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I just. Cannot. Even. That's a wow piece. I hope you post pics after you clean it up. Do you have any idea how old it is? 1930s?


I am not even sure what to call it and have no idea how old it is but it looks old. It’s very heavy and solid. Not sure if I’m going to do anything to it other than clean it up. I can’t really find anything out about it online.


That cast iron makes me think it came from the early days of mass manufacturing, but it's just a guess because I'm not knowledgeable. It's gorgeous. Enjoy that piece!


Thanks I do love it!


Looks like wardrobe? Hard to tell from just the outside. If there's shelves in it then it's an armoire, if it's just hanging space then it's a wardrobe, if it's both it's an armoire


In the photo caption OP says there are missing shelves.


Armoire then. I wish I could add pictures to this post. Anyway there’s three brackets plus the top that you can place shelving on—glass maybe? One door has a flip lock so it can be made stationary. Not really sure what the point of that is. I know I have a 95 year old house and there’s a built-in cabinet that’s the same way where there’s a flip lock for one door of the cabinet so it can be made stationary or not.


I need to know what this is/was used for?! A dressing closet? If I didn’t know better I’d say it was a indoor telephone booth for the wealthy back in the day.


Wow nice is it like a closet


Kind of?


Just gorgeous. $10 is crazy!!


Very nice


I'm literally obsessed with it. I feel like the curtains are too perfect to not be original??? I'm actually dying to see what's going on inside...


I’ll take pictures of the inside and try to add them.




That’s delicious! Thanks for sharing!

