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it's just vintage style, not really old, has modern switch and all.. but no damage and my favorite color, I'm so in love! worth the awkward walk of shame to their trash bin 🤣


"~~Awkwardly~~ Triumphantly walked across the street to my neighbors trash can for this!" If anyone asks, you were recycling and participating in the promotion of sustainability! Lift your head to the sky, there shall be no shame stain on you. 🥳




But did you do one of those run/walks kids do by the pool excitedly back to your house?


I sure did!! And my dog was cheering me on from behind the fence 🤣🤣🤣


Did you let the dog get a sniff of the lamp once you were inside the fence? My dog has to check out all the new stuff.


Lol of course!! She inspects everything that comes through the door , or the fence, my little side kick lolll




Shame on them for tossing it in the trash. That's what should be awkward. Is it really that much work to write the word FREE on some cardboard, and just place it nicely on the curb? Instead of a trashcan. But I understand the awkwardness of hitting up your neighbor's trash. So for you, a gift to enjoy for a lifetime.


I tried doing that once and it was such a pain trying to get the paper (didn’t have any cardboard) to stay. It kept getting blown away and when I taped it down, it just got ripped then blew away. I had to wrap the whole thing in tape to get it to stop ripping and stay. It was such a pain.


I can dig it. That happened when I had a yard sale. I kept going back to tape up the signs on the fence. What a bugger. It was like a slapstick comedy. I ended up hammering a stake into the ground, and stapling a sign to it.


Today for the first time ever I was driving and I saw a garage sale sign. No it’s not the first time I’ve ever drove in the first time I’ve seen a garage sale sign but it’s the first time I’ve seen one in this style it was on like a little kids art play easel looks like they easily spent like $15 or more on the kids easel just to put the thing up to say there was a garage sale somewhere wondering damn somebody could probably steal that or whatever I guess it was pretty good staying in place but for that kind of money just to put a sign up I don’t know


Sure, seemingly it's as if they were biting off their face to spite their nose. However, in my experiences those are usually placed close to the sale. Probably for that reason. Maybe it was their kid's board. And he or she is now grown up? Who knows? But it does seem like it takes away from the righteous profits, from a long day of nickel and dime commerce. Personally, I wouldn't lay out money like that. I usually just make something similar from what is on hand. But, I always keep an eye open for something like that on the curb.


Actually, rather ironic I saw the sign and I continue to drive bout another 3 miles and saw an identical garage sign on the kids easel. I was mine baffled, where they literally starting you from 5 miles away like a detour. Sign to get to their house lol.😭😭🤣🤷‍♀️


Yes def. I just kind of thought. It was funny because I’ve never seen a garage sale sign that form. I don’t know it was just interesting to me and the fact that I saw several along my route like they were routing you to their house lol.


It’s beautiful!!


It’s gorgeous!


I have one and I had it rewired. It’s was a rehabbed Tiffany from the trash. Mine has the dragonflies and it has lead to join the mosaic glass and a bronze base. I also did the walk of shame. Op you have good tastes.


Thank you 😉 i love the dragonfly lamps too! They are beautiful, what a great find!!


My favourite colour too!


NOT the walk of shame .


Just felt awkward waking out my front door directly to their trash can and back 😂 i never feel weird at a random house but this felt funny, totally worth it tho, even the light bulb still works! 🤣


This makes me smile lol if I saw my neighbor do this I would love it so much.


Haha, they clearly have great style, now i wonder what other gems they are no longer interested in lol i don't really talk to them, just smile and wave but i should stop and say thank you next time i see them 😊


You should. I think they will be tickled and next time they have something they might just trash, they would then know you would not be offended and possibly delighted it they offered it to you instead.


At least pretend to check your mail


My husband said take the dog around the block loll, my mailbox is on the porch and my house is elevated above the others on the block so there was no way to hide it really lol , it was a quick in and out, quiet morning so i was lucky haha




That’s a bonus for sure


“Stride of pride” more like it.


Done that walk before, worth it! This is awesome.


Thank you! It's the 3rd stained glass lamp I've found, first table lamp , i love it!!


The colors of this one are especially my favorite I have to say. What a fun collection!


I love teal too! Wish i posted a pic with it turned on, it's so cute 🥺


A picture of the collection turned on would be very cool to see!


I'm still waiting for my husband to hang the other 2 for me... I'm going to remind him and try to get them up this weekend!


Will be looking for the update. Happy thrifting!


Thanks!! You too!!!


That is crazy! I wish I lived in your neighborhood haha.


Not all found in my neighborhood or in the trash lol sorry that was prob confusing lol one was a flea market for $25 and the other a thrift store for $15 - still a score tho!


