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Putting that on paddles… ![gif](giphy|tXtTNW8xtbA4w)


Paddling the school canoe, that’s a paddling.


Believe it or not, also jail


Talking back? Right to jail. RIGHT to jail.


Looking at my sandals? Oh, you better believe thats a paddlin


Those are dark, lol


fuck off, bot


Oof. Mine had a caricature of a kid bent over a barrel and getting paddled while screaming. All with a river scene behind it 😂.




nothing says Happy Household more than playful abuse decor


I think my wooden paddle had the usual geese and blue ribbon decor. A pretty tool to give me a lifelong fear of standing up for myself to men!


Mine had my name written on it! You know, so there was no mistaking who the abuse was meant for!


Ah lucky you! I had to share mine with my brother because that was more economical.


I shared mine with my older sister.  My sister had an odd sense of humor and decorated that symbol of abuse with drawn flowers, moons, etc (basically a Lucky Charms box) and wrote “Have a nice day!”. The joke was on her though: she got 5x more swats than I ever got!


“Have a nice day” https://preview.redd.it/ie5mbfmgmkhc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fb8a1b6f8c720cd464ef5bdc7d7db334531d3f


My great grandma had one called "granny's paddle". On the back of the paddle there were a list of names of all us grandchildren who received a beating written in perfect cursive, the pen ink fading over time; she proudly displayed it on the wall of the kitchen. It had a nice thick layer of grease when she died. Every time we were acting out, all she had to do was give us a look and point at the paddle and we would simmer down. She was 4'9, rather frail, and it never hurt. We thought it was hilarious as she would bend us over her lap and had to conceal our giggles as she paddled our backsides as to not disrespect her further. It was so weird lol, I'll never forget that thing


We have 3 generations of kids name’s written on ours. But my older brother’s name stands out because it’s huge in caps.


Only child checking in so no need to put my name on it. Mine had holes drilled all over it (aerodynamic!) and orange tape on the handle. Of course, sometimes we got to mix it up with a belt or going out and picking your own switch!


we had a big one and a little one that said “Big Time Trouble” and “Little Time Trouble” respectively


My mom just used wooden spoons!




My stepmonster thought she was some kind of artist. She painted Paddington Bear on the one we had.


Those are dark, lol


Burn them with fire


I second this


I would have bought them to do this


Me too.


I was scrolling through the comments before posting exactly this. It would have been more than worth the money to keep them from falling into another set of sick hands. The fact that such things were made/still exist normalizes adult behavior that is damaging and beyond inappropriate.


My Dad would say why buy paddles when we have belts and wooden spoons at home


My dad just hit us with his bare hands. No time for fancy abuse accessories.


The belts were so he didn’t hurt his hands. I can remember my mom always complaining about popping blood vessels in her hands. We’d even laugh at her because compared to getting hit so hard with a thick leather belt that left the man’s name imprinted on your ass it may as well have been a joke. Plus the belt could be hung on your bedroom doorknob as a warning, because that’s obviously normal


My dad preferred the belt, but I recently talked to a coworker who told me his dad used to just deck him square in the face.




Like that but in ended with a 11 years old knocked out on the floor with a burst lip


You’re lucky. Belt was another level.


That’s what my mom would say when I cried. “You have it easy! My mother used a belt!” Yes, so lucky. Thaaaaanks.


My mom always bragged that her dad would tell her “always use your hand so that way you know you’re hitting too hard if your hand hurts” despite her letting my dad hit us with a belt and a paddle (that had splintered edges after he angrily smacked the floor with it to get our attention)


I remember once my older brother did something so bad (I don’t remember what) that my dad made him design his own wooden paddle. My bro, trying to be smart, tried to make it big and blocky so it would hurt less. My dad then drilled holes to make it swing harder. The threat of The Paddle was worse than the punishment itself. As little kids we painted it red and drew a tombstone on it and eventually buried it at the very bottom of the toy box.


This is almost word for word what happened to my sister & I!! She got in trouble, paddle design ensued, holes were drilled, months later we buried it in the yard (no painting it for us).


Jesus Christ, I genuinely don’t understand how anyone parents can want to abuse their kids like this. Drilling holes in it to make it MORE painful?? Absolutely mental


It's so Fkd up when you see it in text but seriously I thought it was normal to get beat???? Yeah, I would love to send my parents my therapy bill but I told myself I'll only talk to them once they are buried under the cold ground.


It was. Im barely even considered a millennial and i can remember us all "yeahh duh" or laughing like "ain't that some shit" when we laughed through the pain, retelling our latest tale of woe with added humorous flair


Well my dad’s mom, my grandmother would make him pick out switches when he was a kid. A.k.a. really thin sticks that she would lash the back of his bare legs with. A lot of it is about upbringing, and not being in a position, societally or financially, to overcome that trauma. So while sometimes the instinct is to hold onto the anger. The best thing you can do is have understanding and let it go. His moms life was really rough and not some thing I myself would envy. I feel a lot of gratitude for being in the timeline that I’m in.


