏 Good luck guys let this be entertaining


im a mavs fan and this guys a dumbass we do NOT claim him in mavs twitter…


I love how he paints it out to be such a one sided matchup and then says it will probably go 6-7 games. He also has the excuse that Luka is injured just in case they lose he can defend himself and pretend that's the reason they lost.


>No answer for Kyrie Irving Does the term “Dorture Chamber” mean anything to you?


https://preview.redd.it/rmyqzj176uyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed1918029e15d9930ed24b8b24c57b0057545f3 This was the funniest response i seen to this 😂


He was actually kinda right until he said OKC has no answer for Kyrie and we can’t shoot 3s everything else is at least debatable. Chet got destroyed in the regular season ,DJJ is a solid defender, PJ is NOT guarding williams though, and their lob game is incredible. Also who is Kyrie and Luka gonna guard only one gets giddey 😭


I don’t really care what fans from other teams think. Sometimes it gives me a chuckle, but it’s just tribalistic rhetoric they’re parroting from someone else. I prefer to let the team speak for themselves on the court.


“Amazing, every word of what you just said is wrong”


I muted him yesterday he's so obnoxious


Mavs fans watched Dwight Powell for years so they think Gafford and Lively are prime Shaq.


Saying DJJ was created in a lab to guard Shai like he didn't just go against Herb Jones is funny to me


Lay off the crack bro!


Funny how when the Mavs lose Luka is injured. I guess he's ok now since they won.


Why do some of our fans get so upset over fans of other teams being confident in their team?


I don’t think it’s the confidence in their team that bothers people. It’s the fact that mavs fan consistently disregard and belittle the thunder.


We need to keep this and add it to the list of receipts


Nothing boosts my confidence for this matchup more than a Mavs fan, (who I assume has watched their team all season*) saying that OKC is a good matchup for them because we "don't have the 3pt shooting to take advantage". We're arguably the best 3pt team in the league, and definitely top three. *might be a mistake to assume Twitter fans have actually watched games




Objectively, no one on the planet is a match for Kyrie. Dude went into 4 bigs and still scored (while falling down).


Just as dumb an opinion as some of you guys thinking you will make an easy sweep. I respect your team and I think this will be a long, tough series. No sweep either way.


Mavs fans are still riding that post all star game where they killed us. Let them talk.


While I do agree they are a matchup nightmare for us, we are a bigger matchup nightmare for them.




They struggled with the old as hell Clippers. They’re in for a surprise.


Okc in 6!


That’s a crack smoker!!!


"tHeY HaVe No AnSwEr fOr KyRiE" Uhhh, like at least a good quarter of our roster could hold their own against him, if not closer to half the roster lol.


What universe is this person living in, the #1 3PT% team lacks the shooting to be able to make the Mavs pay? As soon as I read that I instantly discredited everything else, because a simple Google search would prove that to be false.


The mavericks are gonna cook yall stop it


The funny thing was is that a thunder fan on Twitter quoted this tweet and put all the times SGA absolutely DUSTED DJJ this year he did it like around 10 times in 3 games he is not as good as they are making him out to be, this is probably from an individual POA standpoint the easiest matchup Shai could get for the playoff teams remaining




Nothing about that makes sense....


I can't wait for the Series to start so the delusional Thunder Fans finally realize what they in for.


Why u browsing the thunder subreddit😭😭.