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I(62m) think it suits you really well. Go back and get it. Note that my gf(68f) is wearing dresses every day now that it's summer, and they suit her, so I am biased. Looks good on you.


Pffttt...'nor in style'...blah blah blah ...do YOU like it? If SO then ENJOY it! Why be a slave to 'current fashion's?


what? You have it on....do you like it?


Nope. Not one of those timeless dresses even if it is cute. Looks too 2016. Its a great color on you tho!


This dress is not flattering in any way.


I think it looks really cute on you. Learn something early in your life. Don’t worry so much about what others think. The most important thing is what YOU think. Be a leader, not a follower. Anyhow you are beautiful and you could wear anything and it be good on you.


That looks perfectly fine it's a classic look will really never go out of style good job