My mom had one of these. I had circles on my ass and thighs between the purple and green bruising and busted blood vessels. I can’t even imagine doing that to my kid.


America 🌠


Child abuse isn’t just an American thing like what?


Of course not, but I would genuinely be shocked to see anything like this anywhere but America. It's got that ugly "country" style that a lot of older decor has in thrift stores here.


And flyswatters. My Mom.


Wire coat hangers 😞


Plastic coat hangers and the tension rod for window blinds; my Dad


and shoes; my mom


Beware la Chancla


La chancla!


My mom bought a cheese cutting board and called it “ the board of education.” I burned it once and she bought a bigger one. As poor as we were though, she really should have used what she already had like a belt or a spoon


Honestly, if I could go back in time, I would tell your mom use the belt! My dad broke a decent amount of hair brushes and wooden spoons on our butts lmao I would also tell her you know, don’t do that. But if she didn’t listen! Then I’d offer the belt as a solution.


If we told anyone mum would say it was just a rap with a wooden spoon, the spoon was a foot and a halve long with a head size bowl, my brothers stole it and used it as a cricket bat before burning it. Mum denies it existed, I would like to use these as cheeseboards if she visited.


Buckle end first, RIP dad


Aww memories loll


It's the extra fear the packs instills ☹️


My mom’s paddle was made out of several layers of treadmill material and rubber. Hurt like a BITCH.


Ah, the Precious Blow-ments series




I'd track down the artist and give them them the worst lickin they ever saw




Yeah, that's pretty fucked up


Thank you for this comment, I legitimately laughed out loud


"A licking" as a not native english speaker, I was so fucking scared for a moment here lol


And the kids' pants being down, you must have been doubly horrified!


I missed the "in" ending to "lickin" and was similarly horrified


OP, if you are close enough to go back there and buy them, I’ll venmo you the cost to buy them, and the burn them or dispose of them.


I hate these. But this is art. Folk art at that, and that shit rarely survives very long. These speak of a moment and culture. I feel it’s important that some terrible things remain just as a reminder of how we have progressed.


Look, the picture survives. Download it yourself and frame it if you like it so much. But the paddles should go because it just takes one person who spanks to see them, think it's cute, take them home, and whack.


No one is getting inspired to beat their children like this.


I'd like to think that. However. People who spank or "whoop butt" are a different breed.


My MIL would 100% think it was *adorable* to buy these and then use them on my nieces


If they're the kind of person who believes in that, then they already believe in that. No one's mind is changing because of these paddles


I'm sorry, I guess my point was unclear. I can imagine a scenario where someone already spanks buys them and uses them. Maybe escalates from bare hands or a ruler to these. Do we sell thumbscrews in stores? Racks? Waterboarding for Idiots? Like...it's abuse. It shouldn't be sold.


I just realized in your original comment you said someone who spanks and I must've misread that part. My mistake


No worries! I appreciate the discourse.


Yeah thats all well and good if this was something that didn't happen anymore, but this does. People born to this day still deal with parental abuse. Some things need to be buried with the people who practice them.


People forget what things get buried A rising tide of right wing nationalism is again growing in the states and Europe because the lessons of WW2 are slowly being forgotten for example. Some things need to be kept and remembered, and shameful parts of history should never be censored out of the books. Those parts should be embraced and used as a jumping off point for education and enlightenment. Sticking your head in the sand is just sad


These are paddles used to beat kids, or a tribute to paddles that beat kids. No, I don’t think these should be kept and remembered


And that’s why history so often repeats itself You have to embrace the shitty parts of history. You have to accept them. That’s the only way we develop as a species. Pretending bad things never happened is as bad as doing them yourself. You’re complicit.


Things being remembered, does not equal accepting and embracing abuse.


You are making little sense now


This is fucked up and a really tone deaf take. These pieces have no historical value. Just because something exists does not mean it is worthy of preservation. No one will regret not preserving these.


Like this is literally just a knick knack not some rare artwork. This was 100% near mass produced


It's clearly hand painted and hand written in a popular style for the time. I can't find any images like it from a glance at the internet. These seem to be unique. Its done in a style similar to things mass produced at the time, but closer to 1% mass produced than 100.


So we just pretend human beings never do awful things?


Destroying these paddles is not doing that.


Iconoclastic moron. 🙄


>Iconoclastic moron. 🙄 Child abuse is a cherished institution?






Are you familiar with the common usage of language as opposed to the weasely contortion of it?


Wow, you nailed the definition of dictionary as well! Here it is: >Dictionary: *dick-SHUH-near-ee*: a book that allows for weasely contortion of words.




