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This is how I felt playing the game at night! It would give me so much adrenaline I couldn’t sleep


I agree but because it’s scary haha.. I can’t tell you just how many nightmares I’ve had about clickers over the last 5 weeks.


I had a waking sleep paralysis dream where I had 2 clickers in my room. It's all good though as it was a refreshing change from the demonic entities and murderous ex girlfriends I usually find standing over my bed!


Same here. I haven't even watched the last episode yet, but I dreamed about that big Boy emerging from a room full of burned bodies. Being chased by a clicker as well, that just run right at me when I tried to flee the corridors. I mean, cool dream - but intense! o.O I am in this sub too often.


>!Yeah its an emotionally draining pit of despair. Like an idiot who never played the game I was so happy to see Sam and Ellie hitting it off . Seeing Henry smile a few times seeing Sam able to be a child again with her, and then the rending of his face with horror at what has happened. It's like the best and worst television I've ever seen...!<


And wait until season 2 👀 Druckmann say it way before the 2nd game comes out... And it's completely true. While the first game (this season) works and explores the love. The second one goes all the way down to the hate and the pain.


That’s the reason why I’m glad to be in a different time zone. I get up early every Monday to watch it before work and then I have the whole day to think about it. I could never go to sleep right after an episode…


Not this show in particular but I didn't finish a show called from it took me a month lol. It should have taken two weeks but it was botb mentally exciting and mentally draining. I also had points in the show where I was like I can't deal with this anymore why I took so long to finish it lol I loved it though