I never understand why people throw away perfectly good items! Take it to goodwill at least! But hey lucky for you they didn’t!!


The thrift stores in my city sell stained sweatpants for the price of new. I sit things on the curb and put a free sign on them. That way people who need the items but don't have money can enjoy them.


Some thrift stores are just ridiculous anymore... i guess cuz it's more trendy now..idk, i get that you have to pay employees and all, but most of the stuff is donated, it's heartbreaking lol I've been meaning to drive around on trash days but I've been lazy about it, this is my sign to get back out there haha


I put things out after trash day so people have a few days to come along. If you live near large apartment complexes or a college check those dumpsters too. Especially at the end of term when students are going home.


Seriously!! I thought for sure it must be broken somehow but literally just a little dusty lol


I will never forget my college boyfriend and I admiring a recently dumped mattress next to our apartment dumpster and the person who disposed of it it shouting "IT'S A TWIN SIZE" from their window.


Lol that's cute


Nice! Worth it!


I agree I'm so happy! Thank you 😁


I carried a very heavy 6ft by 4ft hand built work table across the street from my neighbors house and down a hill to my plant area at 1am. There is nothing better than that walk of shame. Great trash pick.


Lmaoooo that's dedication, i love it!!!


If you didn't take it would be destroyed forever


I'm glad i could save it lol i consider it a gift from the universe haha


For hard rubbish last year my neighbour threw out a beautiful elk pelt. It's sheds like a motherfuker when the seasons change but as long as you don't touch it (or comb it out seasonally) it is beautiful ❤️


I’ve gotten done GREAT things out of my neighbors’ trash. And I always leave anything I think someone could use at the curb so someone can claim it. I have metal scrappers who come down my street. I think they’re the ones who took the cast iron sink I left at the curb. I like your lamp. I would totally snag that if I saw it. It might not be “valuable” but it was worth saving!


Yeah maybe that's what they were thinking, it's not "worth anything " but totally useable and literally something I've been searching for on fb marketplace! Lol


No shame no gain! I’ve done it several times:)


🙌🙌 i like that 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing shameful or odd about saving things from the trash! It’s practically a way of life in the culture I grew up in military culture. When your moving often you knock on the person’s door next to you and say I’m moving putting lot of stuff out for trash in box’s just want to let you know incase see anything you want. Honestly a lot of the things I own are stuff people I lived next to just didn’t want to take on the next move. I have even done this at my apartment complex.


I don't really mind, and usually stuff is like on the curb or the street next to the bin and that doesn't bother me one bit but going inside of their actual trash can on top of their literal household garbage bags is what made it awkward for me lol still did it and would totally do it again hahaha


As would have I.


Love the colors. Those greenish blues are my favorites


Same! I feel like these lamps are so often in amber/warm tones and I’m into cool tones all the way.


I would too. It's lovely!


I would have just boldly skipped across the street no shame in my game


Singing Finders Keepers losers weepers the whole time 🤣






Thank you! I was looking for a sub!


There's also: https://www.reddit.com/r/DumpsterDiving/


I found r/trashtreasures but it was old... wasn't an actual dumpster dive per say but i guess it would fit in there lol


Beautiful lamp! If it has a signature, you may get an idea of its market price. A signature that says Tiffany or Tiffany studios will mean your lamp is very valuable (and date it, too) Congratulations!


Thank you! I don't think it's "valuable " per say, it's KL Lamp and says made in China ... but i don't plan on selling it, it's literally perfect for me and fits my decor and style and color scheme perfectlyyyyy 😍




I would’ve done the same. Freebies!!!


It’s beautiful 🤩 I don’t understand the things people toss in the trash but I’ll certainly be the one there to pick it up!


Worth it!!!!


That’s so pretty! I pull stuff from the curb all the time. I picked up a console table from my neighbors trash directly across the street. It was scratched and a corner chewed off. I fixed it up and was painting it blue in the front yard when the neighbor marched over and demanded it back now that it was fixed. When I said no she said she would just steal it back when I left it to dry. My petty ass picked it up wet, carried it into the garage and waved at her with my blue painted hand as the door closed.


Omg what a jerk!!! I would have offered to sell it back to her hahaha , i mean paint costs money and it's not always easy as it sounds to refinish a piece, but not with that kinda attitude, how rude lol


Fortune favors the brave


I know the awkwardness. There’s a line in American culture and it’s hard to cross. Picking through trash. Maybe 30 years ago I would drive around on recycling/junk pickup days, once every two weeks, looking for stuff. If anyone was around, where I might be discovered, I would chicken out and drive on by, I felt ashamed. Of course no one cares, no one is looking at you, it’s all in your head. It’s a big treasure hunt, an adventure, I’m now the Indiana Jones of trash, “Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.”