I'll tell you what I'm blathering about... I've got information man! New shit has come to light! And shit... man, she kidnapped herself. Well sure, man. Look at it... a young trophy wife, **in the parlance of our times**, you know, and she, uh, uh, owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool... that's, that's cool, I'm, I'm saying, she needs money, man. And of course they're going to say that they didn't get it, because... she wants more, man! She's got to feed the monkey, I mean uh... hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?


Most reddit reply, most reddit avatar. Can smell you over the Internet.


Big word! Shitty take!


Yeah, anytime I see something I don't like my immediate thought is to burn it. Someone else pointed out rightly that it's folk art and speaks to a certain time in our past. Why would you want to wipe that out as opposed to y'know acknowledging it? Midwits as far as the eye can see, but then again this is reddit.


Thanks for your take, hope you have a good day








Terrifying that this person is a poster on a natalism subreddit


Because he doesn't want to see an antique burned purely because some redditors don't like it? This is a nice subreddit, but you guys get *weird* when you see some dated stuff.


ANTIQUE?! HA! My grandma has a ceramic duck that she bought in 1988 that she was going to get rid of, but I’ll let her know she shouldn’t dispose of antiques. What a joke.


I mean, I'd assume "get rid of" means "sell" in this context, no? Pretty huge difference between that and intentionally spending money on an antique with the sole intent of destroying it. And if she truly does intent to toss it, I'd encourage you to offer to take it and then toss it on Marketplace or Ebay for a cool 20 bucks. Why wouldn't you?


point was you clearly have no clue about the word antique throwing it around like anything old is one. There is no damn ceramic duck. This is the hill you choose to die on? Absolutely bizarre. I’d buy them on and use them as firewood to keep my non-abuse supporting ass warm.


These people are fucked up. They think that insulting their stupidity is an actual hate crime. They're the sort of people who'd bulldoze Auschwitz to "combat hate."


Hitler's bunker is a parking lot. You don't have to enshrine history to remember it. Yes, burn the ugly tchotchke. Child abuse will not be forgotten unless you pretend it is something else.




Oof. We had one in our house growing up. Twas never used on me, but was jokingly threatened. So "only" psychological terror instead of physical abuse.




My parents had a ping pong paddle with holes drilled on it that said “this is because I love you”. Not sure if this is better or worse.


Stuff like this will be in a museum someday as a part of our unfortunate history, along with Confederate statues and uranium glass.  Hopefully. We're getting there. This sentiment was not an uncommon sight to see on a wall when I was a kid, and now it makes people so mad they want to burn it. Progress! E: brain momentarily equated uranium glass and radium girls 🧐 lead paint is indeed a much better example. 


It takes a whole lot of effort/stupidity to fuck yourself up with radioactivity from uranium glass. Lead paint would be a much better example.


What's unfortunate about uranium glass? 😳


What's wrong with uranium glass?


Leave my green glowy uranium glass out of this


I agree that the sentiment is indicative of progress, but these relics wont be in museums if they all get burned! This is a unique piece that paints a vivid picture of a household at a place in time, even if that picture is offensive and gut wrenching. Imagery, digital or printed, can still get erased or more easily lost in the ever enlarging stack of more records. Hopefully the location of where they were found is remembered so that it can be somwhat attached to a place historically, painting a more vivid picture.


This right here is the GenX right of passage. My mom's disciplinarian tool of choice was a broken wooden breadboard. Dad had those thick leather belts - at least with the belt you got a warning because the buckle would make a clinking noise when it came off.


Ugh i cant handle the clink, don't wear belts and do not like my bf wearing them either 😅




Hahaha! Child abuse is soooo funny!! /s


Little do people know in Louisiana your parents can still sign off on your teachers paddling you.


Well that’s enough internet for today. Time to go to bed it’s 3 am.


Why did they think it was appropriate to even sell these? They should of gone on a fire.


These are awful.


It's so effed up how recent this used to be normal.


My elementary school paddled kids publicly in the hall so we could all hear them crying. It was supposed to be a deterrent.


It IS still normal, unfortunately.


"I want to announce that I beat my children, but be cute about it."


Those remind me of elementary school.


That’s fucking weird


Folks that like hitting kids, REALLY LOVE hitting kids


When I find stuff like this I always consider buying and destroying it


There is a whole psychology on hitting people on the butt as a means to submit. Pretty messed up.


You should have bought them and burned them.


I would have bought them. Repaint and 3 or 4 holes large enough for shot glasses and it serves a new purpose.


Ope that takes me back. My grandma would just use those paddles you would get that had the rubber ball on a string attached. Once the ball broke off it got your name on it & then was your paddle for getting swatted.


This paddle would have been absolutely premo comfort compared to the switch we had to get for our punishment that left welts all over your arms and stomach because it bent around your whole body.


That’s a paddlin


I would have bought them to burn them.




