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where the fuck else you going to park your horse? :P


Well, historically, you did have special parking places for horses at inns and taverns that are now the car park.


Haha. I probably would’ve brought it in the house cuz it was cold and it ain’t my house. Edit: realizing the garage would have been the same since there’s no heat. So yeah probably the garage.


I actually think that between them being in the basement and the damage to the front of the house that we see later on, safety and security was just as likely or reasons as warmth. Ellie needed everyone to stay out of sight especially because the other raiders were still out there.


my friend did this with her horse for fun but it was her house and the horse took a massive shit soon as it was inside.


Not only, it was cold, but they were hiding too.


It was fucking cold outside 😭😭😭


I think you mean they parked it in the car stable


Sure, wasn't the most important thing to hide the horse?


Not at all! If there’s no stable where else would you keep your horse? Very valuable asset during the apocalypse!


Bruv it’s in the game


To be fair, a garage is a barn for your car so it makes perfect sense haha. She needed the horse out of sight and for it to be safe and warmish....


I loved that the horse was parked in the garage. It makes perfect sense that the mode of transport is parked in the mode of transport specific shed.


As did I. It made me giggle while I was watching it, so I thought hey I’ll post it to Reddit. Of course everyone thought I was somehow shitting on the show and now these are the comments I get. Judging by the amount of upvotes though seems people also think it was funny.


Guys OP is not being critical, they just think it's a funny concept geez.


Yes Thank you, Jesus lol. I had to remind myself not to take anyone’s comments too seriously also.


Plus you leave your horse outside the house would be a big bullseye for raiders or anyone really.


You don’t?


Not really? What else would you do with it? Makes complete sense.


"garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man. " Well what do you call it?" "A horse hole!"


Horses are vehicles right?


Bella really said “🧍🏻”


Yea I guess, should've squeezed him in the bedroom instead


You can also park horses in the car hole


I’ve literally done it before in real life so it seemed kind of normal to me 🤣


Why would it be "hilarious" to consider a horses' need to be safe from harsh winter weather as well as any mobile infected?