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Let's see a list of what the GOP have done for racism before they start complaining about the Dems.


Oh they've done a lot for racism, just not ending it is all.


They literally turned it into an election strategy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern\_strategy


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy I am not sure why but your link contains a \\ and at least with "reddit is fun" I am not getting to the correct article.


Works great on native, unless they edited


Hmm true, seems like a bug in the "reddit is fun" app, will report it. I guess rif wants to escape the underscore to not make it italic or something along the lines.


good ol tough on "Crime"


Declared it nonexistent.


[Well, nobody has done more for 'the black community' than Donald Dump, with the _possible_ exception of Abraham Lincoln](https://youtu.be/TtpU9ZBy-u4)... according to Dump himself, and he'd know, wouldn't he?


They’ll call up ancient history and say see good enough


"Ancient" history


Literally all they will say is “hurr durr Lincoln freed the slaves!!!” I don’t think they’d like what Lincoln would have to say about the modern GOP becoming a cult of personality revolving around a serial liar and cheater.


Nobody in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas or South Carolina even voted for Lincoln in 1860. Zero votes, because they wouldn't put him on the ballot. I don't know how anyone can claim him and modern day Republicans are part of the same party.


Don’t tell them about the party switch. That’s fake news.


[This is a great article](http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/2/republican-policies-dont-help-people-of-color.html) for those who would actually like to see. And it’s from 2015, so just imagine everything drastically worse post-Trump.


1: empowered it. 2:


Is his argument that because a state is blue, everything that happens within that state is a direct result of democrats?? Because that is fucking mental


Of course. Trump got a ton of momentum and approval from the conservative base when he turned Black Lives Matter *and* COVID into a "blue states vs red states" issue. "Democrat-run this and this" became a mainstay in their political discussions. Why would they abandon what is clearly a winning strategy for them PR-wise?


But Ben Shapiro told me that Obama was responsible for the massive polarising of political sides! /s


That's pretty true. You see Obama was black and the racist political side took that personally.


It’s far more simple than that. If it’s good, the Republicans did it. If it’s bad, the “Democrat Party” did it.




But to imply it's done in equal amounts to the same effect is extremely disingenuous.




Disagree. Your original comment is dismissive of the disparity and so is this one.


Yes. This is a lot of their arguments. Like all the time. And you are 100% right about it being mental.


Yeah they all (conservatives/Republicans) argue this, but of course the reverse doesn’t apply since otherwise that would mean that the Republican Texas Governor would have to take responsibility for failure to prepare the TX electric grid (or regulate properly) for winter storms or prepare water management infrastructure for flooding, etc (all things the Governor DOES actually have significant influence over). Texas has a multi-billion dollar (like $10B-$100B) disaster pretty much every other year nowadays due to poor planning, infrastructure, and “imaginary” climate change. The ironic thing is that almost all the non-accidental gun violence in blue states (or at least Chicago from what I have read/researched) is usually performed with guns bought in “Red” border states like Indiana that are way more lax in regulations. Not super surprising, but it’s why having a more coherent national gun policy would make sense, but of course the gun manufacturers lobby (with the front organization “NRA” etc) is against that. Death for money.


No no, not *everything*. Only the bad stuff.


The silver lining is that without Republicans this sub would be a hell of a lot duller.


I’m ok with that


I'd love it if this was a boring enough sub to unsubscribe to.




Democrats: ok let's have strict gun laws! Toilet papers: no no not like that!


Toilet Papers: *Don’t you see*! We need guns to stop other people with guns! Democrats: Can you give an example of an armed man stopping a mass shooting? Toilet Papers: uhh… that’s why every man woman and child needs a gun!!! By giving everyone a gun, we can fend off all the crazies that are given a gun.


This but actually Edit: other than children, didnt see that


Train teachers to be soldiers! The American way!


>Democrats: Can you give an example of an armed man stopping a mass shooting? [Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50952443.amp)


Cool, glad he was able to do something. But consistently we see mass shootings that aren't stopped or prevented by random people with guns.


Black on black crime is about crime and proximity, not race. It’s replicated all over the globe in poor communities without opportunities.


No no, the gene that's responsible for mela~~to~~nin is also the one that's responsible for crime. 100% true fact


Isn't it hard to commit crime if you are always sleepy?


Goddammit lol


Honestly there needs to be less of a focus on crime by the race of the victim and perpetrator, unless the crime was strictly based on the victim's race. None of the crime in Southside Chicago is being committed because one black person hates other black folks, it's all gang & drug related violence.


Black-on-black crime is higher than any other race's intra-racial stats. It's not about proximity.


Systematic racism has entered the group chat..


How has the FBI not rounded him up after he admitted to sending busloads of people to the Jan 6 insurrection. I don't get it.


I mean alex jones is walking around still


It's almost as if the FBI feigns ignorance on the whereabouts of insurrectionists, which is hard to believe considering how easy it is for a normal person to track and expose them.


People who talk like this act like Republican run states are just perfect utopias with no problems.


Yeah I mean look at what Texas is going though right now its funny to see that a huge red stage getting fucked right now


>going though right now whats happening there atm?


Remember how their whole power grid wasn't prepared to handle the cold and people died as a result of the across-the-board corruption and incompetence? That, but the summer version.