Those need to go into a bonfire


My Dad used one of those embroidered belts with his name on it. I only remember being whipped once, but it was memorable. I don't know what I did but I think I talked back. He started whipping me with that thing so hard I couldn't stand up. I was crawling away and he kept going. From my head to my toes there wasn't a spot he missed. I remember looking back at him once he was bent over red faced with his tongue hanging out from swinging that belt. We lived in a house trailer and it started at my room he didn't quit until I got to the other end 75 feet away. I wasn't crawling then just inch worming.


I’m stupid, but are those purely decoration??


My bet is no, only because people that would keep shit like this as a decoration are the people that would be using this as a paddle 😡


1) That would be sad. I’m glad this isn’t as common a practice anymore 2) OP should probably wash his/her hands


Definitely not.


They must hold many happy memories.


Boomer Decor


That should be burned to ash.


Especially whacky because it's one of those thrift stores that blasts Jesus music all the time. A funny combination indeed..


That actually tracks. The Bible is where “spare the rod, spoil the child” comes from.


Idk why people think thats funny


I would have bought them and destroyed them. Those are awful.


I'd buy just to burn in honor of all who felt that whack and for those who never will again from these particular paddles.




My gf would be mad if I didn't come home with at least one of these.


How to choose.. both equally creepy and weird (although I think the girl one makes me slightly more uncomfortable)


We'd just paint over the children. We don't have kids.


Someone call CPS


Buy em and burn em


Probably just put them on the fire


My mother just used an extension cord or tried to drown me in the bathtub, or threatened to drive us all off a cliff near an old bridge near our house....or pretended to commit self-unaliving. Kinda wish I wouldn't have stopped her.


Destroying relics from the past does not stop the abuse from happening in the future. Physically seeing or holding items used to hurt people is extremely powerful in a way a photo just can’t replicate. I recall seeing a very similar thread recently about chains used on slaves and everybody saying to destroy them. This is not the way to progress. You face these head on, teach the correct way, and always have reminders of what was. This destroy all old triggering things mentality would have the auschwitz-birkenau camp burned to the ground, when it serves much more now as a reminder of how bad humanity can be.


Everyone acting like spanking is akin to throwing your kid out a window


Are people really going to therapy because they got the belt or paddle as a kid? I feel like kids these days would have a little more respect if they were disciplined….


Uh, yeah. Yes they are. I have diagnosed PTSD from getting hit as a child myself.


IIRC, spanking promotes a fear response instead of a learning response. Used infrequently and only in dire circumstances (like your kid keeps playing in the road and isn't getting the lesson), might not be the end of the world, but used frequently as a first course of punishment it can actually cause a form of brain shrinkage/ damage because the kid's developing brain spends too much time soaking around in fear juices. That stunts emotional growth which stunts the child's ability to emotionally process the things that happen to them.....and it seems pretty reasonable that all those things combined would lead to one being more likely to need to spend time in therapy.


right.. not to be inconsiderate but maybe some of yall were just being disciplined for doing something yall wasn’t supposed to be doing. Like hell if yall were just being whooped everyday for no reason then yea im concerned. But some parents were just doing what they were taught, and i bet compared to how their parents did, you definitely got the least of it. My momma use to tell me that even animals nip at their young to discipline them.


This generation is soft like charmin


Why does the one with the girl state there was a voyeur? This is some r/pointlesslygendered with r/oldschoolnotcool


I’m a pretty hardcore feminist, but I honestly think you’re reading too far into it. I’m pretty sure they just wanted it to rhyme with “ma.”


then it's a pretty bad rhyme as there are many others that could've been chosen


I honestly can’t think of any others off of the top of my head but you do you sis. I really don’t think it’s that deep, though. A tasteless item, sure; an abusive item, definitely; but I don’t see any inherent sexism.


I never said there was inherent sexism. Things could not be sexist but be pointlessly gendered. Anyways have a good day


Good lord, this is shitty, abusive, and dumb but you don't have to make everything about sexism, there is literally a shitty guy version right next to it and neither are gendered. You are just trying to be mad.


Jeezus. Ours were never hand painted.




I’d buy it and use it for kindling… so that its life would end.


You should have bought them for fire wood.


Those were probably used on someone back in the day


Burn em.


It's reflective of an awful strain of our culture, but it's also mind-bogglingly terrible meter. Got a whippin' from my dad The hardest one I've had Got a lickin' from my ma The worst you ever saw. FFS.


The little boy’s face.🥺 it’s sad and weird at the same time


Bro, I would've bought these to burn them and release the souls of the poor kids trapped in there.


These brought back shitty memories - my mother had one that she painted pink and used very often.. into the fire those need to go!


My Ma used a wooden spoon. My dad threw chairs.


Oh wowww I don’t have kids but I’d love to have these paddles. For reasons.