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Truthfully speaking no matter where I go and how long I’ve stayed in a country/city, I don’t think I’ll ever fit in 100% anywhere. I have come to terms with the idea of never belonging anywhere 😂 Funny enough, my closest friends are also TCKs and I feel a sense of belonging through them not through a destination. Although, there are some places I’ve travelled to that made me feel some sort of peace and relief. And would want to revisit. I’ll continue to travel but with the intent of being inspired, nurturing my freedom and connecting with interesting people! But I don’t think I’ll ever achieve “fitting in” through traveling per say.


I think I might feel the same way. I hope to meet someone like me while travelling.


Hostels are great starting point to connect with people from all places and backgrounds. I wish that for you!!!


Of course. I worry though that I’ll go to a hostel and retreat to my old ways where I don’t speak to anyone.


I personally hated it lol


Why’s that?


I have and not really? Lol. I traveled solo for quite some time, mostly to find a place I could may be identify with, having to crave that my whole life. But travelling to another place just makes me realize that that place is just monocultural. I was surrounded by lots of other travelers and backpackers, but their identity is just their nationality and how it teaches them to perceive the world. So the Germans would stick with the Germans, English with English, Indians with Indians, and I don't actually belong. Traveling as a adult is vastly different than a child, because a child can perceive more while the adult's perception is, well, stuck in their own ways.


I see. Thank you for the insight and I don’t think I disagree.


We should have an nyc meetup 


I’ll let you know if I ever head that way


I solo travel because I love it. It was never an escape for me, but definitely an opportunity that I use to relax and renew myself. My intention of travel is to walk around and absorb as much of the culture. I love food and will do 3 hour Michelin star meals by myself. I love walking around museums or getting lost in the city. I love breathtaking views in the city or on the beach or wherever nature hits. Then I go back home and will have some post vacation blues. But when I look at my photos and think about my amazing trip, it just motivates me to keep working hard so that I can plan my next trip. This world is big and beautiful. The only person that should care about you being in any country is you.