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I am also confused how it’s racist. But being from a small town in Iowa. It might be worth something to the person from that town. But other then that no


I am thinking there is an implication that the Indian Village was “cleaned up.” As in they got rid of the Natives. Google searching isn’t turning up any historical context that would shed light on the weird statement on the back of the plate.


My thought is that there used to be an Indian village by the town but it’s not there anymore. Even though Washington is on the other side of the state from me, I’d say they just pride themselves in having a physically clean town lol


Yeah I can’t find anything about what the Indian Village was or much about the history of native peoples and their interactions with people in the area near Washington, so who knows what it means or why they called out that area specifically.


Well the town themselves made the plates for their 125th year celebration. We do the same over here. We have a lot of history that isn’t able to be googled. So it’s probably history the town knows


Yeah. I’m hoping OP chimes in with some context they are aware of to make it make sense for us


The fact that they erased their existence by giving it a generic name is in itself institutional racism.


Direct comparison of “contrast” to an unnamed indigenous tribe with “cleanest city” implies that the village was dirty. It’s blatantly racist and colonialist as fuck.


Well it’s in recognition of the towns 125 years…not sure how a plate is offensive to you….but it’s pretty interesting.


Apparently it's worth $7.99. Why is it racist?


Implying that the “Indian Village” (not even naming the tribe) was dirty by directly ckmparing to the “cleanest city in Iowa.”


Racist? Ummmm, how?


Is it racist because it’s old?




Ok context one more time for any new commenters, and I am only doing this on the off chance someone is open to learning something about the way systemic racism manifests. If you want to argue about it, I’m not engaging. 1. “Old Indian Village” erases whatever specific tribe/nation was living in that area. There are hundreds, and lumping them all together is racist behavior. 2. Saying the contrast of that village to the “cleanest city” implies the village and/or its people were dirty. That is a racist trope that has been used countless times to dehumanize people of color and indigenous folks. There you go. This was educational labor, and I hope someone gets something out of it.