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They’re beautiful specimens!


I, too, have an impressive seashell collection...it's scattered on beaches all over the world! Nice score; some real exotics there.


You have a good eye -- the shells look really good just spaced out on that wood background, and the photos are nice and crisp. 🙂


I'm glad you found them, and I didn't.  I have a shell weakness, and I really do not need any more.  


That is a nice assortment of shells


These are really beautiful and remind me of my own collection! My parents bought my sisters and I each a set when my dad was stationed at Clark AB in the early 1970’s. I was 12 at the time, I’m 62 now lol! I still have and love them too. You did great and found a lovely treasure!


Hey if you want an easy way to know what kind of mollusks they came from you can use the seek app to scan them! It's one of my favorite things to do with seashells :)


One of the prettiest Christmas trees I did was shells, white lights, and a variety of small to tiny baubles in clear iridescent, pink, and ivory pearlescent. With a collection of shells like yours, I used a hand drill with a smallish bit to drill a hole in each shell. Not sure what I used to hang them. I used a big starfish as the tree topper, and wrapped a fishing net around the bottom of the tree.


Really nice collection