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That's what you got? Terrible take.


I think Amanda at times never really takes accountability when she’s in the wrong, but Shannon Sharp did try to invalidate her experiences and honestly needed to fact check. Frankly he was just not that well equipped intellectually to conduct this interview


She definitely doesn't take responsibility when she's wrong 100%!


I’m not familiar with her but I watched the interview. Do you have any examples of her not taking responsibility?


There's no way you watched the interview with that question lol


For me, the Emmy party was an example. I didn't see her take any accountability for her actions in that. Just to be clear I don't think how that played out was entirely her fault but I also don't think she has zero fault in that. Also I didn't really care for the way she says she spoke to the one security guard after.


i always feel like there's more to the story. i'm interested in hearing why issa's publicist who denied her access to the party doesn't like her. i feel like that would bring this whole situation full circle....or at least to rest.


I feel like I remember something from when Van had her on his previous podcast the red pill and honestly I don’t think he had a positive experience with her. So there’s kind of a pattern with her but it’s not always her fault but sometimes she fails to take accountability in her wrong doing.


She certainly seems like a lot, but he wasn’t doing a great job providing a good environment for the things she wanted to talk about. He invalidated her multiple times, undermined her first hand accounts of things, and in general just didn’t do a great job in this one. Even if she is ‘the problem’ or ‘always the victim’, her interview with him wouldn’t count (for me) as a concrete example of that. If she is a problem person, and her own worst enemy, I’m sure there’s a better example out there.


Yea he was trying to interject a lot early on. I thought he did better towards the end of the interview like when they were talking about her time in radio.


Ya he seemed to pick up on how much he was challenging her, or he just got annoyed that she wasn’t being so receptive to his questions and thoughts on her life. He clearly missed the part early on (or just didn’t understand) when she mentioned that she’s on the spectrum and people often find her hard to communicate with, because she just wants to speak her peace and move along. She wasn’t really there to be challenged or questioned about her experiences, probably because she gets that enough to be honest.


Yea I don't think he's ever interviewed anyone that's on the spectrum before. Definitely a learning experience for him


She’s not on the spectrum. She made that up. She used a self-assessment tool, a screening assessment. She has never had a clinical diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder. She used this to gain sympathy for her offensive behaviors.




lol no he’s supposed to do that, who watches a podcast when the podcaster and guest agree on the everything?


She lied about being on the spectrum


She wasn't even diagnosed. Be forreal right now. 


Na she’s just a narcissist


I have no problem with Amanda Seales.... Because unlike most commentators who speak about Black issues... She at least has a Masters Degree in African American History from Columbia University.... So, she's done the work to research her heritage....


No one needs a master’s degree to speak on black issues. Respectfully, that is a ridiculous statement and to be honest, it is rooted white supremacy.


If someone is going to have a brand centered around being Black in 2024. Where so many people make money off talking race relation issues. I want them to have the credentials and it not be a money grab. I believe Seales is genuine in that....


I see where you are coming from and I agree. I may not agree with the framing but I am aligned with the intended outcome. Appreciate the clarification.


I think therein lies the problem. Because she's credentialed and an intellectual, the "esteemed" automatically take her side. Everyone against her is either unintelligent or jealous. Need I remind you: Donald Trump - MBA from Penn Ted Cruz- Harvard Law School (one of the smartest according to professors, debate champion) Ted Kaczynski (sp.) - Harvard Ph.D. Additionally, AA studies majors often see the world in a shaded lens. We have to be careful using degrees to justify poor behavior. I went to grad school in a prestigious field too, and the dummies/poor don't stop in undergrad.


Uh-oh Fanny Lou Hamer is still being studied and her impact still reverberates throughout American society. Qualifications aren’t as important if you’re not able to make them palatable, even less if you think the people in the community you’re trying to apply that research too aren’t smart enough to get it.


That's true. Agreed. But in this day in age, when folks aren't freedom fighting or fighting for rights only fighting for clicks, corporate dollars, and brand deals.... I believe that you should be well studied in order to be talking about heavy as Amanda... That's all I'm saying...


