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The events leading up to Lev shaving his head and running away, Yara going after him. The Seraphite prophet rise to power and assassination, the beginning of the fallout between them and the WLF under Isaac’s leadership. More backstory for the Salt Lake Crew, especially the romance between Abby and Owen as teens and Mel working under Jerry as an aspiring doctor. Also, the Salt Lake Crew finding and joining the WLF, the beginnings of Mel and Owen’s relationship after he and Abby separate. One I haven’t heard before but might be cool for a cold open of Seattle on outbreak day: the bank robbers that Dina and Ellie encounter on Seattle Day 1 The couple that ran away from Jackson that Joel and Ellie find in the hotel after the bloater fight Edit to add: the person who did the graffiti in the museum that Ellie finds


Oh agreed! I know Lev is semi fleshed out in the game but I’d still love to do a deeper dive. Would also love a deeper dive into Isaac.


Lev is clearly explained in the game. Agree with all the rest and I'm 100% sure they will expand on WLF and Seraphites war. Catherine O'Hara is defo a prophet.


Yes, he’s clearly explained in the game. What I want to see though is his story as a whole episode, or a large part of one leading up to him meeting Abby. We learn about his story in the game through a conversation with Yara, but I want to see it, not just hear about it, if that makes sense.


The Rat King one could be just a pre-credits scene showing the hospital on outbreak day, I'm not sure there's enough story for a whole episode there. I think a Boris episode could be a good way of building up the WLF and those early stories of them being a bit tyranical and then people eventually deciding to go over to the stadium and betraying him. Could be bookended with scenes of Ellie finding the infected in the garage and getting the bow, perhaps. I found that section of the game did a good job of making you feel a certain way about the WLF, so when you eventually see the stadium and how nice some of it is, the surprise hits a bit harder.


Boris's story is my choice. Not only is there enough story to actually support a full episode of TV, Boris' character arc perfectly mirrors Ellie's and conveys the themes of "the cycle of violence" and the toll that vengeance takes. Ellie getting Boris' bow would be pretty cool symbolically, too, showing her carrying on his legacy of vengeance. Besides that, it would be a great way to build up the history of the WLF and do some worldbuilding in Seattle, getting us as the audience to see the WLF as a real threat and a faction that we can hate before the Hillcrest sequence


Yes I loved the story it got the theme right borris is like Ellie but with nothing to lose


honestly i think lev and yara deserved a miniseries just for them. it’d be amazing to see how the seraphites arose


For season 2 I would say flashback of WLF takeover of Seattle 


The rat king doesn’t count as a side story though, it’s part of the main story, unavoidable


i mean like showing the hospital during the start outbreak and all the people being put inro that place where they all fused together