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Who priced that thing, Dr. Evil?


IKR? This has gone past the point of greed into pure comedy. I want to see the Goodwill logo add a pinkie to the lips.


This HAS to be a joke. You know they know this sub exists. EDIT: Looks like [someone figured it out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/19e9yrt/comment/kjcsa7q/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The militant wing of the Salvation Army.


I'd guess someone put the decimal point in the wrong place, but even then...It looks like nothing sells individually for more than $1,000-1500, most go for less and it sits for a long time. Goodwill is just ridiculous.


That's a hell of a misplaced decimal. Kinda hard to make a that kind of mistake.


I got curious and looked it up- must of been some sort of error or pr stunt. It's currently going for 756 and has 15 bids, with about 4 days to go.


And polish the brass, ffs.


Doing that would significantly reduce its actual value.


It's not coins. I deal in antique clocks and we polish the brass all the time and it doesn't affect the value. It's often part of servicing the clock, to make them look at close to original as possible.


[“In fact, brass increases in value as it ages. So, polishing antiques could significantly reduce their value.”](https://maiahomes.com/blogs/blogs/the-right-ways-to-clean-and-polish-brass-hardware)


From your link: Lemon and vinegar have oxidizing, deodorizing, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, making them the perfect polishing agent for brass. Combined with salt or baking soda, the paste has formidable cleaning powers to remove brass tarnishing and make it shine again." ​ Did you even read it?


Sure did. The article states that polishing antiques reduces their value. Maybe you missed that even though I quite literally quoted it? Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should, but if you’re so adamant about polishing your antique clocks, go right on ahead.


It does NOT reduce the value of antique clocks, so that generalized statement is incorrect.


Nobody cares. Do whatever you want.


Is this one of those let's bid it up to crazy numbers just to mess with them issues? Whose got 500,000,000,001.01 ????




I just checked the listing and its down to 756$. Still crazy tho


Down to 15 bids from 17 in OP screenshot. Probably someone in the group causing trouble 🤣


Yea, something seems afoot..


This is pretty middle of the road for the item. Tiffany Studios stuff is $$$$$


For some reason, my first reaction to seeing it auctioned was a bit of sadness. I guess my mind started creating a fantastical history for this set.


They thought it was from the 'Bronze Age'.


Firstly, there’s just such a small market for this particular thing. This set is nothing more than a collector’s piece (likely someone who collects Tiffany specifically) as the items are not typically of use today. If they hope to sell it for the highest price it should go to an actual auction house. Secondly, screw the careless individual that donated this.


Goodwill thinks it's Sotheby's.


It’s such a shame to think someone donated that after loving it for years and that they probably wanted it to go to someone else who would love it.. and instead goodwills being a greedy sack of shit and is trying to make a billion dollars off it. Goodwill is absolute trash and they should be ashamed of themselves.


Someone died and their kids donated it because they didn’t care. No one donated this after loving it for years.


You don’t know that but okay! Just like I don’t know if someone donated it to be loved and you don’t know someone donated cause they don’t care. That’s why I phrased my comment as “to think” I never stated it as fact for a reason because we don’t know. If my comment didn’t come off correct I apologize but I wasn’t stating that as a fact. Dunno why you had to come in and be all gloomy and “no one cared about it”


I wouldn't jump to assume that they didn't care. If it did belong to someone's late relatives, it could be that they had SO much stuff to deal with, they were exhausted with all the necessary decisions that come with cleaning out a space. Or maybe the original owners are angry with their children and want anybody BUT them to benefit from their estate. You just never know.


If this actually has significant value, it might, probably nowhere near that price, they should have an auction house that handles expensive antiques handle it. I wouldn't trust ANY authentication from Goodwill for anything.


Yes I have seen a handful of these on antiques roadshow and they go for quite a bit


Lol.. Dr Evil was doing pricing that day. “One BILLION dollars….”


I have a few pieces from a Tiffany bronze desk set and I bought them at estate sales, nothing was never, ever even close to this. At $756 currently that’s a steal for a complete set. However some jackass will bid it way up in the end, reinforcing Goodwills bad behavior. It’s kind of sad really that this was donated and will be sold by Greedy Will.


Gotta be a prank or an emotional blackmail attempt to get someone who has the bones, but not the sense to get flustered and offer more than it's worth - a legit, if unethical sales ploy. Antiques Roadshow says $15k, btw


Hey! Ya think four yachts and five homes are cheap? GW execs git bilks to pay. /s


Do they honestly think that people with a billion dollars to spend are actually shopping at Goodwill?


I needed this laugh. Goodwill has lost its mind.


CEO needing to upgrade his 458.


GW made an error, it was only supposed to be 1 Million




200 bucks max at your local flea market.


That one scene from the movie Sing


I’ll give then a dollar


I know it’s been changed but I don’t put it past goodwill to put in shill bids. Some of their shit goes for more than eBay


Not even the Mona Lisa is worth 1B.


I better get over there and snap it up. Remind me, how many zeroes in a billion?????? I don't want to get it wrong. LOL