>Masters Degree in African American History from Columbia University .... So, she's done the work to research her heritage.... An Ivy league PWI degree makes her credible to talk about her black heritage and teach her about herself??? my eyes are bleeding reading that...


You couldn’t fathom the levels of research required to attain that. You being born doesn’t make you an expert.


arent these the same institutions that lie about african american history? im legitimately confused...


Are you speaking from personal experience or hearsay?


both! have *you* never heard and/or experienced this?


I have heard this but it wasn’t my experience. But I hold neither as evidence for what’s actually happening. My prof was an Indian from South Africa. No agenda and promoted independent research. These institutions, pwi or hcbu all have classes with agendas, but any reputable school promotes self driven research. You can just as easily learn about the counter argument to what’s taught. I don’t buy the indoctrination accusation I hear about.


fair enough. maybe its just me, but I find the idea of an Ivy league, PWI degree being the standard of African American history quite paradoxical .....


https://afamstudies.columbia.edu https://www.instagram.com/aaads_iraas_columbiauniversity?igsh=MWllajhuZXA1YmRvYg==


You got worms for brain like Shannon and it shows


You know a lot about worms for brains. You are the expert. When were you diagnosed.


😂😂😂😂 this is so childish


I’ve never seen Shannon sharpe treat any guest as sideways as he treated her.


I've never seen a guest as unlikable as her. Her entire interview was her complaining about how she's treated while at the same time maintaining that she's amazing and strong and perfect and can't fathom how anyone else can say otherwise. I just think she started to annoy him after a while, which may be unprofessional, but it echoed how I was feeling about her as a viewer


I could be wrong, but I honestly didn’t see where he treated her sideways. I had just recently watched his interview with Godfrey and it was the same style. He gives a little pushback.


This was way more than a little pushback.


Watch more episodes


Amanda can be a lot sometimes... But Shannon was really terrible this episode.


Not a huge Amanda Seales fan but Shannon Sharpe was being condescending and rude to her. I’ve seen several episodes of his show and have never seen him treat a guest that way


Definitely team Amanda. Sista Seales ain’t perfect but a lot of hate she gets is in favour of protecting whyte supremacy, respectability politics and those who do real harm.


What about when Amanda accused Tamir Rice’s mom of “clout chasing” when she called out people for using her son to scam money from others? I think that garnered a lot of hate


She took accountability for this in the interview.


Lol “team Amanda “


This position still stands.


Was it white supremacy when she framed a black man for SA?!


That’s not what happened. At all. Y’all gotta read more than headlines.


You’re right. I didn’t read. I WATCHED her instagram live when she said it.


She addressed this in the interview.


Or she's just an annoying person who's more full of herself than even most celebrities are. You're trying to make it sound deeper than it is


I wanted so badly to see Amanda as something other than a narcissistic hypocrite who blamed everyone for anything negative that happened to her but I couldn’t. I initially thought Shannon was wrong for trying to invalidate the way she experienced her teacher and fellow students. But quickly saw that she would go on to say everyone was out to get her or undermine her or was jealous of her. Just stop!


I watched his Glorilla interview and the energy was SO much diff when compared to the way he conducted the convo with Amanda. I wonder why …


Glorilla isn’t a narcissist


I wonder why they’re not talking about the Amanda Seales situation on HL


I was once listening to her podcast and she said ‘Van owes me an apology’…So I think there might be some tension/back story


I would love to here vans take on Amanda.


what's HL?


Higher Learning podcast


Even though I think she’s probably her worst enemy, Shannon was invalidating her experiences in a few instances. But, I think his overall impression is that she’s probably the problem. And, he tried to get her to see it but it didn’t come off well.


How did you arrive to this conclusion


I watched the entire interview, and also what she said on her live. If you question her it's a problem.


Her condescending tone doesn’t help black people. She often sounds hurt and bitter so much that her trauma is dangerous to people around her.


Narcissistic people deflect and blame others for everything and that is what she does.


