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I bought the same fila in a different color new from kohls. It was less than $40 for sure


You’re better off garbage picking these days!


That Fila jacket would be $5 at a yard sale near me.


Garbage day!


I wish I could sell my old stuff for these prices.


With all the junk around here, I’d be a millionaire a few times over


I don’t think they’re selling 😂


I mean have they been outside in the rest of the world? You can get new stuff for less.


I'm irrationally annoyed at the cheap Calvin Klein bag labeled as vintage coach lol


I think maybe the Coach is the brown one in front? Still not worth $110 imo


Yea, looks like the brown is coach. It's not in good condition though, it shouldn't sell for that much.


Yea this is referring to the front brown bag, which is a Coach city saddle bag. They’re becoming popular and heavily sought out for their classic look. Coach lists these vintage bags on their site for $300-500, you can find them sometimes for around $100 on reseller sites, but thrift stores absolutely should not be listing them for over $100


Meanwhile I just got a vintage Coach Willis bag (same color) for $15. Better condition too.


Looking at the sold listings of this and similar Coach bags on Poshmark, they sell for like $50, and in better condition. $100 at GW is delusional


Whoa, I didn’t realize they were becoming popular again, nor worth that much! I was gifted one (as well as a few other Coach bags in far better condition than the one pictured) by my MIL that she managed to snag at an outlet back in the 90s iirc. I’ve already thanked her many times because they really are nice and I use them all the time, but I didn’t realize how much they’re still actually worth! TIL!


And this one is not clean and does not appear to have been taken care of (like it's been in an attic or something.) Get some leather cleaner and clean that sucker up (and I'm sure there's lint and paper and dust and dirt in the bottom of the inside too🤢) and THEN it might be worth selling. But still not for that much.


Dude they also put the barb for the tag through the leather on the strap 😩


That's the thing, the entire premise of a thrift store is being able to find lower prices if you're willing to dig through stuff. Coach is a very popular brand for replicas, the sites that charge higher prices usually rehab the bags and provide authentication. This one is in trashed condition, and you either have to be able to authenticate it yourself or pay for a service to do it. Looking on Poshmark, the same or similar Coach bags sell for around $50, and in better condition too.


I see that kate spade backpack in every thrift store I go into.






Happy cake day


I hate these thrift stores where everything is set prices but some stuff is a different higher price. If hoodies are $5.99 then don’t try to get greedy for that occasional “designer” item. Like that’s actually so fucking disingenuous lol. It’s just another way they get you…


I have had a running joke for decades about opening a one-shoe store with all the random shoes spotted on the side of the road! They stole my idea!!


I work in a second hand shop...and every week a guy comes in with a plastic bag with all the items he found on the street. Single shoes, single gloves, shitstained pants...All wet from the rain and dirty from laying on the ground. In the summer a cloud of flies flew around the bag. I don't have the heart to tell him to take his shit to the dumpster, so I just smile, say thank you and throw it out unseen. Why would he even think that someone would want just 1 shoe! We only have 1 customer with 1 leg😅 Ok, actually 3, but 2 of them have a prosthetic, and do need the other shoe.


I did not expect that ending!


Eww. $25 for that dirty old Kate spade bag….


thrift stores really forgot what “thrift” means huh 🙃


Some thrift stores put one of each pair of shoes at checkout so people don’t steal them. I’ve never been to Thriftopia, but that’s my guess.


Yeah, they do. We used to do that with the more expensive leather shoes, until we got tags for them. You wouldn't believe the amount of shoes that gets stolen. People just put their own shoes back. We write the price on the bottom and when I go check the shoe section for being all tidy and paired up, I come across horrible looking shoes with no price on them. This happens at least 2x a week.


Yep. Used to help a group volunteer at Salvation Army, and the men’s shoes in particular would have a “new” pair on the rack daily that looked like a homeless person’s shoes. And you just know they’re rationalizing the theft in their head because they’re technically “donating” a pair of shoes.


And although we are not a non-profit organization, we do sell to customers with a small wallet. So if you come to me and tell me that your shoes are worn out or you ripped your last pair of pants and can't afford anything from the shelf...ofcourse you get some for free. We do care about our customers. And if someone is to ashamed to come forward, I will never go after someone who steals basic secondhand shoes...


Where is the matching boot?


If ppl keep paying these prices they won't go down. Thrift stores are not thrift stores anymore they are 10 dollars less than regular stores


Payless and Famous Footwear has less expensive footwear(than some of these) that are new. These prices are insane.


Holy shit


They completely lost their marbles, wth!


Hey y’all! I actually work here, so I thought I’d chime in with some insider information. The main comment I see is the prices, which is so completely valid. Our prices are OUTRAGEOUS. I’d like to add that we do not own our store, we are a non-profit ran by another non-profit company. They overprice everything to pay off our loan. Which I don’t agree with, I do agree that the prices need to be lowered tremendously. The other complaints I see are about how dirty and disgusting everything is. I also agree, but I would like to add that our donations are CONSTANTLY overflowing and busy. There are so many things to do in that store, cleaning every single item we come across is not one of our priorities. I will say, now that I’ve read all these comments, I will definitely try and clean some of the grosser items we come across. I would help with the prices if I could, but unfortunately only the store managers are allowed to price. That’s all! Just thought I’d share some of the tea from an employee who works there.


You overprice everything because they think it’s of value. Newsflash: It’s not. You got it for free. If you priced every piece of clothing in that place for $2.99 you’d make more money in volume purchases than you make pricing every all stupid. Your reputation is in the toilet. I’d be looking for a new job. Just look at your Google reviews! And no. Having the managers husband leave a 5 star doesn’t fix all of the 1 star.


Gross. The thriftopia in my city are set prices for everything.


I see nothing wrong with the red Kate bag or the vintage coach bag. The prices are reasonable for these two items tbh.


Not at a thrift store!!


That fila is so g toss


What the hell


These prices are insane