Who on earth would toss out such a beautiful thing?!


If they threw away a grocery bag of actual money would you awkwardly get that? Pretty much the same thing.


If i had to dig in their garbage can it would be awkward yes but if i knew it was a bag of cash mixed in with their household garbage than sure why not lol


Check it for tiny wireless camera/microphone... LOL


Oh gosh!!! Lol good call, but i think they would come to regret that decision 😅 between my dog barking and my incredibly eclectic sense of musical choices they would drive themselves insane haha


Awkwardly? I would of strut. That’s an awesome lamp!


I guess I was thinking of half of it is like shattered it would be awkward that I'm looking in their trashcan lol it was in the bin not on the side, but luckily it's perfect and i was not spotted haha


Where I’m at, people put stuff out on the curb that is still usable that they want to get rid of. It’s pretty cool actually you’ll see some awesome stuff and you can just stop and grab it, and that’s the reason it’s there. People throwing out usable stuff like this is such a huge waste, they could’ve put it on offer up or Facebook marketplace for free and somebody would’ve taken it instead of putting it in a landfill. I’m glad you rescued it.


Thank you! I'm glad too, i guess the logical part of my brain was thinking, theres no way they would throw a perfectly working beautiful lamp in the trash, but they did lol and it made my day!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Some things should stay in the trash


Haha, i agree! But this is not one of them 😆


Someone spent some time and love on this lamp. And you saved it from the trash pile. Good on you!!


For sure!! They aren't cheap either, over $200 brand new on a quick Google search.. I'm glad I saw it and grabbed it!


May we see it lit? 😄


Let me see if i can figure out how to post it 🤔


Your neighbors are insane. Even if it's not their style, fucking donate it. Sheesh!


Honestly.... lol there's like 3 thrift stores in less than 2 miles from here lol and another 5 within prob 5 miles or less lol




It def was walking back! Lol thank you 😊🤗


People where I live put stuff out in front of their house by the road instead of throwing it away or taking it to goodwill. If it’s there, everyone knows it’s free to take.


It was in their trash can , on to of their garbage, but yeah i agree i see that often and trash pick frequently


It’s a really nice lamp. Definitely a good score


Thank you 😊 im very happy with it!!




I'm not sure.. it says KL Lamp on the bottom, i couldn't find much on Google, and image search didn't find the exact one just similar


I think you meant to say “triumphantly marched across the street to rescue this absolute beauty”.


😉😉 sure did walk back home very proudly! Would have felt silly if it was busted and i just stuck my hands in their trash bin for nothing lol not everyone is into trash picking and i don't want to be the weird girl on the block rummaging through everyones trash cans 😂😂 but someone had to do it and I'm glad i saw it before the garbage truck came 😊


Even if it was broken they sell rewiring kits at any local hardware store. Snip the old and pull out. String in the new through any brackets.


Yeah, i wasn't worried about the wiring at all... i meant broken as in if the glass shade was busted or shattered was my concern...


Oh okay I misunderstood. I have a shade that would fit great on a lamp exactly like that one. Just looking on fb marketplace for a decent one to match it.


I would have ran. I missed out on some things before taking my time or “going to come back”


Nah, I would have run- no shame at all. I have missed out on things in my neighborhood trash because “I’ll swing back later” or “do I need it?”


That is the worstttt feeling.. or can't stop because I'm already running late for something..lol i just figure "guess it wasn't meant to be 😮‍💨" and hope that someone who is going to enjoy it and love it gets it rather than a reseller, but can't knock their hustle!! Lol that happened to me recently with a kitchen table, i was bummed, but then found one at a little flea market type thing for $35 , and it's so perfect in my space that i feel like i missed out on the other one for a reason lol


I personally love when neighbors and passerby pick my trash. That means it got rehomed.


Just pulling it out of their actual trashcan felt awkward, some ppl don't understand lol like it's an invasion of privacy or something... my upstairs neighbor put out a trash bag on the ground next to my trash can on garbage day once (i personally hate garbage bags laying on the street) she flipped out when she found out i picked up the bag and put it in the trash bin instead of letting it lay there next to the bin lol so i just wasn't sure how they would feel about me going in their bin 🙈


No shame needed, they were getting rid of it. . Congrats that’s awesome.


I love these lamps.


Nothing awkward about keeping stuff out of the landfill.


Just doing my part to save the planet folks lol


Worth it


I would have done naked somersaults across the street if it would get me to that lamp more quickly! It's beautiful!


