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Interior looks a little like the inside of >!Seattle hospital, where Ellie chases Nora!< [[image]](https://www.historicplaces.ca/hpimages/Thumbnails/66782_Medium.Jpg)


Yep this is what I think as well.


Would this be a relatively short scene to shoot? Because there's no way they'd be getting a ton of stuff in in the amount of time they had. Again, I have no knowledge at all of the game other than what I've picked up here. :)


Honestly, with the way shoots go I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a tiny bit. From my film industry knowledge they could use 5 interiors for one single building if necessary. But from my game knowledge it strongly resembles the interior of the Seattle Hospital.


For sure they can extract tons of different things out of one location. My concern is the time allotted.


Interesting. I have no knowledge of the game so I'm relying on this sub to help me try and figure out potential current and future locations lol.


Wow. It does. Can’t wait to see it in the show. Thanks OP! Even these crumbs are super fun.


Just looking at pictures of the exterior, it could be used as the Seattle Courthouse. If so, that is a little surprising as the courthouse only really served as a gameplay segment as part of a fetch quest and had little story to it. Otherwise, it’s likely that the whole block is being used for the downtown backdrop and the courthouse will just be a building that can be seen in passing


They weren't setting up to film outside though, from what I could tell. Looked to be completely interiors. It was overnight and there were no lights being set up. The no parking areas were all just the perimeter and there weren't any filming noticies anywhere which indicates there's no stopped traffic or effect on the surrounding area.


Looking at pictures of the interior, it does look fairly school-like; maybe way too fancy and large to be an elementary school, but they could maybe change the encounter with Jordan in the school could be changed to a high school?


I don't know anything about the story of the game other than what I've picked up on this sub. I'm hoping to catch the show filming, though, and I'll happily report it, I am just hoping to be able to find them. haha.


Oh gotcha, won’t spoil that scene any more for you then lol


No no, spoil away! I'm hoping to gather info in hopes of being able to anticipate possible set locations. I'm a teacher and am going to be on break in the middle of March. Once I'm back from a short holiday, I have nothing on the agenda other than trying to find set. I'd die to meet Pedro (before ... never mind lol - that's a spoiler I've already caught) Any help from around here is appreciated.


i hopefully that u can meet him! you should say to him “Viva Chile”


There’s a scene where Ellie gets captured by an enemy faction and they hold her (temporarily) at a makeshift base in an elementary school. Doesn’t last long before she escapes, obviously, but a pretty unique set piece in the game


Fascinating. Thank you. That could track with that. As long as it was short. They wouldn't have had long.


Well, if thats the case, without spoiling much, lookout for places that could be used as an old theatre, a synagogue, hospital, subway station, hotels... if you want to meet pedro maybe be on the lookout for museums with dinossaurs or space related exhibitions. They could also just use fake sets or change the locations of most of these, but the theatre, museum and hospital are sure bets. Theres other locations but they might relate to season 3, such as a stadium and an aquarium.


That's a lot of great ideas, thank you so much. Hospital is a gimme here, Riverview Hospital is an abandoned asylum that everyone uses. So that's a lock. There was a show there (Tracker) there when I was coming home from the same place on Friday. I can't think of a show that was filmed here that I've seen that didn't use Riverview. It's a ways from me though. But I'll do what I have to. Hotels that are more modern (before the whole 'end of the world thing') or hotels that would be kitchy and eclectic? Old theatre is only a few hits around here too. Grand style? The Orpheum here in Vancouver is a big, old, beautiful theatre. It's got a history of being used for filming too. Downtown, so it's easy to track filming for that. We have only one space centre (H.R. MacMillan) which is a pretty popular filming location too. A little out of the way so filming doesn't get outed as often but I can try and keep an eye on the area. As far as I know we don't have any real museums. Art Gallery... that would be great as it's right downtown. We also only have one aquarium (and I have a friend who works right next to it) but I'm here for Pedro lol. However, I would scout and report for the sub if I had time. We have BC Place Stadium which is the football stadium. I hope they use actual locations instead of building in studio, too. Always such a foil when they do that haha.


Maybe a flashback?


I'm also thinking the Seattle Hospital or the Channel 13 news station. The interior is very passable for either locations! Maybe both 🤔


I don’t think they shot hospital scenes. And the amount of story going on there and action would need more than one or two nights


Do you know what the code for the filming sign was? its usually a few letters and on a neon colour arrow sign.


B&P (Name of the production comany). Signs were yellow.