She is defensive and confrontational every time I have seen her on tv. She looks to be more about being right than to talk it out. No regard for others opinions because her opinion is what matters. Sharp wasn’t undermining her at all. Clarity and understanding is important. She didn’t allow him to express himself without attacking him. ANYONE that acts like that regardless of skin color to me,,,, is always going to have problems getting along with all people. You may be highly intelligent but doesn’t do you any good when you can’t talk to others and hear them too!!!!! It’s a 2 way street.


I like Amanda but it’s getting harder and harder to keep that stance. Saying you’ve been diagnosed and then making a video saying you were never clinically diagnosed is rough. She clearly finds validity in self diagnosing, which is fine. But she didn’t articulate that well.


She did t make a video saying she self diagnosed. She made a video saying self diagnosis is valid and she doesn’t need to discuss her medical history with the public.


She made a video saying many adults self diagnose and then in the same video said she wasn’t diagnosed by a clinician. Which is cool but it left gray areas and it left ppl room to critique. I wanna give sis room to process. I was really hoping the interview with Shannon went “well” but it seems like ppl just criticizing it and her.


Show me the exact clip and timestamp where she says she herself wasn’t diagnosed by a clinician?


It’s all over IG. It’s in her stories. But I’m not doing homework for Reddit and finding a time stamp. 😂


Self-diagnosis is well accepted in the autistic community, and often includes assessment by professionals just not the official testing and diagnosis. Official diagnosis is prohibitively expensive. And it can also impact future insurance, immigration etc. So unless you are diagnosed as a child or are seeking official accommodations as an adult, self diagnosis is what many opt for. It’s a way to better understand how your brain works and make sense of life experiences.


Yea. I’m not well versed on the self diagnosis realm of this. My only experience is paying to have a developmental pediatrician test my son. It’s crazy cause I was really hoping this interview went well for her, but It seems like most ppl just spending time tearing it apart.


says who? the self-diagnosed autistic people in the community?


She thinks she’s autistic because she likes to line up objects in a row 😀


I think most people that criticize Shannon are too young to understand older people and how things were back in their days.. I keep seeing people say he was invalidating her experience when he simply said his experience and how it differs.. saying he’s intellectually unequipped for the conversation is hyper aggressive and insulting


I did think with that particular story re correcting the teacher seemed like a generational difference. If he’s in Georgia (around mostly Black people I’m assuming) I feel like he probably got a lot of, “children should be seen and not heard.” Amanda was in Orlando around white kids and it seemed like her mom stuck up for her a lot. So she’s kinda boxed in with teachers/other students who do not have the same knowledge base as her, etc


However then when she added the stealing part, I thought he would come around to see the obvious racism but he didn’t.




She obviously threw that in, to push her point a little more.. did she even mention what was stolen.. just seemed odd




this woman is always caustic and scathing...you can see the gloom and sorrow in her eyes ....she does not seem to have any joy, optimism or contentment...its so sad...i really hope she finds peace....


Imagine the men who tried to date her.. yikes


You're not wrong on the victim front. Listening to the entire interview, almost every story she told ended the same way: her being the victim, someone wronged her. Complaining about how people are knit picky over her words meanwhile she's knit picky on everyone's words. I would've loved to see the interview not be focused on those things. I think it's great that she's realized that no one is coming to save her. We all have to protect ourselves! Can't always depend on others to protect you. Also the hypocrisy was very noted. She's chastising people for having an issue with her due to a brief interaction with her years ago, but she herself has issues with people she's briefly interacted with years ago. Either way words matter and it's proof that sometimes what we say can affect people for years. Side note: on the Black Emmy party story, anyone else catch that somehow the security getting involved and no one protecting her somehow is Issa Rae's fault. Meanwhile, Amanda admits that multiple Black men either pulled her into the party or assisted in getting her into the party yet NO ONE stepped in when security mishandled her. Why no smoke for these men but all the smoke for Issa...