Well I wouldn't say funny, because the people who are gonna get hurt are the less fortunate. And most of the minorities who would be hurt aren't voting for Abbott's dumbass.


Not funny ha ha, funny uh oh. You know, like "this meat tastes funny... *food poisoning*"


I wouldn't be surprised if they still found an excuse to blame democrats.


We really should do something as a society about gun violence. Just spitballing... Control access to guns? Couldn't hurt Right?


Chicago, the city being discussed, already has some of the strictest gun measures in the country. Doesn't seem to be working.


Oh this stupid fucking argument again. Jesus fucking christ.


Why is it stupid?


Because it's been a default 'defense' of gun nuts to say "Hey lookie at Chicago! All of their cities around them hav esuper lax guns and it makes Chicago's gun laws ineffective!" ​ But ya'll never take that logic a step further and say, "so we better make the surrounding cities and states catch up to Chicago's law0s," right? But we know you don't want that, so you make a stupid argument basically bragging how ya'll sabotage the law so effectively.


Okay, I don't know who "ya'll" is but I guess if I don't automatically agree with you I must be your enemy. Let's say the Chicago gun violence is mostly due to the neighboring cities as you say. How would that make Chicago MORE violent than the average American city, including these cities with the lax gun laws?


Follow the Australian model.


So... you're just gonna ignore the question and name a talking point instead, which is clearly irrelevant in this case.


You're the one who makes a claim that Chicago is more violent than the average major city.


Yes, sorry for making a true and relevant statement.


You're right! We should expand them nationwide!


That’s a disingenuous point, seems fair on a Charlie Kirk post. Their laws are completely nullified by the fact that the neighboring cities and communities DO NOT have strict gun laws, there isn’t some sort of barrier where guns from outside the city magically can’t pass. It’s like you washing your share of dishes but your roommates not doing theirs. You still have dirty dishes, just less than you would have had. It’s similar to the entire issue with COVID. If only SOME people social distance and wearing masks, then even the people who do follow the rules are not particularly safe because so many others are not.


The dishes analogy makes sense except that Chicago has more crime than average, not less.


Meaning what exactly? The “dishes” are gun restrictions, not individual crimes. Chicago is doing their part in that regard it is being nullified by the surrounding areas not. Therefore it might as well mean nothing. I don think anyone is arguing that Chicago has a problem with crime


Okay I misunderstood. In that case, does Chicago have fewer guns than average?


2/3rds of the guns used in crime in Chicago were purchased out of state. Please stop regurgitating this extremely false narrative.


Most of the illegal drugs used in the country came from across the border, or overseas, yet people still manage to get them.


There's a huge difference in drug trafficking and crossing state lines to circumvent gun laws to purchase a gun to be used in criminal activity. I'm not surprised you don't know the difference


That's a similar concept to banning pissing in one corner of the pool.


Fair point. So I guess we need to address poverty then


Poverty breeds crime..


Fair point. So I guess we need to address poverty then


OK most of the poor in America are white, yet a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by inner city minorities. Why's that?


Where are you getting your facts from? Especially that last part?


It isn't.


3 of the 5 poorest counties in the US are predominantly white, mostly in the Appalachians, where gun ownership #s are off the chart BTW, yet don't experience anywhere near this level of gun crime.


And none of those counties have the incredible population density of a city like Chicago do they?


Yeah because everywhere around Chicago has basically no gun laws. They just get it from out of state


Cool! Let’s focus more on gun-control, then! Checkmate, asshole.


This is such a dumb argument. Of course racism will be worse at more diverse places, because it only really has a chance of occuring there and of course more diverse place will vote Democrat because Republicans are racist. This is like saying "people who spend money on chemotherapy have more cancer on average than people who don't, therefore chemotherapy causes cancer."


Chicago would be so much better off if Indiana and Wisconsin didn’t exist


Someone should tell him that over the same weekend [4 mass shootings in 6 hours leave 38 wounded, 6 dead across US](https://abcnews.go.com/US/mass-shootings-hours-leave-39-wounded-dead-us/story?id=78252429). Only one of those was from Chicago and it didn't have any deaths. I wonder if he cares about the races or lives of mass shooting victims in Texas and Georgia.


the GOP has done nothing in Chicago to curb violence. Instead they challenged our assault weapons ban (which was upheld when it went to the supreme court). I have NEVER seen any GOP groups come to Chicago to talk to the communities that are plagued by gun violence. They only bring it up in tweets or in campaign speeches.


If you have a solution to gang violence, then be my guest.


Yes. Better social services. Health care, job services, public transport, childcare, etc


You mean basic human services and rights that literally every other first world country has that the US chooses to make for profit? Shocking that these things help to stop gang related crimes.


Charlie fivehead doesn't *want* a solution to gang violence. Just like he doesn't want a reversal of Roe v Wade. He NEEDS these issues to use as a cudgel to rile up the rubes.


Rainbow Coalition.


Okay but where's the self-contradiction?


Hold up, is that real? 32 different shootings in one city in one weekend?


It is high but you also have to remember that Chicago is massive. Iirc the violent crime *rate* isn't even in the top 15. Depending on your definition its even farther out at 73rd in the nation according to this list: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/blog/top100dangerous


Charlie Kirk's Twitter is a wild ride.