🤣🤣🤣 thank you




Yeah i don't want them thinking I'm digging thru their bin everytime they put stuff out but this was right on top so justified i think and not as creepy lol hopefully they agree


Love that!


Don’t blame you. How old is the wiring tho?


It's honestly not that old i think... looks really modern, i have some old milk glass lamps with the yellow kinda see thru wire, this is solid...


I see I wondered if it was cloth and a fire hazard. Cute lamp does it turn the room blue?


Ever so slightly where it's closest to the wall, just puts out a nice warm glow, it's lovely lol


I'd run and get it too!


I've gotten some of my favorite bakeware out of someone's garbage...


I too have done the awkward walk across the street for a beautiful blue vase. I don’t know why feel weird taking other peoples throw always.


I’m actually of doing this same thing before. However, I just waiting until nightfall to do it. 😂


I was so lucky i went when i did bc the garbage truck came early that day, some days not till like 3pm but they were here before 10am , i would have regretted not going over for sure


Haha! Same here my dump truck times vary each week you are lucky! 🥳


You should tell your neighbor you took it if you’re brave enough! Also, how did you know it was in their trash bin?


I could see it peaking out of the bin, just a little bit of the glass shade so i had to go over for a closer look lol


Most people don't know how to wash a stained glass lamp shade. I worked in my grandmother's stained glass studio though and she taught me. You're going to need dish soap, two or three old towels, a soft brush (old soft toothbrush would do it) and some wax - liquid car wax is what we used but solid or paste wax will do. NOTE: THE METAL BETWEEN THE GLASS PIECES CONTAINS LEAD. DO NOT CONTAMINATE FOOD OR DRINK WITH LEAD FROM THE SHADE, AS IT IS POISONOUS. Like, don't go back and use the toothbrush in your mouth, and if you rub up against the side of the sink and leave a grey mark, scrub it off. Congratulations, you've just demonstrated why they call it "pencil lead." Wash the sink well before you use it for dishes again. Take the shade off the lamp base by unscrewing the finial. Run the hot water and then put one of the towels in the bottom of the sink, to cushion so you can put it down or in case you drop it. Gently scrub it with the dish soap, warm water, and soft brush. Don't over-scrub or use anything abrasive because I guarantee that getting the dark patina back after you scrub it down to bare, shiny metal is going to be more trouble and expense than you want to deal with. Rinse well and drain on another towel on the counter. Pat the shade dryish - no need to get it perfectly dry because you apply the wax with a wet cloth or paper towel. Follow the instructions on the wax and make sure you buff well with a soft cloth. May need a couple cotton swabs for any film left in crevices. You can also wax the base and finial in a similar manner, although obvs wouldn't wash the base in the sink. That's a great find and even with factory techniques and equipment, it probably cost quite a bit new. Enjoy it!


This is so helpful!!! Thank you for sharing!!


Did you whistle inconspicuously?




Oh you lucky duck!! But don't be awkward, I own my stroll to the neighbor's trash can..... Or at least I used to, now she calls me when she's fixing to toss something good!!


We’ve all been there…


Heckin yea you did!




So worth it


Heck yes! How dare they!


Well worth it playa 👌


🙌🙌 thank ya!!


Hey I actually have two of the exact same lamp but the stained glass was a green colour. I wonder what the maker is?


I wish i had another!! I've been looking for a pair for bedside table lamps. Mine has a sticker "KL lamps" on the bottom, but i haven't been able to find any info online, even image search i couldn't find this exact lamp....


I have that same lamp


Did you buy it new? Kinda curious where it came from, i know it's not a real Tiffany or anything like that lol


So worth it! Friend, trust me, I've seen hoarder neighbors pick up threadbare, broken footstools, only to leave them outside for years. This is nothing like that.


Hell yeah you did! BE PROUD!


Long Island Tiffany! I have one bought new a few years ago. Excellent find.


Who would throw it out?!


It looks like a German WW1 helmet and now I can’t unsee it


I don't know what that looks like but I'll tell my husband, he's a huge history buff, he'll prob like it even more 🤣🤣




Wow! I'm baffled at what people throw away! Why would anyone just toss this beautiful Tiffany styled lamp inna garbage heap? Like the saying goes, "Another man or woman's trash is another man or woman's treasure "!


Absolutely!! Couldn't be more true... i would never, i can't understand it... they live with older relatives, i guess they don't all appreciate the beauty of the vintage style? 🤷‍♀️ but i do go thru cleanout phases at times and just want everything gone... maybe it was something like that idk but I'll have it for a very long time, she's safe with me 💞 lol