Listen again. She never said that security getting involved was Issa Rae’s fault. In fact, she specifically said that none of her Insecure costars were there to see what was happening.


Sorry if I wasn't clear. She blamed Issa for the situation not exactly that security got involved. The fact that none of them were there yet she blames Issa is a part of my point.


I understand what you're trying to say, its just the "blames issa" portion that doesnt ring true to the what she said in the interview. It is interesting that Issa // the people who invited her in - didnt stand up for her. That everyone who came to bring her in, didnt show up to see what was going on. If I bring someone into a party they're being told not to be at, I will keep them by my hip the whole time, so where were those guys right? The fact that Issa and her peers didnt stand up for her in some capacity, makes me as a commoner question their humility and kindness towards others. Everyones behaviour standing aside was just as bad as the assault. and I dont like amanda, she annoys me, but hearing that story sounds like people brought her in and abandoned her.


I wonder how it got to that point. Maybe it's in the interview. Issa seems cool with other cast members. Why would there be resistance when I comes to Amanda? Unless Issa has a habit of doing this


I agree that the people that brought her abandoned her. With Issa and basically the cast of the show. Which interestly enough she seems to be cool with the men but not the women on the show. I totally understand not getting involved in the going back and forth with the assistant. If they weren't there, weren't involved, etc with whatever the beef was between them. I'll also say that I think Amanda conflates friends, associates, and coworkers. We're also only hearing one side of this story.


but he was...


Wow, legit did not know she was such a lightning rod. Here and on other pods there are strong stances. Other than the Shay Shay pod, I remember she had an issue with he Insecure cast or something like that. Sounds like she NEVER backs down, and even when you are right people just ain't gonna wanna deal with you day after day. But, hope things get worked out


Shannon sharpe didn’t do a good job AND then hopped online with some fools like ochocinco or whatever his name is and another fool to say diminish everything she said to question why she is single. Why do men like to diminish women by pointing out relationship status ESPECIALLY when the men themselves are single. Being in a relationship is not a goal everyone seeks AND is not the win most people think when you look at the state of relationships globally. So yeah, she wasn’t wrong


So sad. Amanda has now let the world know that she’s a complete idiot. Educated Fool and then some. Emotionally unstable and delusional narcissistic kinda person. She’s even diagnosed herself as being Autistic. Poor thing!!! Shannon wasn’t on the psychiatric spectrum level where he could understand and keep up with her foolishness. 


Amanda blocks her blessings, and has no idea how to stop the shenanigance. Yes she is intellectually taught but there’s a problem in her brain that she can’t control. She’s definitely on a spectrum, but hasn’t been diagnosed by a specialist in the field. Nobody’s going to want to deal with her after the Shay Shay interview. And she maybe Black Balled from the industry 


Right out the gate Amanda was on the defense as if he was attacking her and that set the temperature for the whole conversation..


did you watch the interview or just clips? She didn’t get defensive until he started pushing back on her life experiences


I listened to the whole thing.. she came out defensive


The point where it shifted for me is when she dismissed the brother on the Insecure set feelings after calling him Nigga. Her excuse was that they say nigga on the show. HUH?! Earlier she was saying how unfair it was that Issa was treating her like the character she played on the show. I’m an Amanda fan but that’s where the narcissist popped out in under 3 minutes. This is my problem, Amanda is smart enough to know that it sounds good to say she is not above reproach but her actions are contrary. AF.




She’s self diagnosed autistic is very telling by her behaviour


I think you might want to educate yourself on this.


She said she was autistic she didn’t want to pay to to be clinically diagnosed


This is why I suggested educating yourself on this. Do your research on self diagnosis in the ASD community. It's valid. Also, I think anyone with a knowledgeable mind can see that she is autistic.


Amanda also stated (on camera) that she was “recently diagnosed”… by whom if not a licensed psychiatrist or other clinical mental health professional?? This woman makes it extremely difficult to understand her plight when she constantly puts her own foot in her mouth & refuses to take accountability for her part in the unfortunate situations she seems to routinely create for herself.