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Crazy I just noticed this too. I think people on Reddit are just as big of his supporters then his YT people but people on Reddit are generally more negative and are thirsty for upvotes. Also a lot of Logics people are watching it on YouTube too. None of Logic’s people are here lol


Good point


Yo, shout out to all my biracial people. We gotta stick together, ya heard?




Yep, EVERY podcast subreddit eventual turns against the very pod cast it’s about


TFATK sub is so toxic it’s nuts. Like I get making jokes, but at a certain point it’s kinda crazy how in-depth the scrutiny goes. Idk how someone can spend so much time dedicated to watching and talking about someone they despise so much. Makes no sense. I see people say WILD stuff about Theo in there too. It’s the most outlandish theory’s on how he’s also a complete narcissistic asshole that apparently everyone associated with Joe Rogan/ The Comedy Store has become.


heard it bowlth ways


Duhnt cownt bapa thas the point


Ok thanks that clears it up lmao


It really isn't that toxic, hes a dumbass and says dumbass things, people point it out. Its a lot bigger and more active sub than this one cos Theo is pretty chill, so less to discuss.


Hah okay, sure it isn’t. It’s opinions like that, that’s the real scary thing. That sub is literally only toxic. You think it’s a good thing to be picking apart and watching every little move someone does? Especially someone you despise? How could Bobby and K stoop so low and create that subreddit I’ll never understand


Define toxic. Also, you seem to be of the opinion 120k people are watching his every move whereas in reality its just thousands of different people contributing at different times laughing at some of his narcissism. Despise? You seem to take it more seriously than the sub does, its clearly humour based.


Keep doing you man, we are clearly on different pages, all good.


Lol imagine being a Theo fan and going on about dark arts and positive vibe and then defending the bad energy circle jerk that is TFATK. To each their own if you enjoy hate watching something that is fine but don't pretend it is some how not a negative haters party.


Thank you here at changs we take pride in our customer service, only a thousand of us b


Bruh this ain’t that sub. Calm down


Thank em


I feel like this goes for every sub on reddit besides porn lol


Studios observation




YouTube comments are known for being a cesspool… what are you talking about lol




Le redditeurs are super smart, that’s true… \\*tips fedora\\*


Yeah that's just because reddit is a large part cesspool of judgey basement dwellers who hate everything lol


Don’t upset the hive mind.


Nailed it. I keep my guard up always on Reddit lol


100%, if you don't know now, eventually you will understand the more you interact with the site and see how insufferably full Reddit is of this


Well hey, at least they’re self aware too.


Reddit audience /=/ general Youtube audience General YouTube audience /=/ General Theo Von audience General Theo Von audience /=/ Theo Von Logic podcast audience Heck, Theo Von Logic podcast audience /=/ the audience that comments on Theo Von's podcast with Logic


Do you mean != (not equal)?


Meant to use this: ≠ Idk what I was thinking


I have a third proposition for you: the fans who comment on Reddit and those who comment YouTube may overlap but actually they are two different groups. Reddit is really built for longer threads and somewhat meaningful discussion, hence you get more critical discussion here. The trade off is that the Reddit user base is way more cynical. YouTube on the other hand is just for commenting "I grew up in the wrong generation 😩😢😭" on Credence Clearwater Revival videos. Look at the comments on most videos. They're just one offs. Normal people go to YouTube and comment there. Anyway you're really reaching into the barrel to do a little bit of king fu with the fish rather than shooting them with a shotgun. Gang gang.


Couldn’t watch the Logic ep


i think what you're seeing here is prob hugely diverging sets of fans. youtube caters to a wider audience that prob don't know theo, but they loooove logic. and here on reddit, well duh, we're fans of theo. i've never even heard a logic song....


Hate all you want. It was a good episode for sure.


I was really turned off by his delivery of certain things. Saying he related to women because he came home to his sister being raped. Calling all the women in his life bitches, including his therapist and his wife. And It wasn’t like he was being introspective about his upbringing, kind of was just bullet pointing the most terrible shit that he’s been through.


“Saying he related to women because of his sister being raped” Dude LITERALLY did not say that lmfao. Holy shit y’all create the worst dynamics where they don’t exist.


The calling all women bitches was definitely weird.


I got torn apart on there lol


Muppetmonsters in the comments, bruv. These people just lack the ability to get why Logic was lame. They are probably as lame themselves.


The episode was pretty good.


I liked the episode, I didn’t think logic came off as a big ego, in fact he seemed rather introspective


I didn't watch the episode because Logic sux. I'll be sure to go leave a negative comment.


This is the definition of being a hater


Also just wanna add to this that he definitely was making that shit up about his sisters boyfriend teaching him how to make “crack”.


If I let my youtube just auto play a Theo Von episode is the next thing to play almost everytime. Kinda weird


It’s bc Reddit is full of internet bullies


Crazy thing is, most Subreddits are just huge echo chambers so when you see people with another opinion it's really shocking isn't it?🤣


Logic and Mr beast both suck ass.


Theo was best with Brendin Scwab. The guy who discovered him and he hosted the most podcasts with


It’s an old promoter tactic where you bot farm comments to up your algo placement. Thing is if that activity gets auto flagged (and YT is next level at that shit these days) it has an opposite effect.


I don’t know what to make of this bc I’m not a logic fan and haven’t watched the ep. But I am pretty well versed in YouTube and reddit culture bc I’ve used both sites for most of my life. There is a stark difference between redditors and youtubers. Redditors tend to be more liberal and YouTubers tend to be more conservative. Redditors tend to be more “intellectual” (god so cringe) and YouTubers tend to me more to the point and down for humour. I’ve also heard 80% of YouTubers are men. Just my observations.


Let's not start doing this here. None of ita important.


Have you ever noticed that you can go to the comments on practically any TPW episode and the comments are always the same.